God of Destruction

Chapter 4469: Hundred Day Human Race

Chapter 4475

Hearing the words of Mr. Taishang, Empress Nuwa's expression changed drastically, and she immediately understood the intentions of Mrs. Taishang. This is not a good thing. If you speak, although you can grow the human race and resolve the crisis, it is correct. It’s hard to say whether she is good or bad. This made the Nuwa Empress hesitate, but she refused. This was also something that Nuwa Empress couldn’t do. For a while, Nuwa Empress was in a dilemma, and she couldn’t figure out how to resolve it. Crisis and pressure.

Seeing the look of Empress Nuwa, Lao Jun Taishang said calmly: "Sister Nuwa, time waits for no one. We don't have so much time to waste. We must know that the great catastrophe of the prehistoric world is not over, those **** groups The **** are still fighting for the grandeur and purple energy. If we don't make a decision sooner, not only will we face the punishment, but the human race will also face the calamity of extinction!"

Human Race is a problem that Nuwa Empress can never escape. As the mother of Human Race, no matter what she does, she can’t get rid of her relationship with Human Race, while Taishang Laojun is different. Although as the leader of Human Race, she also has a relationship with Human Race. Great cause and effect, but if he can be cruel and pay a heavy price, he can abandon the position of the leader of the human education, and he can cut off the connection with the human race, but it is not a last resort. The Taishang Laojun will not do this. This is what Nuwa Empress did Wang Yi's thing!

It is precisely because Taishang Lao Jun understands the great cause and effect of Nvwa and the human race, so he will come to the door directly and directly put pressure on Nvwa and force Nvwa to make a decision and make a decision against her. Her own detrimental decision, at least in Nu Wa Empress's opinion, is like this. As for what happens in the future, Nu Wa Empress also doesn't know.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my mind down, so that I would not be affected by the words of Taishang Laojun. The more this time, the more Empress Nuwa understands that I can't be upset, but once my heart upset is bound to be Will give the great old man a chance, and he will inevitably be subjected to his calculations, fall into a disadvantage in this contest, and fall into greater passivity!

After a while, the Empress Nuwa looked terrified, and said in a deep voice, "Human race is not something that you and I can decide. Human race is not our puppet, nor is it an object that we can manipulate. Since this matter is related to human race, We need to consult with the decision makers of the human race, and let the three ancestors of the human race decide their fate, rather than making decisions privately!"

I have to say that Empress Nuwa has found a good excuse for herself, taking the human race as an example. This reason makes the Taishang Laojun unable to object, otherwise all the cause and effect are on his body, even if it is forcing Empress Nuwa to take action. In the end, he has to bear most of the cause and effect. This is not the result that Taishang Laojun is willing to see, nor is it the result that he is willing to bear!

Just as the old gentleman was embarrassed, Yuan Shi Tianzun said with a cold snort: "Sister Nuwa, you are so hesitant at all times. You were like this before you faced off against the monster race. Now, in order to fulfill the mission of the heavenly way, you are still In this way, in your heart, do you think the way of heaven is the same thing, do you put the teacher in your heart, don’t you think it’s too much for you to be so evasive? We don’t have so much time wasting on these small issues!"

Facing the pressure of Yuanshi Tianzun, Empress Nuwa's expression instantly turned gloomy, and she said in a deep voice, "Senior Yuanshi, are you trying to force me to make a decision? Who do you think you are? Teacher Jun, you can instigate me wantonly, you can order me, the saint of heaven, mother of human race, you are above heaven and human race?"

In the face of self-interest, Nuwa Empress does not give in, nor can she give in. Some people always want to get an inch, always want to take all the benefits, especially this matter has a big cause and effect, Nuwa Niangniang didn't want to be forced to accept herself, didn't want to bear all the cause and effect, didn't want to contradict the human race again, and let herself be in the human race!

The strength of Nvwa Empress did not expect Yuanshi Tianzun. For the very good-faced Yuanshi Tianzun, the counterattack of Nvwa Empress was unacceptable, and her expression instantly became angry, and she shouted in a deep voice, "Nuwa, you What do you mean? When I said that I was in my mind, I wanted to put a hat on me. Do you think that by doing so, you can escape the punishment of Tiandao and Teacher Hongjun, and you can put all the responsibility on me? You are so ignorant!"

Seeing that Empress Nuwa was arguing with Yuanshi Tianzun for an instant, the old man Taishang could no longer remain silent, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't quarrel anymore. It's better to think about how to solve the problem when there is time for arguing. The mission of Heaven is No one can escape, Junior Sister Nuwa, no matter what you think or think about this matter, you need to accept all of this."

Empress Nuwa snorted coldly: "Hehe, the big brother really shirks responsibility. The mission of heaven is not for me alone, but for all saints. This is not my responsibility alone. You have your ideas, and I also have them. Your own thoughts, it is impossible for me to sacrifice myself to fulfill your interests. Don’t forget that you are the leader of the human race, and you cannot escape the entanglement of the human race, unless you are willing to give up the leader of the human religion. The place!"

Now that things have reached this point, and since Sanqing insists on forcing herself, Empress Nuwa has nothing to keep, so she puts everything on the bright side, and it is indeed not good for her to continue to delay, but it is also uncomfortable for the old gentleman to be too high. With this kind of enlightenment, Empress Nuwa would naturally not give in, and refused to give in, even if she was under the pressure of Sanqing.

Taishang Laojun looked directly at the Nuwa Empress and said in a deep voice: "Sister Nuwa, do you have to do this? Do you have to bring the human race in and let the human race decide their destiny? You know that doing this will do you good. What kind of influence? Will it have any influence on the Dao of Heaven and the entire prehistoric world? Can you bear such consequences? The opening of this head will not be a good thing for you or me!"


Let the human race decide their own destiny. This is a great impact for the saints of Heaven, and it is also a great impact on the Heavenly Dao. Once this is done, the Human Race is no longer easy to control. The Heavenly Dao wants to suppress the humanity and control the Human Race. It is even more difficult, and those who make all these decisions must bear the wrath and punishment of the heavens!

Empress Nu Wa sneered disapprovingly and said: "Hehe, I naturally know the consequences of doing this. No matter how severe the punishment, I will not make decisions privately, and I will not make decisions for the human race, although I am a human race. Mother, but I can’t decide their destiny. The fate of the human race should be in their own hands, not our superior saints who decide their destiny. The previous life and death battles have also seen them. I don’t want to be human. Bear the hate and be bitten back by humanity and luck. If you want to do this, you can do it as your leader. There is no need for me as the mother of the human race!"

Just when the Nuwa Empress was arguing with Sanqing, when arguing about the human race, the three ancestors of the human race in the wild earth felt the fluctuations of the human fortune, the change of the heavens, and the human race was being affected by external forces. The third ancestor of the human race was shocked. Although he knew that something related to the human race had happened, but now in the midst of the catastrophe, the third ancestor of the human race didn’t know what it was, and did not know where the pressure came from. It made them feel extremely heavy.

The fluctuations of human luck and the calculations of the heavens made the king of causality who was in the nether world suppress the six reincarnations also feel. When this happens, it will also have a great impact on the king of causation. After all, he is suppressing humanity. If there is a new change in human luck and humanity, it will be very detrimental to him, the temporary lord of humanity!

"Damn god, what are you calculating? At this time, under this situation, it is aimed at the human race, so that people in the nether world can feel the changes in human luck. Could it be that someone wants to borrow Calculating the human race?" When thinking about this, the King of Karma frowned. If everything is as I guessed, this matter is very troublesome, and the King of Karma can't help but be worried, a little wary, and afraid of appearing. New accident.

The king of cause and effect wants to warn the human race, but the idea is good, and the reality is cruel. Being in the nether world, among the six reincarnations, even if you temporarily become the lord of humanity, the king of cause and effect still can’t do it. After all, there is a limit between the Netherworld and the Primordial World, and even if it has the intention to do this, it will be difficult to succeed. After all, this is still in the balance of the world.

For a moment, the King of Karma shook his head slightly and said: "It is possible to cause such a change. Only two people in the prehistoric world can do it. One is Taishang Laojun, the leader of the teacher, and the other is the Nuwa Empress. The mother of the human race, just what they are calculating, will cause the turbulence and ups and downs of the humane origin in the six reincarnations? It seems that some of them have attacked the human race, but I don’t know what they are going to calculate the human race this time?"

Although I know that there are changes in the human race, the King of Causality does not want to stop all of this. Even if he has the power to stop it, I don’t want to do it. The price paid is too great, so great that the King of Causality is unwilling to bear it. cost! In fact, in the mind of the King of Cause and Effect, I want to know what the other party is calculating. Only when the other party takes action can I know their calculations, take targeted preventive measures, and make myself invincible.

Is it selfish? Maybe it is, but this is most beneficial to the King of Causality. The King of Causality is not a bad person. He doesn't want to waste his time and energy, doing things that are not of much use to him. It has already become weird and terrible, and if you have more cause and effect, you may bring yourself a danger, a trouble, and put yourself into a crisis.

Time is gradually passing by, the king of cause and effect is waiting quietly, waiting for the change of the human race, waiting for the change of the human luck, only when there is a change in the human race, and the human luck changes, can he see through the other party’s calculations. Moreover, in the heart of the King of Cause and Effect, what is most anxious at this time is not himself, nor the human race, but the quasi mention and reception that has just opened up the world of bliss and entrusts the world to humanity. If humanity changes drastically, first The people who are impacted are true, but they will definitely not be better off, they will endure a huge impact, and they will be affected by humanitarian luck!

As for the changes in humanity’s luck, Zhunti and Recitation also vaguely felt it. After all, they opened up the world of bliss and placed it in humanity. Although they did not accept the Lord of the world and did not use this to prove sanctification, But they can still feel the changes in humanity. If they become humane saints, they may know more, and even be reminded of humanity. Unfortunately, now they can only sit on the sidelines and can't do anything.

Time waits for no one. Empress Nuwa can delay time indefinitely, and can ignore the persecution of Sanqing, because she is confident that she can retreat with her whole body, and the big deal will offend Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu to death, and directly abandon the position of heavenly saint and switch to humanity. As the mother of the human race, as long as the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the mother of the human race, Nuwa Empress is invincible, she can switch between humanity and heaven, and this harmony is three. What can't be done and can't be done!

I have to say that under pressure, Empress Nuwa thinks more and sees the situation more thoroughly, while Sanqing does not have such confidence. Under Empress Nuwa’s insistence, they finally have to compromise. After all, time is delayed. The longer it is, the more disadvantaged they are. They can only agree to the suggestion of the Nuwa Empress, and they can only descend into the ancestral land of the human race, go to the third ancestor of the human race, listen to their choices, and entrust the fate of the human race to the human race Master it yourself!

The acquired human race, this is the way Sanqing and Nuwa Empress can think of. If you want to let the human race grow in the shortest time, if you still follow the original development speed, it is difficult for the innate human race to grow in a short time, only to give up the innate origin. , Completely transform the human race into the acquired human race, and then the human race can recover from the edge of collapse during the catastrophe.

During the catastrophe, the origin of the wild world was severely damaged, which had a great impact on the breeding of creatures. After all, the birth of every living creature must be entrusted with the nourishment of the original origin of the wild land, and the severely damaged land cannot support too much. The creatures of, but if the innate human race is transformed into the acquired human race at this time, the human race will be reversed, and the power that restrains the human race will no longer exist, and the human race will grow in the shortest time. It is just that once the human race makes this choice, In the future, there will be no innate human beings born again, the human race will only be the acquired human race, the luck of the innate human race will be completely dissipated, and it will be absorbed by the acquired human race. It is hard to say whether this is good or bad for the entire human race. The choice is indeed something that Empress Nuwa cannot decide!


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