God of Destruction

Chapter 4471: Causality

Chapter 4477: Cause and Effect

Although the pressure is weakening, the pressure is not dissipated from oneself at all. On the contrary, the pressure on oneself is getting heavier and heavier. This is the true feeling of being in the six realms of reincarnation, suppressing humanity and luck, and the king of cause and effect. And this pressure does not come from real power oppression, but from the soul, because I know too much. In this dangerous world, knowing too many secrets is not a good thing, especially for the king of cause and effect. The Lord of the World who knows the avenue of cause and effect, the more he knows, the more trouble he has, and more trouble means more cause and effect.

If the appearance of the Taoist fruit status in the six reincarnations will attract everyone's calculations, this is undoubted. Heaven wants to intervene in the nether world, wants to intervene in the six reincarnations, this is the best opportunity. Knowing the situation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the King of Karma would not believe it, nor would the Houtu Ancestral Witch believe it, so they couldn't help but worry about it!

"No, I need to talk to the King of Cause and Effect. Otherwise, once the worst happens, it is not only me who will be passive, but the entire Netherworld and tunnels. It really allows the power of Heaven to encroach on the Netherworld and tunnels. I'm afraid the trouble will be big, and the cause and effect owed can't be repaid!" In an instant, under tremendous pressure, the Houtu ancestor witch decided to discuss with the king of cause and effect again!

At this time, not only the Houtu ancestor witch had this idea, as the lord of the world, the king of cause and effect, who was under tremendous pressure, also had this idea. No one wants to be calculated by others, especially by their own enemies. Once it falls into the opponent's calculations, it will inevitably bring devastating damage to itself, and the enemy will never be merciless.

Soon, the Houtu Zuwu, the master of the six reincarnations, could not sit still, and appeared directly in the humanity, before the king of cause and effect. As the master of the six reincarnations, the six reincarnations suppressed other creatures, but he did. The Houtu Ancestral Witch, the lord of the six reincarnations, is not affected by such power, and can control everything as he wants.

Facing the Houtu Ancestral Witch that came suddenly, the King of Karma was not surprised. The situation has developed to this point. The appearance of the Houtu Ancestral Witch is quite normal. If the Houtu Ancestral Witch is still invisible and does not appear, this will be the case. It's a big trouble!

I saw that the King of Karma smiled calmly and said: "The Daoist Houtu came for this shocking change, worried about the calculations of the Dao Ancestor Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven?" Without waiting for the witch of the Ancestor Houtu to speak, the King of Karma He first spoke out the other party's voice, directly expressed the worry in the heart of the Houtu Ancestor Witch, and also expressed the current situation in the Netherworld.

The Houtu ancestor witch lightly nodded and said: "It is precisely for this reason that fellow Taoists must have also felt the changes in the secrets of heaven, and understand that this great catastrophe is an opportunity for the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and a perfection of the Six Paths. The chance of reincarnation is just that the position of the Lord of the Six Paths among the six reincarnations is very important. It cannot fall into the hands of our enemies, or it will become a hidden danger for us in the future!"

At this time, the King of Causality sighed softly: "Yes, such a situation is a huge threat to us. We don't want to see this kind of love history happen, but we can't help all of this. It’s not in our grasp, but we know that we know it, but it’s not easy to solve the problem. We will pay a lot of money. I don’t know that the Daoists of Houtu are ready to rush the liver, once the battle is together, then It is not impossible to prepare, and even a war is inevitable. Those greedy **** will not give up easily."

Faced with the great opportunity of the six reincarnations, who can not be moved by it? No one, as long as the opportunity arises, it will inevitably lead to a crazy battle. The King of Cause and Effect knows this in his heart, and the Houtu Ancestor Witch knows it, but it is not easy to solve it.

The Houtu Zuwu nodded and said: "I don’t know what Dao friends can solve. If we can’t make changes, it will not only be our trouble, but it will even become our fatal threat. The enemy has never had any kindness towards us. !"

It is simply impossible to expect the enemy to have good imagination and good intentions of oneself. If it is an ordinary enemy, it is okay to say that it can hold the general situation of the sky and the earth, and directly crush the opponent with a heavy pressure, directly destroy it and erase it. All the power he left in the prehistoric world did not give the other party any chance to calculate himself, and no calculation was worth mentioning without the opportunity!

For a moment, the King of Cause and Effect, who had been pondering for a little while, suddenly asked, "The Taoists of Houtu are not worried about the fruition status of the Taoists? If possible, we will arrange everything in advance and not give the other party any chance, even if it is. The strength is weaker, as long as the six reincarnations can be suppressed, other problems can not be solved by another way, as long as there is no external force, everything will be under our control, and everything will not be out of our control!"

Hearing the question of the King of Cause and Effect, Hou Tu Zu Wu sighed: "Ah! Fellow Daoists think of me too much, not that one, but more than half of it. The beast road, the asura road, and the humanity all make me feel good about it. Uneasy, even heaven and humanity!"

"Hey!" Upon hearing this, the King of Karma couldn't help but gasp. Haraichi seemed to be a bit tight in the eyes of the King of Karma, but the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, could not be prepared anymore. Not at all, and in fact she really didn't have any preparations. This is a big trouble. If so, it will have a huge impact on the Netherworld.

"Well, if this is the case, fellow Daoists can have a favorite person. In this catastrophe, countless creatures have fallen. You can find suitable creatures. The Six Paths of Reincarnation are the roots of fellow Taoists, and they are also the netherworld. There can be no mistakes in the world at all!" At this time, the king of cause and effect is also very heavy. It is necessary to know that the situation in the nether world is not much better than the six reincarnations. The nether world also needs to be perfected, and everyone needs to be supplemented. It is also a big trouble.

For the King of Cause and Effect, he really wants to give the Netherworld many world karma to the human race to control, but this is impossible. Any world needs to be balanced, and no one can dominate. If the power of the Netherworld is controlled by the human race In the hands of the Human Race, perhaps there will be no changes in the Human Race now, but it will not be a long time. No one can withstand the temptation of endless years, and the Human Race is no exception. Once the Human Race changes, it will also have a huge impact on the Netherworld. .


The ancestor Houtu sighed: "There are too many souls in the six reincarnations. Although I am the master of the six reincarnations, I don’t have time to investigate carefully. And now the time is so tight. If the humanity and the beasts Being mastered by outsiders will have disastrous consequences. Fellow Daoists shouldn’t forget that although the demon clan has collapsed, the demon clan has not been destroyed, and even though Fuxi is dead, his soul is still alive. If Nuwa uses him to calculate the six reincarnations, it is difficult for us to resolve it. This shock!"

At this time, the Houtu Ancestor Witch did not mention the Asura Dao. In contrast, the problem with the Asura Dao is not too big. It is just the ancestor of the Styx. If the Houtu Ancestor Witch joins forces with the King of Karma, he will be determined to deal with him. It is not impossible, the most important thing is that the old ancestor of the Styx is connected to the Netherworld, connected to the six reincarnations.

Speaking of Fuxi, the King of Cause and Effect's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. If you follow the trajectory of heaven and earth, Fuxi is the emperor of humanity, and will not get involved in the nether world and the six reincarnations. Heaven and earth, everything has changed a long time ago, and it is not impossible for Fuxi to change, and I can't help but prevent it.

For a moment, the king of cause and effect said: "I have a good candidate for humanity. The fallen human king. If he has a remnant soul left, we can use the origin of the Netherworld and the origin of the tunnel to repair the remnant soul and let him bear it. It’s a bit difficult to be a humane Daoist, but the animal road is a bit difficult. Those **** monsters are not reliable, especially these **** are all ambitious. If we are not careful, we will be dragged into trouble by him and fall into crisis. in!"

Houtu Zuwu sighed: "Human Sovereign didn't save his life at all. He really sacrificed everything he had for the human race. All his branding disappeared from the heavens and the earth, and there was no remnant soul left. The Taoist friends hoped. it's impossible."

Although I was prepared in my heart, when I really heard this result, the King of Karma was still a little bit lost. A strong human race was completely destroyed, making the King of Karma a little bit reluctant. But this is true, but the King of Karma is not. There is no preparation, and I have thought about what should be done once the emperor is completely destroyed.

"The death of the Human Emperor is really a pity. It seems that this battle has caused much more damage to the Human Race than imagined. The human luck cannot protect the Human Emperor, so that he can retain a little remnant soul and let him There is a ray of life, he really does not spare everything he does for the human race. Such a person is admirable! If this is the case, we can only choose another person, and among the human race can bear this heavy responsibility, only the third ancestor of the human race, see We need to talk to them. If we can persuade them, there will be no problems with humanity. As for the animal road, we can’t find suitable people. We might consider the existence of dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and white tigers. If these **** races are cheapened, the monster race cannot be cheapened, and there are hidden dangers in the six reincarnations!"

In the mind of the king of cause and effect, the dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and white tiger races are more reliable than the monster race. At least they have seen the heaven and the earth measure the calamity and understand the general situation of the world. Once they accept the position of the reincarnation Taoist, it is impossible to betray. , But the demon clan is different, these **** can betray even their demon emperor, what else they can’t do!

Of course, the King of Causality does not truly believe in the four clans, mainly because these four clans have great karma and karma. They all urgently need merit to cleanse themselves, and Samsara Taoist Qiqia can meet their needs. , As long as they don’t want to carry more causal karma, they dare not calculate the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Samsara!

The king of causality just made a suggestion. As for how the Houtu ancestor witch chooses, this is not in his consideration. After all, the six ways of reincarnation are the matter of the ancestor witch of Houtu. So after speaking out his thoughts, the King of Causality stopped speaking and let the Houtu Zuwu think for himself.

Time passed little by little, and the look of the Houtu Ancestral Witch was constantly changing. There were too many things she needed to consider. Although there was a reminder from the King of Cause and Effect, the Houtu Ancestral Witch needed to think about the gains and losses. Calculate the balance, consider everything clearly, not leave a little hidden danger to yourself, and not let the six reincarnations have the slightest difference!

After a long time, the ancestor Hou Tu sighed with a long sigh of relief and said, "Will fellow Taoist do me a favor? You can contact the third ancestor of the human race and discuss with them. After all, time is limited, and it is difficult for me to do it alone. Everything is done!"

When he heard the request of the Houtu ancestor witch, the King of Karma couldn’t help but smile and said: "This time I’m afraid I will disappoint fellow Daoists, and I can’t get out of it. Just as Dao friends say, time is limited, not just Dao. Friends need to perfect the six reincarnations, and I also want to perfect everything in the netherworld. Compared with the six reincarnations, the netherworld is more troublesome and requires more manpower. Although I have collected some suitable candidates in the suppression of humanity, it is for the whole of the netherworld. As far as the underworld is concerned, there is no shortage of manpower for this point. I am really powerless to request fellow daoists, and everything needs to be solved by fellow daoists!"

Isn't Hou Tu Zu Wu's suggestion that the King of Karma is not moved? Heartbeat, but the king of cause and effect is not stupid. He knows what can be done and what can’t be done. It’s better not to intervene in such things. If you do it well, it will not do you much good, and you will be surprised. The trouble is big, and more importantly, I really have to accept it. I'm afraid the Houtu ancestor witch will also be worried and prepared. After all, the six reincarnations are the root of the Houtu ancestor witch!

Faced with the refusal of the King of Cause and Effect, Hou Tu Zuwu sighed: "Well, since the Daoists are embarrassed, this matter does not trouble the Daoists, but the current situation is still full of crises, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation still needs Daoists to suppress it for a while!"

At this time, the King of Cause and Effect smiled calmly and said: "This is nothing. If you are worried that you will leave the Six Paths of Reincarnation, you don’t have to worry about it. I and Xuanming Ancestral Witch are here, as long as Hongjun is not coming, there is no Humans can threaten the safety of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and I can also select some creatures suitable for the Nether Netherworld during this time of suppression. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. Daoists can let go and do what they want to do!"

Regarding the answer of the King of Cause and Effect, Hou Tu Zu Wu was very happy and very satisfied! Although she understands that her temptation cannot hide from the king of cause and effect, this is what she must do. If she doesn't figure out everything, the Houtu ancestor witch will not be at ease. Fortunately, everything is under control!


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