God of Destruction

Chapter 4472: Festival Styx

Chapter 4478

As for the Asura Dao, the King of Karma did not mention it, nor did the Houtu Ancestor Witch mention it again, as if the Asura Dao had been forgotten by them, but in fact neither the Karma King nor the Houtu Ancestor Witch had forgotten it, but Asura Dao is not in a hurry to solve it. The important thing now is to solve the problems of the human race, the humane teacher, and the problem of the monster race. If you delay it, the trouble will be really big, and it will really be out of control. The situation is not good for the Netherworld, not good for the Six Paths of Samsara!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation is the root of the Houtu Ancestor Witch, and there is no room for loss, so in her heart she naturally has to deal with her own threats first. As for the Asura Dao and the Styx Ancestor, it is a big deal to give him a little benefit and compromise with it. It was the choice of the Houtu ancestor witch. Although this is a bit sorry for the king of cause and effect, the lord of the nether world, but for the sake of his own interests, the Houtu ancestor witch is naturally unwilling to interact with Styx at this time and under such circumstances. The ancestor is the enemy, and it becomes evil with it.

The king of cause and effect knows exactly what Houtu ancestor witch thinks. This is human nature. In the face of interests, he has to give way to any friendship. Although he has friendship with Houtu ancestor witch, this friendship has not been enough to let Houtu witch. The extent to which the ancestral witch can sacrifice its own interests, and all this was as early as the king of cause and effect expected. The most important thing is that the Houtu ancestor witch has already expressed its attitude at the beginning.

For the king of cause and effect, is there any anger in the heart of the Houtu ancestor witch? After all, this is betrayal! No, the king of cause and effect does not have such an idea. At most, there is only some vigilance. This is the prehistoric, this is the practice. The path of practice will always have problems of this kind. When self-interest is compared with the so-called friendship, naturally It is self-interest.

Of course, cause and effect will still be owed. After the Tuzu Wu did this, the cause and effect that should be owed will naturally be owed and repaid, and when she makes a choice, she naturally understands that the king of cause and effect The relationship between the lord of the Netherworld will change, but Houtu Ancestral Witch does not regret it. She believes that her choice is not wrong. This is the most beneficial decision for herself!

But, is everything really under the control of the Houtu ancestor witch? Will everything really go as smoothly as the Houtu ancestor witch thought? I’m afraid that’s not the case. This is the prehistoric world, this is the great calamity of heaven and earth. Although the decisive battle of the great calamity has passed, the great calamity has not ended. Everything needs time to test. The idea of ​​the Houtu ancestor witch is good, but Whether the objects to face will cooperate or not is beyond her control, and Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu will not stand idly by, letting the Houtu ancestor witch make arrangements, everything is just the beginning, what will be the end result, everything It's all unknown!

When the Houtu ancestor witch left, the King of Karma couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and a faint sneer flashed in his eyes, although the King of Karma did not take the Netherworld too much, and the tunnel too much. , After all, I have never thought about always mastering the Netherworld, or even the tunnels. If you have to be detached, you will prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, instead of being controlled by the Netherworld, by the tunnels, and be constrained by the Netherworld and tunnels. , But now the Houtu Ancestral Witch has made such a decision, which still makes the King of Cause and Effect feel dissatisfied and is also wary.

The Wu Clan is not as good as expected, nor as loyal as expected. For them, they may not really regard themselves as an ally. Perhaps in their eyes, they are just a good collaborator, an inconspicuous one. A collaborator, a collaborator who can be discarded at will, since the Wu clan has such a mind, the king of cause and effect cannot be unprepared.

If the King of Karma had thought of giving most of the Netherworld's karma to the Witch Clan before, letting the Witch Clan control the authority of the Netherworld, now the King of Karma has no such idea, and if there is gain, there will be losses. After the Tuzu Wu chose this path, the King of Cause and Effect naturally had to make a decision and make a choice.

Although the demon race has fallen, the demon race still has power. Originally, the king of cause and effect did not want to do too much, and did not want to have too many layouts for the Netherworld. After all, one more layout would be more connected to the Netherworld. , This will have a great influence on his future proving that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but now the king of cause and effect has to do this.

Suppressing humanity does not affect the actions of the King of Cause and Effect. After all, now that the war is over, there is no power to support the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The Houtu Ancestor Witch goes to see the third ancestor of the human race, and the King of Cause and Effect also wants to see the ancestor of Styx. Understand the cause and effect of both parties, and even give a little reminder to the ancestor of Styx, so that he can see the hope of preaching.

Winning the ancestors of the Styx? No, the King of Causality does not have such an idea. He just wants to take this opportunity to settle the cause and effect and also contribute to his deity. After all, entangled with the cause and effect of the ancestor Styx for too long, it is not good for himself, let alone The ancestors of the Styx still have the innate spirit treasure'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' that he needs!

With a heart move, an aura incarnation emerged. The king of cause and effect went directly out of the nether world, directly into the sea of ​​blood, and went straight to the lair of the ancestors of the river. This time the king of cause and effect did not cover his breath. As soon as he entered the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of Styx immediately noticed his arrival and immediately became vigilant.

The king of cause and effect, the lord of the Netherworld, appeared in the sea of ​​blood at this time, which made the ancestors of the Styx feel uneasy. After all, he had done a huge mistake before and left himself with huge troubles. With cause and effect, and the other party now comes to the door, the ancestor of Styx has to doubt the intention of the king of cause and effect, and has to be cautious and guarded!

Although he is wary of comparison in his heart, Ancestor Styx cannot ignore the King of Cause and Effect, let alone act without action. Although the Ancestor Styx does not want to see the King of Cause and Effect, he understands that this may also be his own opportunity. , Is the opportunity to resolve the big mistakes made before. If you can resolve this big cause and effect of your own early, maybe you can walk out of a great road, be able to prove the ambiguity, and be able to cut off your own threats.

In the next moment, Ancestor Styx appeared in front of the King of Cause and Effect. In the sea of ​​blood, for the Ancestor Styx, it was easy to advance and retreat. He could appear anywhere he wanted, seeing the King of Cause and Effect. At that time, the ancestor of Styx could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and did not feel murderous in the Lord of Karma, the Lord of the Nether World!

auzw.com I saw that the ancestor Styx took a deep breath and asked straightforwardly: "Friends of Daoist Nether come to my blood to resolve the cause and effect of each other?" For the ancestors of Styx, time is precious, and for a strong like them, it is useless to cover up. As long as the cause and effect are there, it must be repaid and resolved. Otherwise, their own practice will be killed by the cause and effect. Entangled, unable to escape, unable to break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world.

The King of Causality smiled indifferently, nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it is for this reason. I believe that fellow Styx should understand what a big mistake he has committed, and how much cause and effect he has suffered. Karma, as long as this causal karma is not eliminated, your practice will stop here, and you will never have the opportunity to take that crucial step. Even if you are given a grandiose and purple energy, you will be like a red cloud. Trapped in the realm of the quasi-saint great perfection, in the end it is still inevitable to die."

Speaking of this, the King of Causality spoke, and looked at Ancestor Styx indifferently, waiting for an answer from Ancestor Styx. The King of Causality believed that as long as Ancestor Styx was not a fool, he would understand what he should do. , What shouldn't be done.

I saw, the ancestor of Styx sighed: "Yes, the previous stupid actions have burdened me with great karma, and I have forged great cause and effect with the tunnel, with the nether world, and with fellow daoists. , This cause and effect is not eliminated, I can't see the hope of the Dao at all, even if I give me a grandiose purple energy, I will only follow in the footsteps of the red cloud. It is precisely because I saw this that I did not go crazy with those bastards. The earth is going to **** the grandiose and purple qi, such a big cause and effect, what can I use to prove the truth! Daoists took the initiative to come to the door today, I must have already figured out a way to resolve our cause and effect, please also ask the Daoists to speak straight!"

For the answer of the ancestor Styx, the King of Causality was very happy and satisfied. This is exactly the result he wanted, but the King of Causality shook his head slightly and said, "Friend Styx, do you think we are here to talk Is this matter appropriate, do you think this is where we talk, or do you think that the sea of ​​blood can leave you ignorant?"

When the words of the king of cause and effect fell, the expression of the ancestor Styx changed, and he sighed in his heart: "It's careless, how can I be so careless? Is this the effect of karma? Make me so ignorant, so unbearable!"

Although he was shocked in his heart, the ancestor of Styx still wanted to maintain his majesty, nodded gently and said: "Fellow Daoist said that I was too anxious. After all, I don’t have the opportunity of a fellow Daoist to carry such a big burden. The causal karma for me has a lot of pressure and impact on me. I also invite fellow daoists to see Liang, and fellow daoists, please come with me!"

With that said, Ancestor Styx turned around and guided the King of Causality forward. He didn't care how much danger he would bring to himself by doing so, and he was not afraid that the King of Causality would kill him. In Ancestor Styx It seemed that since the King of Karma took the initiative to come to the door, and he didn't have any killing intent, he didn't need to do that villainous act.

Of course, the ancestors of Styx are not afraid of a sneak attack by the King of Causality. This is a sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood does not wither. Styx does not die. This is not a random talk, and if the King of Causality really does it, this is also to resolve the karma by himself. A good opportunity for strength, even if this body is destroyed, it is not a big deal, but it is a pity that the king of cause and effect will not do such a stupid thing.

For a moment, under the guidance of the Ancestor Styx, the King of Karma came to the depths of the blood sea and into the palace of the Ancestor Styx. When entering the depths of the blood sea, the King of Karma felt a little bit The pressure and the sea of ​​blood are not the same as what I thought. The sea of ​​blood is not as simple on the surface. In the depths of the sea of ​​blood, the king of cause and effect vaguely felt the aura of the chaotic gods and demons. Perhaps the legend is true. There really is the remnant of the chaotic **** and demon, and only in this way can I explain why I feel the energy of the chaotic **** and demon in the depths of the blood sea, but endless years have passed, the chaotic **** and demon in the depths of the blood sea. There is still a bit of strength!

After returning to his palace, the ancestor of the river gave a light nod to the king of cause and effect, and the power of the original restraint was quickly shot out, opening a comprehensive defense, directly covering the secret of the sea of ​​blood, and preventing external forces. It can detect the emptiness and reality of the sea of ​​blood, prevent anyone from knowing the situation in the sea of ​​blood, and completely cut off the secret of the sea of ​​blood.

Fortunately, it is still in the midst of a catastrophe, and the secrets of heaven are chaotic. Otherwise, the ancestors of the river will inevitably shock the heavens and the ancestors of Hongjun. It will cause the sea of ​​blood to be watched by the heavens and the ancestors of Hongjun. The situation has changed.

"Well, now fellow daoists can say at will, as long as I can do it, my Styx will never refuse. I only want to be able to resolve the cause and effect of both parties, and I only want to be able to cut off the cause and effect with fellow daoists. Karma!" At this time, the ancestor of the Styx took a very low posture. For him, as long as he can prove the Dao, it is worth the price to pay.

Although the realm of the king of cause and effect is very low, it is only the big Luo Jinxian, but the ancestor of Styx did not dare to despise the other party at all, even in the heart of the ancestor of Styx, even if he now has the advantage of the home court, he wants to kill the cause No king is possible. As the lord of the world, the king of cause and effect definitely has a back hand that he can't imagine. Since the other party dares to come to the blood with uprightness, he must have the confidence to retreat from the whole body, with such background and power!

The King of Causality shook his head lightly and said, "Friend Styx, before I settle the cause and effect, I want to ask fellow Daoists a question. For fellow Daoists, do you want to prove the Dao and become holy, or do you want to go to Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian Zhi? Road, this matter is very important, please consider carefully, don’t conceal anything, or it’s not a good thing for fellow daoists!"

Hearing the words of the King of Causality, Patriarch Styx's expression was not dreadful, and only a light flashed in his eyes. He couldn't help thinking in his heart. Why did the King of Causality say something, what purpose did he have, and how should he respond? , This is definitely not a general inquiry. Behind this sentence, there must be calculations and secrets that I don't know, and I can't answer it at will!

Of course, the ancestors of the Styx also understood that perhaps this was a temptation, the king of cause and effect, or even a tunnel, and the temptation of the Netherworld on oneself. He wanted to know what path of preaching he would choose if he chose. There is conflict between the path and the tunnel, and the Netherworld, and even the king of cause and effect. Perhaps it is difficult for oneself to resolve the cause and effect of oneself. No one is a fool, and will help his enemy to give him a chance to prove the way!


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