God of Destruction

Chapter 4474: Festival transaction

Chapter 4480 Trading

"What's the secret of the origin of the sea of ​​blood, it deserves the king of cause and effect, the lord of the world, to pay so much attention to it, as the lord of the sea of ​​blood, what do I do not know?" The ancestor of the river is meditating, this is not a small problem, even The lord of the Netherworld always values ​​the origin of the sea of ​​blood so much. It is impossible to say that there are no secrets, and what secrets can make the other party pay such a big price.

Yes, this price is a bit high in the hearts of the ancestors of Styx, and I have to pay attention to it. I use the origin of the sea of ​​blood in exchange for the conclusion of cause and effect. The price I paid is indeed not small, but it is not myself that suffers, but the Taoist of Yin and Yang. After all, I have carried too much causal karma, and have formed great cause and effect with the tunnels and the world of the underworld. This is not something that can be done if you want to end it. A mere innate spirit treasure'Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus' and this cause and effect It's a far cry.

Unfortunately, no matter what the ancestor Styx thinks, he can’t think of anything that he doesn’t know, what secrets exist in the sea of ​​blood, and what is the use of the origin of the sea of ​​blood is something I don’t know, as blood. The lord of the sea, but could not figure out the secret of the blood sea, did not even really grasp his own lair, which made the ancestor of the river very disappointed.

But now the ancestor Styx does not have so much time to consider. The King of Causality did not give him so much time. The opportunity has already appeared. Now it is the time for the ancestor Styx to make a choice. If you miss this time, think again. It is very difficult to clarify the doubts in your heart. This is very important to the ancestors of Styx. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. It is not possible to know such secrets at all times. This is related to the hiding of many prehistoric worlds. secret!

After taking a deep breath, the ancestor Styx's expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "Okay, I agree to fellow Daoist's request, and I also ask fellow Daoist to enlighten me. Both the Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus and the origin of the sea of ​​blood are there. Here!" While speaking, the old ancestor of Styx extracted a point of blood origin, and at the same time took out the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' that he had mastered.

No matter what calculations the King of Cause and Effect has, no matter what secrets the sea of ​​blood has that he doesn’t know, it’s not important. What’s important is how you can understand the true secrets of the prehistoric, know the methods of the preaching, and be able to see the truths of the preaching. hope!

Facing the ancestors of Styx’s clean actions, the King of Causality couldn’t help but be shocked. The ancestors of Styx reacted too quickly, and they were almost astonished by the Kings of Causation. You must know that this is not a trivial matter. Although the extraction of the origin of the sea of ​​blood did not have much impact on the ancestors of the Styx, it is still a part of the origin of the sea of ​​blood, a part of the origin of the world!

Yes, the origin of the sea of ​​blood is also the origin of heaven and earth, a part of the power of the prehistoric world, can make such a decision happily, the ancestor of Styx has already done so at all costs in order to prove the truth, and can really abandon all the power that can be abandoned.

"Why do you dare not accept this price?" Seeing that the king of cause and effect hadn't accepted the treasure he gave, the ancestor of Styx could not help but said indifferently, facing the shocked king of cause and effect, Ancestor Styx couldn't help but feel more joy in his heart.

Hearing the words of the ancestors of the Styx, the King of Karma sighed and said, "The Daoist Styx is really amazing. If I make this choice, it will not be so clean and neat. The Daoist will not worry that I will take it. If I lost the treasure without giving you a complete answer, will I be held back in this transaction? After all, this is not an ordinary treasure?"

Old Ancestor Styx smiled calmly and said: "Hahaha! I hope to see such a situation happen, so that fellow daoists can bear great cause and effect, and also allow me to see more secrets from fellow daoists, but it's a pity. Friends won’t do this, whether it’s the “Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus” or the origin of the sea of ​​blood, it doesn’t matter. What really matters is the secret in the heart of fellow Daoists!"

Yes, the most important thing for the ancestors of Styx is the secret of the King of Cause and Effect. If you can pay a little price and let yourself know more secrets, the price is worth it, not to mention that this is still a big secret related to the sermon. , Not many people in the entire prehistoric world knew this secret, and in the eyes of the ancestor of the river, he didn't suffer.

"Well, since Fellow Styx said so, I will accept it, and now I will tell the secrets that Fellow Daoist wants to know. Proving the Dao is not difficult for Fellow Styx, it's just that Fellow Daoist has entered a misunderstanding. Among them, I was misled, so I fell into an extreme choice, letting myself lose the opportunity to preach the Dao bit by bit. As long as the Daoists understand all this, they can make adjustments in time. With this great opportunity, you can become a saint of heaven. For the entire prehistoric world, there are three ways of heaven, earth and man. The first way has its own holy position. For the ancestors of Styx, the most suitable for you is the authentic saint. Because you are the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, the power of the Sea of ​​Blood is connected to the Netherworld, and you are born to belong to the tunnel. It can be said that if the Styx Taoists want to prove and become holy, tunnels are the most suitable for you, no matter how you pursue the heavens. There will be no good results!"

Hearing this, Old Ancestor Styx frowned, and sighed involuntarily in his heart. No one had ever told him such a secret. Even if Hongjun Daozu never said it, it seems that Hong Jun Daozu is really selfish, and he has been using the power of heaven to suppress humanity and authenticity, and he doesn't want to see saints appearing in humanity and authenticity!

If there are saints in both the humanity and the tunnels in the prehistoric world, it will be a big trouble and a big threat to the Dao of Heaven, and it will be the same for Dao Ancestor Hongjun himself. Therefore, Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Dao Dao have always been calculating the primordial beings, and they have never been there. I have introduced you to the choice of the Three Paths of Heaven, Earth and Human. For him, all he has arranged is the Holy Land of Heaven!


Looking at the slightly disappointed ancestor of Styx, the King of Karma smiled lightly and continued: "Friends of Styx, this time you know how to advance and retreat, and you did not continue to participate in the struggle for the grandeur and purple energy, otherwise you will undoubtedly die. , Hongmeng Purple Qi is not something you can get involved. Anyone can get Hongmeng Purple Qi to prove the holy way, but your ancestor Styx can't do it!"

When hearing these words, the ancestor of the river was thoughtful! Why I can’t do it? It’s because of my background, because I’m the lord of the sea of ​​blood, I’m born to belong to the authentic holy spirit, chasing the heavenly throne is to betray the authenticity, betraying one’s own origin, and naturally no good end, even if the heaven is able to tolerate himself, The tunnel can't tolerate himself. He attacked the Yin-Yang Taoist for the majestic and purple energy of the Dao, and provokes a cause and effect that he shouldn't have. This is really stupid!

Although the secret of the sea of ​​blood has been concealed, the king of cause and effect is still inconvenient to say some words. Since the ancestor of Styx is thoughtful, this is enough. There is no need to risk greater danger to narrate and let yourself fall into unnecessary In trouble.

"Okay, all these things are over. Fellow Styx Taoists also have their own insights. Now I will talk about how friends prove to be sanctified. It is not difficult for Taoists to prove the way. Based on the qualifications and conditions of fellow Taoists , There are two options for attaining the position of an authentic saint. One is in the six reincarnations. The six reincarnations have the Asura Dao, and the Asura Dao has a Dao Master. If the Styx Taoists choose to accept this Attainment status, Daoists’ own realm and strength can certainly take that crucial step, but for the Styx Daoists, once they accept one of the Asuras among the six reincarnations, they must be subject to the six reincarnations, and they must also be subjected to it. The second constraint of the Houtu ancestor witch is the sea of ​​blood. If the Styx Road is like the witch clan, it will open up a world of blood attached to the tunnel based on the sea of ​​blood, and become the lord of the world and take over the origin of the lord of the world. , It is bound to prove that the Dao can become an authentic saint, and saints are also superior and inferior. It is not advisable for the Daoists to preach on the Asura Dao of the six reincarnations. It is too restrictive and will affect the future practice of the Daoists. The sea of ​​blood is to open up the world attached to tunnels. Naturally, it has endless potential. Except tunnels, fellow Taoists are not restricted by anyone. However, there is a gap between the two. Naturally, there is a price and pay to prove Tao. Friends of Styx should understand !"

The ancestor Styx nodded and said: "Understand, I naturally understand that there will be gains if you pay, how much you pay, you will have much gain, and you can get huge benefits if you don’t pay. The six ways of reincarnation. Although a master of Asura is good, it is not the result I want. It is indeed a good choice to open up a world of your own with the sea of ​​blood as the weight. It is indeed a good choice to be attached to the tunnel. Although the price to be paid is a bit high, it is not impossible. Accept it, but I also want to hear from fellow daoists how to prove Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how to free yourself from the shackles of the prehistoric world and break free from the constraints of the prehistoric world!"

The King of Cause and Effect was not surprised by what the ancestors of Styx said. For any ambitious innate gods and demons, he is unwilling to be bound by people, unwilling to be bound by the world, and longing for freedom. Proving Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian is the best choice, but it is also the most difficult choice, not everyone has this qualification!

The king of cause and effect smiled calmly and said: “You don’t need to worry about it. Daoist Styx, I will do what I promised you. I will definitely not lose weight. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not as simple as the Daoist thought, even if the Daoist now has a quasi-sage The power of Consummation is not enough to prove the Dao, at least it is far from the Dao Jinxian Hunyuan Daluo!"

Hearing this, the look of the ancestor Styx changed color. For him, this was an unexpected result. Originally, the ancestor Styx had the power of Quasi-Sage Great Perfection in his heart, and wanted to go to Hunyuan University. Luo Jinxian shouldn't be difficult, but the words of the King of Cause and Effect made Old Ancestor Styx feel extremely heavy and made him feel tremendous pressure.

Seeing the reaction of the ancestors of Styx, the King of Karma continued: "The Daoists of Styx must be very puzzled. He clearly has the strength of the quasi-sage Dzogchen. Why is there still a long way from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? This is not the case. I'm deceiving fellow Daoists, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is different from Proving Dao's sanctification. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivates himself and needs his own avenue. The Styx Dao friends ask themselves, do they really have to walk out of their own avenue path? Your foundation is truly perfect, without any flaws!"

Without waiting for the ancestor of Styx to answer, the King of Karma shook his head slightly and continued: "The saint is a saint, and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The two are not the same way. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Tuangan helped too much. If the Styx Dao friends really want to go with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it takes time for you to polish your foundation, consolidate and consolidate your foundation, and make your own roots even more. Purely, only in this way can you be qualified to embark on the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. As for your own avenue, this is not something outsiders can help you. This requires you to realize it yourself. If you can’t even understand your own avenue, there is no Qualify to follow the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, proving the Dao and becoming a saint is your choice!"

The ancestors of Styx were meditating. He chose to preach the saints by himself, or follow the path of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The preaching of the saints is simple and easy. As long as he resolves his own cause and effect, as the King of Causation said, this is not What's difficult, you can get it with a little price, but it takes a long time to polish yourself to take the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and I really should make this choice, should I really follow the way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

"No, I either don’t make a choice. Since I have made a choice, I must take the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I must take control of my own destiny and break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world. There is a second chance!" Soon the ancestor of Styx made a decision. Although the saint is good, this is not the result he wanted.

After taking a deep breath, Ancestor Styx flashed a light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "All the information given by fellow Taoists is indeed worthwhile. This is indeed something I had never thought of before. It really works, but I want to get more, I want to know more information about practicing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I believe all these dao friends know, and I also understand that the previous price is not enough to know these secrets, or that sentence , As long as I have what I have, I can give it, and I also ask fellow daoists for advice!"

The King of Karma did not rush to reply to the ancestors of Styx, but smiled calmly and said: "Hehe, Daoist Styx is really strong, but Daoists should understand that the sage of proving Dao is Yi is also the most suitable for Daoists now. It’s easy to go on the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is very difficult to succeed. The time and cost required are beyond the imagination of fellow daoists. You should think clearly about this, and don’t act on impulse. If you make a decision, don't regret it in the future!"

The ancestor Styx's expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "I think clearly, since I have paid such a high price, there is nothing I can't continue to pay, or I don’t do it, I do the best. The choice, the authentic saint is good, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is more free and safer, and the prehistoric world is not indestructible!"


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