God of Destruction

Chapter 4475: Section reminder

Chapter 4481 Reminder

The words of the ancestors of Styx are quite right. The prehistoric world is not indestructible. If the prehistoric world is destroyed, whether the saint of heaven or the authentic saint can really retreat, can they survive the destruction of the world, the world is destroyed , Do the three ways of heaven, earth and man still exist? There is the path of Hunyuan Daluojinxian in front of me, why choose this path of a sage that is bound to leave this very dangerous hidden danger to myself, and let my life and death not be controlled!

The king of cause and effect smiled calmly and said: "The prehistoric world is indeed not indestructible, but fellow Taoists should also know that the saints in the prehistoric world are immortal, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can't do it, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is also indestructible. It's not that there is no possibility of death and soul disappearing. You can learn from the ending of three thousand chaos gods and demons. Chaos gods and demons are still alive, let alone Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not as much as Taoists thought. Wonderful!"

Regarding the explanation of the King of Cause and Effect, Patriarch Styx didn’t care, and shook his head lightly and said: “I understand all of this. Fellow Taoists also said before that although the saints can be immortal in the prehistoric world, they are not free. And what I pursue is freedom. If I can have the power of freedom, I will naturally choose it, not the way of a saint restricted by people. As for the price, no matter how big or amazing it is, I am willing to accept it. Daoists should not forget. If there is a sea of ​​blood, I will be immortal, so the temptation of saints to me is not great. On the contrary, Hunyuan Daluojinxian is my best choice!"

Regarding the words of the ancestors of Styx, the King of Causality is very disdainful. The sea of ​​blood does not wither and the Styx does not die. This is just a joke, at least in the eyes of the King of Causality. People can not die, nor can the ancestors of Styx, as long as someone is willing to pay a certain price, they can still destroy Styx!

Of course, the king of cause and effect is not stupid enough to refute the ancestor Styx at this time. Under such circumstances, it is not necessary. After all, this is only the ancestor of the Styx himself, and it is also his own choice. There is nothing to do with him. relationship! What else does the ancestor Styx need? The king of cause and effect is meditating, the origin of the sea of ​​blood has been established, and the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus" has also been obtained. He has no other needs. Is it impossible to refuse the ancestor of Styx?

"No, how could I have such an idea, the sea of ​​blood is not as simple as the surface, although the origin of the sea of ​​blood is obtained, but it is only a chance to improve its own road, but the secret in the sea of ​​blood still exists, but the sea of ​​blood There is the remnant origin of the Chaos God and Demon. If you can get it, maybe you can go further on the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although the inheritance of the Time God and Demon is good, the inheritance of the Time God and Demon is bound to be hidden and undesirable. The sea of ​​blood may be an opportunity to perfect the inheritance of the chaos gods and demons!" In an instant, the king of cause and effect thought of the secrets in the depths of the blood sea, and thought of the origin of the blood sea!

The sea of ​​blood not only has the remnant origin of the chaotic gods and demons, but also the origin of Pangu. It can be said that the sea of ​​blood and the mountain of Buzhou are the most important places in the entire prehistoric world. The opportunity of the sea of ​​blood cannot be given up. Since Styx has made it With this commitment, I may be able to get everything I want from the sea of ​​blood, and it can make my own cultivation walk more smoothly!

Taking a deep breath, the king of cause and effect condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "You must think clearly about this kind of promise. If you really have to make such a choice, maybe in the future I will regret it. I hope that fellow daoists can think about it carefully and don't make decisions lightly. This is good for you and me!"

When the King of Cause and Effect said these words so cautiously, Ancestor Styx couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He immediately understood that the promise he had made was indeed a bit big, but soon the Ancestor Styx felt it again. This is nothing, there is no price that can not be paid, as long as you can set foot on the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, can be successful, any price can be paid! Maybe there are secrets in the sea of ​​blood that I don’t know, maybe the king of causation has calculations that he doesn’t know, but this has nothing to do with him. What I want is just to prove Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and everything else is fine. give up!

Calculate, this **** in front of me absolutely has unimaginable calculations, and this calculation is definitely related to the sea of ​​blood! Although he understands the king of cause and effect in his mind, the ancestor Styx doesn’t care. In the prehistoric world, who has no calculations, there is the way of heaven, the ancestor of Hongjun, the mother of Sanqing and Nuwa, as well as the quasi mention and the introduction. The Wu Clan has it, and the Monster Clan has it. Everyone is calculating everything. In the end, it depends on whose methods are clever. Although the person in front of you is a bastard, but there is no evil intention!

"Hehe, fellow Daoist is still too careful. Actually, there is nothing to consider for me. Fellow Daoist has his own ideas and calculations, and I also have my own goals. Although fellow Daoist calculations have an impact on me, I ask for it. It’s my own practice. No matter what the Daoist’s calculations, as long as it doesn’t affect my practice or my proving Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, I can give it up. Daoists don’t need to be so cautious. I can just say what I need. Again, as long as I have, I can give up!"

At this time, the ancestor of Styx did not hide anything, and directly spoke out what he thought in his heart. In his opinion, instead of continuing to entangle with the King of Cause and Effect like this, he might as well speak the words happily so as not to waste himself. The time and energy needed to guess what the king of cause and effect is thinking and calculating.

The King of Cause and Effect looked terrified, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, since Fellow Styx said so, then I will just say it. In fact, my calculations are also very simple, and even my calculations and fellow Stygians are not small. Help, but I don’t know whether what I’m thinking of is real or not. What I seek is the origin in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, not the origin of the sea of ​​blood mastered by fellow daoists!"

Hearing the words of the King of Cause and Effect, Ancestor Styx frowned and said: "What, the origin of the blood sea, the origin of the blood sea that I have not mastered? This is impossible. How can I be the lord of the blood sea? It will sink to have the origin of the sea of ​​blood, and there can be no origin in the sea of ​​blood that I don't know about. Fellow Daoists are afraid to make a mistake!"

This is the true thought of the ancestor of Styx, and there is no calculation. He really does not believe in the words of the king of cause and effect, and does not believe that there is a source of power that he does not have in the sea of ​​blood, and that there is a source of origin that he does not know. , If this is the case, he is still the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, and what qualifications do he have to say that the Sea of ​​Blood is immortal and the Styx immortal!


The King of Causality smiled disapprovingly and said: "Hehe, nothing is impossible. For fellow daoists, I feel that I have already completely mastered everything in the sea of ​​blood, turning the sea of ​​blood into its own domain, but what I want to say is you. This has not been achieved. The sea of ​​blood is not as simple as what Daoists have seen. Isn't it possible that Daoists have not doubted at all for the endless years?"

"Doubt, what do I need to doubt, doubt the truth of the sea of ​​blood, or doubt myself?" The ancestor of Styx looked at the King of Cause and Effect in doubt, and some did not understand why the King of Cause and Effect said such things. As the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood What needs to be doubted!

The King of Cause and Effect sighed lightly: "Oh, at this time, Fellow Styx hasn’t understood the problem? As the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, do you really have no feeling at all? The Sea of ​​Blood is so simple on the surface that the Sea of ​​Blood bears. The negative power of the entire prehistoric land is really not abnormal at all. If even the Daoist can’t feel the abnormality, this is the biggest problem in itself, the biggest anomaly. No matter how good the Daoist’s mastery of the sea of ​​blood, it won’t. It may be foolproof. If fellow daoists feel that the sea of ​​blood is completely in their control, this is the biggest flaw in itself!"

When I heard this reminder from the King of Cause and Effect, the ancestor of Styx instantly changed his color and his expression became extremely dignified. Yes, even the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood did not feel the sea of ​​blood in the endless years. This is the biggest problem in itself. What kind of power is affecting oneself, is it the sea of ​​blood itself, the way of heaven, or even the prehistoric world!

It's no wonder that the ancestor Styx didn't think so. Things are so dangerous and terrifying. They can affect themselves silently and calculate themselves. This power is too terrifying. The ancestors of Styx have to be afraid and have to be cautious.

"I don’t know what the old ancestor Styx feels, but personally, there is a trace of chaotic gods and demons in the sea of ​​blood. Although this aura is very weak, it really exists, so in my opinion The depths of the blood sea must have the same existence as the secret realm, and it must have the original existence of the blood sea that is different from the master of the Styx Taoist friends. I am looking for that original power!"

The ancestor of Styx nodded cautiously and said: "I understand the intention of fellow Daoists. Daoists want to find the inheritance of chaotic gods and demons through the power of the source, and understand the avenues of chaotic gods and demons. Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can master the chaotic gods and demons. There is no reason why we can’t control the power of the world. As the sea of ​​blood is the heaviest place of negative power in the prehistoric world, there is no reason why there will be no residual power of the chaos gods and demons!"

At this time, the ancestor of Styx finally understood the meaning of what the king of cause and effect said before. If there really is a secret in the depths of the blood sea that he does not know, there really is the remaining power of the chaos **** and demon, this is indeed true for him. A great opportunity, if this power really exists, it will not be completely taken away by the King of Karma alone. As the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, he may be the biggest beneficiary, and he may also be able to obtain three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons. Inheritance.

Although this temptation is very tempting to the ancestor Styx, the ancestor Styx has not been tempted to lose his character. He understands what he should do. This benefit is not something he can monopolize. If he has thoughts that he shouldn't have, It will only bring disasters, or even death, to itself, and the ancestors of Styx don't want to bear such a crisis.

"Okay, I agree to Fellow Daoist's request. As long as there is that power in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, fellow Daoist can collect it as much as possible. Now Fellow Daoist can continue to explain for me!" For the ancestor of Styx, no matter what The power in the depths of the sea of ​​blood does not exist. It is better for you to grasp the immediate benefits first, and get everything you want from the King of Cause and Effect.

"No problem. Since the Daoist Styx is so happy, I will naturally not conceal anything, and there is no need to conceal it. For the Daoist, if you want to prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the shortcut lies in yourself, in the sea of ​​blood. In the middle, although the daoists do not want to prove the authentic saints, they can still open up the world with the origin of the sea of ​​blood and attach themselves to the tunnels. As long as the daoists do not accept the status of the Lord of the World, they will not be affected by the tunnels, and at the same time they can get Of course, if you have to pay, you will gain. No matter how much you refuse, it is impossible to have no cause and effect with the tunnel. In the future, you will still need to pay back if you want to prove the way!"

It’s that simple, and the Wu Clan has done it before, but without the guidance of the King of Cause and Effect, with the current mentality of the ancestor of Styx, and the environment in which he is in, it’s still impossible to figure out all of this. Because he has too much causal karma in his body, and he has already been rejected by the tunnel. If the entanglement with the tunnel is not resolved, there will be no hope of preaching at all, and he will not even be able to open up the world of blood. Regardless of whether he has the ability to open up the world, he will not be recognized by the tunnel, and cannot be trusted in the tunnel. If he fails to do this, the ancestor of the Styx will naturally not be recognized by the world!

The ancestor of the Styx sighed: "So, if it weren't for the guidance of fellow daoists, I was afraid that I would not have thought of it, and it would not be possible to spend endless years. Thanks to fellow daoists for pointing me away. With the guidance of fellow daoists, I can finally be able to See the hope of the sermon!"

The King of Causality shook his head disapprovingly and said: "The opportunity is there. Daoists can understand naturally when the opportunity comes. Only understanding is to understand. Daoists want to do all this is not an easy task. You also need Daoists to do what they are. I am sure that the most important thing is to open up the world. The stronger the foundation of the world, the greater the rewards of Daoists. What to use to support the world requires friendly and good thinking. Different worlds need different origins as pillars. If Dao You really have to take this path. It’s best to prepare everything in advance, make all-round preparations, and prepare for the worst. No matter God’s way or Hongjun Daozu, it will not be easy for fellow Daoists to succeed. Watching fellow Taoists break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world!"

Regarding the words of the King of Cause and Effect, Patriarch Styx knew very well that this was indeed the case. The Wu Clan was able to succeed because they seized the opportunity and caught Tian Dao and Hong Jun Dao Zu by surprise. The same is true. With the emergence of the Witch World and the Bliss World, it is impossible for Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu to bring the third world to the world again, so if you want to succeed, you must prepare everything and do the worst I plan, there is no absolute in everything, it is the best choice to leave a way for yourself, otherwise it will only be yourself who will suffer!


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