God of Destruction

Chapter 4476: Festival seal

Chapter 4482 Seal

Taking a deep breath, Ancestor Styx looked directly at the King of Cause and Effect and asked: "Friends of Taoism, if you fail to open up the world, will it affect the Zen Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian? Will it ruin the opportunity to prove Dao? "For the ancestor of the Styx River, this issue is very important, and I have to deal with it carefully. Before acting, I must understand all of this so as not to damage my own practice.

The king of cause and effect smiled indifferently: "Friends of the Styx Dao think too much. Opening up the world means opening up the world. It has nothing to do with Proving Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If you have to say that it is related, it is only to enhance your own air transport and get the predominant air transport. That's it!"

Hearing this, the ancestor Styx sighed and muttered to himself: "That's all right, so I can rest assured!"

Regarding the words of the ancestors of the Styx, the King of Causality said disapprovingly: "If the Daoist of Styx is really so young, then even if you pay a high price, it will be difficult to see the opportunity to prove the Dao Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in the end, Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian is not as simple as you think. The luck of opening up the world is not as unbearable as you think. As the master of the Netherworld, I deeply understand how amazing the luck of a world is, even if it is accurate. The world of bliss opened up by the two of Mention and Advocacy also has unimaginable good fortunes. If they want, they can restore the strength of the saints and prove the saints of humanity, but they did not do so. It seems that they also decided to go to Hunyuan University. Luo Jinxian’s Tao, so it’s best not to underestimate the benefits of opening up the world. It is an endless stream of luck and power. If I guess correctly, opening up the world will definitely get you. The world is anti-tsk, can have a deeper understanding of Dao Dao sentiment, so that you can walk faster on Dao Dao practice!"

The ancestor of the Styx did not pay too much attention to opening up the world before. For him, he did not value the power of the world. In his heart, the small world attached to the tunnel is not worth wasting energy, but in fact he was wrong. After hearing these words from the King of Cause and Effect, Patriarch Styx's expression became serious, and his mood was extremely heavy!

"When will I become so arrogant and so unreliable? Could it be that I have been tricked by the enemy and influenced by external forces? I haven't gotten rid of my own hidden dangers?" Yes, Patriarch Styx When I doubt my own situation, I suspect that I have been affected by external forces so that I have such an arrogant mentality, such a self-righteous performance!

The first object of doubt in the hearts of the ancestors of Styx is naturally Tiandao. Only Tiandao has this ability. It can affect his every action without knowing it, and let himself be manipulated by Tiandao unknowingly. , Step by step into the trap that the other party has already set up, plunged into it and couldn't turn over again!

Seeing the ancestor of Styx with a constantly changing expression on his face, the King of Cause and Effect sighed lightly: "Friends of Styx, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian needs more resources than you can imagine. If you really want to go to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Road, opening up the world must be faced and indispensable. Only when you have the origin of the world and luck, you will have a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, you will not see any hope. After all, what you practiced before was not Hunyuanda. Luo Jinxian's Way!"

Hearing the words of the King of Cause and Effect, Ancestor Styx raised his head and looked directly at the King of Cause and Effect, and asked in a deep voice: "If I were to be a fellow Taoist standing in my position, what would I do? Please ask. Friends, don’t refuse, give some more advice!"

The King of Cause and Effect sighed lightly: "If I am a Taoist friend, I will re-practice, starting from scratch bit by bit, and re-cultivating bit by bit. I will polish my foundation without any shortcomings. I will be the first. God and devil, fellow Taoist should know his true situation in his heart. You have deviated from the original direction of practice. If you want to correct it, you can only start again. Many of your current strengths come from the inheritance of the heavens, not yourself, only suitable. Your own is the best, and only your own avenue is the most suitable for you. The choice is still up to the Daoists themselves."

When I said this, the King of Cause and Effect spoke for a while, thought about it carefully, and continued: "Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is different from a saint. In my thinking, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is constantly improving himself and letting himself be Constantly transforming and evolving, and to truly perfect oneself, we must go hand in hand from the body, soul, and the Dao of Origin. The flesh is the foundation of everything and carries everything. The current physical body of Fellow Styx is far from enough to carry the fruit of the Hunyuan Dao. We are not the Chaos God and Demon, and we don’t have the incomparable real body of the Chaos God and Demon, so for those of us who are chasing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the first step is to polish our body, polish the body to perfection, and then Only then can we continue to advance in the next practice. Without a strong physical body, we can't bear the Taoist Fruit of Hunyuan. The Chaos God and Demon are born with all this, which we don't have."

Grinding the flesh, who is the strongest in the entire prehistoric world, is undoubtedly the Wu clan. After all, the Wu clan inherits the inheritance of the Pangu God and possesses the power that other races do not have, and this power is what many people desire. owned.

"Friends of the Stygians should not think too much, what suits you is the best. Only when you find your true self and find your origin, can you continue to move forward. Now what you need is not inheritance, but understanding of yourself. It is to adjust yourself and resolve your own cause and effect. Without the entanglement of causal karma, you can go further!"

It’s easy to say, but difficult to do. The King of Karma says it well, but not many people can really do it. Not everyone dares to face the Dao of Heaven, face Hongjun’s Taoist ancestor, and to open up the world, we must face the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun. Dao Ancestor’s Heavenly Punishment, this is the most frightening thing, especially the strong people like Styx Ancestor who used to listen to Dao in Zixiao Palace, their hearts are deeply imprinted on Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao. As for the fear of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, the reason why they can resist the Heavenly Dao, resist the Hongjun Dao Ancestor, and make a big move, because they both have great luck and great opportunities.

Looking at the ancestor of Styx, who was still hesitant, the King of Karma shook his head and sighed: "I know so much. Even myself is constantly polishing my body and groping the way forward. Hun Yuanda Luo Jinxian does not have a perfect inheritance. We need to continuously improve it in our practice. Please consider carefully how to choose between the Styx Taoists."

Think clearly? The ancestor of Styx should naturally consider it carefully, but he didn’t want to give up proving Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but how to avoid the threats of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, and how to allow himself to have the opportunity to mention and receive such an opportunity. , There is no chance to forcibly open up the world of blood, it will only make him fall into a place where he cannot be recovered, but if he is asked to give up proving Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this is also impossible. Even if there is only a glimmer of life, the ancestor of Styx will not hesitate Give it a go!


The practice of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot blindly rely on the guidance of others, he needs to constantly explore, the King of Causality can only do so much, and everything else depends on the choice of the ancestor of Styx and his own destiny. Decided!

The ancestor Styx did not let the king of cause and effect wait too long. Although there are still many doubts in his heart, the ancestor Styx understands that he has got everything he wants. From now on, everything depends on his own practice. Can't fall into such doubts, what I should do now is to explore the depths of the blood sea with the king of cause and effect, to find the source of the possible existence of the chaos gods and demons that the king of cause and effect said, and to find the true nature of the blood sea. The source of power.

Yes, if the king of cause and effect is telling the truth, the source of the sea of ​​blood he has is only the most superficial source of power, and it is also the original source of power. The true source of the sea of ​​blood has always been hidden in the sea of ​​blood, never Have been mastered by myself.

As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, even the origin of the sea of ​​blood cannot be fully grasped. This is a big joke. This is the result that the ancestors of the river can not bear. regardless of success or failure, the ancestors of the river will accompany the king of cause and effect. I don't know why, the old ancestor of Styx vaguely felt that the king of cause and effect in front of him was his own chance, and his chance to preach the Dao lies in him.

After returning to his senses, the ancestor Styx smiled bitterly: “I’m sorry to waste too much time for fellow Daoists. Now we can set off. I hope that what the fellow Daoists said is real, so that we can get in touch with each other organically. Going to a stronger source of strength and allowing yourself to go one step further on the path of practice, even the smallest chance is a great help to us!"

"Friend Styx is polite. If it were not for me to come to the sea of ​​blood, it would be impossible to feel the aura of the chaotic gods and demons. Now please ask fellow Daoists to lead the way. Let’s go to the depths of the sea of ​​blood and see what’s going on there. Opportunity is waiting for us!” At this point, a faint excitement flashed in the eyes of the King of Karma. Whether it succeeds or fails, this line is of great benefit to the King of Karma.

Once the ancestor of the blood sea, the ancestor of the river, became serious, and cooperated with the power of the king of cause and effect, the two soon felt the power of the seal in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and there was a trace of shock on the seal. The power of horror, that is the power of the Hunyuan Divine Demon, but this power has been sealed. It’s no wonder that the ancestor of Styx, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, didn’t feel the secret hidden in this deep place. Everything was sealed. I wanted Unraveling the seal is not an easy task.

Looking at the seal in front of them, the ancestors of Styx and the King of Cause and Effect both frowned. This result was something they did not expect. The seal was preventing them from continuing to explore, but they were allowed to retreat like this. Unwilling, unwilling to accept, especially the ancestor Styx himself paid such a high price to find here, and now let himself leave dingy, this is something he cannot do, although in the heart of the ancestor Styx I hope that the king of cause and effect will retreat when he knows the difficulties, so he can get all the benefits, but this is not realistic. In any case, he must synonymously describe all this!

"Do fellow Daoists have a good way to unlock the seal?" After a long time of no results, the ancestors of Styx once again asked the King of Cause and Effect for advice, hoping that the King of Cause and Effect would be able to tear the seal and allow himself to enter this sea of ​​blood. In the secret realm, entering the sealed land, the seal of endless years, I don't know how many secrets and opportunities exist in it.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult!" Looking at the seal in front of him, the king of cause and effect said three difficult words in a row. The powerful seal made the king of cause and effect a little helpless. He didn't know where to start. The entire seal was in blood. Connected together, if it makes too much movement, it will inevitably disturb the sages of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, as well as Sanqing and Nuwa Empress.

"Friends of the Styx Dao can have a way to conceal the changes here and prevent a trace of breath from leaking out. We must know that once we break the seal, it will cause turmoil in the world. At that time, both the Dao Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors will be aware of it. They perceive the changes in the sea of ​​blood, and we will have more troubles. If we want to get everything here, it will be impossible to achieve!" Then, the king of cause and effect stared at the ancestor of the river, for fear of the ancestors of the river. Too heavy, I want to swallow everything here.

After all, Styx is the lord of the sea of ​​blood. If he wants to treachery, the king of cause and effect will really help him for a while. After all, he is just a clone now, and there is no strong enough strength to continue to support it. Faced with such history, no one can To be distressed.

"No, I can't do it. The seal here is closely connected to the entire sea of ​​blood. A little bit of movement will trigger a steady and sea riot, which will put us in a difficult situation and it is difficult to get out of here. !" When he said this, the ancestor of the river couldn't help but sighed again, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood was really too aggrieved.

"Even fellow Daoist, the lord of the sea of ​​blood, can't do it, so the seal here is not done by the heavens, maybe it is the seal that this world evolves on its own, or the power seal left by the great **** Pangu, if one of us We can't do it, we can only give up temporarily, and wait for our strength to be improved in the future, and then take action together to seize the opportunity!" Although the king of cause and effect said that he wanted to give up, he did not have such an idea in his heart. He said so. Just want to test the idea of ​​the ancestor of the river Styx.

"Yeah, the seal here is terrible. It's just that I alone can't fight against the original backlash here. It disappoints fellow Daoists. If we can't even open the seal, we have to let it go, and wait for our cultivation to become stronger in the future. It's not too late!"

For the ancestors of the Styx Cult, it is very beneficial to retreat at this time. After all, all of this is in their own blood. As long as they don’t want to, even the ancestors of Heaven and Hongjun can’t control themselves, nor can they control themselves. Seize the opportunity, and even if you are more careful, you can take everything here for yourself, let the king of cause and effect get nothing, and let the king of cause and effect do everything for yourself!


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