God of Destruction

Chapter 4477: Heartbeat

Chapter 4483: Heartbeat

Retreat? The King of Cause and Effect has no such idea. If you retreat at this time, you may completely lose the opportunity in front of you. Perhaps it is the best choice to retreat in the heart of the ancestors of the river. After all, the place has been found. As long as the strength is enough, you can move forward. When he came to hunt for treasure, he didn’t think so in the mind of the King of Cause and Effect. When he heard the words of the ancestor of Styx, he suddenly felt a feeling that if he left like this, perhaps the secret realm in front of him would be Immediately disappeared from his own eyes.

The King of Karma shook his head gently and said: "No, we can't do this. If we leave now, maybe we really have to pass the chance. If this is the seal of heaven, it's good to say that it won't run. But if this place really evolves on its own, we leave now. Fellow Styx thinks, how will the touched secret realm react? Once it leaves, how can we look for it, the opportunity is not lost, and the loss will never come again, if the fellow Daoist has to leave , Please feel free, I won't give up!"

Hearing this, the face of the ancestor of Styx changed, and he was fighting fiercely in his heart. It’s not bad to keep staying. It’s just that you’re wasting your precious time in such a vain way. If you leave, your chance will really disappear. There will be regrets, just as the king of cause and effect said, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come. Once you miss it, you can't get it again!

Of course, the ancestors of Styx can also gamble. Since the King of Causality is not willing to let go, perhaps as long as the King of Causality is still there, this secret realm will not disappear, but the bet is a bit big. Great chances really have to pass oneself, and chances related to the chaos gods and demons are always unattainable, and once they are missed, they are hard to get.

After a fierce ideological struggle, the old ancestor Styx said in a deep voice: "Well, since the Daoists have such a faith in fighting, what else do I have to hesitate about? No matter how great the source is, we must Open the seal and get the inheritance here. If I leave like this, I will feel reluctant. After all, this is a rare opportunity for the Chaos God and Demon!"

When talking about this, the ancestor of Styx had a voice, took a deep breath and asked: "It's just that fellow Taoists want to use any method to unlock the power of the seal. Even if we work together, we won't be able to face this seal. Shake, is it possible to become a Daoist and still have a killer?"

The ancestor Styx himself has a back hand, so he believes that the King of Causality is the same. If he uses his back hand, perhaps it is really organic to open the seal. His cautious thinking will naturally not be able to hide the King of Causation, but he guessed it wrong. , The King of Cause and Effect did not have such an idea, confronting the seal head-on, this is what the wise man cannot do. Even if he can finally open the seal, he will suffer terrible backlash, and even be strangled by the power of the seal outside the begging realm!

I saw that the King of Karma shook his head gently and said, "No, I don’t have any killer skills to come up with. I just want to use the simplest and most direct way to let go and use my own origin to wipe out the seal bit by bit. The power of, can directly appear through its own cracks, maybe this is crazy, but this is the most suitable move for us!"

The most suitable, it sounds very good, but in reality such a situation is difficult, almost impossible, after all, this is an unknown secret realm, no one knows how powerful its origin is, once the origin here is extremely powerful, I will only waste time in vain, and will only let myself fall into a dilemma!

Does the ancestor of Styx have a choice? No, as the lord of the sea of ​​blood, he has no choice but to do so. Otherwise, once he succeeds in the king of cause and effect, he will miss the opportunity and all opportunities will pass by himself, regardless of the king of cause and effect. For the ancestors of the Styx River, whether the idea can be successful or not, must let go, not let the benefits fall into the hands of the king of cause and effect.

The depletion of the origin may be a little concerned for the king of cause and effect, but it is nothing in the eyes of the ancestors of the river. In the sea of ​​blood, one's origin is endless, and you can fully rely on the origin of the sea of ​​blood. Come to obliterate the blocking power, let yourself see the world behind this prohibition, and see what earth-shattering treasures are in this secret realm!

"Well, since fellow Daoist did this, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman, let the fellow Daoist let go, use my blood sea origin to obliterate it bit by bit, and see what the world behind this seal looks like, why There will be a seal like this here. Let me see how powerful the seal power of this secret realm is. The origin of the sea of ​​blood has come to me!” Without waiting for the king of cause and effect to take action, the ancestors of the Styx attacked and summoned blood. The power of Hai Yuanyuan frantically began to wipe out the lone power remaining in the entire world!

"Haha! What a stygmy, decisive enough. When you see something impossible, you just give up the previous plan and take the initiative to take the initiative, thinking that you can use my hand to grow quickly. I really don't know how to do it!" The ancestors of Styx have some contempt for this action, but the king of cause and effect has not appeared. After all, this is not an ordinary war, but a life and death duel. Everyone has selfishness. It is normal for the ancestors of Styx to have selfishness. Things, and here is the sea of ​​blood, the master of the ancestor Styx, there is no need to make a big move, or even to give the ancestor the chance to calculate himself.

I saw, the king of cause and effect nodded and said: "So there are fellow Daoists of the Lao Ming River, the original power of the sea of ​​blood, plus the body, must be able to quickly wipe out the power that is blocking us in front of us, and can open up the secrets here, so that we can see it. Ancient secrets!"

Although somewhat unwilling and reluctant in his heart, the current ancestor of Styx has no choice. If he does not take action, he will not see the hope of preaching. He doesn't think that the king of cause and effect is really so good to talk, and he really will refuse to himself. If he refuses the opportunity, I am afraid that everything he paid for before will be turned into nothingness. In his eyes, the king of cause and effect is a real cruel person, a **** who is cruel to himself and more cruel to the enemy, and such Always be cautious when dealing with bastards.

auzw.com The ancestor Styx nodded and said, "Okay, I hope that fellow Taoists are right. We can quickly open the secret world, otherwise it will be inevitable for us if it takes a long time. There will be endless troubles. Although the sea of ​​blood can block outside detection for a while, it cannot always be like this. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will not give us too long. Once our plan is exposed, Sanqing and Nuwa Empress will definitely Will appear in the sea of ​​blood, then my troubles with fellow daoists will be big!"

Sure enough, the ancestors of the Styx River were not easy to be born with. He directly issued a warning to the King of Causality. This is not his own business. The King of Causality cannot do nothing. Once the delay is long, he does want to Unfortunately, but the king of cause and effect will not feel good, after all, it has attracted more enemies, which is not a good thing for anyone.

The King of Cause and Effect smiled lightly and said: "Friends of Styx, please rest assured, I will never stand idly by when it is time to make a move. At this moment, you are not the only one who is shielding the sea of ​​blood, I am also doing this, and I am shielding everything with the origin of the Netherworld. To attract the attention of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu with the Netherworld, they will not notice our actions in a short time. They are all attracted by the human race and the Houtu ancestor witch. This is our opportunity. Don’t have any reservations. Opportunities cannot be missed. Losses will never come again. We don’t have a second chance. I believe you should understand it in your heart!"

When he heard the words of the King of Cause and Effect, the ancestor of Styx could not help taking a breath of air in his heart, and secretly said: "Hey! What a master of the Netherworld, such a powerful calculation, do it before you act. With a comprehensive preparation, it seems that everything is really under his control. How could this **** know the world of the blood sea better than me, knowing that there is such a mystery hidden in the world of the blood sea? Could it be that the blood sea is really in the world of the underworld? Connected, it is really impossible to be controlled by the tunnel, and only this explanation can tell everything, but it is true, why do I, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, have no feeling at all?"

The ancestor of Styx had endless horror in his heart, but he could not show it, after all, his identity did not allow himself to do such a thing! I saw that he smiled indifferently: "Okay, this is the best, with the help of fellow daoists, I believe all this will go smoothly, we can get everything we want, and everything will develop according to our intentions!"

Although there are thousands of doubts and worries in my heart, the ancestors of Styx did not hesitate. Just as the king of cause and effect said, time waits for no one, and he does not have much time to waste. With a thought, the origin of the sea of ​​blood is mobilized. , Constantly rushing to the secret realm, the ancestor of the river Styx will use the origin of the sea of ​​blood to obliterate the seal on the secret realm.

When the origin of the sea of ​​blood poured into the seal, waves of waves continued to radiate. This was the power of the seal of the secret world. The origin of the sea of ​​blood drew the power of the seal. This situation surprised the ancestors of Styx. He felt that he was having a faint connection with the seal of the secret world, and the origin of the sea of ​​blood was the key to truly opening the secret world.

"Damn, I shouldn't have promised the King of Cause and Effect if I knew this a long time ago. If I knew this secret in the depths of the blood sea earlier, I wouldn't have to share the benefits here with the King of Cause and Effect!" For a moment, the ancestor of Styx I sighed in my heart, selfishness made him have an urge to break the contract, made him extremely remorseful, and made him hate the king of cause and effect.

Fortunately, the ancestor of Styx was not a stupid person. When such an abnormality appeared in his heart, he immediately became vigilant. There was such a mental fluctuation, which is not a good thing, even this is a huge trap, which is instantaneous. The ancestor of Styx suppressed his soul with all his strength, not affected by the power of the seal of the secret world, and not shaken by this external force!

"Okay, as I thought, the blood sea world really has the residual power of the chaos **** and demon! Daoist Styx should be careful not to be confused by the power of this chaos **** and demon, and don't follow the footsteps of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The power of the Chaos Gods and Demons is extremely strange and terrifying!" When seeing the impact of the sealing power on the souls of the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect took the initiative to remind him, and also made a statement to the ancestors of the river and told the ancestors of the river. Your own ideas and choices.

The King of Karma never thought of swallowing this opportunity in the world of blood alone, and of course he couldn’t swallow this opportunity. After all, the world of blood is not his home court, even if he can summon the power of the source of the world of the underworld, it’s impossible. To devour all the benefits, instead of wasting your time and energy and not getting too many benefits in the end, it is better to cooperate with the master of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the river Styx.

Hearing the words of the King of Cause and Effect, Patriarch Styx could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The thing he was most worried about did not happen. The King of Cause and Effect did not try to figure out his own thoughts, nor did he have the idea of ​​swallowing the benefits of the secret world.

After taking a deep breath, the ancestor Styx said in a deep voice, "Thank you for your reminder, but only relying on my power alone cannot quickly open the seal of the secret world. The power of the Chaos God and Demon is too terrible, I His mind is constantly bearing its impact, and I also ask fellow Taoists to help me and open the secret world as soon as possible!"

Regarding the request of the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect would naturally not refuse, and nodded and said: "Okay, I will mobilize the origin of the Netherworld, and the power of the origin of the Sea of ​​Blood will destroy the seal and open this secret world!" In the meantime, the King of Karma activated the power of the Lord of the Netherworld, and the origin of the Netherworld emanated from his body, pouring into the seal of the secret world, in order to cooperate with the power of the sea of ​​blood to destroy the seal. power.

After the King of Causality shot, the pressure on the Ancestor Styx was instantly reduced, and the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons was dispersed and shared by the Ancestor of Styx and the King of Causality. It is a pity that the source of the Netherworld It’s not as powerful as imagined. It can’t be wiped out like the origin of the sea of ​​blood. It’s just that it can share the pressure. It can be seen that only the origin of the sea of ​​blood can really open the secret world, and only the ancestor of the sea of ​​blood is the ancestor of the blood sea. Let the ancestors of Styx have a lot of unwillingness in their hearts!

remorse! I really regret it. If I knew that there is such a secret in the world of blood, maybe I don’t have to compromise with the king of cause and effect, maybe I can get the inheritance of the chaos **** and demon from the secret world, and I can embark on my own. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Road, all the benefits will be their own! Unknowingly, Ancestor Styx once again had so many negative forces in his heart, once again his mind was shocked, and once again affected by external forces, but this time, Ancestor Styx was not vigilant, but didn't know. Unconsciously affected by it, there is a slight change in the mind. Although it is only a slight change, this power has penetrated into the heart of the ancestor of the river, giving the ancestor of the river a touch of mind. The mutation also brought great danger to the ancestors of the Styx!


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