God of Destruction

Chapter 4479: Fear

Chapter 4485: Fear

The pressure returned to me in an instant, pinning his life and death on the madman, the king of cause and effect, which was unacceptable to the ancestors of the Styx River, but now he wants to resolve the immediate crisis and wants the opportunity of the blood sea secret realm. I have to give something, and I must give the King of Cause and Effect a part of the power of the sea of ​​blood, and how much this part of authority is, this is a big question. If it is less, it is too dangerous for myself and too long. Oneself will inevitably suffer more crises. If there are more, if a sea of ​​blood is not careful, it will move to the master, and it will fall into the hands of the king of cause and effect.

Believe in the character of the king of cause and effect? Believe that the king of cause and effect will not take everything from the sea of ​​blood? No, the ancestor Styx did not dare to make such a choice, did not dare to pin his life and death on the character of the king of cause and effect. In the heart of the ancestor Styx, he never believed in any character, his own life and death. It's better to be in your own hands, so the share of blood sea authority is a big problem.

"Thirty percent, at most, can only be transferred to the power of 30% authority of this madman. Only the power of 30% authority is the most suitable. No matter how many ideas this lunatic has, even if he has conspiracies and tricks, I have the ability to take everything back and restore the blood. The sea is in his own hands!” It seems that the ancestor Styx is just protecting himself, but in fact his mind is still unconsciously affected by the residual power of the Chaos Gods and Demons, and he still has too many calculations and worries. The negative force in the mind still has the advantage.

For the ancestor of Styx, what he thought of was only the bad side for himself. He didn't even see the good side for himself at all, let alone see that if the king of cause and effect really wanted to take the sea of ​​blood, he didn't have to do this at all. With a lot of calculations, the King of Causality has enough means to accomplish all of this, and the cause and effect of both parties can be done. Unfortunately, all of this has been ignored by the ancestors of Styx. This has to be said to be a big joke and also Styx. The role of the ancestor's own causal karma!

The ancestor of Styx moved quickly and pointed out that the power of the original rules of the sea of ​​blood came to the king of cause and effect. As the master of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the river made a choice and gave the king of cause and effect 30%. The power of authority, let the king of cause and effect accept the origin of the sea of ​​blood, and help himself against the power of the chaotic gods and demons in the seal of the secret realm!

"Hehe, as I suspected, the ancestors of Styx are still concerned. The power of the blood sea is not worth my fight!" After receiving 30% of the power, the king of cause and effect immediately acted and mobilized. The original power of the sea of ​​blood accelerates the obliteration of the seal. Although this power of authority is not enough to shake the general situation, it is enough to save the ancestors of the river!

It has to be said that the two shots are much better than the old ancestors of Styx facing the Chaos Gods and Demons alone. With the shot of the King of Cause and Effect, not only the pressure is much less, but the obliteration of the seal is also accelerated a lot. Unfortunately, the ancestors of Styx took care of the king of cause and effect in his heart, and feared that the king of cause and effect would **** the sea of ​​blood. He only gave the king of cause and effect 30% of the power and did not exert the greatest power of the king of cause and effect, and it was wasted. more time!

With the power of 30% authority, the relationship between the king of cause and effect and the sea of ​​blood has been strengthened a lot, and he has more understanding of the origin of the sea of ​​blood he received from the ancestors of the Styx. It is just blood. The avenue hidden in the sea is not the fundamental avenue of the King of Cause and Effect. So although this is a good opportunity, an opportunity to understand the nature of the sea of ​​blood, the King of Cause and Effect did not make a big move, did not invest more energy, just Act according to the heart.

The sea of ​​blood does not wither, and the river of Styx does not die. In the origin of the sea of ​​blood, the king of cause and effect feels the source of immortal power. This power does not come from the sea of ​​blood of Yizhi, but from the seal, from the seal. The secret world, to be more precise, comes from the source of the many chaotic gods and demons in the sea of ​​blood, from the source power of the Great God Pangu.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect this time to see through the nature of the blood sea and the ancestors of the Styx. It’s interesting. I just don’t know how the ancestors of the Styx are in their mood today and can they stay calm during this upheaval. Will you shake your foundation because of this? As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, you don’t even have a good grasp of your own lair. If this word spreads, the prestige of the ancestors of the Styx will be wiped out. , Directly become the laughing stock of the prehistoric world!” For the ancestor of the river, the king of cause and effect looked down on the other party. Although the ancestor of the river was good, in the eyes of the king of cause and effect, he went the wrong way and wanted to correct it. It is not an easy task, and a heavy price needs to be paid!

Only when you truly grasp all the power of the sea of ​​blood can you have the ability to keep the sea of ​​blood from withering and the sea of ​​Styx. The current Styx is far from able to do this. The ancestors of the Styx may not have noticed their own problems. But now it is exposed in the eyes of the King of Cause and Effect. The main reason that the King of Cause and Effect can do this is that he has obtained the origin of the blood sea, and the power of the blood sea authority, and then cooperates with the causal path of his own practice. Can directly see the essence of things.

After all, the sea of ​​blood is part of the prehistoric world. The origin of the sea of ​​blood has the power of the chaos gods and demons and the great **** of Pangu. If you want to master this power, it is definitely not the current ancestors of the river can do it, unless the ancestors Truly walking out of one's own avenue, able to withstand the impact from the origin of the sea of ​​blood, the existence of this secret world may be just to protect the ancestors of the river!

"Hey!" When he thought of this, the King of Karma couldn't help but gasp. Perhaps this was the calculation of the Great God Pangu, or the existence of the Sea of ​​Blood was a preparation of the Great God Pangu. The time **** and demon, the Sea of ​​Blood, were suppressed in an authentic way. It’s not impossible that other chaotic gods and demons were suppressed in the blood sea secret realm. If there are chaotic gods and demons in the blood sea secret realm, perhaps it is not an opportunity to open the secret realm, but a terrible disaster. The power of his own Da Luo Jinxian can hardly bear this danger!

It’s not that the king of causation wants to think too badly, but the current situation makes the king of causation have to think so. The prehistoric world has too many secrets, and more care will give you more life. You can't be too cautious, after all, there is the original aura of the chaos gods and demons here, and the most important thing is that the sea of ​​blood carries the negative power of the entire prehistoric world!

"Friend Styx, you can feel the situation inside the Blood Sea Secret Realm. I think we are a bit too careless and self-righteous this time. Maybe the Blood Sea Secret Realm is not as simple as we thought. There will be great dangers inside! "With suspicion, the King of Causality asked the ancestor Styx. After all, as the lord of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the blood must know more information than himself. I am in desperation!


Hearing this, the ancestor of Styx was startled, and said in a deep voice, "What did Fellow Daoist notice?"

The King of Cause and Effect shook his head slightly and said: "I didn't notice anything, but I suddenly found that we were too arrogant and took it for granted. If the seal of the Blood Sea Secret Realm is not what we thought, it was just for The remaining power to suppress the chaos gods and demons is the remnant soul that really suppresses the chaos gods and demons. Can you and I retreat with the power of both of you? The Daoists of Styx continue to obliterate the seal with the origin of the sea of ​​blood, is it not there? Get some useful information from it?"

Hearing this, the ancestor Styx's expression changed drastically, and his eyes flashed with terrible light. For a moment, he said in a deep voice, "It's a carelessness, it's a carelessness. If it weren't for the reminder from fellow daoists, I'm afraid we are really going to be in crisis Among them, there is definitely a great horror and a great danger in the seal. Perhaps we are not obliterating the power of the seal, but the origin of the sea of ​​blood being swallowed by the power of the seal!"

In an instant, the king of cause and effect frowned. If all this is as the ancestor of Styx said, things are indeed troublesome. The erosion of the origin of the chaotic gods and demons on the ancestors of Styx in the seal may be taking away. The ancestor of Sheminghe is mastering the sea of ​​blood, but if this is the case, why does the heaven and the tunnel do not react at all, and the humanity does not react at all, what game Pangu has set here, and what secrets are hidden here!

Perhaps the ignorance of the ancestors of Styx and I unknowingly touched the real secrets of the prehistoric world and fell into a huge crisis. I shouldn’t be too greedy. I should see that I have already obtained the treasures I want. Take it if you are good, you shouldn't have more greedy thoughts just because you feel the breath of this chaotic **** and devil in the blood sea!

Regret, at this time the king of cause and effect is extremely regretful in his heart, but it is a pity that everything is too late, and now he has already fallen into this big trouble, even if he wants to get out, it is very difficult, who allowed himself to accept the ancestor of the Styx The power of authority in the sea of ​​blood!

Conspiracy, this may be a conspiracy against me. The sea of ​​blood exists in the world for endless years. It is impossible that no one has paid attention to the existence of the sea of ​​blood, but no one has ever hit the idea of ​​a sea of ​​blood, can it be said that in the endless years Is it only me who feels the breath of this chaotic **** and demon in the sea of ​​blood? Sanqing and Nuwa are fools, and Hongjun Daozu is also a fool!

"Damn it, fellow Styx, maybe we have been calculated. You and I are in a dangerous situation. You have an amazing secret in this blood sea. Now we should think about how we can retreat all over!" At this time, cause and effect The king did not dare to conceal something, he directly expressed his doubts, and directly brought up the conspiracy!

"Conspiracy, you said that this is a conspiracy. Someone is planning to calculate us, but I am the lord of the sea of ​​blood. In the endless years, I have not noticed that someone has penetrated into the sea of ​​blood to set up this game. Is it too nervous for fellow Taoists? Is it?" The ancestor Stygian hesitated about the King of Causality. He felt that the King of Causality was too nervous. He didn't think anyone could unknowingly set up such a situation in his own blood to calculate himself. , Let yourself fall into an unforgettable place!

The King of Karma shook his head solemnly and said: "No, it's not that I am too nervous, but the truth. Don't you think everything is too coincidental? When I stepped into the sea of ​​blood, I felt that it was hidden in the sea of ​​blood. The power of the Chaos God and Demon, in the endless years of your blood, no other powerful person has stepped into it, and it has not attracted the attention of other people. Hongjun Daozu, Sanqing, Nuwa and Zhunwa, they will There is no idea of ​​hitting the sea of ​​blood, but why would they not notice the abnormality of the sea of ​​blood, only I felt it. If this is a coincidence, do you believe it?"

Hearing the words of the King of Cause and Effect, Patriarch Styx's expression became extremely gloomy. It is true that this situation is a coincidence, and it is impossible. There can be no such a coincidence in the prehistoric world. The so-called coincidence can only It's a calculation. Someone has calculated everything in advance, waiting for the king of cause and effect to jump into this trap, and also waiting for himself to be arrested. As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, being calculated in the sea of ​​blood is really great. A joke is also a great shame.

"Damn it, who is making the layout, who is calculating the Styx? Could it be Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, if they can quietly lay this trap in the endless years, only they can do it, but why do they do it? , Can it be said that they can really see through the long river of time and know that there will be this cause and effect when I meet with fellow Taoists?" The ancestor of Styx frowned and said in a deep voice, with endless killing intent and anger reflected in his eyes, and there was also a trace of it. Faint doubt!

The King of Causality shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know, nor who is making the layout. In short, one thing is certain. We have been calculated and arrested by others. Now what are we going to do? Withdraw from this calculation, how to get rid of the current predicament, if it drags on for a long time, there may be a real crisis. Friends of Styx, now you need to think carefully and find out from the sealed information. The solution!"

Once the words of the King of Causality fell, Ancestor Styx's expression became more gloomy and terrifying, because all the pressure fell on him, which made the Ancestor Styx very annoyed and unwilling, but he was powerless. To break free, you can only face it, and the king of cause and effect is right. Now you can only find a way to resolve the crisis by yourself. It is your own responsibility to let yourself be the master of the sea of ​​blood. If the sea of ​​blood really changes. Change, the first unlucky person is not the King of Cause and Effect, but the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood!

As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, he can’t even keep his own lair, he was calculated by the enemy, he set up such a sinister and vicious trap, and he fell into the net and jumped in. If all this were to spread out, he would have his own reputation. When it's over, I will become the biggest laughing stock of the prehistoric world, and this will surely become my own demon, forever locking up my spiritual future and breaking my future!


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