God of Destruction

Chapter 4480: Chaos Little World

Chapter 4486: Chaos Little World

"No, the king of cause and effect still thinks too much. This seal is obviously born of heaven and earth, not by external forces. Although the seal has been obliterated and some information has been sent, this information is not as terrible as imagined. It can be born in heaven and earth. Sealing hands and feet, it’s impossible not to leave a trace, even Taoist ancestors can’t do it!” Under the extreme pressure, the mind of the ancestor Styx was running fast, and new doubts were quickly found, and this doubt It is very beneficial to myself!

Taking a deep breath, the ancestor Styx shook his head and said, "Father Daoist is still too nervous. Perhaps all this is really an accident. It is just a coincidence. Don’t forget that the seal here is self-generated. , Fellow Daoists feel that there is any power that can surpass the heavens and the earth, even Hongjun Dao ancestors can’t do it. Perhaps the threats erupting here are because of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. , Triggered the power of the chaotic gods and demons in the seal. After all, whether the demon emperor Jun or Donghuang Taiyi broke out beyond the limit, the demon emperor Jun inspired the demon ancestor Luo Maw to descend, and the eastern emperor Taiyi triggered the robbery. The power of the gods and demons, the power of this kind of power that disturbs the sea of ​​blood secret realm can also make sense!"

Upon hearing these words, the King of Karma frowned. This explanation is indeed reasonable, but for some reason, the King of Karma still has a vaguely uneasy feeling in his heart. This Blood Sea Secret Realm is definitely not. It is so simple on the surface, there must be big secrets and big crises in this, and this is very likely to be a game as I suspected!

"Maybe this is not for me, but for all people who feel the breath of the chaos gods and demons. The ancestor of Styx has already fallen into the game, so in his opinion all this is normal, and There are hidden secrets and calculations behind this normal. No matter what calculations or conspiracies are here, I must be cautious. I can't have any more serious thoughts, or else I will end up paying a lot for it. At the price, there is no one that the Chaos Gods and Demons can get along well with. Even if they are dead, they will still be left behind to return to the world!" Unfortunately, the king of cause and effect cannot be said in his mouth, even if he has a relationship with the ancestors of the Styx River. Dealing, these thoughts can’t be made known to Ancestor Styx. The most important thing is that even if you say Ancestor Styx, you don’t necessarily believe it. I reminded Ancestor Styx again and again, but the other party did not follow him. The reminder became vigilant, but he repeatedly appeared different and refused my warnings, as if his heart did not agree with all of this at all!

After a long sigh, the King of Karma tried to calm his mind and sighed softly: "Perhaps I am indeed a little too nervous. The climax of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth seems to have passed, but the Great Tribulation is still not over. , Suddenly felt the aura of the chaotic gods and demons, perhaps it aroused the anxiety in my heart, the Daoist Styx is indeed reasonable!"

When he saw that the king of cause and effect no longer insisted on his own views, the ancestor of Styx also breathed a sigh of relief. In his heart, he was also afraid that the king of cause and effect would continue to insist on his own views. , Lost this great opportunity in vain, you must know that in the eyes of the ancestors of the river, the secret realm of blood at this time is more important than everything. It seems that Mijin has shown him the path to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, let him see The power that I have longed for for a long time, the power of the Chaos God and Demon.

In fact, when he saw that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi could activate the power of the gods and demons of the robbery, the ancestor Styx was longing for it. Now he finally saw the opportunity, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, the ancestor Styx was not willing to give up, and would do his best. Going to fight for this opportunity, even if it is dangerous, this can't stop the eagerness of the ancestor of the river, and it can't stop his actions.

It's a pity that now relying solely on the strength of the ancestors of Styx cannot successfully obtain the power he wants from the sea of ​​blood secret realm, and even cannot open the secret of blood sea, so the ancestors of Styx do not want to see the king of cause and effect. Retreat, under the temptation of absolute interest, the ancestor of Styx did lose his vigilance and was indeed affected by external forces, but he himself knew nothing. Perhaps he was aware of it in his heart, but in the temptation of that interest Let him take the initiative to choose to forget the threat!

"Well, since fellow Daoists understand, then we continue. As long as we open the secret realm and wipe out the power of the seal, we can get everything we want. The power of the Chaos God and Demon, the inheritance of the Chaos God and Demon, this is something that no one can refuse. , Even if there is only a trace, it is a great opportunity for us and an irresistible temptation!" The ancestor of Styx still vaguely worried, and had to continue to use the inheritance of the chaos gods and demons as bait to attract cause and effect. King's attention!

Regarding the calculations of the ancestors of Styx, the king of cause and effect was not surprised. This is the power of greed, this is the power of desire and hope. Under the temptation of absolute interest, nothing is impossible. Zu Ming knew that his thoughts were a bit radical and dangerous, but in the face of that amazing benefit, he still devoted himself to it. This is human nature!

"Friends of Styx, please rest assured, I know what to do. We have reached this point, and there is no possibility of turning back. Since this is the case, why not let go and take a look at the treasure in this secret realm!" Said, but the king of cause and effect did not dare to think so, no matter how amazing the temptation in front of him, he must be cautious, not to be careless, and not to let himself fall into a state of impending greed because of temporary greed.

Is the power of the Chaos God and Demon really so easy to obtain? For the experienced king of cause and effect, he is very aware of the dangers involved. The deity paid how much to clear his own hidden dangers, and truly gained a bit of the power of the chaos gods and demons. If there are chaos gods and demons in the blood sea secret realm. The power of this is absolutely to pay a huge price!

Although there are many considerations in his heart, the king of cause and effect did not delay time, but did his best. Under the influence of the power of authority, the origin of the sea of ​​blood rushed into the seal madly, and truly cooperated with the ancestors of the Styx to find the seal. It seems to be sincere and sincere to cooperate with the ancestors of the Styx River to seize the power and inheritance left by the chaotic gods and demons in the sea of ​​blood secret.

Although this is stressful for the King of Cause and Effect, in general, he bears much less pressure than the Ancestor Styx, and the one who stands in the front is also the Ancestor Styx. This is not just about cause and effect. Wang’s own thoughts are also limited by the situation. Who makes the ancestors of Styx too selfish? He feels that this is not a conspiracy. There is no time to count. The ancestors of Styx are always at the forefront, and the authority he gives to the king of cause and effect is also Only 30%, everything left the king of cause and effect behind him!

Yes, the ancestor of Styx wants to seize the opportunity to be the first to rush into the sea of ​​blood secret realm and seize the greatest benefit. He is worried that if the King of Cause and Effect takes the lead, the benefits he can share will be much smaller, but Styx The ancestors did not expect that for the King of Cause and Effect, he was looking forward to such a situation. The King of Cause and Effect did not even want to be the first to rush into the secret realm of the sea of ​​blood, and did not want to capture more benefits. In terms of only seeking to obtain a source, the so-called inheritance is not too important, no matter how good the inheritance of the chaos gods and demons is, it belongs to the chaos gods and demons themselves, not their own power!


To prove that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian needs to walk out of his own way, and now that the King of Karma has found his own fundamental way, even if the inheritance of Chaos Gods and Demons is good, it will not be enough to attract him. The inheritance of Chaos Gods and Demons is at best to give cause and effect. As for whether the chaos gods and demons will leave the treasure, this is not even the king of cause and effect cares.

Although the treasure is good, it is still an external force, and any treasure will leave the breath of the chaos **** and demon, as well as the back hand, just to wipe out the treasure of the time **** and demon, the price paid by the deity is large enough to make the cause and effect The king is discouraged, so the king of cause and effect does not need the treasures of the chaos gods and demons, if it is some resources, it is a good choice!

"Alright, the power of the seal has finally disappeared completely, and the negative power of the ancestor Styx is also rapidly growing. It seems that he really has to be lost by the temptation in front of him. Who is laying all this, really is only aimed at Ming. Patriarch He alone?" The King of Causality is meditating. The more you get to this time, the more you have to be cautious. Although the power of the seal has not affected you, or even launched an impact on yourself, the King of Causality is still not. Dare to take it lightly!

"Be careful to make the Wannian Ship, no matter what secrets or opportunities are hidden in this sea of ​​blood, you must be careful and careful, the world of the netherworld has the authority to bless my body, and I am the lord of the nether!" This seal in the depths of the sea of ​​blood When the power was about to break, the King of Karma carefully blessed the power of the Netherworld to himself, and then his heart moved, the power originally borrowed from the blood sea of ​​the ancestors of the Styx disappeared from his heart and returned. Yu Styx ancestor himself!

Yes, at this time, the King of Cause and Effect took the initiative to return the authority of the sea of ​​blood. Such a change shocked the ancestor Styx, who was approaching the fringe of madness. This was something the ancestor Styx did not expect. In the heart of the ancestor Styx, even if the seal is opened, the king of cause and effect is not necessarily willing to return his authority to the sea of ​​blood, and he needs to ask for it by himself, but now the king of cause and effect takes the initiative to return, which is too shocking for the ancestors of the river. , You must know that this is the power of authority, and can truly master the fundamental power of the sea of ​​blood!

"It seems that I am over-concerned. This lunatic really doesn't take the sea of ​​blood too seriously. Perhaps for him, he only wants to get a copy of the source, and he never thought about robbing me of everything in the sea of ​​blood!" At this time, The ancestors of Styx couldn't help but relax a little bit on the defensive heart of the King of Cause and Effect, and no longer carefully guarded against the King of Cause and Effect, but put more energy into the seal in front of him!

With a loud bang, the entire sea of ​​blood shook for it. Yes, the seal was completely opened. A huge chaotic aura impacted the sea of ​​blood, the ancestors of the river and the king of cause and effect, this chaos. The breath is extremely pure and terrifying.

"Chaos, how could it be chaos!" What appeared in front of the King of Causality was a world of chaos. Yes, behind the seal was chaos, and the depths of the sea of ​​blood were connected to chaos. This shocked the king of cause and effect!

"No, this is not the real chaos, this is the chaos that has been cut apart, a small world of chaos!" After carefully looking at it, the king of cause and effect immediately noticed that this is not the real world of chaos, but a small chaos. The divided chaotic world, in this chaotic world is filled with a lot of chaotic gods and demons, but also mixed with a lot of grievances, killing intent, that is the residual aura of three thousand chaotic gods and demons, it is chaotic gods and demons. the power of!

"Battlefield, this is the battlefield where Pangu Great God and three thousand chaotic gods and demons fought decisively?" When I saw this chaotic little world and felt the chaotic chaotic **** and demons aura, this was the first reaction of the King of Karma. Because the aura in this small world is too chaotic, and the murderous intentions are too heavy, except for the battlefield, there are other possibilities that I can't think of!

At this time, the ancestor of Styx, who was about to rush into the chaotic world, stopped, and the secret was opened, but the aura inside was too terrifying. The pure chaotic aura made him discouraged. Such a pure chaotic aura was even The ancestors of Styx didn't dare to be careless, otherwise, if one is not careful, they will die in the erosion of the chaotic atmosphere.

"Damn it, how could this be? How could the chaotic aura here and the origin of the chaos be more terrifying than the real chaotic world? How could the killing aura here be so heavy and resentment so terrifying, what kind of war has been experienced here!" Old Ancestor He grumbled to himself unwillingly, and his eyes kept shining brightly.

At this time, the King of Karma sighed slightly and said: "Friends of Styx, this is the opportunity we want to find. Perhaps this is the battlefield between Pangu and the three thousand chaos gods and demons when the Great God Pangu opened the world, but I don’t know. What reason was retained, and its entrance was sealed in the depths of the blood sea, opened by us!"

"Hey!" Hearing this, the ancestor Styx gasped involuntarily. This is indeed possible. Such a terrifying murderous intent, such a strong resentment, and such a pure chaotic aura, only this explanation can It makes sense, if this is really a battlefield, the battlefield where the Great God Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons will fight decisively will have unimaginable benefits and opportunities at this time!

The more I think about the Styx, the more excited the ancestor, but unfortunately the danger here is also very terrifying. Whenever he is excited to step into this chaotic world, he is impacted by the terrifying killing intent, and he can't help but calm down. Had to put away that ridiculous thought! Obviously the opportunity is right in front of him, but he can't make this crucial step. This is too disturbing for the ancestors of Styx!


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