God of Destruction

Chapter 4481: Festival ten years

Four thousand four hundred and eighty-seven chapters ten years

"The spirit of killing is too heavy, and the resentment is too terrifying. Just want to step into this chaotic world and feel the threat of death. It's terrifying!" Facing such a terrifying chaotic small world, the ancestor of Styx I couldn't help but lose my voice, my mind was turbulent, and now the opportunity was in front of me, but I was blocked out, which made it difficult for the ancestors of Styx to accept!

In an instant, the ancestor of Styx turned around and said to the King of Cause and Effect: "I don't know if friends have a way to dissolve this blocking power. If you can't eliminate this horrible killing and resentment, you will have life if you step into it. Worry!" At this time, the ancestor of Styx thought of the King of Cause and Effect, and wanted to get a solution from the King of Cause and Effect!

The King of Karma shook his head slightly and said: "Even a quasi-sage power like Fellow Styx can't resist this terrifying killing aura. Do you think a great Luo Jinxian can do it? This may be a test, I want You must face this test when you enter the chaotic battlefield, or you will only have a dead end even if you enter!"

Not reconciled, the ancestor of Styx was very unwilling to answer the King of Cause and Effect. He paid such a big price and withstood so many impacts, and finally opened the secret realm, but could not enter it, and could not explore the secrets of the secret realm. To find the inheritance of the chaos gods and demons, how can this be accepted by the ancestors of the river, but now the ancestors of the river are indeed powerless.

Looking at the embarrassed look of the old ancestor Styx, when looking at the eager and scared look of the old ancestor Styx, the king of cause and effect sighed and said: "Friend Styx, your heart is upset, although Now we are blocked by this killing aura from this chaotic little world, but we don’t need to be too impatient. Maybe we let the killing aura and resentment vent, and we can enter it. For the time being, let’s endure it for a while. , Wait a while and see what will change!"

Regarding the king of cause and effect, the ancestors of the Styx did not take it seriously. If it takes a little time to vent the terrifying killing aura, there will be no earth-shattering secrets in this chaotic little world. It’s not worth paying such a big price. Since the King of Causality has nothing to do, he can only rely on himself. In any case, he will not give up. You must get everything you want from this chaotic little world and get the chaos gods and demons. Inheritance.

The ancestor of Styx was meditating and thinking about countermeasures, while the King of Causality shook his head slightly and disapproved. He adapted to the sudden pressure, and then carefully came to the entrance of Chaos Xiaotiandi, feeling from Feeling the remnant power of that terrifying chaotic **** and demon due to the impact of the chaotic breath!

At this moment, the King of Karma could not help but sighed inwardly: "Sure enough, this chaotic little world really hides a big secret, even if you step into it, you will be in danger of life and death. After the seal is broken, it is not flowers and flowers that greet you. Opportunity, but the real power of killing, it seems that many chaotic gods and demons have been killed and injured here, but where is Pangu's power? Could it be said that Pangu God did not leave ancient practice, nor did he leave a little insight for the younger generations? !"

At this moment, the King of Karma couldn’t help but feel a trace of regret. He was uneasy about the opened blood sea secret realm. It’s a pity that the King of Karma could not change the current situation. He could not change the current situation. He could only be hardened. Keep walking on the scalp! Yes, at this time, the king of cause and effect has no other choice. Regardless of whether there is a conspiracy behind this, he must go on and cannot retreat, because the ancestor of the river has already entered the game, and he is also forced to enter the game.

After a long time, the ancestor of Styx still did not find a way to break the game, and at this time, the king of cause and effect did not see the hope of breaking the game, so he said: "Friend Styx, you are the lord of the sea of ​​blood, this chaotic little world Entrance to is also in a sea of ​​blood, I don’t know if you today have the ability to restart this seal and close this chaotic world!"

Yes, when there is no hope of breaking the game, the King of Karma thought is to close the entrance of this chaotic little world, seal it again, and wait for sufficient strength to explore again in the future, and all this naturally has to be placed in blood. The ancestor of the sea lord, as the lord of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the sea should have this ability.

It's a pity that the reaction of the ancestors of Styx disappointed the king of cause and effect! I saw that the ancestor of the Styx sighed: "The power of this chaotic little world is too strong. Although I am the lord of the blood sea and master the origin of the blood sea, I cannot do it if I want to seal the entrance again, the origin of the blood sea. It's beyond my imagination. As fellow Taoist said before, I have never really mastered the sea of ​​blood. Only when I truly mastered the origin of the sea of ​​blood and thoroughly refined the entire sea of ​​blood into myself can I have this ability. I can't do it."

The King of Karma frowned and asked, "Oh! That's the case. I just don't know if the Styx Daoist still has the ability to open up a world based on the sea of ​​blood and trust it on the tunnel? Is the sea of ​​blood affected? Is the influence of this chaotic little world free from the shackles of the prehistoric world and has the ability to be independent?"

Whether the sea of ​​blood breaks free from the shackles of the prehistoric world is very important to the king of cause and effect. This is related to my own practice in the future. If the sea of ​​blood does it, perhaps I will see a new world, new opportunities and hope.

The ancestor of Styx shook his head and said: "The sea of ​​blood is naturally affected by this chaotic little world, but even with the existence of this chaotic little world, the blood sea still cannot break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, and is still subject to the predominant world. Opening up the world with the sea of ​​blood as its origin has no effect, but once it does so, it will inevitably be separated from this chaotic world. At that time, this entrance will no longer appear in the sea of ​​blood, but will exist alone. !"

Although the ancestor Styx didn’t say too much, the King of Cause and Effect understood that, in any case, before getting the inheritance and benefits in the chaotic world, the ancestor Styx would not use the sea of ​​blood as the mainstay to open up the small thousand worlds. Above the tunnel, although the tunnel's air luck is good, the ancestors of the Styx River value the inheritance and opportunities left by the three thousand chaotic gods and demons and the Pangu Great God.


Originally in the calculations of the King of Cause and Effect, I wanted to use the Ancestor Styx to contain the attention of Dao Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors, so that I could have a little freedom, but now the situation has deviated from my own vision, the Ancestor Styx Now he has no thoughts to open up the world of Xiaoqian and condense the real luck, his thoughts are placed in the chaotic little world in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, the King of Karma continued to ask: "Friends of Styx, I don’t know how long the power of the sea of ​​blood can support this chaotic little world. Although we opened the entrance to this little world, I believe this entrance. It can't always exist, and the origin of the sea of ​​blood can't withstand such a consumption. How much time do we have?"

As the battlefield when the three thousand chaotic gods and demons fought against the Great Pangu, although a small chaos world has evolved, the entrance is sealed in the sea of ​​blood, but the origin of the sea of ​​blood cannot be sustained in this way. If this entrance If you re-seal it, you may get out of the sea of ​​blood, or even out of the prehistoric world. The King of Cause and Effect must prepare early!

"We don't have much time. With the origin of the sea of ​​blood, we can only persist in a hundred years. If we can't enter this chaotic little world within a hundred years and get everything we want, this opportunity will rub with us. Passing by, if you still have any thoughts in your minds, please act quickly. We only have a hundred years, and the blood sea can only persist for a hundred years!" When he said this, the ancestors of the Styx were staring at the cause and effect. The king, he does not recognize that the king of cause and effect will have no other means. The lord of the nether world, masters the origin of the nether world, and even the origin of the tunnel, it is impossible to have a killer, so at this moment, the ancestor of the river will enter this chaos. The hope of Xiaotiandi rests on the King of Cause and Effect.

Feeling the ardent gaze of the ancestor Styx, the king of cause and effect could not help but sighed in secret. For the thoughts of the ancestor Styx and the expectations of the ancestor Styx, the king of cause and effect is naturally very clear, just let himself Paying a heavy price to enter this chaotic world, this is the king of cause and effect who needs to weigh the gains and losses. After all, this is not a small matter. A slight difference may have the possibility of death and soul disappearing. The danger of this chaotic world is too terrible, so big. As the master of the Netherworld, I feel the threat of death!

Yes, for the King of Cause and Effect, even if he can mobilize the power of the world and the power of the tunnels, it is possible to fall into this chaotic world. After all, this is the ultimate of Pangu God and the Three Thousand Chaos Gods and Demons. The battlefield, there are too many negative forces in this battlefield. Don't say that you are just a big Luo Jinxian. Perhaps the saints have the possibility to enter it. The power of chaos is never as simple as one knows. Chaos is the most. The power of terror!

"In a hundred years, we only have a hundred years. It seems that we have to work hard and have to give it a go. Otherwise, we have to pay such a big price, and eventually get nothing. This ending is unacceptable to anyone. Friends of Styx can't accept it, I I can’t accept it, Fellow Styx, I need a little bit of time to prepare, and I believe you also need time to prepare!"

Faced with such a terrifying chaotic world, it is normal that the king of cause and effect needs time to prepare, and the ancestors of the Styx also need to prepare. After all, once they shoot again, they may be in danger of death and death. If you don't make comprehensive preparations in advance, you will really fall into this chaotic little world and become the nourishment of the little world.

What plan does the ancestor of Styx have, what preparations he has, the king of cause and effect does not want to know, and is unwilling to waste time and energy to calculate, his own idea is very simple, that is to wake up the deity, let the deity give himself the avatar of the king of the end, I figured out how to break the King of Ending clone into this chaotic little world, and use the origin of this chaotic little world to complete the growth of the King of Ending clone. In the eyes of the king of cause and effect, this chaotic little world is most suitable for the king of end. The growth of the clone.

"Well, I do need to make preparations. Ten years. I need time to confess many things in the blood sea. Daoists only have ten years to make the final preparations. Ten years later, we will meet here and do the last. Give it a go!" At this moment, the ancestor of Styx seemed to have forgotten the Tao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and only the inheritance of Chaos Gods and Demons was in his eyes.

The King of Cause and Effect nodded solemnly and said: "Okay, we are determined. Ten years later, I will come again. I hope that by that time, the Stygians have made all-round preparations. In ten years, I will come to us. It's not worth mentioning, but the existence of this chaotic little world is very important to us. Friends of the Styx should be fully prepared. When we don't enter it, in any case, we can't let its breath spread. You can't let other people know, no matter it's Heavenly Dao or Hongjun Daozu, you can't let them know, otherwise this chance is not yours or mine."

Regarding the King of Cause and Effect’s reminder, Patriarch Styx also nodded cautiously and replied: “I understand that the Blood Sea Array will be fully opened and will not give anyone a chance. Once the Blood Sea Array is opened, even the saints can’t think about it. Entering the sea of ​​blood, unless they dare to face the threat of the collapse of the sea of ​​blood, dare to endure the endless karma!"

The King of Cause and Effect said in a deep voice: "This is the best way. Time waits for no one. Friends of the Styx Dao, we will separate here. See you in ten years!"

Having said that, the King of Karma nodded to the ancestor of Styx, and then disappeared into the sea of ​​blood in an instant. The origin of the nether world descended directly to the sea of ​​blood, and directly pulled the king of cause and effect back from the sea of ​​blood to the nether world. , Everything is so clean and neat!

"What a master of the Netherworld, such a powerful Netherworld Origin, is able to advance and retreat freely in my sea of ​​blood. No wonder he was so confident before that he dared to come to the sea of ​​blood alone to discuss with me, the origin of the world. It is indeed strong enough, but unfortunately, now I cannot open up the world of blood, cannot master this power, or else I would not be so passive!" After seeing the methods of the King of Cause and Effect, the ancestors of Styx could not help but sigh. I also have a desire for the power of the world!

The power of the world, the power of the world, is much stronger than the ancestors of Styx imagined. The king of cause and effect who has the power of the world can advance and retreat freely in his own sea of ​​blood, and can ignore the suppression of the sea of ​​blood. One thing shocked the ancestors of the Styx, and also moved the ancestors of the Styx. After a hundred years, regardless of success or failure, he must make a choice. If he can't get the inheritance of the chaos gods and demons, maybe he should use the blood sea as the foundation to create a small thousand The world, master the power of the world, and only if you master the power of this world, can you have the power to protect yourself, and be able to have the right to speak in the next great evolution!


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