God of Destruction

Chapter 4482: Seize the Opportunity

Chapter 4488: Seize the Opportunity

The king of cause and effect did not pay attention to the thoughts in the heart of the ancestor Styx. When returning to the nether world, the first thing is to contact the deity, tell the deity everything he has seen and encountered in the sea of ​​blood, and will I also told my own thoughts. For the deity, the most worrying problem is his clone of the King of End. This clone is not trivial and cannot be easily exposed. Once exposed, the consequences are unimaginable, so even if the deity is practicing, immediately put it down. My own practice releases the avatar of the King of End and gives it to the King of Karma, waiting for the time to come, and entering the chaotic world where Pangu and the three thousand chaotic gods and demons are suspected of fighting, if everything is true as the King of Karma thought , That would be the greatest opportunity for the clone of the King of the End, there is no need to worry about the cultivation of the clone of the King of the End in the future, and even the clone of the King of the End can master the chaotic world.

As for the changes of the Houtu ancestor witches and the changes of the witch race, the Yin and Yang Taoist of the deity did not care at all. The Netherworld has never been the focus of his attention. The authority of the Netherworld will one day give up, so regardless of the Houtu ancestors Whatever Wu thoughts and plans he had, he would not care about Taoists of Yin and Yang. No matter how good the Netherworld was, it did not belong to him. His great path was in himself, not in the Netherworld, not a tunnel, or a wild world.

Ten years is very short. The deity needs to be prepared to support the King of Cause and Effect. After all, the chaotic world is too terrifying and dangerous. The deity does not want to see the King of Cause and Effect clone damaged, and does not want to see the King of Ending clone suffer. It will greatly affect your own practice and development. Time waits for no one. No one knows when this world catastrophe will end. Once the catastrophe is over, many secrets will be revealed. It's very difficult to think about action when you are!

The King of Causality did not know what the Houtu witch had made with the Human Race, nor did he know what changes the Human Race had made. When he returned to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he clearly felt that the humanity had stabilized, and the Human Race’s luck had also stabilized. The fluctuations in the humanity are also much less pressure, but the king of cause and effect can feel the urgency of the nether world, feel that the world is eager to perfect, he needs time to perfect the planning of the underworld, and needs a complete order of the underworld.

As for the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus" in the short time, the King of Karma clone was not eager to refine it into itself, nor was it eager to integrate it into its own natal treasure. After all, the "Twelfth Karma Fire Red Lotus" 'There is the law of causal avenue in it, which can be used for reference and let one feel the causal avenue. If you integrate into yourself now, you will lose this opportunity.

The "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus" is extraordinary. Once it is completely destroyed, the entire prehistoric world will be affected. It will inevitably cause an impact on the prehistoric world, cause unnecessary troubles, and affect your own plans. And this Qia Qia is a result that the king of cause and effect and the deity of Yin and Yang Taoist do not want to see, and are unwilling to accept.

The treasure has already arrived in his own hands, there is no need to rush to act. Although the refining of the'Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus' can greatly increase the strength of the King of Cause and Effect and have more powerful power, but doing so does more harm than good, the whole Nether The world will be watched by the powerful in the prehistoric world, and will be noticed by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu.

Ten years of time passed quickly. In ten years, the King of Karma did not see the Hou Tu Zu Wu, as if after leaving the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Hou Tu Zu Wu no longer cared about the safety of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and completely forgot about the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It’s the same as that, it’s never come back. Only Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch maintains the stability of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Even the King of Cause and Effect has given up on the suppression of the humanity of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although humanity is good, it is not suitable for the King of Cause and Effect Living for a long time, after all, the King of Karma is the Lord of the Netherworld, not the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and in these times, the King of Karma has collected enough souls, and it only takes the time to complete the structure of the underworld. Perfect the order of the entire Netherworld.

If the order of the Netherworld is perfect, the king of cause and effect can be hidden behind the scenes, and the underworld will be the existence of maintaining the order of the Netherworld. Perhaps at that time, the entire prehistoric world will have a great shock. I don’t know how many creatures will be caused by the underworld. Shocked by the birth, I don't know how many creatures will be subject to the order of the underworld.

The power of order is the foundation of the world. The King of Causality knows this very well. After all, he has a wealth of experience. The main reason why the order of the Netherworld was not established before was mainly due to manpower issues. There were also changes in the situation of heaven and earth. In the past, the Netherworld did not. It’s so crazy now, the great catastrophe has killed countless creatures. This is not only an impact on the prehistoric world, but also an impact on the nether world. So this is the responsibility of the king of cause and effect. Who will let him be the lord of the world? The authority of the world!

In ten years, the King of Cause and Effect has arranged everything. You only need to wait for the time to complete the order of the Netherworld. The Houtu Ancestral Witch would never have thought that his own changes would also attract the Netherworld. Change, I am guarding the King of Karma, and it has also caused a change in the Netherworld, which has caused a change in the Wu Clan. Originally, many of the world's karma positions in the Nether World were all that the King of Karma wanted to give to the Wu Clan, but now it has changed. Cheng Honghuang those perished creatures.

If the Houtu ancestor witch knows that her changes will make the Wu clan less likely to have such a big chance, I am afraid she will feel heartache, the Netherworld is not the Wuxi world, the Netherworld controls the luck of the prehistoric world, the world of such a big world. The air luck that the position can bring is beyond imagination, and this air luck is endless, and now everything is away from the Wu clan.

"I hope that the worst will not happen, and that no one will provoke the majesty of the Netherworld. Once the karma of the Netherworld comes out, it will have a great impact on the entire prehistoric world. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will not sit idly by. If the Netherworld can be perfected first, tunnels will inevitably have the upper hand in this heaven-earth confrontation. You must know that the heavens have been hit hard now, and even the Zhoutianxingchen has been damaged. The most important thing is that no one can host it. The overall situation of heaven!"

After carefully calculating all the deployments in my mind, when no loopholes were found, the King of Karma once again mobilized the power of the source of the Netherworld to directly tear open the void and descend into the depths of the sea of ​​blood, appearing in Chaos Xiaotiandi. Before the entrance of, and at this time the ancestor of the river also appeared here, the two looked at each other, and both saw the solemn look in each other's eyes!


This is an adventure, a big adventure, no one knows what kind of change it will cause, no one knows what kind of impact and danger they will face, whether it is the king of cause and effect, or the ancestor of the river, it is done. Prepare for the worst.

"Friends of the Styx Dao can be prepared. If we can, can we act? This time you and I will step into the chaotic world and face the danger that may erupt at any time. I hope you and I can help each other. My needs are still just a source of power. As for the inheritance of Chaos Xiaotiandi, I have no intention to fight for it!" At this time, the King of Cause and Effect first expressed his attitude. He did not want to conflict with Styx Ancestor in Chaos Xiaotiandi. , After all, this is too dangerous for himself, and for the King of Cause and Effect, as long as the King of End can be placed in the chaos small world, this is victory, and everything else can be given up and ignored. Everything else is the King of End. For the most important!

"I'm ready, please rest assured, fellow daoists, I don't want to be enemies with fellow daoists. Since fellow daoists and my goals are different, then we have no reason to conflict. If conditions permit, I will help fellow daoists. With a hand, it’s just that it’s not easy for a fellow Daoist to extract a source from such a terrifying little world. Anyone who is not careful will be crushed by the world. After all, the power of this chaotic little world is too terrifying, it’s not you. I can bear its backlash!"

The ancestor of Styx was unwilling to confront the King of Causality in the Chaos Xiaotiandi, but he was still uneasy, worried that the Causal King would not know how to advance and retreat, so he had to extract the source of the Chaos Xiaotiandi forcibly, causing chaos in the world and triggering the backlash , Causing an unimaginable crisis, so open the mouth to remind the king of cause and effect not to act rashly!

"Hahaha, I can understand and understand the thoughts of Fellow Styx. If I am not very sure, I will not act rashly. I don't want to die or face the strangulation of heaven and earth. This fellow Daoist Styx can be at ease!" Regarding the worries of the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect did not evade, and directly spoke out what was in his heart.

Old Ancestor Styx nodded and said: "Okay, that's it. With the words of fellow daoists, I can also feel at ease and let go of all worries. This time I hope that we can all achieve our wishes. Time waits for no one. We are running out of time. In this limited time, I wish we can achieve what we want, and I will be one step ahead!"

Speaking of this, Ancestor Styx didn’t hesitate anymore and strode directly out into the Chaos World. Yes, the Ancestor Styx rushed ahead of the King of Cause and Effect. He was the first to enter the Chaos World. I don't want to let the king of cause and effect go first. In the heart of the ancestors of Styx, there are big secrets in the chaotic world, there are big opportunities, and the first step is to take the advantage.

Seeing the actions of the ancestor Styx, the king of cause and effect could not help but shook his head slightly. This is human nature, this is selfishness. The ancestor Styx is obviously arranging himself, wanting to take the first step to seize the opportunity, but the first opportunity is so real. Is it easy to get? The king of cause and effect doesn’t think so. You must know that you are facing a chaotic world, and it is a chaotic world with endless murderous intent. No one knows what kind of crisis is in this small world, and he does not know Pangu and San. What power does the thousand chaos gods and demons have left, and how much impact and damage it will bring to themselves, the first step may have opportunities, or there may be great dangers!

"Little clever, if you want to seize opportunities, just relying on this little cleverness will not work. Your opponent is not me, but you. This is the chaotic little world!" Looking at the back of the ancestor of Styx, the king of cause and effect He said indifferently, his face was calm, there was no anger, no unwillingness, everything seemed to have nothing to do with him!

When the ancestor Styx rushed into the chaotic little world, his intrusion immediately triggered changes in this small world. The original silent murderous aura and resentment burst instantly, and the endless pressure and impact crushed the ancestor Stygo. It seemed that his appearance made this chaotic little world angry, aroused the anger of the world, and caused the anger of the world.

"Damn it, how could this happen, just stepping into this chaotic little world will cause such drastic changes, isn't this chaotic little world simply not allowing other creatures to step into it?" Facing the terrible impact, the ancestors of Styria felt very incomparable. Heavy, originally thought that to seize the opportunity is to seize the opportunity, but did not expect that the opportunity was not obtained, and was first crushed by the chaotic world.

If it was ten years ago, the ancestor Styx stepped into this chaotic world without preparation, he would be crushed directly by this terrifying force. Now it’s different. In ten years’ time, the ancestor Styx stepped into this chaotic world. All preparations were made and prepared for the worst. When this power broke out, the ancestor of Styx had a heartbeat, and the origin of the sea of ​​blood was excited, directly blocking this terrible impact, even though this power was very cruel. , It's terrible, but the origin of the blood sea of ​​the ancestors of the river is not a display!

"What a Styx, such a mighty power of the origin of the sea of ​​blood, it seems that in these ten years, you have not wasted time in vain. In ten years, you have taken a step further in mastering the origin of the sea of ​​blood. No wonder you dare to be so crazy. It’s just that all this is just the beginning, and the more terrifying danger is yet to come. I hope you can laugh till the end!” He shook his head gently, and the King of Karma stepped out of his mind, stepping into the small world of chaos, and felt that it came from chaos. Xiao Tiandi's attack, felt the original fluctuations of this chaotic little world, and felt the chaotic and terrifying power of this side of Xiaotiandi's rules.

For the King of Cause and Effect, the rules and powers of this chaotic little world are too chaotic, and many forces are entangled, making the origin of the entire little world extremely complicated, making the origin of this chaotic little world even more violent and terrifying, and causing all of this. It is the pure chaotic aura, as if this chaotic aura is the source of this world, the foundation of the world, all power is attached to this chaotic aura, and all rules are closely related to it. As a result, the King of Causality was greatly shocked. Such a situation was unexpected by the King of Causality. It was beyond his original plans and calculations, but it did not affect the next actions of the King of Causality. I looked at the ancestors of Styx carefully. At a glance, after discovering that the opponent's energy was completely above the confrontation, the king of cause and effect moved the king of the end into this world!


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