God of Destruction

Chapter 4483: Cruelty of reality

Chapter 4489: The Cruelty of Reality

Following the disappearance of the king of the end in the chaos, the king of cause and effect could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he was under tremendous pressure and impact, the king of the end did not feel that way. Instead, he felt like a fish in water. It seems that my vision is not wrong, this chaotic little world is the treasure of cultivation of the King of End!

The King of End is safe, the worries of the King of Karma disappeared, and his mood instantly calmed down, and he began to consider his own problems. Although the origin of this chaotic world is not yet clear, the King of Karma did not want to understand. At least I don't have such strength right now, and the best choice for me is how to use this limited time to grow myself.

Yes, the king of cause and effect wants to take advantage of the terrifying pressure of this chaotic little world to refine his body, and to refine his true body of gods and demons. If he can take this step, his foundation will be complete. As soon as the time comes, he will be able to Just like the deity, break free from the shackles of the ghost world, you can get rid of the restrictions of the tunnels on yourself, and you can get the freedom you want!

Body refining is the most important part for practitioners who practice Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao. The real body of the gods and demons is the strongest body. If the king of cause and effect can take this step, it is indeed qualified. Get rid of the shackles of the Netherworld to yourself, get rid of the restrictions of the tunnels, and be able to enjoy freedom! Freedom, this is not just casual talk. Only with a strong body can it carry its strongest origin avenue and condense the supreme divine power.

God and demon body refining, this is not an easy process, there is not enough origin, no strong background, not enough opportunity, no strong external pressure, not enough chaotic origin, want to reverse the universe and reshape The real body of the gods and demons is impossible, and now this chaotic little world is the opportunity of the king of cause and effect. All the external conditions he needs can be achieved. Now it depends on the ability of the king of cause and effect. If it can be here Persevere under the strong external environmental pressure. If you persist to the end, you will have a chance to condense your own true body of gods and demons. Otherwise, you will only fail, and even hurt your own origin. You must know that the body of gods and demons is a very important thing. The dangerous road, on this road, there is no retreat.

It is natural to pay a price to reverse the universe. The outcome of failure is naturally conceivable, and it will inevitably be backlashed by the source. This is a major injury to anyone. After all, this injury comes from oneself, not from external forces, and cannot be resisted. , So the gods and demons refining body is almost an impossible road to achieve, and now the king of cause and effect wants to let it go.

"Come on, let my blood boil, the fire of the original source will condense me, the fire of cause and effect will burn my body and burn!" A low shout sounded, and within the body of the king of cause and effect, the sound fell along with the sound. The fire of cause and effect is born freely, and starts to burn frantically, and the nutrients that burn all are their own causal avenues, their own source of power!

If anyone sees the king of cause and effect at this time, he will think that he is crazy. You must know that the causal avenue is different from other avenues. The causal avenue is used to condense the fire of origin and form the fire of causation. It is not only burning the body, but also Burning his own soul, the fire of cause and effect has terrible karma and horrible purifying fire. If you are not careful, you will die and disappear completely, completely disappearing between the heavens and the earth, erasing your brand from the origin of the heavens and the earth. .

Karma fire is extremely terrifying. As long as there is karma and the karma fire is not extinguished, the pure fire can purify all negative existences. Whether it is karma or pure fire, it is a terrible destruction to oneself. After all, no creature dares. Saying that they have no karma, no being dared to say that they are pure and innocent, and the fire of cause and effect together is the beginning of their destruction.

Why does the king of cause and effect dare to do this, dare to burn himself with the fire of cause and effect? What does he depend on? Yes, the King of Karma's greatest reliance is his own source of treasure. As long as the source of treasure is immortal, he is immortal. Of course, the king of cause and effect insists on the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus" in his hand. There is this treasure. In hand, no matter how strong the karma fire is, it will not endanger his life, and there is a more crazy idea in the mind of the king of cause and effect, which is to use the pure and terrible chaotic origin of this chaotic little world to complete its own transformation. Complete the integration of the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus', thoroughly integrate it into itself, complete its own qualitative transformation, and condense the true body of its own gods and demons.

The king of cause and effect knows how great the danger and how dangerous it is. However, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, the king of cause and effect is not willing to give up. This is his desire to seek the truth, and the deity is now in a sober state. If it is really dangerous, you can also use the power of the deity to break through. It can be said that although the danger is there, it is not really deadly!

When the fire of cause and effect comes out, the bones of the king of cause and effect are burnt first. Under the burning of the fire of cause and effect, the bones of the king of cause and effect continue to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and are continuously purified by the fire of cause and effect. Under the frantic burning of fire, the bones of the king of cause and effect have undergone a qualitative transformation, but the fire of cause and effect is too powerful. Although the king of cause and effect is trying to control it, the fire of cause and effect is still not completely controlled by him. Soon the fire of cause and effect It began to cross the bones and began to burn the flesh and blood. When the flesh and blood was ignited, the impurities in the body of the King of Karma were madly burned, and a terrible fire spread completely in his body!

With such an abnormal change, the King of Causality did not panic, and still faced it calmly, carefully guiding the fire of cause and effect to burn itself in an all-round way, constantly purifying its origin, and constantly refining the madness into itself. The terrifying chaotic aura in the middle, under this crazy calcination, a trace of chaos origin began to condense from within his body, and there was a chaotic origin power in the king of cause and effect, this chaos origin. The appearance of the King of Causality was a big surprise. Without the origin of Chaos, how can one be able to forge his own true body of Gods and Demons. It is a pity that this trace of origin of Chaos is still too small to completely transform the body of the King of Causation, so it can be used reluctantly. The washing itself has its shortcomings.

The origin of chaos takes time to accumulate little by little. Not every strong person can have the great opportunity to add to the deity, and can have a powerful chaotic origin from the beginning. The chaotic origin is not so easy to obtain, moreover. Needless to say, I want to refine it into myself, which is almost impossible.

auzw.com"The burning of the fire of cause and effect can indeed extract the purest chaotic origin, but unfortunately I don’t have much time and I don’t have so much energy on the breakthrough of my origin. , What I need most for me today is the fighting ability. Only with incomparable strength can I live more freely in this chaotic and wild world, without being affected by external forces!"

For the King of Causality, as long as he has enough time, he will surely master the origin of the Cause and Effect Dao when he has enough, and he will be able to condense his own origin of the Causal Dao. However, the King of Causality does not have so much time, Styx The ancestors long said that they only have a hundred years, and ten years have passed since that hundred years.

"It seems that the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' cannot be kept. The opportunity cannot be missed. The loss will never come. Perhaps the King of End will have the opportunity to master this chaotic world, but right now I don't have time to wait. Improving the Netherworld will inevitably lead to There will be more troubles if you come to watch more. I need strength, a powerful force. The original plan can only be abandoned. I hope that this time with the help of the fire of cause and effect, I can retain more of the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus". The rhyme of Taoism in the middle, can give yourself more insight into the origin!"

Faced with such a situation, the king of cause and effect’s plan has changed again and again, and no matter how good the plan is, it can’t keep up with the changes. Therefore, many beautiful plans can only stay in their own imagination. There is a huge gap between reality and imagination. Under the pressure of reality, the king of cause and effect had to make compromises and had to bow to reality. This is the general trend!

With a thought, the'Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus' appeared in the hands of the King of Causality. In the previous ten years, the King of Causality had initially sacrificed this innate spiritual treasure, so even though he was facing the fire of cause and effect Calcined, the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' did not break free from the control of the King of Cause and Effect, and was firmly in the hands of the King of Cause and Effect, facing the danger of being destroyed.

Yes, the King of Cause and Effect will use the power of Chaos Xiaotiandi to destroy this innate spiritual treasure, integrate it into itself, into its original treasure, to what extent, the King of Cause and Effect himself will also be able to do so. I don't know, after all, I am not the deity, without the grinding power of the terrifying Yin Yang Dao.

When the King of Causality was devoting himself to his own practice, the ancestor of Styx felt the changes in this area and involuntarily cast his gaze over. He was a little dumbfounded when he saw the King of Cause and Effect was actually practicing. It is difficult to understand the choice of the king of cause and effect, and he muttered to himself: "A madman, really a madman. Faced with such a great opportunity, he did not look for it, but was practicing. It has been less than a hundred years. No matter how pure the chaotic origin of Chaos Xiaotiandi can bring to itself, it is really unbelievable. Maybe this lunatic really doesn't care about the inheritance of the chaos gods and demons, maybe he really just just like what he said before Think of a source!"

In the eyes of the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect is a madman, an incomprehensible madman, but in the heart of the king of cause and effect, this is what he must do. It is a pity that the ancestors of the river do not know that the king of cause and effect is now He is using his own causal fire and the pure chaotic origins of external forces to destroy the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus". If he knows, he will even regard the King of Causality as a madman, a supreme innate spirit treasure. Destroyed, it's crazy.

"Damn it, the level of'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' is too high, and the background is too strong, and its own source of treasure can't even swallow it, even if there is the help of causal fire and the impact of pure chaotic source, it is still difficult. Destroying it, is this the powerful defense of the Twelfth-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus?” The king of cause and effect has a good idea, but the reality is cruel. He overestimated his abilities and underestimated the Twelfth-Rank Industry Fire Red. With Lian's powerful defenses, it is really difficult to destroy such a supreme innate spirit treasure, at least the King of Cause and Effect does not see any hope at the moment.

Such a result made the King of Causation have to admit that his plan was once again blocked. No matter how good the idea is, it would be useless without sufficient strength to realize it. The same failure this time also gave the King of Causation a warning, the three avatars. It is not an easy task to condense the powerful Primordial Treasure, and to continuously sublimate oneself by swallowing it. The too strong Congenital Lingbao cannot be swallowed by the Primordial Treasure that has just been condensed and formed.

Not reconciled, paying so much price and effort, but not reaping the rewards, this makes the king of cause and effect very uncomfortable!

"Do I have to make a new choice, abandon the treasure of the original cause and effect that I have condensed before, integrate the ultimate treasure of my own sacrifice into the "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus", and transform the "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus" with the causal origin '?" Soon, the king of cause and effect thought of another method. Since the original source treasure he was sacrificing could not swallow the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus', he could completely reverse it and let his original source treasure be incorporated into' Among the Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus, transforming this innate spirit treasure with the origin of Causal Avenue, just doing so, the price that one has to bear is too great, and one must face the backlash of Origin Avenue!

The origin backlash, if you are not careful, you will damage your foundation, and even have the possibility of death. After all, your origin road is completely pinned on the origin supreme treasure, and even everything about yourself is derived from it, if there is a little difference. , It must be devastating for itself, and this is the unbearable consequence of the king of cause and effect.

"It seems that the deity thought everything too good before, and everything that the deity inferred was not so complete. There are always too many accidents in reality, and there will always be many obstacles. One of the three avatars designed by the deity. There seems to be no problem on the road, and all can be successful, but the fact is not the case. The cohesion from the source to the treasure is enough to explain everything, and now it directly exposes the biggest problem!" At this time, the king of cause and effect could not help but sigh. , This kind of accident has too much influence on my own practice, and I have to rethink the countermeasures and re-choose the direction.

Re-choosing will have too much impact and pressure for the king of cause and effect. After all, the original path of cause and effect cannot be shaken. The path of cause and effect is the fundamental path of one’s own. What will be the result of merging into the "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus" is not something you can control.


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