God of Destruction

Chapter 4484: Disturbance

Chapter 4490: Confusion

"Time, what I lack most is time, time to grow up! But the enemy won't give me this time. Even the Witch race has selfishness and thoughts. I can imagine how terrifying the thoughts in my true enemy's heart are. The deity cannot be counted on, and the avatar of the King of End is the same. Now I can only rely on myself. In less than a hundred years, I want to strengthen myself without leaving hidden dangers. I only have to let go and integrate my original treasure into it. In the “Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus”, although there may be accidents, I have no choice to change the origin of this innate spirit treasure!” When thinking of this, the King of Karma sighed and sighed. The fate is pinned on luck, which is not the result I want.

Fortunately, the “Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus” also has a path of causality. Otherwise, the king of causation has a pitiful chance of success even if he has the intention to do so. Now it can only be seen how much its own causal origin can be retained after the integration, and “ten Will the second-grade industry fire red lotus change? Is the direction of evolution not what I expected?

The plan for the refining of the gods and demons has to be terminated. At least the King of Karma cannot do it now. In the original plan, everything will be set on the basis that the "Twelfth-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus" will be destroyed. The gods and demon refinements also need to be changed. In less than a hundred years, the foundation of the gods and demon refinements cannot be completed only by relying on their own strength. At most, they can only use the fire of cause and effect to forge themselves, swallow and merge into a part of the chaos. It originated in the flesh, let your flesh lay some foundation.

When the king of cause and effect sighed, the yin and yang Taoist also sighed. Indeed, he took things for granted and thought things too simple. Perhaps when he was weak, his many calculations could be successful, because it would not cause Too much turbulence will not attract too much attention, but it is different now. As one's own strength increases, the so-called plan is nothing more than a plan. The plan will have to be terminated at any time due to changes and accidents in the outside world. This is the case with the King of Clone, and now the King of Karma has to repeatedly change his plan due to accidents in order to adapt to the changes in the general environment.

It’s not that Yin and Yang Taoists have never thought of doing it themselves and helping the King of Cause and Effect. It’s just that when they think about it, they immediately drew a warning from the soul, and a palpitation rushed to their hearts. If they did this, it’s very likely that they would let them go. He is also in crisis, and even has the possibility of death and death.

Bureau! Is this a game? The Yin and Yang Taoists are also asking themselves, but unfortunately no one can give an answer, but no matter whether it is a game or not, as long as you make a move, danger will inevitably come. He has been targeted by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. I think in a short time. It is obviously impossible to get rid of the other party's attention, and all this also shows that the situation is gradually developing in a direction that one does not want to see. The Netherworld has already aroused the vigilance of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu!

Of course, it does not rule out that the Wu clan may fall to the heavens. After all, the Houtu Ancestral Witch is no longer what she knew before. She also has her own thoughts and calculations in her heart. If it is for the Wu clan, even It is for her own sake. It is not impossible to sacrifice the interests of the Netherworld, and even the interests of the locals. As for the restrictions of the locals, the successful escape of Zhunti and the lead has given her and the Witch Clan a lot of inspiration. Let Houtu ancestor witches and witches have more ideas.

No one wants to be controlled by others. Before being in the Great Tribulation, the Wu Clan had no choice. There was only one way to go. They could only open up the world of the Witch Clan to protect the Witch Clan. But as today, the Great Tribulation is receding, and if the Witch Clan takes up other things. Thoughts, not willing to be restricted by the tunnels, this is not impossible, the same is true for the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

Strength, no matter when, no matter what the environment, strength is the best support for oneself, only strong strength is the foundation for oneself to protect oneself, and it is precisely because of all this that Yin Yang Dao talents will help the king of cause and effect The idea of ​​giving it the power to break the **** of the tunnel and the nether world, it is a pity that this idea cannot be realized!

"It seems that the plan of the King of Good Fortune clone has to speed up. Compared with the King of End, the King of Good Fortune clone is much easier. With the origin of the sea of ​​blood, it can fully condense the true origin of the Great Path of Good Fortune and open up true perfection. The world bears the great path of good fortune!” Yes, the Yin and Yang Taoists saw the plan repeatedly blocked and changed their minds. Although the original treasure is good, the power of the world is the best and the most powerful in comparison. If the King of Causality opens up his own world of cause and effect, and uses the power of the world to match the powerful power of Chaos Xiaotiandi, it will not be difficult to refine the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus", instead of being as passive as it is now, although the world is opened up The price paid is great, but the harvest is also great. It is not only the original treasure that carries its own avenue. The original world can also do it, and it can do it very well.

It’s just that now I am under the gaze of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and it is difficult to get out. It takes time and opportunity to complete the transformation of the King of Good Fortune clone. There is the existence of the Styx Ancestor in the blood sea, which can avoid Hongjun Daozu and Hongjun Daozu. Attention of Heavenly Dao, the avatar of the King of Cause and Effect and the avatar of the King of End have a chance to escape, but as long as you appear in the prehistoric world, or even leave the nether world, you will be stared at by the ancestors of heaven and Hongjun, or even by Sanqing and Nuwa The empress stared at him, after all, the benefits brought by the establishment of the order of the netherworld were amazing. If the order of the netherworld was established first, it would have a certain impact on the heavens.

This is the result of being in the wild world and being bound by the wild world. Without detaching from the world, you have to bear the **** from the world. For all this, the Yin and Yang Taoists can only sigh, and only compromise!

auzw.com Gather your mind, Yin and Yang Taoists quietly wait for the practice of the King of Cause and Effect clone, wait for the end of the chaotic world, and wait for the final result to be like the old ancestor of Styx said After a hundred years, the entrance of this chaotic little world will disappear from the sea of ​​blood, and Taoists of Yin and Yang also want to know the origin of this chaotic little world! Before it was confirmed, everything was just my own guess. Even if it was possible, there was still some anxiety in my heart.

Without the worries of the king of cause and effect, the ancestors of Styx let go of his hands and feet, without the slightest consideration, and directly mobilized all his strength to fight against the suppression of Chaos Xiaotiandi, and frantically searched for the inheritance he wanted, but After putting in a huge amount of energy, the ancestors of Styx didn’t gain much. It’s not that he didn’t work hard enough or that he didn’t work hard enough, but that the power of this chaotic little world is too terrifying, and there will always be terrible attacks in the chaotic law. The power has the power that makes the ancestors of the Styx scared. It may be the residual power under the battle between the three thousand chaotic gods and the Pangu gods. Although it is only a small part, this power can still give Ming Patriarch He brought destruction, so he had to give up.

After giving up again and again, the grievances in the heart of the ancestors of Styx are increasing and heavier. Obviously, the opportunity is right in front of him, but he can't catch it. It is not because of not working hard, but because of his own strength. It’s not enough to support yourself to seize opportunities. If it’s just one or two times, it’s not a big deal, but it’s not once or twice. In such a short time, the ancestors of Styx gave up dozens of opportunities. It passed by, and every time it was caused by the lack of strength of oneself, the impact of this on the ancestors of the river is conceivable, and the heavy mood is understandable!

"Do I just come back empty-handed? No, there must be a way to grab the opportunity in my own hands, but I haven't figured out the key to the problem for a while. Such violent power is caused by the present, maybe I should change another one. The kind of Fang Ring contact them, not to grab, but to fuse, to fuse this violent power into oneself!"

At this time, the ancestor of Styx was also a little crazy. He actually thought of such a way to use himself to fuse unknown powers. Even if there is an amazing inheritance in this power, does this inheritance really suit me? I can really resist everything successfully. Pressure and shock can absorb and digest the opportunities you see and turn them into your own origin and heritage!

"No, I can't think too much. Time waits for no one. In less than a hundred years, I don’t have much time to waste. Now that I have entered such a world, I must gain something anyway. The younger generation can perceive the Dao, and my ancestor Styx, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood, can naturally do all of this." Unknowingly, the ancestor Styx put himself together with the king of cause and effect, and didn’t think he was himself. He is weaker than the King of Cause and Effect, and even the King of Cause and Effect can master the practice of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao. How could he not be able to master the inheritance of Chaos Gods and Demons!

The most stimulating to the ancestors of the Styx is not the king of cause and effect, but the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. You must know that the power of the Chaos God and Demon that erupted in the Middle Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Great Tribulation is too terrifying. What Eastern Emperor Taiyi can do, The ancestor of Styx thought that it was impossible that he could not do it, no matter how much danger he had to face, he must seize the opportunity in front of him!

There are too many opportunities in this chaotic little world. There are countless avenue rules in the chaotic order. Every rule is so powerful, so terrifying, and so alluring. As for the death of the chaos **** and demon. The old ancestor Styx didn’t see the remnants or treasures afterwards. It’s not that he didn’t want to hunt for treasure, but that he couldn’t do it. Even if he was a quasi-sage master who didn’t dare to go deep into this chaotic world, chaos. The aura of the original source is too terrifying, if you force yourself to move forward, it will only let the chaotic source directly crush your body, and even overwhelm your own soul and source.

Chaos is different from other forces. The power of Chaos is very corrosive, and there is no powerful enough means. Just the breath of Chaos is enough to severely damage a Daluo Jinxian, and even the quasi-sages of such pure and terrifying origin of Chaos must be careful to deal with it. Not to mention the many original rule forces hidden in the chaotic order.

"Damn, I knew I would face such a danger. I shouldn't have entered into a deal with that lunatic before. With the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' in hand, my defense will be stronger and I might have a chance to win that rule. The power!" After repeated failures, the negative force in his heart could not help but skyrocketed, making the ancestor of Styx think of his own'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus'!

It’s not that the ancestor of Styx had never thought of attacking the King of Cause and Effect, seizing the opportunity and treasures of the King of Cause and Effect, and regaining the price he had paid before, but whenever he wanted to do something, he couldn’t help but feel palpitations in his heart. , The soul is warning him, warning him not to act rashly, otherwise his life is likely to be in danger.

Who is the King of Cause and Effect? That is the lord of the world, the lord of the nether world, he has the origin of the nether world and the tunnels. If you want to sneak attack on such an enemy, even if the opponent is just a big Luo Jinxian, it is difficult to get it. After all, the ancestor of the river is in the catastrophe. Shi has already had the experience of failing once, and he does not want to face a second time. The most important thing is that if he fails again this time, he will only be waiting for death. There is not even a chance for relaxation, all the costs he has paid before. All turned into nothingness!

"No, maybe it's not my own strength, but my heart is messed up. Faced with so many opportunities, my heart can't help but become confused. So many opportunities look beautiful, as if they are within reach. , But in fact there are not many that suit me, and my previous failure may be because the rules I chose did not blend in with myself!” Although the soul is under constant impact, the ancestor of the river is always the lord of the sea of ​​blood. After being vigilant, I quickly came to my senses, and some understood why my previous failure was. Under such a general environment, if my heart is disturbed, even if I have the opportunity to put it in front of me, I will get nothing, and I have nothing but empty hands. Gui, at this time, he somewhat understood why the King of Cause and Effect did not take any action, but was just practicing, because the other party had seen the power of this chaotic little world and understood the danger of the situation!

"Damn bastard, I have clearly seen the nature of this chaotic little world, but I haven't reminded it at all. It's really damn!" After understanding the reason for his failure, the ancestor of Styx breathed a sigh of relief and involuntarily pushed back the responsibility. When it comes to the king of cause and effect, thinking that the king of cause and effect is too selfish and does not share his experience with him, it will lead to a series of failures and let his soul be affected by the impact from this chaotic world and fall into crisis. If Knowing the dangers of Chaos Xiaotiandi in advance, and being able to make full preparations, naturally you will not fall into the previous crisis!

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