God of Destruction

Chapter 4485: Festival storm begins

Chapter 4491, the storm begins

Didn't the King of Cause and Effect remind the ancestors of the river? No, I reminded it at the beginning. It’s just that the ancestor of Styx didn’t take it seriously. To be more precise, he didn’t take those words seriously in his heart. He just wanted to seize the opportunity and give him a chance. He did grab the hand, but he was caught in a crisis. He saw chances, but failed again and again. Now he was just deceiving himself and others, and his reaction was enough to show that he still hadn't gotten rid of the crisis!

The king of cause and effect and the ancestors of the Styx are looking for their own opportunities in this chaotic small world, and the outside world is ushered in a storm. This storm is pulled away by the Houtu ancestor witch. There are six heavens and earths in the six reincarnations. Karma position is a great temptation for any strong person. When the Houtu ancestor witch communicated with the human race, when the main karma position of humanity was thrown out, the entire prehistoric world felt the opportunity in the six reincarnations. These people are eager to move again, even those who are fighting for the grandeur and purple energy are also moved by it. Among the six reincarnations, the main industries of the six realms have great luck and great merit!

Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are very passive. Whether it is a human race or a demon race, the appearance of these six heaven and earth karma positions in the six reincarnations has a great influence. The original demon race has been shattered and there is no hope. But now some people have the idea that the Lord of Humanity cannot intervene. After all, the three ancestors of Humanity are still there, and the position of the Lord of Humanity is still not the turn of the old emperor and Nuwa Empress, but it is the one who represents the demon race. The job position is different.

"This heaven and earth karma position can't fall into the hands of the monster race anyway, and they can't give them a chance to make a comeback, even if this chance is small, they can't have it. This is the bottom line!" As the head of the Sanqing, Taishang The old gentleman directly expressed his thoughts and decisions in his heart. The Yaozu can no longer have the opportunity to stand up. The previous performance of the Yaozu was too terrible. No one knows if Donghuang Taiyi and Yaohuang Emperor Jun have left the Yaozu with a hand. , Have they preserved the inheritance they got!

"Brother, we don’t want to see the demon clan get involved in this honorable position, but all of this is not in our grasp, but in the hands of the Houtu ancestor witch. It’s not easy to persuade the Houtu ancestor witch. Things!" Yuanshi Tianzun said with a gloomy expression. It is not a good thing for him to have such an accident. The changes in the six reincarnations will cause new changes in the sky.

"I know, but at this time, under such circumstances, the Houtu Ancestral Witch throws such a bait, she will inevitably have cares in her heart, but it is just a deal. As long as the demon clan is not given a chance, it is worth paying a little price. Earth, now I am worried about the ancestor Styx and the Netherworld. Where is the strength of the ancestor Styx. If he is allowed to obtain the world position of the Asura Dao, do you think he has the opportunity to preach? But let him preach, it is also a huge impact for us!"

When Taishang Laojun mentioned the ancestor of Styx, Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian both sighed. They all understand how amazing the pressure behind this is. If the ancestor of Styx proves, then the realization is not the way of heaven, but The origin of the tunnel will inevitably be greatly enhanced, and it will form a powerful impact on the way of heaven, which will make the pattern of heaven and earth change again, and this is the result they don't want to see!

"Oh! Since the end of the war, the **** of the old ancestor Styx has been hiding in the sea of ​​blood, and the defense of the sea of ​​blood has been fully opened. Even if we want to take action, there is no chance, and this is related to the perfection of the tunnel, even if we have the intention Stopping will not play a big role. In the face of the general situation, we are equally vulnerable!" Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn't help but sighed when he said this, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and there was also a hint of faintness. disturbed!

The existence of the tunnel is resistance to the Tao of Heaven, and it is pressure for these sages of the Tao of Heaven. If the ancestors of the Styx are allowed to prove the Tao, the opportunity of the Tao of Heaven will be reduced again, and the power of the two realms of heaven and earth will be brought closer again. This is the result that Sanqing Institute does not want to see, and it is also the result that Tiandao does not want to see.

Master Tongtian sighed and said: "Two brothers, you have only seen the changes in the six reincarnations. I am afraid that the nether world will have new changes at the end of this catastrophe. Even the six reincarnations have begun to improve themselves, and the nether world will Isn’t there any movement at all? The Netherworld corresponds to the heavens. There are many positions in the heavens. Will there be none in the Netherworld? Perhaps the six reincarnation positions of the Houtu ancestor witch are just the beginning. Strengthen oneself, and as today, the six sages of the Tao are missing two, the two bastards, Zhunti and Jiu, are even more desperate, evacuating the entire Western creatures!"

The Lord Tongtian was right. After this catastrophe, the power of the heaven was damaged, and the tunnel was not only undamaged, it was expanding, and so was the humanity. This is very dangerous for these heavenly saints. After all, their The power comes from the way of heaven. If the way of heaven is suppressed, the deterrence of these saints of heaven will be very limited. Now humanity and the way of the world are not saints born, the situation can still be controlled, but once a person is sanctified, it will be It was a devastating impact!

"Junior Brother Tongtian said that I also know, but in this situation, what we can do, we can only watch with cold eyes, if we act a little bit, it will cause more unnecessary trouble, after all, there is no competition for Hongmeng and Ziqi. It's over, I don’t know what the teacher thinks, so I put them in the wild world and let the crazy people compete!" Taishang Laojun lightly sighed, a look of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and he did not want to be controlled by others. , But I have no choice.

Yuanshi Tianzun said disapprovingly: "With the strength and state of mind of those bastards, even if they get the grandeur and purple energy, it will only be a joke to count on them to prove the truth. When they prove the truth, I am afraid that saints will appear in the authenticity and humanity. There is no need to pay attention to them. The most important thing for us is to stabilize the prevalence and prevent accidents from recurring, otherwise the situation will only be out of control. We should meet the Houtu ancestor witch with a strong attitude and let her convergence!"

"Suppress the Houtu ancestral witch, Yuanshi, do you know what you are talking about? The witches are a group of lunatics. Wanting to force them will only make the situation worse and make the ancestral witches who are hidden in the world of the witches jump Come out, today's prehistoric world cannot withstand their toss!" There was a look of horror in the eyes of Taishang Laojun. This was a situation that he did not expect. He did not expect that the current Yuanshi Tianzun would be so crazy and stupid. You may not see any success at all.

auzw.com "No, I am not crazy. This is our only choice. The transaction may be realized, but what do we use to trade with the Houtu Zuwu, and in the current situation, we are everywhere The limits of heaven and earth, even if the human race has been transformed into the acquired human race, no longer innate, but the human race's heritage is still there, we can't shake the human race's choice, and we can only start with the Houtu ancestor witch!"

The Wu Clan, Yuanshi Tianzun also knew that they were a bunch of lunatics, there was no need to not provoke them, but the current situation made Yuanshi Tianzun also have to do this, and had to choose this crazy path.

Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said, "Well, let's not quarrel for now. Let's take a look at the choices of Junior Sister Nuwa. If she is the most anxious, she will lose most of the luck of the human race. , The demon clan’s luck has almost wiped out the entire army. Now the most difficult saint is her. It’s not too late to see how she chooses to make a decision. After all, we still have time. There is no need to rush to take action. It's a better choice!"

The negotiation between the Houtu ancestor witch and the human race ended without too much time. No one knows what kind of agreement the ancestor witch Houtu reached with the human race, but in short, their transaction was successful. At that time, the luck of the human race began to increase crazily, and it was obvious that the human race had already been recognized by the Houtu ancestor witch, and had obtained the desired humane position among the six reincarnations.

After leaving the human race, the Houtu ancestor witch originally wanted to find a demon race in the prehistoric world to support him and let him take over the animal industry position, but when the Houtu ancestor witch had such an idea, a crisis came from his heart. Rising, this is a spiritual warning, the animal path is not something you can choose at will, and the causal karma of the animal path is very shallow. In the previous decisive battle, the monster clan brought too much impact and damage to the entire prehistoric world, and it was no longer protected by humanity.

The Monster Race could not intervene, and the Hou Tu Ancestral Witch couldn't help but cast his gaze on the sea of ​​blood. At this time, the blood sea was enveloped by endless restrictions. The entire blood sea seemed to have turned into a forbidden area, making it difficult for people to start. It’s not easy to break into the sea of ​​blood, and it’s also going to be backlashed by the sea of ​​blood!

"What the **** Styx is doing, even if he is worried about the coming of liquidation, he shouldn't be so aggressive and shroud the entire sea of ​​blood in endless restraints and formations. If the Majestic World really can't tolerate him, no matter what he does. It’s useless to hide. He will definitely be bombarded and killed by Heaven’s Dao. The Sea of ​​Blood cannot protect him. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to discuss the Asura Dao with him, but now it seems that I can only fail. If it weren’t for the Human Race, an agreement had been reached. , This trip is nothing!” When he said this, the Ancestor Witch Houtu couldn't help but sighed, and there was a trace of fatigue in his eyes. The conversation with the Human Race was not as simple as it was on the surface, and the Ancestor Witch Houtu wanted to get it. More benefits, and the three ancestors of the human race refused to give in.

Just as the Houtu ancestor witch was preparing to leave, preparing to return to the Netherworld, returning to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, suddenly the world changed color, and a thunder fell from the void, blasting the entire prehistoric world, and a force of grief surged. This is God warned.

How could this happen, why is this sudden change? Many powerful people are meditating. This thunder came too suddenly and unbelievably. When everyone was prepared, it suddenly exploded, making many people feel uneasy.

why? Quite simply, the king of cause and effect succeeded. He fully integrated his original treasure into the'twelve-grade industry fire lotus', and washed the'twelve-grade industry fire lotus' with its own causal avenue and changed its essence. The "Twelfth-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus" completely disappeared and turned into a "Thirteen-Rank Karma Lotus". This time the success also allowed the King of Karma to successfully melt a pure chaotic origin, making his The body has also evolved. The disappearance of the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' has attracted this thunder, telling the engraved creatures that an innate spirit treasure has disappeared from the wild world.

Yes, after the washing is completed, the origin of the Cause and Effect Dao directly washes away the aura of the wild world that was originally entangled in the "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus". This is a huge loss to the wild world, and it is normal for thunder to fall. !

"A climax innate spirit treasure has been destroyed. Who has the power and who can do such a thing? Is it the quasi-lifting and inducing, they work together to obliterate the origin of a climax innate spirit treasure? But why did they do this?" After feeling the aura of the best innate spirit treasure dissipated, Daozu Hongjun's expression became extremely solemn, he couldn't help but think of Zhunti and Jiuying, two **** who dared to betray him and betray the Dao of Heaven. , In the prehistoric world, only they have such strength!

Following the shock of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and the Qing Dynasty soon, Nuwa Empress also felt the warning intention of heaven and earth, a supreme innate spirit treasure, even they were not willing to destroy it, who did it? They also thought of quasi mentioning and receiving, and they also believed that these two **** who betrayed the heavens did. There are huge innate origins and rules in the best innate spirit treasure. If they can integrate their origin and rules into their own avenues. , Will embark on a terrible path of preaching!

Moments after the thunder, a series of malice fell from the void and landed on the blissful world created by Zhunti and Jiuying, which made Zhunti and Jiuying extremely annoyed in their hearts, but they were unable to resist. , Because this malice comes from the Dao of Heaven, from the saints, and with their current strength, they can't fight against it at all.

Zhunti shouted angrily with a sullen face: "Too much deception, heaven and all saints deceive people so much, they dare to ignore us so much and directly provoke us. They really have no temper for us. We must give these bastards. A lesson, let them know that even if we lose the power of the heavenly saints, we still have the strength to protect ourselves!"

Such a provocation, in Zhunti's view, is already a shame. If it is not for the perfection of the world of bliss, if it is not for the blessing of humanity and luck, I am afraid that the world of bliss that has just been opened will be overwhelmed by this evil and will collapse directly , After all, the power of Heaven's Dao is not something that a small thousand world can withstand, let alone the malice of Hongjun Daozu, Sanqing and Nuwa!

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