God of Destruction

Chapter 4490: Ghost Tribe

Chapter 4496: Ghost Race

"What a master of Tongtian, what a powerful method, and a terrifying background, just the power of one person has almost reached the result of the combined power of our twelve ancestors. One is in the middle of the world, and the potential of the middle of the world is in this way. His hands are terrible and terrifying. I am still a little arrogant. Success after time has made me lose my calm mind. This time the birth of the Netherworld Palace is a good example. My arrogance made me despise the Taoist Yin and Yang. I’m afraid to fail!” At this time, the Ancestral Witch Houtu had a huge impact. First, the changes in the Netherworld, and the opening of a new world by the Lord Tongtian. This series of changes caused a huge impact on the Ancestral Witch Houtu. , So that her mind was bruised.

In the eyes of the Houtu ancestor witch, the leader of Tongtian has no difficulty in opening up the world and creating a new world, but he has no idea how much pressure the leader of the world is under and able to open up the world in one fell swoop. This is mainly because the leader of the sky is willing to sacrifice his own hands. Without the power of the "Zhu Xian Sword Array", the Master Tongtian would not be able to open up the Middle Thousand World, but it was only a small thousand world with the limit of one side, and with the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" everything would be different. , This is the power of the treasure! If the witches are willing to abandon the treasures they have, they also have this ability, but they can't do so.

"Brother, what are you waiting for?" After opening up the world and restoring his own strength with the help of the world's origin, the Master Tongtian couldn't help but shouted to Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun. He didn't understand his two elder brothers. What are they waiting for, I have succeeded, what else do they have to hesitate, what else to worry about!

The Tao is different and does not seek each other. The Tao of the Lord Tongtian is completely different from that of the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. He can go forward bravely and desperately, but the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun can't do it, and he is seeing the Master Tongtian succeed. Later, they also breathed a sigh of relief. Under the same circumstances, they also have the ability to succeed. In that case, why do they have to turn their eyes on the heavens at this time? Why do they part ways with the heavens? There is no need to waste this time. And energy!

As for the great purple energy cut out by the Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Laojun Taishang shook their heads and gave up after a glance. The cause and effect of the saints were not so good. I saw Laojun Taishang waved his hands. The Hongmeng Purple Qi was thrown into the wild world, once again arousing the greed of the wild creatures, after all, this is the position of a saint!

When he didn’t get a reply from the two elder brothers, the Master Tongtian couldn’t help but sighed slightly. He knew in his heart that when he gave up his position as a saint of heaven, the rift between the three clears appeared. With different choices, I went against the sky, so I made this crazy move, but the way of the two brothers was not like this!

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. My brother has his own considerations. I can break free from the way of heaven. They naturally have this ability. I still think about my future practice. The world opens up and I also break free from the way of heaven. Fetters, it’s just that my world is different from the blissful world of Zhunti and Jiyin, and it is also different from the world of the Witch race. Their world is pinned on humanity and authenticity, but my world is not pinned on the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Among them, it is a unique world. Perhaps this is the result of the different development methods, or the obsession in my heart is different from them, so I can’t rely on the origin of the wild world to protect my own. The world, all the pressure must be borne by oneself!" Facing the pressure of chaos alone, the pressure is multiplied for the Lord Tongtian. If you don't have a strong foundation, it will be difficult for the new world to grow.

"The accident is really a big accident. The Master Tongtian chose to take action at this time, and the world he opened up is not pinned in the prehistoric world, but a unique world. What he is thinking about, what he wants to do, or that there is a problem in itself. There is an essential gap between the world opened by the Master Tongtian and the prehistoric world?" When he felt that the Zhongqian world of the Master Tongtian was not entrusted to the prehistoric world, the Taoists of Yin and Yang were greatly surprised and shocked, and at the same time saw a new direction.

"It's a pity that I can't communicate with the Lord Tongtian. I don't know what is the difference between the Lord of the world and the Lord of the world who is entrusted in the prehistoric world. But that's okay. Without the Lord Tongtian, the power of Heaven will be weaker. The pressure that I have to face in my own proving is a bit less. This is also a good thing for me. Come on, make the storm more violent, and let the entire prehistoric world shake up!" At this moment, Yin Yang The Taoist's eyes showed endless madness!

In fact, the most eager for Yin and Yang Taoists is to communicate with the Master of the Heavens, to understand the difference in the world created by the Master of the Heavens, so that you can know more secrets of the world. The world is the most mysterious in the chaos. One of the strengths!

Zhunti and Recitation opened up the world of bliss, the world of shamans opened up by the Wu clan, and what kind of world the leader of Tongtian opened up. There was no secret to reveal this, and the leader of the world did not speak about it. This in itself is something that makes people unable to speak. The question of understanding, the name of the world is not random, it is related to the rest of the world. Because of the heart of Pangu, the Wuzu world has become the most suitable world for the development of the Wuzu, and the power of the Wuzu blood will be exerted. The ultimate, and the blissful world of quasi-tipping and receiving is condensed by the common ideas of the two of them. What is the world opened up by the master of Tongtian, and how can this not be taken seriously by the Taoists of Yin and Yang? This is the expression of the great way in the heart of master of Tongtian.

No matter what the name of the world opened up by the Lord Tongtian, the Lord Tongtian truly betrayed the heavenly way and broke free from the heavenly way. The power of the heavenly way was damaged, and many old monster giants who had been hidden since ancient times were moved. They once again saw hope in the Master Tongtian, the hope to break through the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, and the disciples of the Profound Door, one of the three clears connected to the Heavenly Master, directly betrayed the Heavenly Dao. It can be seen how the power of the Heavenly Dao has been weakened. This time may be the best choice for oneself to get out, or even the best choice for oneself to integrate into the Dao of Heaven. After all, there is now another Hongmeng Ziqi, and it is the Hongmeng Ziqi that belongs to the East, and Zhunti and Jiuying. What is left is fundamentally different.


Of course, Hongmeng and Purple Qi is just a choice. Everyone has other choices. Nether Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the karma position of the Nether Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, can allow them to blend into the prehistoric world and let them No longer bound by the way of heaven, at least you don’t have to hide in the dark all the time, you can show up in the wild and open world. This temptation makes many ancient giants eager to participate in the fight, but the catastrophe is still there, let them There are still some worries in his heart, they are worried that this will still be a conspiracy against themselves.

After going through the endless years, they have seen too many conspiracies and tricks, so for these ancient powerhouses, they are extremely cautious, because many people are old men who have survived the catastrophe of the fierce beast and the dragon and phoenix. Guys, they naturally know the horror of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and naturally understand the cruelty of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. As long as the Tribulation does not end in a day, the Tribulation will still have terrible brutality and killing, and any strong man will fall in a pool of blood at any time!

The Yin and Yang Taoists don’t care what other people think. When the Master Tongtian opened up the heavens and the earth, the King of Cause and Effect clones were also attacking with all their strength. The power of the Cause and Effect Avenue was unfolded, and the ghosts were released, and the improvement of the order of the Nether Underworld began. The heaven and earth industry position was sealed, starting from the low-level ecstasy messenger, step by step to the high-level position that dominates the power of the netherworld, some of the demon clan’s little demons without causal karma were sealed, and the bull head horse face became the benefit of the netherworld. The human race has a group of strong men who were intercepted by the underworld and became the first personnel of the Netherworld. These human race strong men were unwilling to reincarnate in battle and did not want to erase everything about themselves and turn them into the real warriors of the acquired human race. , So he was willing to stay in the underworld and obey the command of the king of cause and effect, and became the first army of ghosts in the underworld.

The ghost tribe, yes the king of cause and effect, directly established the ghost tribe in the netherworld. The establishment of the ghost tribe directly increased the luck of the netherworld, strengthened the authority of the netherworld, and the army of the ghost tribe became the netherworld. The backbone.

"Crazy, crazy, I thought that the Master of Heaven was crazy enough, but now the Taoists of Yin and Yang are even more crazy. They have established ghost races like ghost races. Although they were created with war souls, they gave them a chance to carry them. All the cause and effect of the battle soul, this lunatic is really terrifying, he is not afraid of the endless karma backlash to himself, causing himself to be hit hard!" Many heaven and earth powers are shocked by such a masterpiece, you must know the cause and effect that carries the battle soul, For the saints, they dare not do this, but the king of cause and effect, Emperor Yan Luo, did this, using himself to carry all the karma of cause and effect.

"What a yin and yang Taoist, what a powerful scheming. It turns out that you asked for the'Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus' from me to do this. It seems that I was calculated by you. If you knew you would use the'Twelve "Pinye Fire Red Lotus" to eliminate the causal karma of the battle soul, and the resistance comes from the backlash of the heavens and the earth, I should not give you this opportunity!" The ancestor Styx in the sea of ​​blood drank in a low voice, venting what was in his heart. Angry, unwilling to be so calculated.

In fact, the ancestor of Styx was wrong. The King of Causality never wanted to use the "Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus" to eliminate the occupied karma. For others, it is an extremely terrifying threat. But for the king of cause and effect who has mastered the avenue of cause and effect, no amount of cause and effect will have any effect on him. Causal karma will only become his own nourishment, nourish and strengthen his own cause and effect avenue, and refine his own body of cause and effect. Let yourself have more accumulation on the avenue of cause and effect.

The most important thing is that today there is no longer the innate spiritual treasure of the Twelfth-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus. The Twelfth-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus has already been replaced by the King of Causality with its own causal avenue, losing the original. The role of the beginning is the road of the king of cause and effect, the real road of cause and effect, not the fire of karma.

"The **** Emperor Yan Luo, can't let him continue to seal the seal, otherwise the position of the netherworld palace will be completely controlled by the strong human race, and we will never have a chance to seize it. Everyone will work together to suppress the nether world and force The King of Karma surrenders all the remaining world karma positions. This karma position belongs to the whole beings of the wild world and cannot be controlled by him alone!" In the wild world, there are still people who cannot bear the greedy thoughts in their hearts. The first one jumped out. Now everyone is attacking the Nether World, wanting to rob the Nether Netherworld with the power of everyone.

It can only be said that these people think too beautifully. The Netherworld is opened by the Yin-Yang Taoist, and the tunnel is also perfected by the Yin-Yang Taoist. Now the authority of the Netherworld is in the hands of its own King of Cause and Effect. , These people want to seize heaven and earth karma from the king of cause and effect, they can only say that they are too self-righteous and too despise the king of cause and effect!

This is what the prehistoric world looks like. For those who are weak or strong, as long as one person jumps out to make trouble, a group of people will soon follow, wanting to take the opportunity to take advantage of themselves, so the entire prehistoric world becomes chaotic again. As long as there is an ambitious chaos, they will madly jump out to support them, madly coming to the Netherworld, and they must use their power to subdue the King of Cause and Effect and make the King of Cause and Effect abandon the previous decision. The karma of the Nether Netherworld should also be determined. They come to master.

"The ignorant is fearless. Even my witch race dare not act rashly. I dare not stand up against the king of cause and effect at the first time. How can this group of ants dare to do this? They can really be a good person as the king of cause and effect and will not kill. Oh, I don’t know how many enemies died in the hands of this lunatic. It’s ridiculous that they want to reverse the writing with their strengths. As long as they jump out, waiting for these ignorant **** is bound to be a dead end. Perhaps death is the best for them. The destination!" Houtu Ancestral Witch disapprovingly looked on with cold eyes. Although she hated the crazy action of the King of Cause and Effect in her heart, she did not rush to take action. She needs to think about the success or failure first, whether there is much to the Witch Clan. influences!

If all this has a huge impact on the witch tribe, it will even threaten the life and death of the witch tribe. No matter how grandiose the Houtu ancestor witch is, we must face all of this. We should not be careless. We must know the difference between the witch tribe and the monster tribe. It is not big, and it is not liked by the great gods. If you go to war, it will only make the situation uncontrollable, and it will only make the whole world more chaotic!

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