God of Destruction

Chapter 4491: Death warning

Chapter 4497 ​​Death Warning

"Enter the Netherworld and seize the power of the Netherworld!" The shouts of killing sounded in the prehistoric world. Those stupid and **** greedy people couldn't suppress the greed in their hearts, and they madly killed in the Netherworld, in the sea of ​​blood. This barrier that originally belonged to the Netherworld did not work at all. The Lord of the Blood Sea, the ancestor of the river, turned a blind eye to these enemies who madly slammed into the Netherworld, allowing them to hit the Netherworld and let them escape from the sea of ​​blood. Passed by.

"Crazy, all rush into the Netherworld. Without you stupid bastards, how can I determine the level of authority and power in the Netherworld, how can I know how much benefit that **** **** has gained in that **** little world, you guys? It’s my chess piece. I hope you **** don’t let the ancestors down, and can really force all the strength of this bastard!” The ancestor Styx hid in the depths of the blood sea, sneered and whispered to himself in a low voice, passing through his eyes. Out of endless killing intent and madness.

The current ancestor of Styx is very uneasy. He hates the King of Cause and Effect, the lord of the Netherworld, and is eager to know how much benefit the King of Cause and Effect has gained in his own chaotic world. Yes, for the ancestors of Styx, the ‘Chaotic Little World’ is his own territory, and the King of Causality has taken away his own benefits.

Greed made the mood of the ancestor Stygo fluctuate and made him feel bad. Fortunately, the ancestor of the Styx has the blessing of the sea of ​​blood, and he has not completely fallen into madness, nor is he ignorant enough to personally provoke cause and effect. Wang, the ancestor of Styx will not act rashly until he truly understands the power of the king of cause and effect. The most important thing is that he understands that the Netherworld is not only the existence of the king of cause and effect, but also the existence of the Houtu ancestor witch. Also looking at the authority and power of the Netherworld.

"Come on, let all the greedy people enter the Netherworld, let me see how many **** want to seize the power of the Netherworld!" Feeling the endless killing intent from the prehistoric world, the King of Karma was whispering to himself, Not at all stunned by this terrifying murderous aura, still maintaining a calm mind, still continuing his great cause of enforcing, constantly improving and expanding the origin of the Nether World, perfecting the ordering power of the Nether World, and allowing the entire Nether World to continue. Land metamorphosis and evolution.

With a loud bang, the door to the Netherworld was opened, and the group of ignorant and stupid enemies finally rushed into the Netherworld. Upon entering the Netherworld, these **** screamed like chicken blood. The Netherworld where the King of Karma is located rushed away, and it was rampant and destroyed everything along the way. At this time, their sanity had been completely lost, their eyes were only profit, their minds were controlled by greed, and the whole person was like a beast forever. Spread the most primitive greed.

When so many enemies slammed into the Netherworld, Houtu Zuwu, the lord of the six reincarnations, did not react at all, and Xuanming Zuwu did not react at all, as if they did not know the situation at all, and they were still sitting firmly. In the six reincarnations, there is no intention to help the king of cause and effect at all, and even the many ancestral witches in the witch world are watching with cold eyes!

"Haha, Wu Clan, this is the Wu Clan that the Yin and Yang Taoists help them with one hand and help them get rid of the shackles of the great catastrophe with the other hand. They also did not perform as well. They can help their friends and advance and retreat together. It seems that they really deserve it. After ignoring her ambitions, she came up with the idea of ​​the Netherworld, wanting to return to the prehistoric world and master the overall situation!" Seeing the changes in the Netherworld, Empress Nuwa sneered again and again, and she did not have a good impression of the Wu Clan. Not only the Nuwa Empress had such an idea, all sentient beings in the entire prehistoric world had such an idea, and they also had a slight disdain for the Wu Clan.

This is betrayal. In the eyes of the entire prehistoric creatures, the Wu Clan has betrayed his allies and the friends who have helped them. Such people are not worthy of association. It can be said that when the Wu Clan decides to ignore the changes in the Netherworld. , They have lost their original qualities and the last point of recognition that the predecessors have given them. A group of witches who can betray their friends at any time, who can dare to believe them, who is willing to cooperate with them, no one, even the human race The race that had just reached an agreement with the Houtu ancestors could not help but start to guard against it, being wary of the witches entering the prehistoric world from outside the sky, seizing the luck and opportunity belonging to the human race, and even seizing the entire human luck and becoming the master of the prehistoric. !

Although the Human Race wants to help the King of Cause and Effect, it is a pity that the human race is far from being able to do it. They are really powerless. With such a shocking change, the Human Race can protect itself from being strong and unable to participate in this life and death battle. , As more and more greedy people attack the Netherworld, the situation of the entire prehistoric world has also undergone tremendous changes. The atmosphere of the Great Tribulation has become much stronger, and the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi that had dissipated is also crazily reuniting. !

Yes, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has changed again, and the aura of Great Tribulation has increased crazily. In just a short time, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has almost recovered to more than half of its original value. Once again shrouded by the killing and tribulation, involved in this crazy and terrifying world killing and tribulation.

Heaven and earth rebirth! With the outbreak of many greedy people in the predecessor, with the emergence of the killing, the calamity that had stabilized once again erupted, the heaven and the earth were reborn, and the entire prehistoric world was once again shrouded under the catastrophe. Such a shocking change made all living creatures. The shock also horrified Hongjun Daozu. Everything was beyond his grasp, and the general situation of heaven and earth was falling into a more terrifying abyss. The rebirth of this great catastrophe, even Hongjun Daozu felt a great threat.

"How could this be the rebirth of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth? The previous crazy killing of the monster race has not eliminated most of the evil spirits of the world, how could it regenerate the Great Tribulation, the order of the Nether world is being perfected, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation is also being perfected. The situation is right!" Hongjun Daozu was puzzled. Although he fits the way, he still doesn’t understand why the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth had such a change. The evil aura and the aura that had originally dissipated will regenerate, and it will only be short-lived. Time has grown to this level.

auzw.com Hongjun Daozu fits the body as the way of heaven. If the way of heaven suppresses the way of the earth and humanity, and makes the predecessor world respect the way of heaven, he can naturally grasp the general situation of the world and the overall situation, but now the situation has changed. The power of Heaven’s Dao is constantly being damaged. The retreat of the Master Tongtian directly dealt a fatal blow to Heaven’s Dao. The key is that the ancestors of Hongmeng, Purple Qi, White Tiger and Puti did not preach and sanctify, and the power of Heavenly Dao cannot be suppressed. Humanity can't suppress the tunnels, but at this time, because of the selfishness of the heavens, the perfect order of the netherworld was spread, and the karma of the six reincarnations was also spread, which caused the greed of the prehistoric creatures, so the tunnels were murderous and humane. The murderous cohesion, and there was this shocking change. It can be said that today's Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is no longer dominated by the Heavenly Dao, but the Heaven and Earth Tribulation is a fusion of humanity and underground.

"Kill the robbery, the heaven and the earth kill the robbery, this group of **** bastards, they caused the heaven and the earth to kill the robbery, this is a big trouble!" The Houtu Ancestral Witch, immediately received the six reincarnation information when the Heaven and Earth Killing Tribulation was formed, allowing her to understand why this Heaven and Earth Killing Tribulation was born.

Anger is useless. Everything has happened. It’s too late to stop it. What's more, there is a responsibility of the Houtu ancestor witch, and a responsibility of the witch clan. If it is not for the Houtu ancestor witch to be too selfish, If it weren't for the Wu Clan deliberately stepping into the prehistoric world to fight for the position of the world's hegemon, this world killing and robbery would not have come so quickly.

regret! Don't mention how regretful Houtu Zuwu's heart was at this time. He knew that such a situation would have been caused, so he shouldn't act rashly, let the situation become uncontrollable, let himself be trapped in the robbery, and even have no chance to leave. However, the killing of the heaven and the earth is also an opportunity. The killing of the heaven and the earth combined by the humanity and the tunnel is also an opportunity to prove the way. There is a chance to witness the saints of the humanity and the authentic saints, but it can be done in the entire prehistoric world. The strong are very few!

If the Wu Clan has not moved evil thoughts, the Wu Clan is not in the robbery, but unfortunately now the Wu Clan has moved evil thoughts, so the Wu Clan has also been involved in this world killing and even the world of the Wu Clan has been involved in the killing and robbery. Among them, this is the price that the Wu Clan must pay. They have successfully escaped from the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth with the help of the Wu Clan world, but after their strength has greatly increased, they have ambitions for the prehistoric world. This time, not only It's just that their entire witch race is dragged into the robbery, and even the witch world is also dragged into the killing and robbery. They have to face the crisis that erupts and face the decisive battle of life and death!

As the lord of the Witch Clan’s world, Emperor Jiangzu Wu also felt the warning from the world. He understood the current situation of the Witch Clan, and he also had endless regrets in his heart. It’s a pity that he couldn’t stop all of this, and he didn’t dare to stop it. All of this, today's Wu Clan has already entered the game, and the Wu Clan world has also entered this terrible world of killings!

Tianfa murderous intent moves stars and destinations, terrestrial murderous dragons and snakes rise on land, human murderous worlds are repeated! This is the change in the prehistoric world today, and it is also the change in the Netherworld. It is also the test that the Netherworld Palace must face when it is established. It comes from the test of heaven and earth, but this test is mixed with too much selfishness and too much too much too. More dangerous.

"Hmph! It's finally here, and the killing is finally coming to the Nether World, and it happens to use the blood of you ignorant group to come to the world of blood sacrifices, blood sacrifices to the source of the Nether world, let the entire Nether world completely calm down! Come here! The power of the order of the Netherworld, I am Emperor Yan Luo, in charge of the authority of the Nether. I say that the Netherworld is the land of the dead. All living creatures entering will be suppressed by the authority of the Nether, and they will be restrained by the source of the Nether, and order will appear!"

With a deep cry from the King of Cause and Effect, the Netherworld began to tremble, and a low voice erupted from the origin of the Netherworld. The orderly power of the Netherworld began to suppress all enemies that invaded the Netherworld and entered the Netherworld. After that, the superior powerhouses all felt the original suppression from the Netherworld!

"How could this happen? How could my strength suddenly be weakened by half?" A series of shocked voices continued to sound in the Nether World. The enemies who invaded the Nether World all felt their own strength being suppressed. When the crisis came, I also felt the coming of mutual death, making them all fear and uneasy about it!

Before they rushed to the Netherworld, these enemies who invaded the Netherworld felt a strong malice. The malice from the world. Before the war started, their own power was cut in half, which made many greedy people horrified. They wake up a little bit from their greedy desire and hope. Unfortunately, it is too late for them to retreat. The Nether World will not let them leave easily, and the King of Karma will not let them leave. Since they dare to provoke the Nether World, they To bear the consequences, they must feel the counterattack from the Netherworld. They lost not only half of their strength, but also lost the direction of the circuit.

When some unsteady **** wanted to retreat and want to quit the Netherworld, they suddenly found that they had lost their way and could not find a way back. When such a situation appeared, they were confused!

"No, we are in a trick. This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against all of us. Our retreat has been blocked, and I can't find the way back!" A series of frightened voices resounded in the netherworld again. In the world, these people’s minds have been in chaos and their retreat has been lost, which means that they have completely fallen into the nether world, in this terrible Jedi, without the strength of self-protection, and no retreat. This despair puts too much pressure on many invaders!

"Shut up, when is the time, you **** still have the heart to retreat. When stepping into the Netherworld, we are already advancing and not retreating. This is just the enemy's play of mystery. As long as we work together to kill the Lord of the Netherworld and seize With the authority of the Netherworld, everything will be resolved naturally. It is useless to escape. We have to go forward and kill the enemy. This is the real way to resolve the crisis. If anyone else dares to disturb everyone's minds, don't blame me for being cruel. Him!" Soon the strong realized the seriousness of the problem and directly issued a death warning to those ignorant companions!

"Asshole, this **** **** dared to threaten us. It's horrible. This is obviously trying to use us as cannon fodder. I knew it would be such a result. I shouldn't have a feverish mind and invade the world of the underworld, and even fall into such a desperate situation. Among them!"

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