God of Destruction

Chapter 4496: Causality

Chapter 4502 Cause and Effect

"I said that I can’t believe the **** Hongjun. He knew the terrible world of the Netherworld for a long time, and that’s why he forced us into a catastrophe. This is simply a catastrophe, and we can’t see any vital death. Robbery!"

"To join hands, if we want to survive, we must join forces and cooperate with the Wu Clan. Only in this way can we have a ray of life. Otherwise, once the Yin and Yang Taoist proves Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, we will never have a chance again!"

Crazy voices sounded in the mouths of these old guys, and also in the mouths of the greedy people. At this time, no one said any more temptations. Now this situation does not need temptation at all. The Taoist Yin and Yang has stepped up and has begun to prove it. Dao Hun Yuan Daluo Jinxian is already motivating the Heavenly Tribulation, proving Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's Heavenly Tribulation!

"Little sister, what should we do, what should we do now?" Di Jiang Zu Wu was somewhat unacceptable after such a major event. Faced with such pressure, he could only ask Hou Tu Zu Wu for advice, because this is the Nether World. All of their ancestor witches felt the danger, the threat from the robbery above the void, the threat of death!

If it is said that there was still a hint of the thought of desperate battle in the heart of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, now this idea has completely disappeared, facing the disaster of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian that may fall at any time, let him, the Lord of the world, also feel the breath of death. , Once targeted by this catastrophe, even with the help of the Witch World's origin, there is only a dead end.

"Retreat! We retreat to the six reincarnations!" For the Houtu ancestor witch, there is only one way to retreat now. Only retreat into the six reincarnations, relying on the power of the six reincarnations to protect herself, and she can't think of any other way. .

The twelve ancestors of the Witch Clan Wu Shangqie still have six reincarnations that can be used as a retreat. Although it is only a temporary retreat, it is also a retreat. For other powerhouses trapped in the Netherworld, there is no retreat. They have to face it. This tribulation that falls at any time, facing the threat of death, once it is drawn into the tribulation tribulation, it is absolutely dead!

"Dijiang Ancestor Witch, we need to join hands. Only if we work together, we can have a ray of life!" When the Witch Clan Twelve Ancestor Witch wanted to return to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the group of ancient old guys sent an invitation to them, thinking We must work with them to face the pressure of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and face this death crisis that may erupt at any time.

"Joining hands, you **** now remember to join forces with my witch clan. What did you do before, now it's too late!" Regarding the invitation of those old guys, Di Jiang Zu Wu didn't hesitate to speak directly to the absolute side. He didn't want to be yin and yang. The Taoist was stared at, by the proof of the heavenly robbery, and dragged into the heavenly robbery. Even if there is the'Twelve Capitals of the Gods and the Great Formation' and Pangu's real body as a support, the Emperor Jiangzu Wu also feels Less than a little bit of life, there is still the oppression of death above the soul!

"Since it's here, don't go, just follow me to prove the Dao, and face this catastrophe of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, come on, you are my human calamity, and you are part of my calamity! "When he saw the fear of the enemy, the Yin and Yang Taoist spoke indifferently, not giving those enemies a chance to retreat, the aura of proving Tao directly blocked the entire Netherworld!

"Damn, I know that the yin and yang Taoist **** is very insidious and cunning. Fortunately, the ancestor I did not take action, otherwise I will be calculated by this bastard. I said that there is always a problem in the Hunyuan Xiaotian, but I can't find it. The reason is now clear. This **** did not go there in person, but shot as a clone. No wonder this **** did not play with the many opportunities in Yuan Xiaotiandi, but was practicing, collecting the source of chaos, everything It’s just for this moment!” The ancestor Styx seemed to see through the truth and futility of the Taoist Yin and Yang, thinking that the reason why the king of cause and effect did not act in the Hunyuan Xiaotiandi was just to allow the deity to have the proof at this moment. It is to prepare for the Dao demonstration now, and it is precisely because of the Hunyuan Xiaotiandi tour that the Yin and Yang Daoist of the deity has the opportunity to prove the Dao!

The origin of the chaos is the focus of the Dao Jinxian Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and it is me who made the yin and yang Taoist bastard! This is what the ancestor Styx thought in his heart, and it was also the hatred in his heart. He obviously had a chance, but he didn't catch it. The most important thing is that the **** of Yin and Yang Taoist didn't remind himself, which made the ancestor Stygo very annoyed.

The ancestor of Styx could not get rid of self-righteous thoughts, he was always self-centered, and always thought that what he thought was right, and all the mistakes belonged to the Yin and Yang Taoists. In fact, he can only say that he thinks too much. All this in front of him is not his cause, whether it is the king of cause and effect, or the yin and yang Taoist, it is not because of the help of the ancestors of the river!

When the ancestors of the Styx hated the yin and yang Taoists for their'despicable and shameless', those strong men who were blocked in the nether world were filled with endless fear and anger, because they were in a desperate situation. They are locked in, but the ghosts who are leaning on the Netherworld have no influence at all. The reason is simple, because they have formed a cause and effect with the king of cause and effect, and are added to the body by cause and effect, so they are directly drawn into the Yin and Yang Taoist’s Dao Tian. In the robbery.

"Damn bastard, I knew it was a trap. Everything the King of Karma did before was just for this moment, just to get us caught. This **** is too insidious, he must die!"

"With the power of the avenue of cause and effect, it’s no wonder that this **** is so anxious to take action, and will jump out at this time. Everything is just to pit us, everything is just to lead us into this trap, and use the power of heaven to deal with us. !"


No matter how these people scold the Yin and Yang Taoists, it is useless. Everything has already begun. They can't break away from the shackles of cause and effect. They can only passively accept everything. No matter how hard they struggle, it is useless. The lock-in of the catastrophe is unsolvable.

"What a king of cause and effect, what a yin and yang Taoist, this is your plan, this time we really miscalculated, but I hope you can be more rational!" Houtu Zuwu stared at the king of cause and effect, although cause and effect increased. Body, karma added to the body, but she did not give up. The power of the six reincarnations was surging crazily, madly eliminating the causal power of herself and other ancestral witches, and wanted to use the original power of the six reincarnations. To shield the lock of the robbery!

It’s just that the Houtu ancestor witch understands that although he can use the six reincarnation origins to eliminate the power of cause and effect, the previous question is that the king of causality no longer has other ancestral witches against himself, otherwise under the effect of the cause and effect road, even if he pays. No matter how great the price is, it can't resist the power of the rules of the Causal Avenue, because this is the Nether World, and this is the home of the King of Causality.

Putting their lives and deaths, as well as the lives and deaths of other ancestral witches, under the "kindness" of the king of cause and effect, this has to be said to be a big joke, but also the sorrow of the twelve ancestral witches. Killed out of the six reincarnations, to kill the King of Karma by surprise, and to seize the power of the Netherworld from the King of Karma, but I did not expect to fall into this field in a blink of an eye, fall into such a crisis, and lose everything. The initiative.

Although the king of cause and effect wanted to take the opportunity to kill the Houtu ancestral witch and other ancestral witches, when such a thought came into his heart, when he wanted to make a move, a force surged into his heart. This is an authentic power. This is an authentic block! Yes, the tunnel is unwilling to hold on to the fall of the Houtu ancestor witch. This is not because the tunnel wants to protect the Houtu ancestor witch, but that the tunnel cannot accept such consequences. If the Houtu ancestor witch falls, it will make the six reincarnation chaos. Without the Houtu ancestor witch, the six reincarnations may collapse. After all, the six reincarnations at this time are not perfect, and the masters of the six reincarnations have not returned to their positions!

If the Six Paths of Reincarnation collapse, even if it is damaged, it will affect the origin of the tunnel, and affect the completion of the tunnel. Therefore, although the Houtu ancestor witch and the tunnel have a great cause and effect, they are not liked by the tunnel, but the tunnel cannot be looked at. The Houtu ancestor witch was cursed by the king of cause and effect, and it is impossible to watch the Houtu ancestor witch fall in this catastrophe. Similarly, the witches of the Emperor Jiangzu witch are the foundation of the witch world, and the witch world Trusted in the tunnel, if they die, it will also affect the development of the tunnel, so the tunnel is also unwilling to see the fall of these ancestral witches. It is for this reason that the tunnel will take action to block the cause and effect. King, must save the life of the Houtu ancestor witch to prevent himself from stepping into the footsteps of heaven.

How miserable the way of heaven is, the way of tunnels can be seen in the eyes, the betrayal of the two sages of the West and the betrayal of the master of the heavens, these many changes have greatly weakened the origin of the way of heaven and weakened the power of the way of heaven. With such a change, the King of Karma cannot take the opportunity to kill the Twelve Ancestral Witch, and cannot destroy the authentic luck.

Of course, if the king of causality insists on doing this, it is not unsuccessful, but once it does so, the king of causation will inevitably be hated by the tunnel and will no longer be recognized by the tunnel. For the tunnel, regardless of the king of cause and effect You can fight internally with the Wu Clan, but there is one thing that cannot be broken, that is, it cannot affect the development of the tunnel. In fact, if you change it, when the King of Karma is in desperation, the Twelve Ancestral Witch will also be warned and blocked by the tunnels.

"Hehe, I have forgotten the existence of the tunnel and the shackles of the tunnel. This time it seems that the twelve ancestor witches cannot be destroyed, but as long as the cause and effect are still there, they will pay a heavy price, even if it is tunnel. Will not stop the entanglement of cause and effect, the backlash of cause and effect!" Although there is a little unwillingness in his heart, the king of cause and effect still wants to let the twelve ancestors go on a horse. He did not take action to stop them, and did not mobilize the power of cause and effect to kill them. A blow!

Without feeling the resistance of the power of cause and effect, the Houtu Zuwu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The matter finally did not develop in the worst direction. The king of cause and effect finally did not push them on the road to absolutes. Don't look at the mouth of the Houtu Zuwu. They yelled fiercely, and they were determined to die with the King of Causality, but in fact, this opportunity hardly existed. They took the initiative to owe the King of Cause and Effect the great cause and effect, not the King of Cause and Effect owed them, and wanted to pull The king of cause and effect will die together, it can only be said that the chance is slim.

Without the resistance of the King of Causality, the Houtu Ancestral Witch fully mobilizes the origin of the six reincarnations, and wipes out the causal power of itself and other ancestral witches. As long as there is no entanglement of this causal power, he can bring everyone Transfer to the six reincarnations, avoid this catastrophe, avoid this almost mortal murder and catastrophe.

When the last trace of causal power was wiped out, the Houtu Zuwu said in a deep voice: "Six reincarnations appear, time and space shift!"

As this voice fell, the Twelve Ancestral Witch instantly lifted the'Twelve Capitals of the Heavenly Devil Formation', Pangu's true body instantly disappeared without a trace, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch was also under the influence of a space force. Disappeared in the Netherworld, pulled back into the Six Paths of Samsara by the original power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and shielded from the Heavenly Tribulation by the original power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

"Assholes, how can these twelve **** behave like this? Don't they understand that if you owe cause and effect, you must pay a price. Only by killing the king of cause and effect can it be relieved!" Seeing the escape of the twelve ancestor witches, those The ancient old guys couldn't help swearing with anger in their hearts one by one, but it was useless to curse, the twelve ancestor witches had disappeared into the tribulation.

Don’t the Twelve Ancestor Witches know the terrible cause and effect? No, they know. It is precisely because they know that they escaped so fast. It is precisely because they know that they are unwilling to face the tribulation of Yin and Yang Taoists, and they are unwilling to become Yin and Yang Taoists. If it is normal They are naturally very happy and willing to accept the human robbery, but this is not a normal human robbery, but a human robbery calculated by the Yin and Yang Taoists. They are not willing to accept the human robbery with a life crisis.

It’s just that the Yin-Yang Taoist’s proof of the Dao’s Heavenly Tribulation has already begun. They can’t stop them and can only escape by themselves. As for the life and death of other people, this is not in their consideration. No matter how many **** die, it’s impossible for the Twelve Ancestor Witches. There will be no trace of anxiety under any influence. They are asking for everything on their own and cannot blame others. Since they have decided to participate in this catastrophe, everyone should be prepared to die, and they should be able to bear the cause and effect. ready.

For these old guys, they are indeed prepared, but their preparations are still insufficient, and they still underestimate the madness of the Yin and Yang Taoists and the king of cause and effect, so they have fallen into such a field and fell into such a crisis. They also want to resist and struggle, but they don’t have the luck of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, nor the power. After all, not everyone can have the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and not everyone can be authentic. Asylum, they can receive real help, and they can't pay the price of the ancestral witch of Houtu, so they are only waiting for them!

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