God of Destruction

Chapter 4497: Chaos Gods and Demons

Chapter 4503 Chaos God and Demon

"Take the initiative to pull people into the robbery, as their own robbery, the Yin and Yang Taoist really has a good plan and a good method, not only can weaken his own robbery, but also can wipe out his own enemies. This time the teacher's plan is afraid that it will end in failure. , The preparation of the Yin and Yang Taoists is more powerful than imagined!" As a big brother, the Taishang Laojun is naturally disappointed. You must know that this failure is not trivial. It means the fall of the way of heaven, which means that the way of heaven can no longer be suppressed. Live authentic.

"This may be the impermanence of heaven and earth. Since the beginning of this great catastrophe, the teacher's plan has repeatedly failed and has never succeeded. Therefore, the power of heaven is constantly weakening. If it continues, I am afraid that it will not only be unable to suppress it. Truth, even humanity is difficult to suppress. At that time, the situation of our heavenly saints was much more difficult!" When he said this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but sighed, and there was a faint sense of loss and anxiety in his heart. It is said that the weakening of the heavenly way has the greatest influence on all the saints, naturally it is the Yuanshi Tianzun, because he is practicing the way of Shuntian!

The Grand Master sighed: "Yes, since the beginning of this calamity, we have fallen into a disadvantage. Perhaps we must also prepare for the worst. The Western Holy Throne has not succeeded now, and Tongtian Junior Brother has stayed. It’s even harder to tell the saints that come down. If you continue, the humanity and the tunnel will grow rapidly. I originally thought that the twelve ancestral witches would be beheaded by the king of cause and effect in this battle, and the Yin and Yang Taoists would borrow the power of the heavens. Destroyed, it is a pity that they escaped a catastrophe, or the Taoist Yin and Yang let them go!"

Now Taishang Laojun can only negotiate with Yuanshi Tianzun. The Master Tongtian has broken out of the shackles of the heavens and is no longer the same person with them. Although they are still connected, they have different positions. The Master Tongtian has his own. He also has his own ideas, and his own layout. The most important thing for the Master Tongtian now is the world he has opened up, instead of worrying about the competition in the wild world. The interests of the wild world cannot be affected for the time being. To him!

Without the Master of the Heavens in the Three Qings, the Qi Luck will naturally begin to scatter. The Qi Luck of the Three Qings can no longer be condensed into one stream, and it is unable to resist the erosion from the outside. On the bright side, the heaven is still respected, and the heaven has the advantage. After all, the heaven is the one. There are still three saints in the lower lands, but the power of the tunnels is not weak. The Houtu Ancestor Witch, the King of Karma, and the Emperor Jiangzu Witch, they all have the power of a saint, which seriously threatens the interests of the heavens, and also affects the Taishang. The benefits of Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun!

"Brother, do we need to enter the game? Do we need to stop the Yin and Yang Taoists from proving the Dao?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked, and his eyes flashed with light. For Yuanshi Tianzun himself, he has such thoughts, but the current situation is not trivial, Yuanshi Tianzun I am not sure that I will face up to the King of Cause and Effect, so I want to hear the opinions of Taishang Laojun!

Hearing this, the Supreme Master shook his head slightly and said: "Entering the game? No, we don't have to enter the game. Although the current situation is very dangerous and it is also very unfavorable for us, this is not the reason for us to enter the game. This is heaven and earth. In the Great Tribulation, there is danger at any time in the Great Tribulation. You have seen the embarrassment of the Twelve Ancestral Witch before. If it is not for the King of Karma and no killer, do you think they have the ability to retreat with all their bodies? The Netherworld is not us. At home, it’s no good for us to take the initiative to attack. If we are not careful, we will be in a desperate situation. Why should we enter the game!"

There may be a little benefit from entering the game, but that benefit is not worth mentioning compared to his own life, so the Taishang Lao Jun has no intention of entering the game, although the Taishang Lao Jun does not want to see the Yin and Yang Taoists. Breaking through, I don’t want to see the power of Yin and Yang Taoists increase, but the Taishang Laojun is even more unwilling to see the situation getting out of control, unwilling to bear the pressure and impact from the world alone. Everything is based on self-interest, and his own safety is the most important thing. the most important!

"We give up, we are afraid that the teacher will not let us be satisfied. We must know that this is a real battle. The teacher will not watch the king of cause and effect continue to grow. He does not want to see the situation become uncontrollable. Maybe we will stop. When the teacher orders, we will be pressured by the teacher, and we have to participate in this duel!" For his own teacher, Yuanshi Tianzun has not held too much hope, even things that threaten the ancients can be done, which shows that he can do it. The teacher saw how important this battle was. Under such circumstances, it was not impossible to force them to take action, and even Nuwa Empress could not escape!

"The teacher won't care, at least not now. If the teacher could make a move, he would have made a move, and he would not use the power of those old guys, and even if the teacher really ordered it, we really have no way at all? Do you want to participate in this catastrophe of heaven and earth according to your orders, and then be entangled in the atmosphere of the catastrophe, and then carry the big cause and effect of that day?" When he said this, the old man Taishang smiled indifferently and continued: "No, we won't accept it. The teacher understands this in his heart. Don't forget how Tongtian did it. If we are forced into a hurry, the teacher will not be able to bear the serious consequences!"

What the Taishang Laojun said is right. They are not oppressed by the Hongjun Daozu now. The most important thing is the existence of the Tongtian Master. Because of the crazy behavior of the Tongtian Master, if it is really necessary to combine the Taishang Laojun with Yuanshi Tianzun. He also pressed his eyes and made a move to betray the Dao of Heaven. It was a terrifying blow to Dao Dao. It was also a serious crisis for Dao Zu Hongjun. Hongjun Dao Zu would not do it as a last resort, but Qiaqia. This point was seen through by Taishang Laojun!

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun was startled at first, and then said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that we would still be helped by Tongtian! But even so, the pressure on us is not light. After all, we are also part of the heavens and saints of the heavens, really. Let the Yin and Yang Taoists succeed in proving the Dao, and perhaps it is also a huge impact for us. The appearance of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will completely break the balance of the prehistoric world and cause earth-shattering changes in the prehistoric world!"

"Senification? Junior brother, do you think the Yin and Yang Taoist can really prove success in one stroke? Do you think he is really making such a big movement? I don't think so, although he seems to be proving. I always feel that there is a problem with this. He is testing, perhaps testing the heavens, testing the wild world, or testing the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. You must know that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has no reference, from a big Luo Jinxian. , Directly prove Dao Hunyuan, how does this seem unreliable!"


At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned. These words are indeed reasonable. Proving Dao’s sanctification requires a process. There is a transition between Daluo Jinxian and the saint, which is a quasi-sage, and Proving Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can Successfully lifted the ground?

Without waiting for Yuanshi Tianzun to speak, Taishang Laojun continued: "Even I can detect this problem, do you think the teacher will not notice it? If anyone in the prehistoric world knows Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian best, that People are definitely not Yin and Yang Taoists, but our teachers, and even in my opinion, the teacher forced those ancient old guys to take action. It is not the Yin and Yang Taoists, but the Nether World, which is the tunnel. The teacher is testing the Nether World and the tunnel. Reaction!"

Although Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t know whether these words were right or wrong, he understood that no matter what the final result was, he had better not participate in this battle. The cause and effect were too great, whether it was the Yin and Yang Taoist who wanted to prove Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, or To test the way of heaven, or to test the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, all have great karma, and they are not suitable for oneself to intervene.

"Huh, it seems that Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao really can't stop them. It seems that my plan has been seen through. Now even Nuwa, Yuanshi and Taishang Laojun have not taken any action. It shows that there has been an accident in my plan. It is not feasible to use external forces to stimulate one's own potential and test the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Now I can only rely on myself!" When he thought of this, the Taoist Yin Yang sighed and gave such a large amount of money. At the price, such a big movement has attracted only some ignorant people, at most it only attracted the Wu Clan. The heavenly saints did not make any moves, even Hongjun Dao ancestors and Tiandao did not make any moves, at least their own proofs. The power of Heavenly Tribulation is not as powerful as one thought.

Lunatic? Are Yin and Yang Taoists too crazy? Using sermons as bait? No, it's not that the Yin and Yang Taoists are too crazy, but they are cautious. The Dao Jinxian can not just talk about it at will, nor can it be successful with this little background. It seems that the Yin and Yang Taoists have attracted the Taoism and the catastrophe. In fact, This is just an illusion. The real proving Dao's tribulation will never be so weak. This is just the aura of chaos, gods and demons pervading it, and it's just a tribulation caused by the causal karma of the Yin-Yang Taoist.

Of course, the yin and yang Taoists are not completely false, at least to test whether the truth is true. The Yin and Yang Taoists are indeed testing the possibility of proving Dao Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian, and the original power they stimulate is only a small part. Yuan Daluo Jinxian, it is not the proof of the heavenly calamity, but the real heavenly punishment, the heavenly punishment of the prehistoric world, let alone being in the nether world, it is useless to hide in the eighteenth layers of hell, the real proof Daotian punishment is not only the punishment of the heavens, but also the punishments of the authentic and humane. It is impossible to hide from it. A big Luojinxian wants to climb to the sky in one step, and can only say that he is ruining himself!

"Open it to me, the origin of the chaos is condensed, and the origin of the origin is now!" As the Yin and Yang Taoist drank, a trace of the origin of the chaos condensed in his body, and the origin of the path of yin and yang came, and this origin of the chaos did not come from cause and effect. The origin condensed by the king is formed by the reversal of the origin of the Yin-Yang Dao. Yes, the Yin-Yang Daoists are now using their Yin-Yang Dao origin to reverse and condense the chaotic origins, wash themselves, change themselves, and truly transform themselves into chaos gods and demons!

"The breath of the Chaos God and Demon seems to be correct. The Yin and Yang Taoist is not proving the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at all. He is condensing the real body of the Chaos God and Demon and completing the transformation and evolution of the physical body. He is going to leave. The road of chaos gods and demons!" When the origin of Yin-Yang Avenue condensed a trace of chaotic origin, the old gentleman could not help but sigh softly, yes, he felt the changes of Yin-Yang Taoist, felt the changes of Yin-Yang origin, Yin-Yang Avenue reversed , Condensing the origin of chaos!

"Chaos **** and demon, **** we are in the middle of it. This is not a testimony to the Daluo Jinxian, but to reverse the origin and condense the real body of the chaos **** and demon. He wants to wash himself and let his body transform into the real body of the chaos **** and demon. We are this bastard. I lied!" At this moment, the ancient old guys also saw everything, but it was too late. They were already enveloped by the heavenly tribulation, and they fell into the heavenly tribulation, even if it was not voluntary, but also strengthened the heavens. The power of robbery.

"Asshole, this **** **** is using us to enhance the power of the tribulation, with the help of our external forces to strengthen the tribulation, so that he has enough pressure to stimulate his own potential and wash himself, and we can't get anything. Not to mention, you will still be attacked by the heavens, and you will have to carry the karma of the great cause and effect, because this is the path of reversing the innate and evolving the chaos and the gods!"

Yes, this is indeed a conspiracy. It is indeed the calculation of the Yin and Yang Taoists, but those old guys feel it is too late, they are already in the situation. Of course, for these old guys, when they hate the Yin and Yang Taoists, they also hate them. With Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, they did not believe that Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao would not be aware of it at all. They were played around and became chess pieces in the hands of Hongjun Daozu!

"I just said that the **** Hongjun can't believe it. You just don't listen. See it now. Everything is fake. We are just pawns in his hand to test the enemy. If we could unite forever, could we not If you fear the threat of power, you will not fall into such a crisis, and you will not be entangled in catastrophe!"

I have to say that there are some **** among these old guys who are shirking responsibility. If he really saw everything early, he would naturally not be threatened by Daozu Hongjun to enter the game. If he really regards death as his home and fears power, how could Daozu Hongjun force him into the game? Jie, by all accounts, he was just making excuses for himself, just deceiving himself and others.

"Enough, when is this? You still have the thought to complain. If you have this time, let's think about how to get out of this catastrophe. If we are eroded by this chaotic aura, waiting for us to have only one dead end, Hongjun absolutely Will take the opportunity to kill us, and God will never let us go, and the yin and yang Taoist **** is even more so. If we want to survive, now we need to unite and work hard. If anyone thinks that he is amazing, then get out of here, do you think Don't let us all be dragged down by death. I don't want to die or be calculated by an ant!"

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