God of Destruction

Chapter 4503: Festival

Chapter 4509: Blue Sky

"Damn Dao, how dare he do this, he is not afraid to cause Dao anger, but this is against Dao Dao, violating Dao rules, and contrary to the development of the prehistoric world!" Yin Yang Taoist's heart was extremely angry, and he was directly touched by Dao Dao. He canceled the punishment and directly cut off his own path of transformation and evolution, which made him unacceptable, but all this happened, and he was in a dilemma!

"No, I can't be dragged to death here, and can't be affected by the way of heaven. Since the way of heaven doesn't give me the opportunity to successfully complete the transformation of my body, then I will take it myself. Without the source of heaven's punishment, I still have the netherworld. The enemies in the world, as long as they can swallow their origins, they may be connected to their own path of metamorphosis and evolution!" In an instant, Taoist Yin and Yang picked up the idea of ​​these enemies in the Netherworld. Originally, Taoist Yin and Yang did not want to be at this time. Swallowing their origins, but wanting to integrate the origins of these enemies into the nether world, so that the king of cause and effect can go further, but the plan is not as fast as the change, the Yin and Yang Taoists have to abandon the original plan and have to fight these enemies Idea!

"Damn, my mind is warning, there is death coming!" When making a choice in the hearts of the Yin and Yang Taoists, those old guys trapped in the nether world immediately felt their own spiritual warning, and their expressions changed drastically. I understand that I am in great trouble, I am being watched, death is coming to me, and my death is coming!

"It must be the **** of Yin and Yang Taoist. Only he can threaten our lives. How dare this **** hit our minds at this time? He really wants to live with us endlessly. He really wants to let Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu reap the benefits of the fisherman. No way!"

Among those old guys, there are still people who don’t know how to advance and retreat. They think that they are superior to others. Even if the Yin and Yang Taoists have to face the heavens and the calculations of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, they are not incapable of dealing with them. You must know these stupidities. 'S **** was in the Nether World, and was congenitally suppressed by the Nether World, and his strength was cut by half!

"Causality, hands-on, to suppress those **** **** with all my strength, I need to swallow their origins to complete my own transformation. The sudden interference of heaven has made me lose the devouring of Thunder Sea, and there is no origin as a nutrient for my own transformation!" The sudden change of yin and yang is a lesson, and it is also a warning. You must know that not only your own deity needs to face the punishment of heaven and need to be transformed. The three avatars also have such needs. With the lesson this time, the next time I need to make more preparations and have a stronger accumulation, so I can no longer step into the footsteps of the deity and fall into such a crisis!

Upon hearing the deity’s request, the King of Karma could not help but sighed slightly. This sudden change indeed disrupted his own deity’s plan. This may be the consequence of underestimating the deity and facing the deity and Hongjun Daozu. This kind of existence, no matter how much attention is paid, still has such a big problem. This time I can still plunder the original source from the enemy, but next time I will not have such a good opportunity. With this lesson, it will completely let the Yin and Yang Taoists and The king of cause and effect is soberly aware of the shortcomings of his own foundation, and realizes that if he wants to break through and want to evolve, the foundation and accumulation he needs are far beyond imagination!

Although there are too many shocks in my heart, the king of cause and effect did not panic because of this, and the source of the nether world was fully opened, and the regular power of the nether world was fully exploded, and a terrible power instantly enveloped the entire nether world. As the lord of the world, the king of cause and effect who holds the authority of the world dare not have the slightest reservation, and he will do his best to target these enemies in the nether world. With the previous lessons, this time, there can be no more mistakes!

"Damn, the Taoist Yin and Yang is really crazy, he is determined to attack us!" When the rules came, those old guys who still had illusions were completely dumbfounded, death had really come, and the full-scale explosion of the world's rules would directly affect They were so overwhelmed that the little bit of arrogance in their hearts was completely shattered!

"Since the king of cause and effect doesn't give us a way to survive, everyone fights back together, explodes themselves, and pulls this **** to death!" When facing death, some people couldn't bear the fear and anxiety in their hearts and shouted angrily, venting their hearts. disturbed!

He exploded himself, this guy was just talking about it. He didn't have the first charge, how could he convince others that if he took the lead and sacrificed himself, he might be able to hit many old guys, just because of this ridiculous I want to encourage others to commit suicide attacks after a few words, which is simply a joke.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were cast on this person, and they looked directly at him. That meant it was obvious. To do a suicide attack, you should come first. You can give us a demonstration. Only you did it. We will follow up, otherwise don't expect us to listen to your ridiculous opinion, it is impossible to use us as cannon fodder.

When someone saw his scalp numb, this person couldn't help becoming irritated, and shouted: "Asshole, when is the time, you still have so many distracting thoughts in your heart, and you are still so selfish. If everyone does not sacrifice, then We only have a dead end. I will definitely not just say or do nothing, but only rely on my own strength, let alone explode the flesh, even if the soul explodes itself, it will not break the rules of the Netherworld to suppress it. We want to survive. , Only by working together, only believing in each other, exploding the flesh together, forming the most powerful force of attack, breaking the rules of the Nether World in one fell swoop, only in this way can we get the Yuanshen out of trouble and escape the suppression of the Nether World, Get rid of the attack of the madman, the king of cause and effect!"

"Hmph, you sound pretty good, exploding the flesh is really nothing, but have you ever thought about it, this is the world of the netherworld, the Lord of the nether controls the reincarnation of the prehistoric world, we explode the flesh, can we really let the soul escape, I Seeing that it is self-destruction, we blew ourselves up and exposed our souls directly in front of the King of Cause and Effect, which would be tantamount to suicide, and you must not forget that the Witch Clan has compromised with the King of Cause and Effect. We blew ourselves up and they would sit and watch. Ignore, you think the Houtu ancestor witch, the lord of the six reincarnations, is easy to talk, and won't use us to eliminate the great cause and effect with the king of cause and effect?"

I have to say that these words are even more reasonable. They blew themselves up in the Netherworld. Unless they can succeed in one blow and rush out of the Netherworld in one fell swoop, otherwise they will definitely be a dead end. Without the protection of the flesh, there is only one left. Xia Yuanshen, this is not what self-destruction is, the Netherworld is the world of the dead, mastering the reincarnation of the wild world!


"Damn it, then what do you say we should do, just sit and wait for death, waiting for death to come?"

"It's impossible to wait and die. We can come up with the ultimate killer, contribute all our treasures, replace ourselves with treasures, and explode all treasures, including everyone's natal treasures. I believe this power is enough for us to fight through the siege. , Break through the rules of the Netherworld, let us seize that gleam of life!"

These words sound very reasonable, but there are big loopholes in the plan. Who can guarantee that they will not keep all their treasures? Who can guarantee that everyone will blew their own treasures and break their foundations? Preserving personal strength may make everyone into a desperate situation, and make everyone's efforts be wiped out!

Without waiting for any objection, the person continued: "I know everyone has concerns in their hearts, but I want to tell you that this is our last chance, either with all our strength or with death. I ask everyone to swear to heaven. , Do not make any reservations, only in this way, we will have that ray of life!"

"Asshole, how dare this **** **** dare to make such a request!" All the old guys were scolding in their hearts, because they had thoughts of preserving strength in their hearts before, and they were unwilling to explode their origins and treasures, but now they have an oath. Directly destroy the calculations in their hearts, how can this not make them annoyed.

"Hmph, stop playing that ridiculously careful thought, we have reached the critical moment of life and death, there is no time to discuss, in one word, agree or disagree, if you disagree, we will sit and wait for death, waiting for death to come!" In an instant, everyone was forced to a dead end, and everyone must face the immediate crisis!

"Haha, don't be delusional, just leave it to me, order will come, suppress sentient beings, be sure!" Without waiting for the old guys to make a decision, the sneer of the king of cause and effect sounded in their ears, the power of order When they arrived, they were instantly set on the spot, which directly cut off the possibility of suicide attacks with their treasures!

Of course, for these old guys, it is not incapable of resisting. The last thing they have to do is to explode, but their selfishness makes them unwilling to make such a choice, and it is precisely because of the influence of selfishness that is precisely because of them. Unable to unite, ruined their last vitality, and plunged them into a real desperate situation.

The origin of the Dao of Yin-Yang Taoists came, and the power of the black hole came, pulling these old guys into the black hole of Yin-Yang Dao's evolution in an instant. At the moment the black hole swallowed, these old guys regretted and blamed themselves. I didn't make a decision earlier before, and I even plunged myself into a desperate situation, and I didn't even have the opportunity to resist!

"This group of **** bastards, the endless years of avoidance actually obliterated their will, leaving them without the courage to explode. They gave away their heads to the Taoists of Yin and Yang, so that the Taoists of Yin and Yang could devour their origins for nothing!" When the world suddenly broke out, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but yelled and hated those **** old guys. He paid so much to set the overall situation like today and forced the Yin and Yang Taoist to a desperate situation. , But because these ignorant and stupid old guys let their plans shatter in an instant, the result was that Hongjun Daozu couldn't accept it!

"No, you can't let the Yin and Yang Taoist break through the bottleneck of the physical body, or allow him to successfully metamorphose and evolve, or the fruit will be unimaginable. The betrayal of the three **** of Tongtian, Zhunti, and Receiving has threatened the balance of the heavens. You can no longer let the Yin Yang Taoist. It also breaks through the bottleneck and becomes a major threat to the heavens. The ultimate killer is still to be used. Even if you expose your trump cards, you must prevent all of this from happening and prevent the success of the Yin and Yang Taoists!" In an instant, Hongjun Daozu's eyes reflected endlessly. His killing intent, this time he was really driven to a desperate situation, had to work hard, had to use all means.

"Yin and Yang Taoist, stop, you can't succeed, you are against the sky, against the path, now you have a chance to stop, or you will die!" A voice sounded in the void, followed by A figure appeared in front of the Yin-Yang Taoist. This is a very ordinary creature. There is no surprise, no earth-shaking aura. Everything is so ordinary. If there is anything extraordinary, it is the eyes, ordinary. There is a clear light in it!

"The breath of the origin of the heavens, this is the blue sky, how can this be possible!" When this figure appeared, the expression of the old monarch changed drastically, and all the strong men who had been in contact with the heavens were shocked. This is too unexpected. People are unacceptable!

"It’s no wonder that the monster clan has been in charge of the heavens for so long without proving the Dao. It turns out that the origin of the heavens is not perfect. The Demon Emperor Jun has not really refined the origins of the heavens at all. With his own clone, it is impossible for anyone in charge of the heavens to prove the Dao, because the origin is missing! Now I finally understand why he can slay the corpse to prove the Dao. He did not use the "good fortune jade disc" to cut out the three corpses, but with the origin of the heavens. Cut out the three corpses, Qingtian, Huangtian, and Cangtian are his real three corpses. This **** hides us so miserably! The monster clan has lost too much!"

When the blue sky appeared, those ancient old guys understood everything instantly, and understood how Hongjun Daozu succeeded in proving the Dao. No wonder no one can prove the Dao in the era of fierce beasts or dragons and phoenixes, because of the origin of the heavens. Had already been seized by Hongjun Taoist ancestor, the heavens have always been in Hongjun's grasp. Everyone was deceived by Hongjun this **** villain, and he had calculated it. If it were not for the madness of the Yin and Yang Taoist, If it weren't for the repeated changes of the world, everyone would never know that Hongjun Daozu had hidden so deeply, or that he had such insidious calculations!

Hate, then the ancient powerhouses who lost the opportunity to prove the Dao because of Hongjun Daozu’s calculations are extremely hated in their hearts, and they can’t wait to swallow Daozu Hongjun alive, but they can’t do anything, they simply can’t do anything with Daozu Hongjun, just like Like the old guys who were calculated to death before, they had no ability to resist in front of Daozu Hongjun!

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