God of Destruction

Chapter 4504: Three Corpse Clone

Four thousand five hundred and tenth chapter three corpses clone

"Qing Tian, ​​the origin of the heavens, such a Hongjun Dao ancestor, do you think that the power of these three corpses can stop my transformation? Even if you master the power of the heavens, don’t forget, you are bound by the great avenue, And what can you do with a three-corpse clone? If the heaven is perfect, I might still be afraid and have to retreat, but it shouldn’t be absolutely necessary. You have to calculate the demon clan, and even the origin of the heaven is damaged, the way of heaven. The origin of is also damaged. Under this circumstance, your three-corpse clone still has a bit of power, and can borrow a bit of power from the heavens!" Taoist Yin and Yang sneered disdainfully, with endless killing intent reflected in his eyes. With a look of contempt, he is already a saint and has been in harmony, but he has repeatedly calculated and cut the path of cultivation of the primordial beings. How can such a character go further! ]

At this moment, the Taoist of Yin and Yang has also seen the identity of the person in front of him, and the calculation of Taoist Hongjun. Of course, this is not the ability of the Taoist of Yin and Yang, but the ability of the king of cause and effect, the ability of the nether world, and the authentic warning, although It was just a three-corpse clone, but Hongjun Daozu still violated the rules of the great road, and it is impossible to keep this secret!

Daozu Hongjun has been able to hide his secret of cutting the three corpses in the endless years, precisely because he has never used the power of the three corpses, has always hidden them in the dark, and has not interfered with the evolution of the prehistoric world, but now he has repeatedly Di violated the rules of the avenue, even if it took advantage of the loopholes in the avenue rules, it also caused dissatisfaction on the avenue, so his secrets were exposed directly, and he was directly discovered by the predecessors of the world, directly bearing endless infamy!

Before Hongjun Daozu made his move, he had long understood the consequences of doing this and the pressure he was facing, but he still did it. He did not dare to let the Yin and Yang Taoist take a crucial step, and he did not dare to let the Yin and Yang Taoist step in. The realm of Hunyuan.

In a moment, the entire predecessor sentient beings understood the origins of Qingtian, also understood the insidious and terrifying of Daozu Hongjun, and knew the secrets and calculations of the heavens. After being shocked, everyone's heart was extremely heavy, and they were all very sad about Daozu Hongjun. Take precautions, even the Taoist minds of the three remaining heavenly saints, the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress, are shaking, and they all give birth to everything to give up the heavenly saints and get rid of the shackles of the heavens. Because my teacher is too dangerous!

"Ignorance, the younger generation is really ignorant, even if it's just a three-corpse clone, it can hide the **** Hongjun for so long, and it absolutely has unimaginable strength. What about the damage to the heavens, and the damage to the origin of the heavens, he is just A small big Luo Jinxian, even if he sees Hun Yuan's hope, it is still just a big Luo Jinxian!" To the reaction of the Yin and Yang Taoists, those strong people who survived in the ancient times were not optimistic about the Yin and Yang Taoists.

It is not just that these old guys are not optimistic about Yin and Yang Taoists, but the creatures of the entire prehistoric world are also not optimistic about Yin and Yang Taoists. The Three Corpse clones are also saints, and they also have the power of saints, and it is not a big Luo Jinxian that can resist.

"Sister, what should we do? Now it seems that the situation has changed again. The situation of the Taoists of Yin and Yang is very dangerous. Should we watch the changes or take the opportunity to kill a carbine, and give the Taoists of Yin and Yang a fatal blow to the King of Cause and Effect. When he saw that the situation had changed again, Zu Witch Zhu Rong couldn't bear to ask, and ambition was born in his heart.

In fact, not only Zhu Rong had such ambitions, but other ancestral witches were also tempted by the current situation, and their ambitions inevitably revived, but they did not wish Rong Zuwu to be happy. When they heard Zhu Rong’s question, the other ancestral witches were all tempted. Turning their eyes to the Houtu Ancestral Witch, they are all waiting for the Houtu Ancestral Witch’s answer. After all, in their hearts, only the Houtu Ancestral Witch knows the Yin and Yang Taoists and the King of Cause and Effect best, and can best judge the difference in strength between the two sides. Make the most suitable choice for the Wu clan!

I saw, Houtu Zuwu sighed lightly, shook his head and said: "Suddenly there has been such an abnormal change in the situation. I don't know if the Yin and Yang Taoists can withstand it, but for us, it is better to look on the sidelines. , Don’t step into the previous crisis on the impulse, know that the King of Causality and the Taoists of Yin and Yang are not so easy to calculate. We have this idea. Do you think the King of Cause and Effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang will be unprepared? Sneak attack It is destined to be impossible. It will only deepen the karma between us and the Daoist of Yin and Yang and the King of Cause and Effect. It will only be evil and rejected by the Dao. You must know that the Daoist of Yin and Yang now faces not only Hongjun Dao ancestor, but also heaven. , This can be said to be a clash between heaven and earth!"

It was Houtu Ancestral Witch who could see clearly. He was not tempted by the situation before him, and he was not reborn with greed because of Daozu Hongjun’s intervention. This time, the tunnel did not warn her or warn the Twelve Ancestor Witch. This is also a temptation for them by the tunnel. If the twelve ancestor witches once again make a betrayal, they will not only wait for the counterattack of the king of cause and effect, but also the authentic anger and the anger of the nether world, the whole witch race will be Fall into a greater crisis!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu nodded and said: "The little girl is right. We cannot participate in such a confrontation. The Wu clan's own luck has been weakened. If it is weakened again, perhaps we will be rejected by the tunnel. , We will even be suppressed by the authenticity. We can't take this danger. We are not alone. We have to consider the whole Wu clan!"


"It's a pity, this is a great opportunity to kill the King of Karma!" Although Zhu Rongzu Wu understands the worries in the hearts of the Hou Tu Zu Wu and Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, he still feels a little reluctant to take this opportunity to kill the King of Karma. It seems that as long as everyone takes action, the king of cause and effect is bound to die, and there is no possibility of survival.

"Hmph, ignorance, stupid! What do you think of the king of cause and effect as an ant that can be destroyed at your fingertips? If he is an ant, what are you? You can be the king of cause and effect. Jun’s three-corpse clone can kill the king of cause and effect, and kill the yin and yang Taoist? This is impossible. Think about the old guy who was swallowed by the Yin and Yang Taoist, but that is the strong who survived the ancients, although they have already The ambitions have been obliterated by the years, but their strength is not weak, but they were destroyed by the combination of the king of cause and effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang, don't you say that the king of cause and effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang are not terrible?" At this point, Emperor Jiangzu Wu's eyes fixed on Zhu Rongzu Wu.

Regarding Zhu Rongzu Wu this second class, Di Jiang Zu Wu is very annoyed, and also very worried that he will cause a catastrophe, which will harm the whole witch clan, so this time Di Jiang Zu Wu's momentum is fully open, and it is firmly pressed. Zhu Rongzu Wu, must teach him a lesson, let him know how to advance and retreat, understand what can be done and what can not be done, and can not harm the entire Wu clan on impulse!

"Big brother, I know it's wrong, can you take back this domineering aura!" Under the strong pressure of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Zhu Rongzuwu had to subdue, regardless of whether he has other ideas in his mind, but at this time he can understand Di Jiang Zu Wu was really annoyed, and the consequences would be unthinkable if he didn't admit his mistakes. Zhu Rong Zu Wu didn't want to face this terrifying anger!

"Know it's wrong, before you speak, you'd better think twice before doing things. Don't be enthusiastic about it on impulse. You don't represent a person, you represent the entire Wu clan, and your every move will affect it. The luck of the Wu clan affects the life and death of the Wu clan. If the king of cause and effect is really as easy to kill as you think, do you think those strong men and even saints in the wild world will not take action? Do you think everyone is very kind ?"

"The king of cause and effect is definitely not as simple as it seems. As the lord of the nether world, he has the authority of the nether world. His power is not as simple as what we have seen. In the nether world, he is the sky and he is the master. Anyone who enters the Netherworld will be congenitally suppressed by the origin of the Netherworld, even Daozu Hongjun is no exception. This is why Daozu Hongjun only dared to use his three-corpse clone, and he did not dare to directly descend into the Netherworld. He chose to fight against the Yin-Yang Taoist in the void, because he could not bear the suppression of the Nether World, and so did we. As long as we step into the Nether World, we will be suppressed by the Nether World. It can be said that as long as the King of Cause and Effect is in the Nether World, I'm almost invincible. This is the conclusion I got from the six reincarnations!" Having said this, Houtu Zuwu sighed lightly, although he had obtained this information from the six reincarnations, but Similarly, the Houtu ancestor witch also felt the urgency of the six reincarnations. He had to quickly perfect the six reincarnations and let the lord of the six reincarnations return to his place. Only in this way could he have the power to protect himself.

Yes, when Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone Qingtian appeared, the Six Paths of Samsara instinctively felt threatened and eager to perfect themselves. For the Six Paths of Reincarnation, perfecting oneself only requires the Lord of the Six Paths to return, but now and later The Tuzu witch has no way to perfect the Six Paths of Reincarnation. After all, the Lord of the Six Paths is not able to take this responsibility by himself. To become the leader of the Six Paths, you must be in harmony with the origin of the Six Paths, or you will only waste your time and energy. !

"Wait, everyone is calmly waiting for the end of the battle. Whether it is the Yin-Yang Taoist, the King of Cause and Effect, and the three-corpse clone of Daozu Hongjun, they will use all their power, and none of them can't afford to lose. In my opinion, the Yin-Yang Taoist has a higher chance of winning. As long as he resists Qingtian’s obstacle and completes his own transformation, the Yin-Yang Taoist who enters the Hunyuan gate will not fear the threat of the blue sky. Even without fear of the threat of heaven, the real body of the Chaos God and Demon will give him a strong ability to survive!" Although the Houtu Ancestral Witch does not know how powerful the real body of the Chaos God and Demon is, think about being able to fight against Father Pangu. The strongest chaos **** and demon can understand the power of chaos **** and demon, no matter how weak the chaos **** and demon is, that is also a **** and demon!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu took a deep breath and said, "Sister, after this war is over, after we resolve our own causes and effects, we must speed up our practice, or else the Wu Clan will end badly. The world is changing too fast, so fast that we can’t understand it. How long it takes for the Yin-Yang Taoist to enter the gate of Hunyuan, even if it’s just a small step, this is beyond our imagination, instead of wasting our own Put your time and energy on unnecessary struggles. It is better to devote yourself to the practice. If the **** of the six realms of reincarnation is too strong, I see you abandon it. Don’t put everything you have on the six realms of reincarnation. It is too dangerous to pin life and death in the six reincarnations!"

Danger? What is the danger that Emperor Jiang Zu Wu pointed out? The Houtu ancestor witch knew in his heart that if he fits the six reincarnations, life and death are above the six reincarnations, and if the source of the six reincarnations is damaged, he will inevitably be severely injured. If the six reincarnations are destroyed, he is likely to be wiped out by the power of backlash. The danger posed by this position, the leader of Tongtian, the reason why he gave up the saints of the heavens is that he does not want to be bound by the heavens, and he does not want to trust his life and death in the heavens, and be controlled by the heavens!

"I understand and understand the concerns in my brother's heart, but now I can’t do it. After all, I don’t have the means and magical powers of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and there is no way to divide the soul and condense the avatar to bear the responsibility that the deity should bear. Let me take a moment to wait for the six realms of reincarnation to be completely perfected. I have this opportunity, and it is impossible now!" This time, after receiving a genuine warning, the Houtu ancestor witch also noticed her own shortcomings and understood the dangers she had to face. I also thought about cutting out the clone to take on the responsibility of the six reincarnations, but now she is powerless.

"It's good if you understand. Now I also have a little regret in my heart. I knew that the constraints were so great. I shouldn't have taken over the power of the Lord of the World. The power to separate the power is too costly. I only have to wait for this world to be great. Do it slowly after the catastrophe is over!" The Lord of the World has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages can be recognized by the world's origin, and the world can cultivate with the help of the world's origin. If the disadvantages take over the world's authority, he must assume responsibility and live and die with the world. The more you drag, the closer your connection with the world, and the more difficult it will be to divide power in the future.

Before the twelve ancestor witches opened up the world of the witch clan, the Taoist Yin and Yang had already mentioned this problem. Unfortunately, the Emperor Jiang Zu witch did not believe it, and he took over the power of the world lord. The danger is too great, and I want to give up. I have to say that Emperor Jiang Zuwu is wasting his time and energy for nothing, and the gain is not worth the loss! Once the power is divided into oneself, the emperor ancestor witch will lose more than half of its origin, and most of the insights from the previous practice with the help of the power of the world will also dissipate. This cost is high enough to make the emperor ancestor witch heartache!

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