God of Destruction

Chapter 4505: Killing intent

The fourth thousand five hundred and eleventh chapter killing intent

When the Twelve Ancestor Witches were discussing how to face this catastrophe, the battle between the three corpses of the Daoist Yin and Yang and Hongjun Daozu had begun. As an enemy, the Daoists of Yin and Yang would not be merciful. Similarly, they will not be merciful. If they can kill the enemy, they will definitely kill the killer and kill the opponent cleanly.

This is not an ordinary duel. It is a duel of luck, a duel of great power, and a duel of destiny. Both the Yin and Yang Taoist and the three-corpse clone of Hongjun Taoist ancestors are cautious and do not dare to be careless, they At the beginning, I didn't rush to make a move, but constantly tested the opponent's reality in the momentum, constantly confronted, and found the opponent's weakness from the temptation!

"Hongjun, your strength is not enough to stop me. Take out all your backhands. The three-corpse clone can't be the one in the blue sky. The other two corpses show up. Don't try to attack me. You should know if this is true. It's possible!" Daoist Yin and Yang didn't believe that since Dao Ancestor Hongjun decided to make a move, he would only arrange a three-corpse clone!

Being seen through the clone is expected, but facing the provocation of the Taoist Yin and Yang, Daozu Hongjun felt extremely heavy. Just as Taoist Yin and Yang said, in order to succeed in the first battle this time, Daozu Hongjun did three times. All three corpse clones were sent out, but the other two clones continued to hide in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to give the yin and yang Taoist and the king of cause and effect a fatal blow. For Hongjun Daozu, either he did not make a move, and one shot must be divided. life and death.

This time, Hongjun Daozu is not only targeting the Yin and Yang Taoist deity, but also his clone of the King of Cause and Effect who is in charge of the Netherworld. In Hongjun Daozu's plan, he must completely strangle the Yin and Yang Taoist without leaving any troubles. If only the deity was killed and the King of Karma clone survived, there would still be a great threat to Heaven!

"Okay, if you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Faced with the provocation of the Yin and Yang Taoist, Qing Tian couldn't help but snorted. Soon there was a fluctuation in the origin of the space, and the two avatars of Cang Tian and Huang Tian also appeared in the void. Among them, the three avatars mastered the true origin power of the heavens, and the three corpses came out together, which meant that the power of the heavens was condensing.

At this time, the Yin and Yang Taoists calmly faced the three avatars in the void, feeling the breath of the other party. Although they were all three corpses of Hongjun Dao ancestor for these three days, the auras on their bodies were different, obviously. They all mastered different origin powers, mastered different avenue rules, and like their three avatars, they all walked out of their own way!

"What a Hongjun, everyone underestimated him. The three corpses have all walked out of their own avenues and mastered the power of different original rules. With such a hole card, it is no wonder that he dared to act so domineeringly and didn't even pass the sky. The betrayal of the leader is a serious matter. He has the strength to ignore all of this. If it is not for this time, I am afraid that Hongjun's trump card will not be drawn!" Facing the three avatars, the mood of Yin Yang Taoist became abnormal. Dignified, this is not an ordinary battle, this is a life-and-death battle, no one has a retreat. This battle is regardless of victory or defeat, only life and death, only life and death!

There are different looks on the faces of Qingtian, Cangtian, and Huangtian. Qingtian's body exudes a brazen fighting spirit. Even if it is revealed by the Yin and Yang Taoist, there is no retreat, no fear, for him There is only one battle.

Cang Tian's complexion was very indifferent, and there was a different meaning in his eyes, as if he was looking down at the Taoist Yin and Yang, and his eyes looked at the Taoist Yin and Yang with contempt, and he did not regard the Taoist Yin and Yang as his opponent. The same, as if in his eyes, the Yin and Yang Taoist is already a dead person, without any value!

Huang Tian is another look, not plain, nor wary, but exuding shocking killing and rebellious intentions from his bones, giving people a gloomy feeling! It is a pity that the Yin and Yang Taoists have limited time and energy, and there is no way to carefully taste the origin of these three corpses, even if they want to explore, these three corpses will not give this opportunity, their aura is blooming. Put pressure on the yin and yang Taoist, want to use the aura to overwhelm the yin and yang Taoist, and beat the mind of the yin and yang Taoist!

"Hmph, I believe that the sentient beings of the Primordial World will be very interested in the original blood of your Three Corpse clones. The Three Corpse clones who have mastered the origin of the heavens are indeed very tempting and will make many people crazy!" Under the pressure of the enemy, the Taoist Yin and Yang spoke plainly, his expression unchanged, as if he hadn't been affected at all!

Hearing the words of the yin and yang Taoist, Qing Tian said disapprovingly: "Things like ants dare to speak wild words, just relying on your little big Luo Jinxian, what qualifications do you have to say here, you will not be afraid of death and death. Is it all over? Now if you have time to surrender, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for you. No one can save your life, and the tunnel is not good. You must know that you are not the Lord of the Netherworld now, and you have no way to get the Netherworld. With the blessing of the world’s air luck, without authentic protection, and you yourself are under the punishment of heaven, do you think there is still a possibility of survival!"

As soon as Qingtian's words fell, the entire predecessor was shocked, and then suddenly realized, and at this time they finally understood why Hongjun Daozu chose Qingtian, Cangtian, and Huangtian as their three-corpse clones, because They are all the origins of the heavens, and they are one innate. This is the best sustenance method for slaying the three corpses.


At the same time, everyone also understands that the Yin and Yang Taoists are powerful, but without the authority and power of the Netherworld, they lose their authentic shelter. The Yin and Yang Taoists under the heavenly punishment can be said to have fallen into the calculations of the Hongjun Taoist ancestor. Under the punishment of heaven, Hongjun Daozu can do hands and feet, but the tunnel cannot, because Hongjun Daozu fits the heavenly way, representing the will of the heavenly way. When the Yin-Yang Taoist wants to overcome the catastrophe, and it is the disaster of the transformation of the chaos **** and demon. It will inevitably endure the test of the Dao of Heaven, but the tunnel cannot stop the blast of the Dao of Heaven. This is the best time for Daozu Hongjun to kill the Taoist Yin and Yang!

"Damn Hongjun, it's really sinister and vicious. In order to deal with a junior, he has spent so much thought. This **** is not a sinister villain who counted many allies in the past. But under the punishment of heaven, there is absolutely no vitality. There is everything in the world. A ray of life, no matter how sinister his calculations are, he can't do it to an absolute degree. The Yin and Yang Taoists have great fortune, and the price he has to pay will not be that simple, and it is not absolute!"

Those powerhouses who have really worked with Daozu Hongjun all despise Hongjun’s insidiousness in their hearts, and many people don’t think Daozu Hongjun’s calculations are really successful this time. After all, things can’t be done absolutely. Once calculated one’s allies, you can’t use conspiracy and tricks again and again to succeed, Dao Zhi Gong will not let him use loopholes again and again, this time many people feel that Hongjun Daozu’s calculations are necessary Failure, the avenue will inevitably prevent everything.

Yes, everything can’t be done too terribly. Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao always want to do things absolutely, repeatedly want to monopolize the vast world, and want to use Heaven to suppress humanity and authenticity, and even the humanity and authenticity of Tuncheng, let the whole The primordial world dominates the way of heaven, which is contrary to the way of the great road. Once or twice, he can use loopholes to calculate the sentient beings of the world, but he cannot continue like this. The great road will not endure such a situation again and again. I am afraid that the Yin and Yang Taoist does not have the authority to control the Nether World, but his King of Cause and Effect clone is the Lord of the Nether World. The tunnel will definitely give some assistance, and even the Dao will give some assistance, with the help of the Yin and Yang Taoist hand. Heaven, teach Hongjun Daozu a lesson.

"Hmph, if you want to kill me, just do it, don’t talk about these useless things, even if I don’t have the authority of the Netherworld, the path of cultivation lies in myself, not external force. I have now attained the path of physical transformation and walked on the chaotic god. The way of the demon body depends on your own strength, even if you take advantage of the loopholes in the rules, but you repeatedly provoke the bottom line of the avenue, can you really be able to act recklessly by conforming to the natural way for yourself? Heaven and earth are not the only family of heaven and Dao, and Dao Dao will not allow you to challenge the bottom line again and again. This time it will not be me who will fail, nor will it be me who will die, but you Hongjun, who is your three-corpse clone, just let I'm here to end your three-corpse clone, and cut off your yin for exploiting the loopholes in the rules!"

Speaking of this, the Taoist Yin and Yang exudes a killing intent to the sky. This is derived from the killing intent of the Taoist Yin and Yang himself. It is also the purest killing intent in his heart. You must know that the Taoist Yin and Yang who kills endlessly has the world of time gods and demons. The horrible accumulation of Yin and Yang Taoist, if it is on other avenues, he may have huge shortcomings, but if it is the killing avenue, Yin Yang Taoist is definitely not weaker than anyone in the prehistoric world, his pure killing intent is one After that, the entire Primordial World was trembling. Although this was the acquired killing intent, the acquired killing intent had shaken the origin of the Primordial World.

"What a terrible killing intent? How could this appear in the body of a junior. This can only be accumulated after experiencing endless killings, and the younger generation of Taoist Yin and Yang has only experienced a few killings. What is going on?" Dang When facing the impact of Yin and Yang Taoist killing intent, Qing Tian's heart was shocked. The horror of this killing intent exceeded his imagination!

"Hahaha! Okay, it's really great. I know that this time Dadao will not let Hongjun, a bastard, continue to use the loopholes in the rules. Now let's see how he resists this acquired killing intent and condenses to the ultimate acquired killing intent. , Even if it is Hongjun's three three-corpse avatars, they must be afraid. Such pure acquired killing intent definitely has the power to cut the sky. This time, let's see how Hongjun gets away!"

"Hahaha, great, this time Dadao is going to use the hands of Yin and Yang Taoists to destroy Hongjun's three corpses, and to cut off Hongjun's three corpses, and teach him a profound lesson. Without these three corpses. Clone, his three-corpse method of proving Tao will be shattered, and his own avenue will never be completed again. This is our chance, our chance to break free from the shackles of heaven!"

The horrible aura of a respect appeared in the prehistoric world. Those old guys who had worked with Hongjun and were scammed by him are ready to move, because they finally waited for the time to come, unlike the idiots who had been smashed before. These old guys are very hidden, and they have never been obliterated by the years of their fighting will. Now the appearance of the Yin and Yang Taoist allows them to see the opportunity, as long as the Yin and Yang Taoists use the acquired killing intent to kill the sky, the sky, and the sky. Huang Tian's three corpses broke Hongjun's Three Corpse Avenue, and this Qiaqia was their chance to break free.

Because of the departure of the Saint of Heaven, the origin of Heaven is not lightly damaged. If Hongjun Daozu’s three corpse clones are also beheaded, Hongjun who fits with the body will inevitably suffer backlash and will be hit hard, and Hongjun fits with the sky. , To complement the way of heaven, damage to his origin will inevitably damage the origin of heaven, and this Qiaqia is the opportunity for the entire predecessor to break free from the shackles and hit the bottleneck!

Of course, although the opportunity exists, not everyone can do it. To be able to grasp the opportunity requires strength and sufficient strength. Hongjun Daozu is calculating the Yin and Yang Taoists, and under the causal cycle, he will inevitably endure this. The cause and effect of the cause and effect, and the existence of this cause and effect harmonized affects the great world, and also affects himself.

"Did I really arouse Dao's anger, and let this **** ant get the Dao's help, with this horrible acquired killing intent?" When facing the continuous impact of Yin Yang Taoist's terrible killing intent, Qing Tian's heart was shaking. , And as the avatar of the three corpses, his mood swing also affected the deity of Hongjun Daozu, and it also cast a shadow on his heart!

If Dadao took the shot, this time the situation is really troublesome, and his situation is also very dangerous? Daozu Hongjun's mood became a little heavy, and his eyes were filled with endless killing intent. This is the killing intent to the Yin and Yang Taoist, the killing intent to the king of cause and effect, and it is also aimed at mentioning, receiving, and the master of Tongtian. It was precisely because of their betrayal that the origin of the heaven was damaged, the situation became uncontrollable, and his calculations failed repeatedly, and eventually such a shock occurred.

Does hate work? Can change everything right now? No, it's useless. No matter how much hatred Hongjun Daozu has at this moment, it does not help the current situation. Now Hongjun Daozu can no longer stop, and it is impossible to stop it, because he has been trapped in the robbery and has been caught by the world. Entangled by the catastrophe, although the body fits the way, only the Hongjun Dao ancestor is the one who fits the way. His three-corpse clone does not fit the way, so the three-corpse clone appears in the big catastrophe, and it is bound to be contaminated with the catastrophe. To escape from the catastrophe, you must complete this killing and live from the catastrophe!

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