God of Destruction

Chapter 4506: Chaos open sky

Chapter 4512: Chaos Opens the Sky

"Hongjun, come to the battle, you have repeatedly interfered in the development of the prehistoric world, repeatedly colluded with the heavens and tried to master the reincarnation of life and death of the prehistoric beings. Perhaps someone will have to surrender under the pressure of you and the heavens and have to confess their fate, but I am absolutely not. I will admit my fate, and it is impossible to be oppressed by this shameless behavior of you and the way of heaven. No one can stop me from chasing the avenue, and no one can stop me from moving forward. Come on, let me see if you can use the way of heaven. Heaven Punishment can do that step, come to fight!" Yin and Yang Taoist stared at the blue sky, his eyes showed endless killing intent, and that killing intent was almost condensed into substance.

war! At this time, Daozu Hongjun had no retreat. All his calculations were broken by Daoist Yin and Yang. Facing the accusation of Daoist Yin and Yang, Dao Zu Hongjun could only fight, even if he knew that his three-corpse clone was in danger. In the middle, there is no retreat. The words of the Taoist Yin and Yang completely sealed his retreat, whether it is for himself or for the sake of heaven, Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone only has to fight to the end.

"Damn bastard, how dare he dare to be so presumptuous!" Daozu Hongjun had to fight decisively by the Yin and Yang Taoist, even if he knew that this was a trap, he could only jump in by himself. Heaven would not let him retreat, nor Allowing him to retreat is related to the prestige of Heaven’s Dao, and it’s more important to the luck of Heaven’s Dao. If Hongjun Daozu who fits with the Dao chooses to retreat at this time and dare not fight a decisive battle, the prestige of Heaven’s Dao will inevitably be impaired, and Tian Dao wants to suppress humanity. , Suppressing the tunnel became a joke.

"No, this **** can't be so arrogant. With his strength, he can't be the opponent of my three-corpse clone. Now he is acting so crazy. It seems that Dao has taken a shot, and even a humane has taken a shot. They are all giving this. Help the bastard, let him provoke Heaven and provoke me, take this opportunity to use the great anger to weaken the origin of Heaven!" For a moment, Hongjun Daozu thought about the worst, thinking that all this was just a trap. A trap aimed at oneself and heaven, otherwise the Yin and Yang Taoists could not be so crazy, let alone be so arrogant.

What if he knows that it is a trap? The Yin and Yang Taoist is a Yang plot, and Hongjun Taoist ancestor cannot refuse it, and at this time Hongjun Taoist ancestor has no retreat. This is why he repeatedly interferes with the development of the prehistoric world, vainly wanting to suppress it with heaven. He is authentic and humane, and he wants to be punished by the great power of the primordial world. He passed this level. Although he violated the rules of the Dao, he would not be punished by the Dao. Everything in the world has a ray of life. Hongjun Daozu is no exception. Without this level, his three-corpse clone will be completely destroyed, the accumulation of endless years, and the calculations of endless years will be lost.

"I miscalculated, I still underestimated the **** ant of Yin Yang Taoist, underestimated the authentic counterattack, underestimated the counterattack of the Netherworld, and ignored the counterattack of the Dao!" At this time, Hongjun Daozu finally understood that he had committed it. It’s a big mistake, but it’s a pity that everything has broken out now. Even if I want to save it, it’s too late. Dadao won’t give me this opportunity. The tunnel and humanity also won’t give me this opportunity. All I can do is let it go. .

Those who count people will be counted! This is every reaction of Daozu Hongjun. Although there is endless irritation in his heart, Daozu Hongjun can only continue to bite the bullet. He has no retreat. Retreating is death and destruction. It is a result that he cannot bear, rather The three corpses were all killed, and Hongjun Daozu couldn't avoid it without fighting.

"If you want to fight, I will give you a fight!" Qing Tian also understood how dangerous his situation was, and understood that he had no way out. After a cold snort, the entire void shook, and the terrifying space origin was shaking. The rules are erupting frantically, and in an instant, the terrifying power of the space will sweep the Yin and Yang Taoists.

The power of space, the power of space rules, this is the power of Qingtian. Qingtian has mastered the power of space in the three thousand avenues. Although Qingtian does not have the mighty power of the chaotic gods and demons, he has an understanding of the rules of space. Above mastery, Qingtian really stood at the top of the prehistoric, even if the space ancestor Wudi Jiang didn't have such a powerful force as Qingtian, the master of the space avenue showed how powerful the three-corpse clone Qingtian was!

"Okay, it's a power of space rules. It seems that your three-corpse clone not only mastered the origin of the heavens, but also cultivated three thousand avenues. Okay, very good. Let me see the power you hide. , Open it to me!" The Taoist Yin and Yang roared, punched out, and the fist burst out like the sky. The terrifying physical power exploded, and the fist rushed out, carrying the terrifying force of destruction to meet the attack of Qingtian. , The inch of void shattered under this fist, and Qingtian's attack was shattered!

At this time, the powerhouses in the predecessor were shocked one by one. Whether it was the power of the sky rules or the power of the Yin and Yang Taoist suddenly burst out of this terrible punch, they all felt extremely terrifying oppression. , Let them fear from the depths of their hearts, that terrible power seemed to let them see death and destruction!

"Hmph, ignorant ants, you think you have a trace of the spiritual path of chaos gods and demons. If you have mastered a little skin of physical transformation, you dare to challenge the heavens, challenge the prehistoric rules, ridiculous, die, under the heavens you are just Ant!" Qing Tian roared disdainfully, the power of the terrifying space origin rule exploded, causing his original body to undergo a qualitative transformation in an instant, and the terrifying space origin aura erupted frantically from Qing Tian's body.

"Arrogant, Qingtian, you are too arrogant. You dare to speak such arrogant words because you think you are something. I am indeed an ant, but I am definitely not an ant under the heaven, but an ant under the avenue, in the avenue. Below, I am an ant, and you are also just an ant. You want to dominate the predominant situation. You are too arrogant. Today is your death date!"

The eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoist were cold instantly, and the power of the physical body broke out. The power of the chaotic **** and demon erupted from his body. The power that had been hidden in him was exploding frantically, and the power of rules was resurrecting, in the absolute threat of death. Down, I can't help but Yin and Yang Taoists don't work hard, if they don't work hard at this time, they will really die!


At this moment, not only Qingtian, but also Cangtian and Huangtian, they also attacked the Yin and Yang Taoist without any face. They wanted to combine the power of the three days to directly strangle the Yin and Yang Taoist in the void. Want to completely destroy the life and death enemy of Yin and Yang Taoist, and want to eliminate the life and death enemy of Yin and Yang Taoist in one fell swoop.

Yes, now the Yin and Yang Taoists have changed in Hongjun Daozu's eyes, becoming the enemy of life and death, the kind of endless death, and at this time, even if Hongjun Daozu wants to stop, the general situation has fallen, even if Hongjun Daozu wants to stop. No matter how much power and price we pay, we can't stop all the explosions in front of us. This is God's will, and this is the cycle of cause and effect!

For the shamelessness of Daozu Hongjun, the Daoist Yin and Yang had long been prepared. When Daozu Hongjun made an all-out effort to kill himself, he made a full attack. Daozu Hongjun was indeed very strong, and his three-corpse clone was indeed terrifying. , But the Yin and Yang Taoists are not without the ability to resist. Now the Yin and Yang Taoists are also equipped with luck, and they have the strength to fight against them!

"Looking for death! No power can resist the power of heaven, time, space, and destiny!" Qingtian, Huang Tian, ​​and the heavens were sniffing coldly. The power of time, space, and destiny fell on the Yin and Yang Taoists together. The three source powers must be absolute. The power of the yin and yang Taoists directly destroys all the resistance of the Yin and Yang Taoists. If you do not make a move, it is an absolute killer move, leaving no room for the lore. This is Hongjun Daozu’s calculation, this is him. Crazy.

"Hey! What a Hongjun, what a cruel heart, so crazy to deal with a junior junior, we really did not complain that we were defeated back then, we were not as ruthless as him, and we could not be as stellar as he was, but this time he is only afraid of it. Taking extra care, he is not facing a junior, he is facing the authenticity, the humanity, the nether world, and even the great avenue!" Seeing the lore of the blue sky, the yellow sky, and the sky, in the wild world Those strong people who had been with Hongjun Dao ancestor in the same era all sighed for it.

"The chaos opens the sky!" A low voice sounded from the Yin and Yang Taoist's mouth. The endless murderous intent was combined with the chaotic aura of his own, and the horrible chaotic light burst out, killing into the void, and every ray of light could be suppressed. Break the void and destroy the stars, even the ordinary quasi-sage powerhouse will perish in front of this ray of light. This is the true light of chaos, the power of chaos, the murder of chaos. At this moment, the Taoist Yin and Yang truly grasped the **** of chaos. The power of the demon, even if it is only the power of the flesh, is also the power of the Chaos God and Demon, and it cannot be resisted by ordinary powerful people. The Chaos God and Demon is the Chaos God and Demon!

The chaotic light of the Yin-Yang Taoist collided with the power of time, space, and destiny of Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone, and a terrifying shock wave erupted. Numerous original rules were flickering. That was the result of the blooming of the original Dao. It is the Dao. As a result of the attack, the power of the chaotic gods and demons of the Yin-Yang Taoist completely blocked the ultimate move of Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone!

Under this terrible shock wave, the prehistoric world is trembling, the nether world is trembling, the heaven is trembling, the trembling of the prehistoric world is because the power of the chaos gods and demon is too strong, the nether world is the closest to the shock wave, and the heaven is the ancestor of Hongjun. The avatar of the three corpses borrowed the origin of the heavens, and the origin of the heavens was obliterated by the power of the chaos gods and demons, naturally they would be shocked!

"Hongjun, you can't. Your three-corpse clone has no power to stop my transformation. Is it just this power for you to fit the way of heaven? If you only have this power, I will accept your three-corpse clone, and they will It will turn into a nutrient for my transformation!" The Taoist Yin and Yang stared at the blue sky, the yellow sky and the sky with disdain, his eyes gleaming with contempt.

Yes, the Taoists of Yin and Yang despise Daozu Hongjun. Although Daozu Hongjun’s three-corpse clone is strangling himself and using the power of Heaven’s Punishment to give him a fatal blow, Daozu Hongjun still takes care of Daozu. There is no full force to pay, no daring to mobilize the origin of the heavenly realm, and even the origin of the heavenly realm has not been fully mobilized.

If Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone fully mobilizes the origin of the heavens, the entire prehistoric stars will tremble for it, and the heavens will be shattered by the power of the origin, but Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone has not done so, he dare not do so. Even if you do, you can't bear the terrible cause and effect. The heavens are shattered and the predecessors are damaged. Even if you fit the way, Hongjun Daozu can't bear this terrible cause and effect. He will also be punished by the Dao, a devastating punishment!

Daozu Hongjun didn’t want to die, and didn’t want to carry such causal karma, so his three-corpse clone did not explode the ultimate power. Facing the Yin-Yang Taoist, this incomplete chaotic power of the gods and demons was defeated, and was defeated by the Yin-Yang Taoist’s chaos. The power of the gods and demons shattered the attack and plunged himself into a crisis, failing to strangle the Yin and Yang Taoists, which had a great impact on Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

Of course, Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone will not stop because of this failure. When the attack is destroyed, the endless sea of ​​thunder once again comes from the void. In order to be able to keep his three-corpse clone, Hongjun Daozu Had to mobilize the origin of Heaven’s Dao once again, and had to activate the power of Heaven’s Punishment Thunder Tribulation, using the power of Thunder Punishment to stop the counterattack of the Yin and Yang Taoists, so that his three-corpse clone could temporarily escape from danger and not be affected by Yin and Yang The Taoist is drawn into the life and death duel!

"The way of heaven is really ridiculous, but now the way of heaven is just like the way of the devil, recklessly, Hongjun's Dao heart has been shattered, one thought becomes the Dao, the other is the devil, the Dao heart is damaged, and the heart demon emerges. This time Hongjun is in great trouble. After all the calculations, I was driven to a desperate situation by a junior junior. Although there are great calculations behind this, all this happening is enough to give Hongjun a fatal blow! If this time Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, still The three of Nuwa also betrayed Heavenly Dao and gave up the position of Heavenly Dao saint. Perhaps they can really kill Heavenly Dao and lore Hongjun!" When such a turning point occurred, the old guys couldn’t help but alive, and they fought. With the idea of ​​Hongjun Daozu, he came up with the idea of ​​heaven!

It’s one thing to think, but it’s another thing to really do it. Although Daozu Hongjun is in crisis now, if this is all the power of Daozu Hongjun, no one will believe that at least those who have been with Daozu Hongjun The old guys of an era would not believe it, even if it looks like Hongjun Daozu is in desperation right now, but they still won't act rashly. They dare not act rashly and let themselves step into the footsteps of those stupid guys before. Hongjun is in theirs. There is a sinister and vicious villain in his heart, who can do everything. In the face of such an enemy, no matter how careful it is, it is right!

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