God of Destruction

Chapter 4507: Day of Death

The fourth thousand five hundred and thirteen chapters of death

"Perhaps, the outcome of this battle is not something we can know. This is a turning point for the prehistoric world, and it is also a turning point for us. Who can guarantee that all this is not Hongjun’s calculations, after all, he is too insidious. In order for his plan to be carried out, he can do everything and he can afford to sacrifice. Caution is the top priority. Now is not the time for us to take action, not the time for us to participate in the war, wait, we need to continue to wait!"

"What, continue to wait? Are you crazy, do you know what you are talking about? If you wait any longer, the opportunity will completely disappear. We will miss this only opportunity. After losing this turning point, we will never turn over again. This is the best chance. I don’t agree to wait any longer!” Not everyone is willing to wait any longer, and not all of the predecessors believe that the situation is good for them, thinking that Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone is really good. Ten deaths without life, this calculation will really fail!

The disagreement finally appeared. I have to say that this time the Great Tribulation brought terrible changes to the entire prehistoric world, causing all the ancient creatures hidden in the dark to jump out. When the climax of the second Great Tribulation broke out, the whole No one in the predicament can continue to hide in the dark. In the face of hope, they all have to walk out of the dark. No one can refuse the opportunity to break free from the shackles of heaven. No one can ignore this temptation and under this temptation. The strong ones who came together finally had differences as the situation changed, and parting ways had become their inevitable outcome!

"Well, since you think this is an opportunity, you can take action, you can leave, I will not participate in your crazy decision, and I will not take action easily before the situation is clear and let myself fall into desperation!"

With the fall of this sentence, these powerhouses soon split. Some chose to take the initiative to take the initiative in their own hands. Some chose to continue to be patient and wait for a better opportunity instead of taking action at this time, but Although parting ways broke out among them, these ancient powerhouses did not rashly persuade them, did not have any evil thoughts on other people. They all understood that this is not the time for infighting, and the endless years have made them more aware of this. How can we live longer under the big environment? Even if everyone has differences, it is not a time for civil strife!

It is precisely because they have retained such a tacit understanding between each other, these ancient powerhouses broke up peacefully, no one dared to act rashly, no one dared to initiate a battle, those strong men who chose to take the initiative, although their hearts were eager to **** in this turning point They took the initiative, but they didn’t choose to take action immediately. They didn’t dare to pin their lives and deaths on others, and couldn’t believe that those'comrades' who chose to continue to endure had different ways and didn’t want to conspire. At this time, they didn’t dare to trust others. They pin their lives and deaths on the kindness of their'companions', and they will not believe that if these'companions' see their weakness, they will not have greed. The endless years have given them a deep understanding of the sinister nature of humanity. They understand what choice they should make at this time.

There is a tacit understanding between each other. Whether they choose to continue to be patient or take the initiative to attack, these strong men consciously choose a different direction from the other party. They are unwilling to induce the other party’s anxiety, worrying that an accident will detonate a crisis. Knowing that in such a dangerous environment, most of the moods have been greatly impacted, and no one knows if one accidentally triggers a battle in the next moment. For your own safety, it is best to stay far away from each other, so as not to appear. accident!

Under such a terrifying environment, once an accident happens, it means death. Under such a dangerous situation, once the battle is started, there is no possibility of stopping. If you want to stop, there is only one possibility. Falling down and completely dying will not pose any threat to other people, so none of them can afford such consequences, and no one dares to take such risks. The best choice is naturally to stay away from each other to prevent accidents. occur.

"Do we really have to take the initiative? Now our strength is somewhat insufficient. Whether it's against Hongjun or Yin and Yang Taoist, we are not completely sure of it. This split has made us lose our overwhelming strength! "

"Huh, overwhelming power, what you think is good. We have never had a power like liver turbulence. We didn’t have it before, and we don’t have it now. If we really have overwhelming power, we need such patience, for us. Although we choose to take the initiative, we do not want to make a big shot at this time. We can wait, wait for the two **** to lose out, and wait for others to take action. It is not just our wave of people who are fighting Hongjun's idea!"

"Waiting, since it is waiting, why do we need to split? Isn't this self-defeating!" At this time, some people can't help but feel a little annoyed. If they don't take the initiative to attack, why split? This is not to weaken oneself in vain!

"Ignorance, it seems that you have been eroded by the calamity of your mind. You actually said such ignorant words. Taking the initiative is to take the initiative in our own hands. We like-minded people are united together. If those **** If we are willing to stand with us, we naturally have to take the initiative to take the initiative to seize vitality, and now our strength has been severely weakened. If we continue our previous plan at this time, we will only make ourselves die faster, and we can only endure it!"

"We are different from each other. We have different choices from those people. Reluctantly being together will only cause unnecessary disputes, and even civil strife. It is better to separate and act separately, so that we can protect our own interests to the greatest extent, but this It was a bit of trouble for us once, and the enemy's power was beyond imagination!"

Looking at the Daoist Yin and Yang who are fighting, and the three-corpse clone of Daozu Hongjun, those who take the initiative to attack are all sighing, Daoist Yin and Yang confronted the siege of the three saints with the power of Da Luo Jinxian, not only did not fall into it. Downwind, they also faintly gained an advantage, which was very shocking to them. Although they knew that this battle was a battle between heaven and humanity and authenticity, they did not expect Hongjun Daozu to fall into the disadvantage after calculating for so long. .


"Hahaha! Taoist Yin and Yang, you are wrong. Do you think everything is in your control? Do you think you have the advantage? Today I prepared a gift for you. I will accept your chaotic blood. It's down!" All of a sudden, Qing Tian laughed wildly, his figure suddenly changed, and the attacking power in his hand changed!

Not only Qingtian, but Cangtian and Huangtian are closely following Qingtian's changes. The three of them cooperated seamlessly, and instantly reversed the situation that had fallen into the wind. The momentum of the three people together overwhelmed the Yin and Yang Taoist. A spirit of killing!

"Damn, I knew it was a conspiracy. The **** Hongjun is always arranging it. Those ignorant **** still want to take the initiative. If we listen to them, I'm afraid we are in a desperate situation. The **** Hongjun is obviously It was the idea of ​​battling the blood of the Yin and Yang Taoist chaos **** and demon. He wanted to seize the origin of the Yin and Yang Taoist chaos **** and demon!"

When these words fell, Qing Tian, ​​Cang Tian, ​​and Huang Tian joined forces to open a door of space, and the entire void was shaking and undulating, as if the appearance of the door of space had affected the order of the great world, and the thunder before The sea becomes the nourishment of the door of space, giving the door of space enough original support!

In a short while, the door of space opened, and a terrifying aura of killing fell out. This aura instantly enveloped the entire prehistoric world, and with the eruption of this aura, a terrifying army appeared. The terrifying evil aura, every soldier has a terrifying murderous aura, and their bodies are attacking with a strong aura of death!

Yes, it is the breath of death. There is a strong breath of death in this army. They are not living creatures, but dead spirits! The appearance of this undead army horrified the entire predecessor. For those strong who have experienced the ancient catastrophe, they felt a familiar breath in this undead army, and even many people were in this undead army. I saw a familiar figure in the army, this is the killer of Hongjun Daozu.

"What a Hongjun, so insidious scheming to refine the strong man who fell in the catastrophe that year into an army of necromancers. This **** is too vicious. We all underestimated his viciousness. This time he wants to It's not just the yin and yang Taoists, but the sweeping of the entire prehistoric world, with the help of the great catastrophe, sweeping away all the enemies in the entire prehistoric world!

Such a terrifying army of death, if it is only aimed at the Daoist Yin and Yang, no one will believe it, especially from the words of Dao Zu Hongjun, it is clear that the Daoist Yin and Yang are only the chess pieces of Dao Zu Hongjun from beginning to end. They were all in Hongjun Daozu’s calculations and never broke free. Under this situation, it was obvious that the entire predecessor beings were in Hongjun Daozu’s calculations. This shocking change made the hearts of all the predecessors be overwhelmed. Layer shadows!

"Master, what should we do now, Junior Brother Tongtian obviously made the wrong choice. Once the teacher's plan is successful, I am afraid that he is also among the people being purged. After all, he betrayed the Dao of Heaven and betrayed the teacher. With the teacher's disposition, Junior Brother Tongtian will undoubtedly die. We can't watch Junior Brother Tongtian go to destruction!" Although the disposition of the master is at odds with that of the Master Tongtian, it is an unacceptable result for Yuanshi Tianzun to watch the master of Tongtian fall.

"Don't worry, things are not as dangerous as you think. The teacher's power is indeed very strong, and the calculations are also very powerful, but all of this is not without the possibility of reversal. Don't forget that behind the Yin and Yang Taoist there is a nether world, there are tunnels, and there are great roads. The strength of the teacher’s plan is very good, the calculation is very powerful, but no matter how good the calculation is, no matter how good the plan is, it must be realized. The Dao will not allow the Yin and Yang Taoists to fall, and will not allow the teacher to provoke again and again. The bottom line of the avenue, tunnels and humanity are equally impossible to watch the Yin-Yang Taoist being destroyed. This is no longer a problem with the Yin-Yang Taoists themselves, but a major event related to humanity and tunnels, and even the development of the prehistoric. This battle will not be too simple. This is just the beginning!"

"Hongjun, this is your method, this is your support, the army of the undead, have you forgotten who I am? Have you forgotten my origin? Have you forgotten the origin of the Netherworld? With the power of heaven Come to control the army of the dead, don’t you think this is a little ridiculous, come on, let me send these dead souls back to the world, and let them turn into the nutrients of the nether world!" Facing the army of dead enemies of Daozu Hongjun, Daoist Yin and Yang disdainfully Sneered again and again, endless murderous intent in his eyes!

Although Yin Yang Dao speaks lightly, but in fact he dare not have the slightest carelessness. This is not an ordinary duel, this is a life-and-death duel, and he is not the master of the Netherworld, and he does not have the authority to control the Netherworld. It is not an easy task to destroy these necromancers with the help of the nether source. The most important thing is that the Yin and Yang Taoists do not believe that Hongjun Daozu would not have thought of this. This necromancer would never enter the nether world. Give the king of cause and effect a chance!

"Everything should return to its original trajectory. No one can stop the way of heaven, no one can break away from the destiny of the way of heaven. You can't. Today is your period of death. Return to the prehistoric world under the siege of the necromantic army. This is you. For your destiny, I will grant you death on behalf of Heaven!" Qingtian stared at the Yin and Yang Taoist with cold eyes, waving his hand, the breath of death fell on the Yin and Yang Taoist, and the power of the pure and terrifying rules of death descended on the heaven's punishment!

The death penalty, this is a combination of the rules of death. The emergence of this army of necromancers is not only a siege of the Yin and Yang Taoists, but also the foundation of the rules of death. The most terrifying thing about this army of necromancers is not. Their own attack is a call to the power of the rule of death. The rule of death is coming. The Taoists of Yin and Yang face not only the natural punishment, but the fusion of the death rule and the natural punishment, which truly kills all vitality of the death. It is Hongjun Daozu's calculation!

The rule of death, the death penalty, when the necromantic army provokes this terrifying force of rules, when death comes, the entire predecessor is shocked again, such an astonishing turn makes them unacceptable, whether it is a saint of heaven or ordinary Even the great creatures, they never thought that Hongjun Daozu would use such assassin to trigger such a terrifying death penalty, and truly control the power of the rules of death, and the power of the rules of death is not the power of heaven, but the power of authenticity, it is authentic. The origin of is right, but now this power is actually in the hands of Heavenly Dao, in the hands of Hongjun Daozu!

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