God of Destruction

Chapter 4508: Section death rule

Chapter 4514 Death Rules

"Damn it, how is this possible? Hongjun Daozu actually mastered the power of the rules of death. Isn't this the power of the Netherworld? Isn't it an authentic power? How could it appear in the hands of Hongjun Daozu? Could it be that we are all wrong, The origin of the tunnel has long been eroded by Daozu Hongjun?" At this moment, the quasi-refreshing expression in the world of bliss changed drastically. Such a shock made his mind fall and made him feel endless pressure and endless threats. A real death threat.

Has the origin of the tunnel been corroded? This is not only a worry, but the entire predecessor beings have this worry. Once the roots of the tunnel are eroded by the way of heaven, it means that their way forward will be controlled by the way of heaven. At that time, they want to break free from the shackles of the way of heaven is a joke. , The entire prehistoric world will completely fall into the grasp of the Dao of Heaven, it's just a matter of time!

Staring into the void, staring carefully at the power of the rule of death, after a long time, the leader shook his head slightly and sighed: "It is indeed the power of the rule of death, but this power does not come from the tunnel. The power of this rule is not from the tunnel. Plundered, this is the power of the Great Dao, more precisely, it should be the original strength of the Death God and Demon. No wonder Daozu Hongjun’s three-corpse clone can ignore the Yin and Yang Daoist so much. He has already mastered the power of the rules of death, just waiting for the tunnel. In the present world, waiting for the perfection of the tunnel, and then completely mastering the tunnel in his own hands with one stroke. The army he controls is for this moment!"

The quote is right. Everything is in Hongjun Daozu’s calculations. Although there have been many accidents during this process, and the situation has been repeatedly reversed, Hongjun Daozu’s calculations are too powerful. Since ancient times, we have been accumulating power. The power accumulated by endless years can crush everything. Once the power of the rule of death comes out, this terrifying army of undead is enough to crush everything, and it is enough to shake the Netherworld and the tunnel. !

"Senior brother is saying that this army has always been the killer of Hongjun Daozu. How could this be possible? How could he conceal the Dao Dao and conceal it from the predecessors. This is a force that Dao Dao does not allow!" Zhun Ti could not attract this. In his view, this is a taboo, a taboo of the great road, and a taboo of the world. It is impossible to appear in the world.

"Nothing is impossible. In our opinion, it is indeed a taboo. It is an impossible thing, because our strength is too weak to stop the suppression of the rules, but Hongjun Daozu is different. He is the first saint in the prehistoric world. , Is also a sage who fits the way of heaven. It can be said that he is a part of the way of heaven. If the origin of the way of heaven is mobilized to conceal the secrets of heaven, nothing is impossible. Even if we were once also saints of heaven, but we never really got the way of heaven. I don’t know the secrets of Heaven’s Dao. All the secrets are known only by Daozu Hongjun. We are just pawns. Maybe it’s not just you and me who don’t know this secret. Sanqing also doesn’t know the secret, and Nuwa also doesn’t know it!"

The quoted remarks are right. Sanqing and Nuwa empress do not know this secret. If they know this secret, they will not be led by the nose again and again, and the Master Tongtian will not be at this time. This is the case. Betraying the Dao of Heaven, we must step out of our own Tongtian Dao, open up our own world, and condense the Dao fruit that truly belongs to ourselves.

"Can the Yin and Yang Taoist win? Facing such a terrifying force, is he still likely to win? I am afraid that he can't keep it, or even the Netherworld. Dao Zu Hongjun has concealed it for so long and has accumulated such a huge dead soul. The army is only to kill the Yin-Yang Taoist? This is impossible, his goal is only a'tunnel', he has been waiting for the perfection of the tunnel, waiting for the perfection of the nether world, and then with the help of the undead army to break through the nether world in one fell swoop, and take it The authority of the Netherworld!"

When it came to this, Zhunti couldn't help but gasped. This is too scary and too insidious. In the face of such a terrifying and insidious Dao Ancestor Hongjun, do he and his senior brother still have a chance to survive? If the Yin and Yang Taoists fall, if the power of the Netherworld is taken away, and the tunnels are controlled by Daozu Hongjun, there is no way for them to survive.

"Brother, we must think of countermeasures. If the Yin and Yang Taoists fall, the next one will be you and me. After all, we have betrayed the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun. This great cause and effect will definitely become our greatest threat! "

Sui Yin sighed slightly: "I understand what the younger brother said, but now I can't help you and I call the shots. We don't have the strength and the ability to stop all of this. This is a Taoist struggle. This is not something we can participate in. At least Now we can’t participate. If we still have the mighty power of a saint, we may be able to influence the situation a little bit. Now we can’t do anything!"

Yes, nowadays, there is a lack of power for the connection and quasi-ti. In the face of Taoism, their power is not worth mentioning. Although they also have the power of the world, they can be compared with the origin of the heaven and the origin of the nether world. Far from it! The most important thing is that the war has begun, and the yin and yang Taoists are facing this terrifying army of undead!

The assault of the undead army has already begun. As the introduction said, they are not only aimed at the Yin and Yang Taoists, but also the Netherworld. The terrifying force formed by the undead army directly tore the void, and the power of the terrible death rule directly To rush to the Nether World, to blend into the Nether World, to erode the power of authority in the Nether World!

auzw.com"The power of the rules of death, the power of the death gods and demons, it seems that the original power left by the death gods and demons among the three thousand gods and demons has been refined by you. Keep saying that the chaos gods and demons are not tolerated in the wild world, but you yourself are refining the power of the death gods and demons, mastering the origin of the death gods and demons, you are a despicable villain, a shameless villain, but unfortunately, your calculations It will never be possible to succeed, this nether world is not the rule of death."

Facing the impact of the undead army and feeling the changes in the Netherworld, the Yin and Yang Taoist's face showed a sneer. In this sneer, there was endless killing intent. Hongjun Daozu had calculations, conspiracies, preparations, Yin and Yang. Taoists also have calculations. As the Yin and Yang Taoists say, the Netherworld is not a manifestation of the rules of death. Although it is the land of the dead and the destination of death, it is not the paradise of death. The rules of the real Netherworld are cause and effect.

"From the eighteenth level of hell, the great road of cause and effect descends. As the lord of the nether world, I control the world road, suppress all the dead, dare to violate the will of heaven and earth, and those who do not return to the nether after death will be suppressed in the eighteenth hell, forever. Not to be overborn, will be wiped out by the Nether World, the soul will be scattered, the town!" With the fall of the word'Zhen', the entire Nether World burst into turmoil, and the'eighteen hells' that had been hidden in the Nether World rose from the ground. Straight into the sky, towards the undead army who fought wildly, the power of the entire Netherworld is blessed above the'eighteen layers of hell'!

Although the rules of death are powerful, the origin of the death gods and demons is powerful, but there is a huge gap compared with the nether world. After all, Hongjun Daozu masters the incomplete origin of death, and the blessing of the'eighteenth hell' is the complete nether world. The power of the world also has the power of the avenue of cause and effect. Hongjun Daozu deliberately wants to use this army of undead to attack the nether world and seize the source of the nether world. He can only say that he thinks too much and sees things too simple, the king of cause and effect. Although only a clone, an inconspicuous big Luo Jinxian, he is the lord of the Netherworld after all, mastering the origin of the entire Netherworld, and more authentic support.

"Damn, how could the power of the eighteen layers of **** be so powerful, and it is the power that restrains the origin of death above the innate origin. Even the rules of death cannot counter the power of the'eighteen layers of hell'. What changes have been made in the Netherworld? This is not the'eighteen hell' that I know!" Facing the attack of the king of cause and effect, facing the attack of the'eighteen hell', the sky, the sky, and the yellow Heaven felt uneasy, felt fear!

Although the three corpses are the origin of the heavens, when they activated the army of the undead, they were also infected with the breath of the dead, and they were suppressed by the'eighteen layers of hell' above the innate. This is what they did not expect, and it is also a great Jun Daozu didn't count it.

"The undead army was suppressed by the'eighteen hell'. How could this be possible? A big Luo Jinxian shot to suppress the power of the three saints, suppressing such a terrifying army of undead!" When seeing this result, the whole The primordial sentient beings were also a little dumbfounded, and couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes.

Among the six reincarnations, the ancestral witch of Hou Tu became solemn, and his mood was also very solemn. He muttered to himself: "Taoist Yin and Yang, is this your back hand? The'eighteenth hell' actually has the power to suppress all the undead. Power, this power is your independent cohesion, or is it given by the Dao. Is this a duel between the two worlds or an attack by the Dao?"

As the master of the six reincarnations, the Houtu Ancestral Witch had to pay attention to such a shock. Although she had made a decision before, she wanted to divide the authority of the six reincarnations, but when she saw such a terrifying'eighteenth floor' Hell’, the Houtu ancestor witch is still unbelievable, and also under great pressure, and also suspects that the “eighteen layers of hell” is really only for the undead. If it is bestowed by the great highway, perhaps the “eighteen layers of hell” is even more terrifying. power.

If the Wu clan is facing such an impact, facing the suppression of the ‘eighteen layers of hell’, will they have the ability to resist? The answer is no. Houtu ancestor witches don’t think that the witch tribe has such power. The undead army hidden by Daozu Hongjun is too terrifying. Every statue has the power of quasi-sages, and the most powerful is almost the quasi-sages. Dzogchen, and it is such a terrifying army of undead being suppressed by the'eighteen layers of hell'. If Hongjun Daozu’s three corpse clones cannot be resolved, it will not take long for them to be taken by the'eighteen layers of hell'. Swallowed, suppressed by the'eighteen layers of hell'.

"This is the power of the Netherworld. This power is beyond our imagination. The origin of the Witch World is far from being able to fight against it. Even without the power of the six reincarnations, the king of cause and effect is so powerful. The origin of the'Six Paths of Reincarnation', I'm afraid it will be even more terrifying, little girl, you need to reconsider, this is not a trivial matter!" At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help sighing, his eyes full of worry, the more the Netherworld became Powerful, the stronger the King of Karma, the greater the pressure on the Wu Clan, and the greater the pressure on the'Six Ways of Reincarnation'. After all, the'Six Ways of Reincarnation' is in the Nether World!

The Houtu Ancestral Witch shook his head lightly and said: "It's too late, everything is too late, and now everything is no longer under our control. After the source of the Netherworld is perfected, the'Six Paths of Reincarnation' will be affected by it innate. After all, the'Six Paths of Reincarnation' does not have the right to judge the sentient beings in the heavens and the earth. The only thing we need to care about is how to ensure the safety of the witch humanity and the development of the witch race. It is impossible to restrict the Netherworld. The tunnel does not allow such a situation. If it happens, you, me, and the Witch Clan can't bear such consequences. If it provokes genuine anger, the entire Witch Clan will be damaged!"

No one can repeatedly and repeatedly violate the rules of the tunnel. Although the Witch tribe plays an important role in the tunnel, this is not the way the Witch tribe fights the tunnel. Everything has a certain degree. Once the Witch tribe goes beyond In the realm of endurance, what awaits the Wu Clan will be destruction and death. The Wu Clan cannot be above the tunnel, and it is impossible to prevent the tunnel from growing.

Regarding this point, the Houtu ancestor witches understood very well, but other ancestral witches did not see through. One or two violations are still in the real tolerance category, but beyond this category, the Wu clan will inevitably be knocked down. A race controlled by the tunnel, a race and the world not restricted by the tunnel, this is not what the tunnel wants.

The Houtu ancestor Wu sighed and said, "Let go, let go of all the enthusiasm for contention. For the Wu clan, what we want now is to develop and develop steadily, not to take risks again and again, although there is a chance in the great disaster of heaven and earth. There are countless, but stepping into the Great Tribulation will inevitably be eroded by the Great Tribulation, and will inevitably plunge the entire Wu Clan into a crisis. The previous crisis is a lesson. We can no longer challenge the bottom line of the authenticity like this, and we can’t repeat it again and again To make that stupid decision, even Hongjun Daozu can't handle Yin and Yang Daoist, or the king of cause and effect. Do you think that our Wu Clan has such strength and can do things that neither Tian Dao nor Hongjun Daozu can do? Don’t risk the luck of the Witch clan. We can’t bear the consequences of another failure. I don’t want to see the decline of the Witch clan in my lifetime. I don’t want to see that the Witch clan is truly suppressed because of our temporary greed. It’s enough to be repelled by heaven and earth and betray one's allies once!"

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