God of Destruction

Chapter 4509: Festival suppression

Chapter 4515 Suppression

The pressure of betraying allies is not small. Even the Wu clan cannot make such big mistakes again and again. Once they have destroyed the luck of the Wu clan and the reputation of the Wu clan. If it is done again, the entire Wu clan will continue to make such a big mistake. Nor will it be recognized by the primordial sentient beings, and no racial civilization is willing to interact with such a race, and is willing to accept the rule of the Witch tribe.

A betrayal has already ruined the reputation of the Wu Clan. If you betrayed again, I am afraid that the Wu Clan will have no reputation at all. They can only step into the magical way. They will also lose all the faces of the Pangu Great God. As Pangu's authentic sect is so capricious, what qualifications do you have , There is no face to call the authentic Pangu, without the name of the authentic Pangu, you can imagine how much luck there will be on the Wu clan. The Houtu ancestor witch can't take this risk, nor dare to take this risk, even if the benefits are great, it can't make mistakes!

It is the best choice for the witches to remain unchanged and adapt to changes. This is the best choice for the witches. They do not seek merits, but seek no demerits. They only have this choice if they want to preserve the witches in the great catastrophe. With the help of the true experience of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch did not respond too much, but the Houtu Ancestral Witch knew that the Witch Clan could not make mistakes!

"Not reconciled, although I also understand how dangerous the situation of the witches is today, but the interests that should belong to us are taken over by the King of Cause and Effect, I will inevitably feel uncomfortable in my heart. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is originally your own dojo for the younger sister. You are in charge, but now because of the perfection of the rules of the Netherworld and the establishment of the Netherworld order, the King of Karma has been given the power of six reincarnations. This is very unfair to our Wu clan and cannot be accepted by us!" When talking about this, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but sighed, his eyes flashed with a faint murderous intent and unwillingness.

The Houtu ancestor witch smiled indifferently, shook his head and said: "What if you are not reconciled? This is the general trend. In front of the general trend, we are just ants. Wanting to block the general trend will only make us into a desperate situation. The previous encounters are enough to explain everything. Do not seek merits, but seek no demerits. As long as you can survive the catastrophe, you will win. It is no big deal to pay a little price. This is the causal cycle. When we attack the king of causation, we should understand that we have to pay for it. What's more, we are not without gain. This is a struggle between the Dao and the Dao, and the suppression of the Dao by the Dao. As a member of the Dao, we can naturally use the Dao to understand the confrontation between the Dao and the Dao. Feel the Dao practice, continue to wait, as long as the Yin and Yang Daoist succeeds, we can take the opportunity to understand the Chaos Gods and Demons Dao he practiced, and the tunnel will not stop us!"

Hearing the words of the Houtu ancestor witch, the other ancestor witches were startled, and then overjoyed. If they could really use the power of authenticity to perceive the avenue of chaos gods and demons practiced by the Yin and Yang Taoists, even if they only perceive a slight change, they have something for their witch race. A huge benefit, after all, if the Wu Clan’s self-cultivation can gain a little from the Avenue of Chaos Gods and Demons, it will far exceed their efforts!

"Is it possible? The king of cause and effect gave us this opportunity. Will the Taoists of Yin and Yang let us get this opportunity? You have to know that there is no connection between Taoists of Yin and Yang and tunnels. The Lord of the Netherworld is the king of cause and effect, just a clone of Taoists of Yin and Yang. , The tunnel may sense the changes in the yin and yang Taoists and the transformation of the chaotic gods and demons?"

"I don’t know, this is just a hint of the six paths of reincarnation. As for whether we can succeed, everything depends on our own understanding and our own qi luck. After all, the practice of the Dao lies in ourselves. If we don’t have the understanding, naturally we won’t There is a harvest, the chance is there, and how much we can get depends on us!"

The opportunity is indeed in front of everyone. The entire primordial beings understand that this evolution of the Yin and Yang Taoists is a great opportunity, but it is difficult to say how many people can really gain. After all, their respective paths of practice are different, and their perceptions are naturally different. Everyone can feel something from the metamorphosis and evolution of the Yin and Yang Taoists!

Amidst the horror of many people, Daoist Yin and Yang used the power of the “Eighteen Layers of Hell” to completely explode Hongjun Daozu’s assassin. This undead army prepared for endless years was directly swallowed by the “Eighteen Hells”. Suppression, after suppressing this army of undead, the entire'eighteen layers of hell' has undergone a qualitative change, and the original light of the source is constantly shining from the'eighteen layers of hell', as if it is the army of the undead. The emergence of the original power that opened the'eighteen layers of hell' gave the'eighteen layers of hell' a qualitative transformation, exuding a terrifying breath of innate treasure.

Innate treasure, yes, at this moment, the'eighteen layers of hell' has the aura of innate treasure, but it is not the innate treasure, but the acquired condensate. Such a situation is not only shocked by the enemies of the Yin and Yang Taoists, they are the Yin and Yang Taoists. I was also shocked by it, and I didn't expect that the'eighteen layers of hell' would have such a great opportunity.

Is this a gift from the avenue? No, in the "eighteen layers of hell", the Yin and Yang Taoists did not feel the gift of the avenue, but their own transformation, and even the original aura of the authenticity did not appear. Everything originated from themselves, from the undead who were suppressed. The army, the rays of light are the breath of the army of refining the undead in the'eighteen hell'.

"Damn bastard, he completely suppressed the undead army. How could it be possible that an acquired treasure can exude the power of innate treasure, it can completely suppress the existence of a quasi-saint army, and it can cut us and the undead army. What's the matter with the connection?" Qing Tian was angry at this moment, and the shock of such a shock was too big for him. Even the deity Hongjun Dao Ancestor was a little dumbfounded at this moment, the result was too shocking!

"Could it be said that this is the treasure bred in the Netherworld, but why is there no such treasure in the heavens?" Hongjun Daozu is also puzzled about the sudden eruption of the'eighteen-layer hell'. If this is the world bred, and the Netherworld Why doesn't the equal heaven have such a treasure, or that I don't really understand the heaven at all, or that the Lingxiao Palace has a secret that they don't know, if so why don't the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi know this secret!

"Hahaha, without the army of the undead, what other means do you have to display to your heart's content? If you don't display it, you will have no chance. The yin and yang will change, and the sea of ​​thunder will be swallowed!" Punishment Leihai, Yin and Yang Taoists will not be soft, Yin Yang Dao rotates and evolves into a black hole, once again swallowing Heaven Punishment Thunder Sea into itself.

auzw.com The endless light of thunder flashes continuously on the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist. This is the resistance of the Heavenly Punishment Leihai. It is a pity that the Heavenly Punishment Leihai's resistance is useless and will not be given. The Yin and Yang Taoist himself caused a trace of damage. On the contrary, the rebellion and explosion of the Heavenly Punishment Leihai will only accelerate the transformation of the Yin and Yang Taoist's chaotic **** and demon's true body, and will only make the Yin and Yang Taoist's chaotic **** and demon's true body further!

"We have been suppressed, what should we do now? If we don't think of a solution anymore, rescue the undead army. After a long time, the entire undead army will be completely refined by the'eighteen hell'. At that time, the deity is endless. The accumulation of years will turn into nothingness and become the nourishment of the "eighteen layers of hell", and we cannot withstand such an impact!"

"There is no way, now we have to work hard. Originally in the plan of this deity, it was this undead army that tore through the defenses of the Nether World, rushing into the Nether World, and let Huang Tian seize the power of the Nether World and seize the Nether World. The origin of, complete a new transformation, but now everything is over, such an opportunity will not appear, we are not able to complete all of this, now we have to work hard, otherwise everyone will be strangled by the Yin and Yang Taoists."

"It was defeated. I didn't expect the deity to prepare for such a long time. It was only a little time to start the war and completely failed. This is a big joke. If we don't attack with all our strength, we won't even be able to keep the last face. If there is any expectation, it is impossible for the deity to help us. Dadao will not allow this to happen. Now we can only rely on our own strength to get out of trouble, or we will all be trapped here in the end!"

At this time, Qingtian, Huangtian, and Cangtian are in an extremely solemn mood. At this point, they have no retreat. They have to fight to the death, and only by doing so can it be possible to restore the result of their failure and protect themselves from the great road. Bondage.

"Desperately, even if the **** **** in front of us doesn't give us such a chance, although we have saint-level combat power, the strength of Yin and Yang Taoist is not weaker than ours. If we continue to let this junior go on, we will really die. Wusheng, take out the final foundation, even if we abandon this clone, we will fight to the end and solve the Yin-Yang Taoist fundamentally!"

This is easy to say, but difficult to do. In the entire prehistoric world, I don’t know how many people are staring at Yin and Yang, but they don’t know how terrible the Yin and Yang Taoists are now. They don’t know the background of the Yin and Yang Taoists today. How deep.

It is not an easy decision to give up the three-corpse clone. Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone is different from the three-corpse clones of other saints. His clone is based on the origin of the heavens. Once the clone is lost, there will be no more clones. The possibility of recovery can only be reunited. It can be said that once the three corpses are lost, the endless years of Hongjun Daozu will be shattered. For Hongjun Daozu, the consequences are too serious. The endless time layout, Hongjun Daozu The reason is to master the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and the easiest thing to start with is naturally the power of the world representing the three realms, but Hongjun Daozu did not expect the accident of Yin and Yang Taoist.

"You and I know how terrible the Chaos God and Demon are. This is indeed a must. Once this **** junior grows up, it is indeed a big threat to us and the deity. A chaos who possesses the real body of the Chaos God and Demon. Yuan Da Luo Jinxian is more terrifying than Pangu, and has potential. We really can’t risk this danger. Our death is just sacrificing the origin of the three-corpse clone. In the future, the deity can also use the power of other origins to condense, but it is only one thing. Let this damned junior grow up, it is in danger of life and death!"

"Okay, kill him with all my strength, even at the expense of ourselves!" Soon the three corpses of Qingtian, Cangtian, and Huangtian made a decision, in order to be able to bring everything back to'order', and in order to allow Heaven to regain control. They decided to sacrifice themselves, at the cost of their own sacrifices to destroy the accident that shouldn't exist in Yin and Yang Taoist!

In an instant, the blue sky, the blue sky, and the yellow sky stood side by side. They exuded a terrible killing intent. The fusion of the natural punishment of Heaven's Punishment is just a few breaths of time, and a terrible murderous intent is condensed in them.

"Desperate, these three **** are desperate. It seems that Hongjun, the bastard, is really unbearable. The counterattack of the Taoist Yin and Yang touched his bottom line and made him make a desperate decision. The decisive battle has begun, but I don’t know. Which of them will have the last laugh, is Hongjun a good move, or the Yin and Yang Taoists are unparalleled in combat?"

"Isn't it possible that both lose and lose? If these two **** can lose both, it will be the best opportunity for us. It is the opportunity for us to break free from the shackles, and it is also the opportunity for us to get out of trouble!"

"Impossible, this is not a general decisive battle, but a Taoist battle. The Taoist battle cannot have the possibility of losing both. Only one side will fall, one side will win, and the winner will seize everything from the other side. This is also Hongjun’s endless years of layout. Hope that the victor will devour the opponent's origin and seize the opponent's chance. There is no other possibility!"

Taoism is so cruel, the winner gets everything, the loser has nothing, and this is not a general Taoism, it is the confrontation between the Dao and the heaven, it is the duel between the Dao and the Dao, and the Dao must face the Dao and the humanity and the Dao at the same time. It can be said that the Yin and Yang Taoists are not fighting by themselves, but are fighting with the power of the Dao and the tunnels.

If the yin and yang Taoists can kill Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone in one fell swoop, they can seize the origin of the three-corpse clone and the origin of the heavens. Even if it is not the complete heavenly origin, it is enough for the Yin and Yang Taoists. Strengthening oneself is enough to perfect one's chaos **** and demon real body, allowing one to take this most important step, and also the most critical step!

The Taoist Yin and Yang understands how terrifying the danger they are facing, and how crazy the three corpses are in front of them. The Taoist Yin and Yang who has burned their own origins for countless times can see through the actions of the blue sky, the sky, and the yellow sky and know them. Desperately, if you want to sacrifice everything you have to complete this lore, this will be the most dangerous battle for yourself to step into the prehistoric world, and it will also be the battle that most threatens death!

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