God of Destruction

Chapter 4511: Jie Tiandi

Chapter 4517: Emperor of Heaven

"This is the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons. The Yin and Yang Taoists are just small Da Luo Jinxians. They just have just evolved and transformed into the Chaos Gods and Demons. They have such combat power. They can slash three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons, and how many Pangu Gods can open up the world. Is it so powerful that such a powerful Pangu God didn’t even have a saint to prove the Dao? Is it so difficult to prove Dao with strength?" With the outbreak of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and with the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons, those who once listened to the Dao in the Zixiao Palace The strong have doubts in their hearts.

The Great God Pangu failed to prove the Dao with force. If even the Great God Pangu cannot prove the Dao with force, it would be unbelievable. In the past, everyone did not know the power of the Chaos God and Demon. When it comes to the horror of the Chaos Gods and Demons, such as the former Donghuang Taiyi and the current Yin and Yang Taoists, they are so powerful that they can fight against the saints, but Hongjun Daozu said that the Pangu God failed to prove the Tao with his strength, and was able to slash three thousand Chaos Gods. Demon, Pangu, the great **** who pioneered the world, can't prove the holy way. Who can believe this? Even people who are stupid will have doubts, can it be said that Pangu God is not as good as Yin and Yang Taoist, not as good as three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons, but three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons died in the hands of Pangu God.

When the suspicion in the hearts of the primordial sentient beings appeared, Hongjun Daozu who fit in his body immediately noticed, and he couldn’t help but sighed secretly. The thing he was most worried about still happened. Xiaogong preached his own words, the predecessors had ambitions for the Chaos Gods and Demons, and doubted the failure of the Pangu God to prove the Dao! And this suspicion has shaken the position of Heaven in the prehistoric sentient beings, and also shakes his own position in the predominant sentient beings, the sacred position of Heaven is doubted!

"No, the **** of Yin and Yang Taoist must die, he is immortal, and the world cannot be peaceful, and the predominant order cannot return!" With such a shock, Hongjun Daozu's own killing intent is more vigorous, but he has the intention and powerlessness, no matter what is in his heart. How angry and eager to kill the yin and yang Taoist, they can’t make a move. The Dao rules restrict Hongjun Daozu. If Hongjun Daozu dares to make a move, he must be waiting for the Dao to come, the destruction of the Dao, even if it fits. Heaven is also ten dead and no life.

"Don't keep it anymore, even if it is to burn all the origins, even if it is to damage the origin of the heavens, you must kill the **** Yin and Yang Taoist. His existence has shaken the foundation of the heavens, and he must die!" The destiny passed from Hongjun Daozu's deity to the mind of the Three Corpse Clone, the voice transmission of the soul will not be noticed by anyone, even if it is the Great Dao, it can't stop it.

"It seems that the deity is already in a hurry, and can no longer bear this'ant' to continue living, otherwise it will not be at this time, under this situation, give us such an order, let's do it, the three corpses merge!" As the blue sky's low voice fell, the three corpses in the Huadao burst into light. The three corpses were united in origin, and their bodies were also merging. They were evolving the ultimate power, and they were also the most powerful way of slashing the three corpses. Strong supernatural powers.

Immediately a terrifying original body appeared in the void. This was not the original condensed body of the Three Thousand Great Dao, but the supreme body condensed from the source of the heavens. It was also the real body of the emperor. This is the incarnation of the three corpses of Hongjun Daozu. The ultimate power!

"I am the emperor of the heavens, when in charge of all spirits in the heavens, in charge of the prehistoric rules, the fist of the emperor of heaven!" A low voice fell, and the emperor's real body punched and punched. When this punch was thrown, the whole heaven was trembling, and the stars were there. Trembling, the origin of the heavens and the origins of the ancient stars were mobilized by the emperor's true body. In order to be able to kill the Yin and Yang Taoists in one fell swoop, the origin of the entire heaven was squeezed to the extreme, and the origin of the ancient stars was also squeezed to the extreme. The monster races in the ancient stars were instantly destroyed, the star masters of the monster races in the ancient stars died instantly, the entire heaven and all the creatures in the entire ancient stars were wiped out, and the nutrients of the emperor's true body were transformed into this blow. Motivation, this is the real power of the Emperor of Heaven.

"The emperor of heaven, what a heavenly emperor, what an ancestor of Hongjun Dao ancestor, the demon race paid such a big price, in the end it is just the chess piece in your hand, which has always been calculated by you. The true power of the emperor has never been mastered by the demon emperor. Always in your hands, you have been using the monster clan as a thug, using the power of the monster clan to clean up all living beings and achieve your goals!" As the demon master Kunpeng, the strong man of the monster clan, he immediately understood The reason for the Yaozu’s failure is to understand that the Yaozu has always been calculated by Daozu Hongjun. Perhaps the moment the Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi found the heavens, the destiny of the Yaozu was controlled by Daozu Hongjun, even if there was no final In that battle, the Yaozu could not become the protagonist of the prehistoric world.

The demon master Kunpeng is full of anger in his heart. He is unwilling and angry for the demon clan, and Empress Nuwa is also heartbroken at this time. After all, she is the sage of the demon clan and the disciple of Daozu Hongjun. I didn’t get the true inheritance. I didn’t know the secrets of the heavens. I was always deceived by my teacher. This made the Nuwa Empress unbearable, and I couldn’t help but have the idea of ​​betraying the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun in her heart. After all, she had the idea before. Examples of quasi mention, introduction, and the master of Tongtian.

It’s just that the determination of Empress Nuwa was not allowed, the introduction and the leader of Tongtian were firm. Although it is now an opportunity, Empress Nuwa is afraid that if she betrays herself, she will be strangled by Hongjun Daozu with all her strength, and will use herself to deter the predecessor. Sentient beings.

After the appearance of the Emperor of Heaven, the sudden eruption of the blow, the Taoist Yin and Yang did not react for a while, and was successfully attacked. Under a punch, the Taoist Yin and Yang was directly knocked into the air, blood and bones splashed, and half of his body was shattered by the power of the Emperor. , Disintegrating in the air, and blood falling in the void, this is the true power of the heavens, the original power of the stars!

"The flesh and blood are derived, the flesh is reunited!" Although he was attacked and exploded in his flesh, today's Yin and Yang Taoists have truly transformed the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, not to mention that only half of the flesh is exploded, even if the entire body is exploded. , As long as a drop of blood can be recovered immediately, this is where the real body of Chaos God and Demon is powerful.

As the Yin-Yang Taoist’s voice fell, the blood scattered in the void instantly returned to the Yin-Yang Taoist half of his body. Just a breath, the Yin-Yang Taoist’s half-remaining body would return to the original state, if not in the void. With a trace of blood remaining, everyone would think that everything they saw before was an illusion, an illusion!

"What a powerful Chaos God and Demon's real body, it has not been destroyed even under the attack of the origin of the heavens, and it can still be reborn from flesh and blood. Isn't it possible that the power of the origin of the heavens can't restrain the original powers of the Chaos God and Demon? Can't really destroy the Chaos Gods? The real body of the demon?" The eyes of the powerful people in the predecessor were endless horror, and they were shocked by the action of the Yin and Yang Taoists.

auzw.com"Come on! I think you can break out a few more times!" With a roar, the yin and yang Taoists rushed towards the three-corpse emperor. What is puzzling is that the yin and yang Taoists join forces. He didn't use the "eighteen layers of hell" in his hands, nor did he use his own source of treasure. Instead, he fought against the emperor in his flesh and fought with his fists, which made everyone unable to understand.

Are the Taoists of Yin and Yang stupid? Obviously there is a treasure in hand, but it is useless. They have to use their flesh to fight against the emperor? No, it is not that the Yin-Yang Taoist is stupid, but the Yin-Yang Taoist is unwilling to give up this opportunity to polish the body. Although the body was blown up by the Emperor, after the reunion of the body, his real body of the Chaos God and Demon is stronger. For the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, it is not an easy task to go further. Now with the three-corpse incarnation of Daozu Hongjun for training, how can the Yin and Yang Taoists not be able to grasp it well, even if it will pay a heavy price , But it's worth it compared to the harvest!

If anyone among the primordial beings can understand the madness of the Yin and Yang Taoists, only the twelve ancestor witches of the Witch clan, the twelve ancestor witches in the six reincarnations, saw the Yin and Yang Taoists abandon the treasure, using their fists and flesh. Fighting against Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone, they deeply understand the secret, this is the test that the physical body must face to prove the Tao.

"Dead!" The emperor erupted with a roar and punched again. The origin of the heavens and the origin of the stars exploded. With one punch, the Yin and Yang Taoist was once again fatally hit, and the Yin and Yang Taoist was blown up again with one punch. The body, even if the Yin-Yang Taoist was prepared at this time, but still did not resist the terrifying impact under this absolute blow, and the body was blown up again! But this time the Yin and Yang Dao lost even more, two-thirds of his body was blown up, and it seemed that the Emperor of Heaven was also prepared.

"Rebirth of flesh and blood, congeal me!" With another roar, the real body of the Yin and Yang Taoist Chaos God and Demon condensed again.

It’s just that this time the emperor was prepared and didn’t wait for the Yin-Yang Taoist to counterattack, and then he punched it again, causing the chaos **** and demon body that the Yin-Yang Taoist had just condensed to be blown up again. This time, the Yin-Yang Taoist was just left. A head.

"Ant, I think you can rebirth a few times, depending on how much of your original source can be consumed!" The Emperor looked directly at the remaining head of the Yin and Yang Taoist and snorted disdainfully, his eyes showing endless killing intent.

"Hahaha! Then you go on, rebirth from flesh and blood, and condense me, I will also see how many times you can explode, whether you are dying me, or I dying you!" As soon as the words fell, the chaotic **** of Yin and Yang Taoist The demon body condenses once again.

At this moment, the predecessors were dumbfounded, and they were shocked by the craziness of both sides. Such a method exceeded their imagination, and such a crazy confrontation exceeded their expectations, although everyone knew that this was a never-ending death. Life and death duel, but did not expect it will be so tragic, the three-corpse clones of Yin-Yang Daoist and Hongjun Daozu will be crazy enough to consume each other's origin to fight for life and death, once this method erupts, no one has a retreat!

"Dead!" The emperor did not flinch, and he threw another punch, exploding the body of Yin and Yang Taoist who had just condensed, but this time the punch of the Emperor did not crush the real body of Yin and Yang Taoist chaos **** and demon, even It wasn't as terrifying as the last time, it just blasted half of the real body of the Yin and Yang Taoist.

"Hahaha! This is your power. It seems that you are not working anymore. Your power is degenerating. Come on, we continue to fight, rebirth and condense for me!" Amidst the laughter, the yin and yang Taoist chaos **** and demon really The body was condensed again, but this time the emperor's eyes revealed a trace of shock, a trace of fear, and the background of the Yin and Yang Taoist was much more terrifying than he thought!

"Why, you're scared, it's useless to be afraid. Our battle is just beginning. Turn on me, chaos open the sky, and the axe cuts the world!" This time it was not the emperor who took the lead this time, but the Yin and Yang Taoist. It seems that three consecutive strikes Most of the origin of the emperor was consumed, and even the huge origin of the heavens was consumed, so that the emperor could no longer strike a fatal blow!

Amidst the shouts, the Taoist Yin and Yang waved the Heaven-opening Axe in his hand towards the Emperor of Heaven, and slashed down with one axe. The Heaven-opening Axe condensed by the origin of the chaos exploded with amazing ferocity, the void was torn apart, and everything was blocked. Destroyed by an axe.

"Ant, you're so happy too early, the stars are falling, the stars are falling!" Facing the yin and yang Taoist who was charging, the Emperor of Heaven pointed out, and an ancient star fell from the void and smashed down on the Yin and Yang Taoist. This star The fall of the celestial realm shakes the whole heaven, the ancient starry sky shakes it, the origin of the heavens is damaged, the luck of Hongjun Dao ancestor is damaged, the destruction of an ancient star caused a backlash on him, even if he fits the way with his body , Can't eliminate the cause and effect of star destruction!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the attack of the Taoist Yin and Yang was broken, and the stars were still falling. Without waiting for the Taoist Yin and Yang to make a counterattack, his real body of the Chaos God and Demon was exploded again, exploded by the stars, and the blood was filled with fog. In the void. This time, the head of the Taoist Yin and Yang was also blown up, and the entire body of the Chaos God and Demon was truly blown up!

"Crazy, Hongjun is really crazy. In order to kill the Taoist Yin and Yang, in order to prevent the Taoist Yin and Yang from transforming, he actually destroyed an ancient star. This cause and effect are too great. How dare he do this? Backlash?" This showdown made the demon master Kunpeng terrified. No one knew how terrifying the causal karma brought about by the destruction of an ancient star, even if it was Hongjun Daozu who would have to pay a lot. At the price of, after this battle, Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone will be completely destroyed, will be destroyed by that terrifying karma, and even the deity will be affected!

In the eyes of the demon master Kunpeng, this is unacceptable and unbearable, but for Hongjun Taoist ancestor, as long as he can kill the Yin and Yang Taoists, not to mention the destruction of an ancient star, no matter how much. The destruction of ancient stars is worth it. After all, as long as the Yin and Yang Dao die, the obstacles of Heaven's control of the prehistoric order will dissipate, and the entire prehistoric world will be returned to the control of Heaven. This is the most important thing!

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