God of Destruction

Chapter 4512: Festival Rebirth

Chapter 4518: Rebirth

"Blood and flesh rebirth, swallow all things, congeal me!" A low roar sounded again, as the voice fell, the blood mist that filled the void was condensing, and the star covered by the blood mist was melting. This ancient star that exploded the Taoist Yin and Yang was being swallowed by the blood mist of Taoist Yin and Yang, and was being consumed bit by bit.

"What, the yin and yang Taoist is actually devouring the stars, a big Luo Jinxian can swallow the ancient stars, even if he masters the pure Yin and Yang Dao, it is impossible to do it, is the chaos **** and demon body so powerful, even the ancient stars can be swallowed Can you ignore the backlash of the origin of the heavens? Or is the origin of the heavens in the ancient stars swallowed by the yin and yang Taoists obliterated by the Dao?"

"Impossible, I must be dazzled, an ancient star was swallowed and melted by the Yin and Yang Taoist!"

In just a short time of counting breaths, countless powerful people were crying out. The Yin and Yang Taoists brought them too much shock. It was nothing to restore the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, but it was restored in the real body of the Chaos God and Demon. At the same time, it can swallow the ancient stars that blast itself. This is not a simple matter. This shows that the Yin and Yang Taoists have unimaginable killers!

"Asshole, stop him, you can't let this ant successfully swallow the ancient stars, otherwise, under the backlash of karma, the transformation will fail, and you will be backlashed to death by the heavenly origin!" At this time, Hongjun Daozu was also shocked by it. , The appearance of such an accident made his heart heavier involuntarily, and the endless pressure was heavily pressed on his heart!

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu had to pay attention to this battle again, and had to pay attention to the improvement of Dao. This time I might have really touched the bottom line of Dao and caused the anger of Dao. Otherwise, it is impossible for a junior to be so short-lived. Time can wipe out the origin of the heavens among the ancient stars, and can ignore the power of the origin of the emperor's three corpses to merge into the emperor.

Although there is a trace of regret in my heart, I shouldn’t have repeatedly provoke the bottom line of the avenue, but at this point, Hongjun Daozu wants to stop it is too late, and now it can’t change the fate of the three corpses. , What I have to do now is not how to get rid of the threat of the Dao, but **** the Yin and Yang Taoist. Originally, in Hongjun Daozu's opinion, the three corpses merged and evolved the body of the emperor to kill the Yin and Yang Taoist, but now it seems that I still underestimate it. The threat of Yin and Yang Taoists.

"Hongjun, if you have no other means, today is the time when your three corpse clones die!" The blood mist disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the real body of the Yin and Yang Taoist chaos **** and demon reappeared in the void in a moment. And the reappearance of the chaos **** and demon's true body exudes a hint of star aura, this is the power left by the refining of ancient stars.

In just such a short time, the Taoist Yin and Yang completely refined an ancient star, even if this star has been swept down by the emperor, but the origin of the ancient star will not decrease, the origin of the heaven will not dissipate, and these powers Now it has been wiped out by the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the origin of the entire ancient stars has been swallowed by the Yin and Yang Taoists' chaotic gods and demons!

When the real body of the chaos **** and demon condensed again, the sky-opening axe also appeared in the hands of the Yin-Yang Taoist, but now there is a trace of the heavenly origin on this heaven-opening axe, and the Yin-Yang Taoist can sense the existence of the heavens by virtue of this origin. Feeling the origin of the heavens, if the Yin and Yang Taoists are willing to pay a little price, they can defeat the heavens and inflict heavy losses on the heavens.

"No, the Taoist Yin and Yang has locked the origin of the heavens, and he wants to use the sky-opening axe to hit the heavens!" When the Taoist Yin and Yang gathered his strength, the three-corpse clone as the emperor immediately felt the threat of death, from above the soul. Threats, and this warning is emitted by the origin of the heavens, all this shows that the Yin and Yang Taoist has locked the origin of the heavens.

To stop this bastard, in no way can the power of the Sky-Opening Axe severely damage the origin of the heavens. Once the Origin of the Sky is injured by the opening of the heavens, the consequences will be disastrous! This is Hongjun Daozu’s command once again to the Emperor of Heaven. The Heaven-Opening Axe is different from the general attacking magical powers. Although the Heaven-Opening Axe in the hands of the Yin-Yang Taoist is condensed from the origin of chaos and has no entity, the Heaven-Opening Axe has the power of the Pangu God Open innocence, if the origin of the world is attacked by open innocence, it will inevitably suffer a devastating blow.

"Stop, now what are we using to stop it? Are we going to continue to shake down the stars and use ancient stars to block it?" At this moment, the three-corpse fusion God's real body was asking the deity. At this moment, the God's real body has been forced. When you reach the dead end, continue to shake down the stars and attack the Yin and Yang Taoist. Perhaps you can block the blow of the Sky Open Axe, but it will also give the Yin and Yang Taoist the opportunity to strengthen yourself and swallow the origin of the ancient stars. This is an enemy.

"We have no choice but to continue to shake down the stars, use the ancient stars to block the Yin and Yang Taoists, and prevent the true intention of opening the axe from destroying the origin of the heavens. Otherwise, not only will you die, but I will also be backlashed by the heavens, and even Heaven will be hit hard, delay time, and detonate the ultimate power of the emperor. Even if you give up the emperor’s authority, you must give this **** a fatal blow, not let him retreat!" At this time, Hongjun Daozu also did it. Crazy, the power of the Emperor of Heaven is not ordinary power. If you give up the power of this power, you will return to the heavens and will no longer be under the control of Daozu Hongjun. But now Daozu Hongjun has been forced to a corner by the Yin and Yang Taoist, and there is no way to retreat. You can only give it a go!

Although the heart is unwilling, but the three corpses have to accept the order of the deity. Although they are reluctant to bear the authority of the emperor, the current situation forces them to do this, and only by doing so can the Yin and Yang Taoists be fatally hit. Have the opportunity to change everything, and be able to regain the initiative in their own hands!

auzw.com"The stars are falling, the stars are dead!" There was another roar, and another ancient star was shaken under the guidance of the Emperor of Heaven. It fell from the void to the Taoist Yin and Yang, preventing the Taoist Yin and Yang from opening the sky. The axe locks the origin of the heavens and launches a fatal blow to the origin of the heavens!

"Hmph, I want to see how many ancient stars you can continue to shake down!" Facing the Emperor of Heaven once again shaking down the ancient stars and launching a devastating blow to him, the Taoist Yin and Yang roared with endless light in his eyes. Killing intent!

Although I reunited with the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, and continuously strengthened the power of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon in the reunion, and constantly tempered the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, the Yin and Yang Taoists understood in their hearts that even if they had more After tempering the real body of the Chaos God and Demon several times, it cannot withstand the attack of an ancient star. Unless the real body of the Chaos God and Demon is small and can pick up the stars and take the moon, otherwise the body will inevitably be blown up again. It is better to save your strength and let the stars explode your own body.

Yes, in an instant, the Taoist Yin and Yang gave up the counterattack, gave up the crazy counterattack power on the Sky Open Axe, and allowed the ancient stars swung down by the Emperor to explode his chaotic gods and demons, leaving the stars alone. Attack on yourself!

Without resistance, the falling ancient star was not blocked by a single trace, and directly exploded the Yin Yang Taoist's newly condensed chaotic **** and demon's real body, and it was also no accident that the scattered blood mist was quickly devouring this falling. The ancient stars of the world, turn the origin of these ancient stars into the nutrients of their own transformation, into a part of themselves!

"Damn, I knew it would be like this. This madman will not stop the attack of the ancient stars at all, and will take the opportunity to swallow the ancient stars and strengthen himself. If he is given a few more opportunities like this, this bastard's true body of the chaos **** and demon will More powerful! We need to hurry up, and can't give him more opportunities. Every time it is more, it will be a big threat to the deity!"

It's a pity that everything is not up to Hongjun's three-corpse clone. If they control the general situation, they can do it. Now the general situation is in the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoists. They want to delay time. They can only shake down the stars and block the Yin and Yang Taoists, and this is for Yin and Yang. Taoists give benefits and continue to grow the origin of Yin and Yang Taoists. Every ancient star is the origin of heaven and their efforts!

No surprise, the Taoist Yin and Yang quickly refined this ancient star, once again condensing the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, and at this time, the sharp axe in the hands of the Taoist Yin and Yang exudes a more terrifying aura. The real body of the emperor who merged with the three corpses had to once again mobilize the power of the emperor's authority to shake down an ancient star to stop the yin and yang Taoist!

Another ancient star was shaken down by the Emperor of Heaven, once again exploding the real body of the Yin and Yang Taoist Chaos God and Demon. Watching the successive ancient stars fall, it brought a huge impact to the entire prehistoric life, even if it was Sanqing , Nuwa Empress, Zhunti, Jiying, and Twelve Ancestor Witches who stood at the top of the prehistoric world were all shocked and surprised by this crazy behavior, and it also made them go further. To understand the horror of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon.

Although for these predecessors, they did not really feel the power of the chaotic gods and demons, they all clearly realized that the power of the saints in the prehistoric world was not invincible, and the chaos gods and demons could resist them, even if they were once. It blows up again and again, but the real body of the Chaos God and Demon will not be destroyed. It can be reborn again and again and can make itself invincible. If there is another karma, the power of authority will be added, I am afraid it will be stronger , More terrifying!

I have to say that these prehistoric powerhouses at this time are thinking too much. The real body of the Chaos God and Demon is not an ordinary power. The power of the predominant world and the power of karma are difficult to bless on it. At this time, the Yin and Yang Taoists erupted so terribly. Power, being able to confront the real body of the emperor repeatedly in this way is because of the power of the Great Dao. If it were not for the power of the Great Dao, the Yin Yang Taoist would have to pay a heavy price to do all this, and it would not be so easy.

"Crazy, crazy. If you hold on to it and consume it, the power of the entire prehistoric heaven will be severely weakened. I am afraid that the next Lord of the heaven will not have too much authority and power. Hongjun is worth it. Is it worth paying such a big price to destroy a little big Luo Jinxian?" Some ancient powerhouses were shaking their heads, sighing!

It seems to these people that it is not worth it, but they are not Hongjun Daozu, they just look at the problem from their own standpoint, and from the standpoint of Hongjun Daozu, all this is worthwhile, because Hongjun Daozu no longer You have to choose. If you knew that the Yin and Yang Taoist background was so terrifying, if you knew that the Dao would be so crazy, Hongjun Daozu would not take it easily, let alone expose his three-corpse clone, and even expose the secret of his own control of the emperor’s authority. But now everything has happened, even if it is too late to regret, Hongjun Daozu had to bite the bullet and continue!

Dao Ancestor Hongjun suffered heavy losses, and the Taoists of Yin and Yang were uncomfortable. They also had huge pressure and consumption. The consumption of the physical body was nothing. The origin of one after another ancient stars was used as a supplement, but the impact of the soul and the consumption of will were not. The origin of the ancient stars can be supplemented. This needs to be borne by the Yin-Yang Taoist himself. The body is blown again and again, which damages the Yin-Yang Taoist's will time and time again, and it is also a test again and again.

Every time his body is blown up, Yin and Yang Taoists have to endure pain and torture that ordinary people cannot imagine, and he must persist. Only by persisting can he be reborn. The rebirth of the physical body is not as simple as it is on the surface, let alone just It can be done by consuming a little source. The most terrifying thing is the impact on one's own mind and will. Daoist Yin and Yang was questioning Hongjun Daozu's three-corpse clone, which could shake the stars several times, and at the same time, he was asking himself if he could continue to hold on.

Persistence is victory. No matter how hard the soul is hit, no matter how much collision the will faces, one cannot shrink back. When the war comes at this time, it will not only test a person’s background, but also a person’s will and spirit. I have a retreat in my mind first, and my will and spirit will definitely be affected. In the next confrontation, I will inevitably suffer a heavy blow, and even be blown by the power of the emperor. It is nothing if my body is blown. And the spirit is also blown up, that is the real crisis, and will plunge oneself into a real desperate situation. Taoist Yin and Yang knows this very well!

Daoists of Yin and Yang understand how dangerous their situation is, and Dao Zu Hongjun also knows that they are all insisting, waiting, and even delaying time, but Dao Zu Hongjun's background is much stronger than Daoists of Yin and Yang, and they are also more prepared than Yin Yang. Taoists are much more powerful, so Hongjun Daozu still has the upper hand and takes the initiative. Yin and Yang Taoists can only passively accept, even if Yin and Yang Taoists have also found the weakness of the Emperor, but Yin and Yang Taoists can’t fight back, without the power to fight back, only once. Once again, he was shaken by the emperor of the ancient stars, blasting his body with the power of the stars!

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