God of Destruction

Chapter 4513: Karma-ridden

Chapter 4519 Karma-ridden

The rebirth, the shocks of the soul and the will gradually made the Yin and Yang Taoists lose their crazy aura as before. Every heavy blow of the soul will affect the Yin and Yang Taoists. When this influence accumulates to a certain extent, the Yin and Yang Taoists The aura of the body will naturally weaken a lot, and this kind of change is naturally not hidden from Hongjun Taoist ancestors, nor from the powerful people in the prehistoric people. Although the physical power of the Yin and Yang Taoist seems to be constantly changing and strengthening, it is above the soul. The damage cannot be concealed. After all, the heavy blows are exhausting to the Taoist Yin and Yang!

"A madman, really a madman, I can’t replace it with anyone, even if I can’t bear the physical body being blown up again and again, and then rebirth again and again, this is an absolute torture to the soul, maybe not once or twice. What's the matter, but the number of times has increased, and the blow to the soul is extremely terrifying. Now that the Yin and Yang Taoists and the Emperor of Heaven have already exposed their own shortcomings, they are already at the end of the battle, but I don't know who will have the last laugh!"

Who can laugh to the end, no one can know that fighting at this time is perseverance, state of mind, will, and foundation. It’s just that the Daoist of Yin and Yang has the blessing of the Great Dao, and Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone is obviously a super-strong state of mind. Although this battle has attracted too many predators, it’s just that no one has dared to fight on both sides, and no one can bear the serious consequences. At this time, whoever dared to jump out is absolutely dead and no life, no matter how God’s way is. No matter the tunnel, even the avenue will grant him death, eternal death, not everyone can participate in the Dao struggle, the consequence of participating without authorization is only a dead end.

Time after time, time after time of destruction, the origins of both parties are consumed rapidly. Soon the Yin and Yang Taoist and the Heavenly Emperor's real body have reached the extreme that they can bear. The Yin and Yang Taoist spirit has collapsed too tight, if you continue There is no problem in going down to the physical body, and it will even go further, but his own spirit will collapse first, and the real body of the emperor will endure the backlash to the limit. If you continue to fall into the stars, you will be backlashed to death by the heavenly origin!

However, compared to the spiritual pressure of the Yin and Yang Taoist, the real body of Tiandi is not under pressure. He has already prepared for the worst, and has always been preparing. The power of the heavenly authority has reached its limit, and it is time to give the Yin and Yang Taoist a fatal. A blow!

"Kill!" Without much sly words, the Heavenly Emperor's true body smiled sternly, revealing a terrifying killing intent. In his smile, there is endless murderous intent, like a beast that has been forced to a desperate battle. The whole People give yin and yang Taoists a harsh feeling.

An afterimage stayed in place, and the real body of the emperor rushed towards the yin and yang Taoist like a bolt of lightning. At this moment, behind him were the shadows of stars, rising and falling in the thunder sea condensed by his murderous intent, turning the real body of the emperor. Bring out the endless magic, full of endless murderous demon god! Yes, the real body of the emperor at this time has no appearance of the emperor, like the same demon god, the demon **** who destroys the world, the power of the heavenly authority he holds has been fully condensed, as a killer!

Before the emperor’s true body rushed in front of the Yin and Yang Taoist, the shadows of the stars behind him exploded, turning into meteors and violently colliding against the Yin and Yang Taoist, and each star's shadow was condensed. The authority of the celestial realm condenses the origin of the ancient stars, the rules of the celestial realm, and the laws of the stars all exploded at this time, and together they launched a fatal blow to the Yin and Yang Taoists!

"Kill!" Facing the attack of the emperor's true body, the Yin and Yang Taoist shouted and immediately shot, the chaos **** and demon's true body burst into pieces and crushed thousands of miles of void, the terrifying chaotic aura of the whole body intertwined countless chains of laws, like one A giant dragon is flying, welcoming the shadow of the stars that the emperor's true body has attacked, and each law chain is aimed at the shadow of a star.

Whether it is the chain of order of the yin and yang Taoists, or the shadow of the stars of the heavenly emperor’s true body, every blow shocks the void, and the void in front of them is instantly torn apart in dense spatial cracks, and every spatial crack is scattered. With a terrifying aura, and this aura shocked the entire prehistoric sentient beings. Every crack has the power to strangle a junior quasi-sage. If they merge together and fall on the predecessor, I’m afraid the entire predecessor will be destroyed. Their strength was torn apart.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the real body of the Chaos God and Demon collided with the real body of the Emperor of Heaven. The terrifying aura on the two of them was like the explosion of stars, emitting endless shock waves, directly destroying the starry sky, causing the original The void that still had the breath of Thunder Sea from Heaven's Punishment instantly disappeared without a trace, and a terrifying force impacted the shattered void.

Fortunately, the place where the Yin-Yang Taoist and the Heavenly Emperor’s true body fought is far away from the wild land. Otherwise, this terrifying blow would inevitably bring danger to the entire wild land, even if it is just the aftermath, it is not a force that can be resisted, nor can anyone. Resolve. The horror of the Taoist controversy has shocked many people. If it weren't outside the prehistoric world, I don’t know how many creatures would have died because of this battle. Fortunately, it still has an impact on the predominant world. Extract the source of heaven!

Daoists of Yin and Yang also feel the influence of this power on the prehistoric world. If the emperor’s real body erupts its ultimate power, or even blew itself, even if he is not in the predominant world now, it will still bring terrible damage to the prehistoric world. I don’t want to let myself carry the huge karma of cause and effect and be hated by the origin of the predecessor. You must know that the way of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian that you practice is not recognized by the predecessor. If you carry the karma of heaven and effect, you really don’t have it. A further possibility!

Although Daoist Yin and Yang didn’t know if this was possible, Dao Zu Hongjun’s calculations were not part of his calculations, but he couldn’t take this risk and put himself in danger, so he had to go to the depths of the void and couldn’t let this battle. The shock wave of the impact affects the prehistoric world and the prehistoric sentient beings. This is not the result I want!

auzw.com In an instant, the Yin and Yang Taoist powers are fully deployed, and the front is resisting the impact of the stars and phantoms, and goes deeper into the void. The Yin and Yang Taoists under the eruption are like the same chaos demon. Even if it is standing in the void, it is not affected by a trace of void, the chaotic aura will block all external forces, no matter how strong the void is, it will not cause damage to the Yin and Yang Taoists.

The real body of the emperor is entangled in karma, constantly squeezing the origin of the heavens, shaking down one after another ancient stars, leaving him with endless karma. When he fully condenses the power of the emperor’s authority, he will again When he was far away from the wild world, his body could no longer suppress that terrifying karma, and the violent karma was madly impacting him!

"This is the Taoist battle, an endless decisive battle. It seems that the Yin and Yang Taoists' calculations in this battle have succeeded for the most part. The chaos **** and demon's true body is showing signs of success under the continuous destruction and reorganization. As long as this battle is won, he will swallow it. The power of the real body of the emperor can break through, and the three-corpse clone of Hongjun Daozu is a pity, such a huge karma is enough to completely destroy it, the emperor’s Tao fruit is lost, and the origin of the heavens is also lost. This time he has lost a lot. It's just that Hongjun Daozu won't let everything end like this, I'm afraid that his real body of Heavenly Venerable will pull the Yin and Yang Taoists to death together, and explode everything!"

At this moment, the powerhouses in the predicament all saw a trace of the ending, and even they were able to see through the changes in the real body of the emperor at this moment. How could the Yin and Yang Taoists in the war not be able to see through, even if he could not see through, Instinct will also give warnings. The more you rush into the depths of the void, the stronger the aura on the yin and yang Taoists, and the more they are exploding their full potential. The depths of the void can not only open the distance between themselves and the wilderness, but also Affect the extraction of the heavenly origin by the real body of the emperor, and weaken the power of the real body of the emperor.

"Damn it, you can't let the Yin and Yang Taoist continue to rush towards the void. The three-corpse clone has lost its reason and was affected by the karma of karma. If this continues, there will be no chance of self-destruction!" Hongjun Daozu sat in the chaos. Naturally, I have seen through the calculations of the Yin and Yang Taoist. If we continue, his three-corpse clone will fall first, or even the death of the three-corpse clone. The emperor's authority may be taken away by the Yin and Yang Taoist. This is something Hongjun Taoist cannot. As a result of acceptance, the power of the emperor can be returned to the heavens and can become a thing of no owner, but it must not be taken away by the Taoists of Yin and Yang. There are tunnels behind the Taoists of Yin and Yang. Once the authority of the emperor of heaven falls into the hands of the tunnels, the origin of the heavens will be controlled. The real way, the real way of heaven will be impacted by the real way!

"Don't continue to entangle with that ant. The outbreak of causal karma has already affected your spiritual consciousness. Pull him to death and explode everything. Use the power of the emperor's authority to completely strangle the **** ant, Daoist Yin and Yang!" Hongjun Daozu once again ignored it. The rules of the Great Dao once again affect this big battle, and use one's own mind to awaken the real body of the emperor who is entangled by causal karma!

To do so, Daozu Hongjun would be under tremendous pressure. After all, he was interfering in the catastrophe, repeatedly interfering in the catastrophe of the Yin and Yang Taoists. This violates the prehistoric rules, violates the rules of the great road, and will inevitably be backlashed by the rules, but In order to ensure the smooth implementation of his plan, Hongjun Daozu still did this.

When the origin of Hongjun Dao ancestor made this shot, the avatar of the emperor instantly got rid of the entanglement of karma and awakened, but now his origin has been consumed a lot. At this time, the true body of the emperor can only be desperate and can only obey the deity of Dao ance Hongjun. According to his opinion, the yin and yang Taoists will be wiped out, with the power of the emperor's authority to give the Yin and Yang Taoists a fatal blow!

"Damn it, how could the real body of the emperor wake up so quickly, he has not been counteracted by the karma of karma, he has lost his mind, is it possible that Hongjun has made another move, and would rather take the back of the rules on his own, and awaken the real body of the emperor, it seems This battle is dangerous, and I need to be careful to prevent the opponent from pulling me to death!” In an instant, the Taoist Yin and Yang discovered the change in the real body of the emperor, and immediately became vigilant. Although the attack on his hand was not weakened, he himself had improved. Be vigilant and prepare to get out.

"I am the emperor of heaven, heaven and earth, only I dominate!" Just when the Yin and Yang Taoists were ready, he drank a deep drink from the mouth of the emperor's true body, and an overbearing will shook the void, so that the sun and the moon were dark, and all spirits were lost. Silence, the domineering aura of the emperor was imprinted on the heart of every creature. With a loud shout, the emperor’s true body lifted the clouds and mist, and with that domineering aura, the karma entangled in him was repelled, allowing himself to be fast. Get rid of the entanglement of causal karma.

Although this is only a symptom and not the root cause, it is only to temporarily get rid of the entanglement of causal karma, but this is enough for the real body of the emperor. At this time, he is already determined to die. For him, as long as he can get rid of the cause and effect temporarily It’s enough to let yourself use a sober mind to do this decisive battle with the Yin and Yang Taoists, even if it will speed up the consumption of your own origin, it is also worth it!

After the karma was shaken, the emperor's true body slammed out, fists like stars, with unparalleled power rushing to the Yin and Yang Taoists, although the Yin and Yang Taoists were prepared, but under the deterrence of the heavenly and domineering will of the Emperor, Yin and Yang The Taoist was still affected, and did not evade the fatal blow in time. The mighty blow of the Emperor of Heaven slammed on the Yin-Yang Taoist solidly, and a mist of blood dispersed. The Yin-Yang Taoist’s chaotic **** and demon’s real body was no accident. Was bombarded and killed by the real body of the emperor!

"The fire of the stars, burn the void, and destroy it for me!" When the real body of the Yin and Yang Taoist gods and demons was bombarded and killed, the real body of the emperor continued to burn its own origin, and controlled the fire of the stars with the power of the emperor's authority. The fire comes to destroy the yin-yang Taoist, fundamentally destroys the yin-yang Taoist, and does not give the Yin-Yang Tao a chance to reunite with the real body of the Chaos God and Demon.

Unfortunately, if the power of the emperor’s authority has been weakened today, although the sun and lunar two stars no longer have their masters, the power of the emperor’s authority still cannot mobilize the fire of the origin of the two stars, and cannot condense the strongest star fire to give Yin and Yang Taoists. A fatal blow, unable to burn the blood mist that Yin and Yang Taoist flesh turned into in the first place!

"Your plan has failed, the origin of the chaos is condensed, the flesh and blood are derived, and the real body reappears!" A low voice resounded in the void. For the Taoist Yin and Yang, as long as there is a drop of blood, they can be reborn, even if the chaos gods and demons are still alive. The real body was blown up, and it was still immortal. It was just that under the blow of the real body of the emperor, a part of the origin of the Yin and Yang Taoist was lost, and the spirit had reached its limit. Facing the real body of the emperor who was desperately desperate, the Taoist of Yin and Yang had to work hard. Otherwise, there is only a dead end.

"Lunar, the sun is condensed, the sun and the moon rotate, the yin and yang break through the sky, and the common people are extinct!" With a deep cry, the chaotic aura of the yin and yang Taoist is evolving, turning into a bright moon and a big sun for a moment, the sun and the moon rotate, the lunar, The origins of the two stars of the sun were drawn, and a terrifying yin and yang killing intent was condensed in front of him, exuding an aura of destruction that shocked the world!

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