God of Destruction

Chapter 4514: The cost of saving blood

Chapter 4520: The Price of Blood

"This is the power of the rules of the Yin-Yang Dao, the rules of the Taiyin and the Sun, and the force of the rules of time. The Yin-Yang Daoist, a lunatic, has walked his own way on the Yin-Yang Dao, based on the Yin-Yang Dao. Condensing the power of the rules of the yin, the sun and time, he is desperate!" When he saw the eruption of the yin and yang Taoist, the entire primordial beings were shocked, although everyone's concept of the yin and yang Taoist has changed, but Seeing such a momentum, they were still shocked in their hearts. The Taoists of Yin and Yang had exceeded their imagination in the practice of Dao!

"All desperately, Hongjun's three corpses want to pull the yin and yang Taoists to death, and the Yin and Yang Taoists who are forced to desperately have to work hard. This is the last duel, and the final battle of strength. It is the power of the emperor's authority. Powerful, or the Daoist Dao of Yin and Yang is powerful, it depends on which one of them can survive, or lose both!"

At this time, someone thought of losing both, because Hongjun Daozu did things too far. In order to make his plan successful, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own three-corpse clone, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the power of the emperor and the origin of the heavens. This is a lot of people. Unimaginable, and just like that, they once again think that this battle may be a loss for both sides, everyone's favorite ending!

For the entire prehistoric land, almost most of the creatures are eager for the ending of both losers and losers. They all hope to see the avatar of Yin and Yang Taoist and Hongjun Taoist three corpses at the same time, so that everyone can relax. After all, no matter which side wins, it will swallow the other side. The origin, will strengthen itself, will bring a huge threat to these "weak people"!

Under the anticipation of all living beings, and under the impact of the yin and yang Taoists, the real body of the Emperor Hongjun Daozu's three corpses has finally reached a desperate situation. If he does not take action, and then allows the Yin and Yang Taoists to go so crazy, he will really be consumed here. In the endless void, the time left for myself is not good, I must do the final fight, use the ultimate killer!

"The emperor's position exploded, the origin of the heavenly realm exploded, and the emperor's authority exploded! Slaughter!" With a deep cry from the emperor's true body, his own emperor's position exploded. The origin of the heavenly emperor exploded, and the emperor's authority exploded. The three powers merged together to form The terrifying storm of destruction met the great technique of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the two forces made the ultimate fight in this void!

Burn, collapse, disintegrate! This is the madness of the Tiandi’s true body. With the explosion of the origin, his body is disintegrating. If it is not for the three avatars to insist on with their will, when the destruction storm is formed, these three corpses will dissipate in the sky and the earth. In between, but these three corpses were not reconciled. They wanted to watch the Yin and Yang Taoist fall first, so they were holding on with their last little will, waiting for the result to appear, otherwise they would not be reconciled!

The loud noise that shook the heaven and the earth resounded in the void, and the predecessor only saw an incomparably gorgeous light blooming in the void. That was the power emanating from the final duel. It was the battle between the Daoist Yin and Yang and the three corpses of Hongjun Daozu. Explosion, the entire void oscillated in this terrible explosion, endless space cracks appeared in this void, and space storms swept everything in the void, as if to destroy everything here and return everything to chaos!

After a long period of time, the terrifying storm eased slightly, and at this time the entire void was torn into terrifying territories, and the powerful people in the void did not see the Yin Yang Daoist and Hongjun Dao Zusan. The shadow of the corpse clone.

"Hahaha! Great! Both lose and lose. The Yin-Yang Taoist and Hongjun, the three-corpse clone of the bastard, both lose and lose in this decisive battle! The origin of this heavenly Tao is bound to be damaged, and the tunnel is the same, what we expect The opportunity is here!"

Those ancient powerhouses were laughing crazily, with a rare smile on their faces. They have longed for this day for a long time, and they have waited for this moment for a long time. They believe that this is their chance to surpass the world. , The opportunity to break free from the shackles of the heavens, to get rid of the opportunities that have been suppressed by the heavens!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu's eyes had a faint peace. His three corpse clones were indeed lost, but Hongjun Daozu did not feel the death of the Yin and Yang Taoist. If the Yin and Yang Dao died, there would be a great way. When the light appears, you must know that the Yin and Yang Taoist condensed the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, and mastered the power of the Chaos God and Demon. If he died, the Dao could not be unresponsive. He was worried and afraid. The Yin and Yang Taoist did not fall to himself. In the lore of the corpse clone!

If the Yin and Yang Dao people die, the king of cause and effect as a clone will inevitably be impacted, and even die because of the death of the deity. However, the king of cause and effect in the nether world has not changed at all, which makes Hongjun Dao ancestors natural. Health alert! Of course, not everyone has the power of Hongjun Daozu, and can clearly feel the changes in the king of cause and effect in the nether world. Even the twelve ancestor witches in the six reincarnations do not have this ability. The Lord of Netherworld, the King of Cause and Effect, is not everyone who has the ability to feel everything about him through the origin of the Netherworld. Only Hongjun Daozu can do this in the prehistoric world!

In the excitement of those ignorant people, suddenly the broken void made a loud noise, and a brilliant fist light traversed the void, from the broken depths through the passage leading to the wilderness, and then destroyed. The storm was collapsing, and a figure rushed out of the broken void, and when this figure appeared in the prehistoric world, his body was constantly exploding, and it was constantly condensing, that was given to the Yin and Yang Taoists by the real body of the heavenly emperor. A fatal blow, this is the fatal blow of the heavenly origin to the Yin and Yang Taoist. This substantive force of the origin is constantly destroying the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and it is constantly destroying the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist. Fortunately, this power is powerful, but The power of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon is not weak, and it is constantly reborn in that destruction. No matter how strong the origin of the day is, it will be firmly suppressed by the power of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon. As long as there is enough time, Yin and Yang Taoist It is completely possible to refine this heavenly origin and turn this origin into its own nourishment!


"Damn it, it's the Yin-Yang Taoist, it's this **** bastard, how could he survive such a terrifying storm of destruction!" In an instant, the originally extremely excited predecessors were dumbfounded, and they couldn't help the anger in their hearts. In swearing, the reappearance of the yin and yang Taoists completely frustrated the ridiculous calculations in their hearts. They could not intervene in the nether world, and even had to face the pressure and impact from the nether world. After all, the nether world is also part of the prehistoric world!

Compared with the ignorant and stupid predecessors, and the **** who dare not admit defeat, Hongjun Daozu quickly recovered his calm in surprise. Although there was a slight unwillingness on his face, he muttered to himself very flatly: "If I lost, I finally lost. I haven't lost the endless years. This defeat has completely broken the attachment in my heart. There is no invincible person, even Pangu is defeated, let alone me, This defeat allowed me to truly recognize myself and the way forward. Although it was a heavy loss for me, it also yielded a lot of gains. At least my state of mind finally no longer has flaws!"

In just a moment, Hongjun Daozu realized everything. There is no undefeated invincible person in this world, even if he fits the way of heaven. The way of heaven is not invincible. Although under his own influence, the way of heaven is constantly invincible. The forces eroding the humanity and the tunnels of the primordial land, want to surpass the humanity and the tunnels, and fully grasp the general trend of the primordial land, but no matter how good one's calculations are, no matter how strong the plan of the heavens is, there are always exceptions, there will always be accidents. .

If you lose, you must admit defeat. If you can’t even understand this point and can’t accept it, you are not qualified to go further on this road of practice, and you can’t achieve your goals. Yin and Yang Taoists succeed in breaking the robbery, this is the general trend. It is the power of the Great Dao, it is the power of the wild, even if I and Tiandao are blocked no matter how much he is still not the opponent of the Great Dao, this is the price of repeatedly challenging the bottom line of the Great Dao. In front of the Great Dao, both myself and Tian Dao are still vulnerable! The power of the Dao rules is not allowed to be provocative, otherwise you will pay a heavy price, and will destroy your endless years of heritage!

Yes, the failure of this duel has shattered the endless years of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, the three-corpse clone is completely destroyed, the grasp of the heaven is completely lost, and the authority of the heaven is regained by the heaven, and even the origin of the heaven of his own way. Also received a shock, this is the end of the confrontation with Dao, this is the end of my arrogance!

The bottom line of the avenue is that provocations are not allowed. Back then, when the Great God Pangu opened up the world and wanted to surpass the avenue, he died. What's more, I have to say that in the endless years, my repeated victories have made myself forget what awe is and forget. The awe of the great road, the awe of the heaven and the earth, and now Hongjun Daozu really recognizes everything, although the price is a bit high, it is worth it!

"Hehe, defeat is defeat. There is nothing I can't admit. It's just that although I have failed in this battle, I can't win the enemy. The origin of the heavens cannot fall into the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the power of the heavenly authority cannot fall into the Yin and Yang Taoists. In the hands, even if there is only a trace, the heavens cannot allow tunnels to step in. This is the bottom line! Let me loose!" Hongjun Taoist ancestor's expression drenched, and a strong scent of origin emanated from him. This is the way of heaven. The power of the Dao of Heaven is the origin of the Dao of Heaven. In order to cut off the opportunity of the Yin and Yang Taoists to swallow the origin of the heavens and the authority of the Heavenly Emperor, Dao Ancestor Hongjun used the origin of the Dao of Heaven and also endured the backlash of the Dao of Heaven!

A ray of light flickered, and it was constantly mobilizing the power of the chaotic gods and demons to suppress the Yin-Yang Taoist who wiped out the origin of the heavens. The power of the heavens swept away from him, and when the power of the heavens passed through, the oppressed heavens in his body Disappeared, the trace of the power of the Emperor of Heaven also disappeared, and Heavenly Dao withdrew these two powers!

"Asshole, how dare Hongjun this **** dare to do this, dare to challenge the Dao rules again and again!" At this time, the Yin Yang Taoist's heart was extremely angry, and he paid a huge price to suppress the origin of the heavens. The power that suppressed the authority of the Emperor of Heaven, and was thus taken back by the Dao of Heaven, how can this make him accept it, how can he not be angry!

The weak do not have the right to choose. No matter how angry the Yin and Yang Taoists are, it will not help. Everything is over. Tiandao has recovered the power it plundered. This is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed!

After a while, the yin and yang Taoist calmed down his angry mood, and said in a deep voice: "What a Hongjun, such a cruel heart, I would rather bear the backlash from the Dao of Heaven and the pressure from the Great Dao, but also take back the origin of the heavens. Take back the power of the Emperor of Heaven, and don't give me the slightest chance to touch the heavens, and don't let the tunnels have the opportunity to corrode the heavens. I have written down this cause and effect!"

It is useless to continue to provoke, and defeat is defeated. There is nothing to admit or accept. Although he has completed the transformation of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon, he is still weak in front of Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Dao of Heaven. , The weak must have their own consciousness. This is practice. Any situation on the path of practice can happen, even if the opportunity is obtained, you must accept it bravely, instead of just complaining. .

The Taoist Yin and Yang triumphed against the three-corpse clone of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, swallowing the opponent's origin, and succeeded in the tragedy of the chaos **** and demon's true body, but he was swallowing the battle between the origin of the heaven and the authority of the emperor. Failed in the middle, which made Yin Yang Taoist also recovered from his excitement, and made himself vigilant.

I’m too happy, forgetting that victory is not the end of everything. If I return to the Netherworld in the first time, maybe everything will not be the result, even if Daozu Hongjun is willing to pay a heavy price and is willing to bear the way of heaven. The backlash and the suppression of the Great Dao were also unable to regain the origin of the heavens from the underworld, from the authentic shelter, and regain the power of the emperor. In the final analysis, he was too careless. Victory made himself a little arrogant and forgot what danger was.

For the Taoist Yin and Yang, although this defeat has lost the origin of the heavens and the power of the emperor’s authority, it has also awakened oneself and made one more aware of the terrible nature of the prehistoric world. A momentary victory is nothing, oneself. If you want to go further on the road of cultivation on Hunyuan Avenue, you need to be more cautious. You can't have the slightest carelessness, and you can't have a little arrogance, or you will follow the footsteps of this failure and get it. His interests flew away from his own eyes. This lesson was enough to impress the Yin and Yang Taoist, enough to increase his vigilance. Under no circumstances should he be arrogant, and he must be cautious. This is the price of blood!

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