God of Destruction

Chapter 4515: Festival returns to the ghost

Chapter 4521: Return to the Nether

With this **** price, the Yin and Yang Taoists naturally dare not stay in the void. Hongjun Daozu can sacrifice himself to regain the power of the heavenly origin and the power of the heavenly emperor, and he may also kill himself painfully. What's more, those **** **** in Honghuang would also be unable to bear to jump out and die! The most important thing is that the Dao Ancestor Hongjun has another great heritage in the hands of the Taoists of Yin and Yang. Those ancient undead army, they are still suppressed in the'eighteen hell', Hongjun Daozu can use the power of heaven to regain the origin of the heavens and the emperor. Power and the ability to recapture the army of undead in the "Eighteen Hells". The Yin and Yang Taoists cannot risk this danger, nor dare to risk it!

With a thought, the Taoist Yin and Yang opened the channel to the Netherworld. The King of Cause and Effect launched the origin of the Netherworld, directly opening the power of the world to attract the return of the Taoist Yin and Yang. With lessons learned, the Taoists of Yin and Yang did not dare to take risks. In the Netherworld, get rid of Hongjun Daozu's pressure on himself, and get rid of the worries in his heart.

When the Yin and Yang Taoists returned to the Netherworld, the crazy predecessors yelled again: "Asshole, let this **** **** escape back to the Netherworld, why didn't those ignorant guys stop them, what are they thinking? "

Yes, what are those powerful people who are ambitious and greedy thinking? Naturally, they are all thinking about fighting their companions. They are all thinking about taking advantage of the fishermen’s profit. They don’t have to pay too much if they want to wait for others to take action. But they have forgotten one of the most important issues. Everyone has this idea. The so-called plan will naturally fail, no one will take action, the Yin and Yang Taoists will naturally return to the Netherworld easily, and their ridiculous and stupid plan will be completely shattered!

Daozu Hongjun’s three-corpse clone was indeed resolved, and his own chaotic god-devil body has also completed its transformation and evolution, but is this catastrophe over? No, no, the catastrophe did not end because of his own success, nor did the Taoist struggle. On the contrary, this battle just opened a new prelude. Those **** greedy people will not give up, because they Seeing hope and seeing the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the heavens, Hongjun Daozu lost his three-corpse clone, and the origin of the heavens was also hit hard in this battle. How could those ancient powerhouses give up this opportunity? They will definitely do their best. Shot. As for what the Netherworld will be like, whether it will usher in a new disaster, Yin and Yang Taoists don't know, after all, everything is not in their control now!

Yes, with the development of the situation, everything is not in the grasp of the Yin and Yang Taoists, not even in the grasp of the Hongjun Taoist ancestors and the heavens. The entire primordial land has been out of control. More precisely, the heavens have lost their suppression of the primordial sentient beings. , The so-called order will naturally also be challenged. After all, the order of the prehistoric world was the order of heaven, not the real order! This battle is not the end of everything, but the beginning of everything. Those who fell before are just cannon fodder!

The great world is coming? The Taoists of Yin and Yang don’t know if this is the coming of the great world. It’s just that with the weakness of the heavens and the rise of humanity and tunnels, it may really be the coming of the great world. It’s just that how many creatures will fall when the great world comes. It's unclear. At the moment of returning to the Netherworld, the Yin and Yang Taoists felt the changes in the prehistoric world.

With the victory of the Yin and Yang Taoist and the defeat of the Hongjun Taoist, the entire primordial beings had ambitions that they shouldn’t have after being shocked. The weakness of the heavens made them think that the opportunity for detachment was right in front of them. The careerist is not focusing on the authority of the nether world, nor the karma of the nether world, but the heaven, the heaven that has been emptied due to the decline of the monster race, the authority of the emperor of heaven is that everyone wants to seize, and no one is the master of the world. Able to refuse this temptation.

No one knows whether the great world is coming or the beginning of a troubled world. Everything needs time to prove. A powerful aura erupts from the desolate world, and an ancient powerhouse rushes frantically to the uncontrollable world. They are all fighting. The idea of ​​the emperor's authority is to seize the authority of the emperor of heaven and seize the sovereignty of the heaven before the way of heaven does not respond!

In contrast, no one cares about the Netherworld, and there are not many people watching. No one knows what happened to the Yin and Yang Taoists after the First World War, and no one knows whether the tunnels have emerged from this Taoist fight after the war. Strengthen oneself, and no one knows the true situation of the Netherworld. After the Yin and Yang Taoists return to the Netherworld, the defense of the entire Netherworld is fully opened. Except for the passage of the dead, there is no way to enter the Netherworld. The Netherworld has already Blocked by the King of Cause and Effect.

The changes in the Netherworld came too fast, so that the twelve ancestral witches among the six reincarnations did not have time to react. When they noticed the changes in the Netherworld, they couldn't help being shocked. They didn't know the next king of cause and effect. What kind of things will you do with the Taoists of Yin and Yang, and will you kill them? After all, the catastrophe of the Netherworld is over now, and the cause and effect between them has not been eliminated. This Taoist battle ended with the victory of Taoists of Yin and Yang, right. Too much pressure for the Twelve Ancestral Witch!

How powerful is Hongjun Daozu’s three-corpse clone, the Twelve Ancestor Witch has seen that the Heavenly Emperor’s true body, which is finally condensed by the three corpses, is in charge of the power of the Emperor. Even if their Twelve Ancestor Witches are strong, they must be treated with caution. Such a powerful man fell under the hands of the Yin-Yang Taoist. If other creatures in the prehistoric world can breathe a sigh of relief after the Netherworld is closed, the Twelve Ancestral Witch has endless worries, for fear that the Yin-Yang Taoist and the King of Cause and Effect will meet in the next moment. Come to the door!

"Little sister, now we can't help but be vigilant. Although there is an authentic asylum, we must also guard against the crazy counterattack of the king of cause and effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang. We must know that the cause and effect will not disappear every day, and we are always in danger!"

auzw.com reminded Dijiang Zuwu, Houtu Zuwu couldn’t help but sighed and said: “Big Brother, don’t worry too much. I believe the Taoist Yin and Yang will make the right choice, the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although in the Nether World, I am under the influence of the Nether World, but as the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I am not without the ability to fight back. As long as he is not lost by the victory, he will not easily attack us, and this After World War I, I don’t believe that the Yin and Yang Taoist was not at all consumed. Even if he had the origin of devouring the three-corpse clone of Hongjun Taoist ancestor to make up for it, he would need time to digest it. We will not be in danger in a short time.

The Houtu ancestor witch is right. In a short time, their twelve ancestral witches are indeed not dangerous. They are protected by the Nether World. No one will hurt them. For the Yin and Yang Taoists, they have no intention to deal with them. This duel. In the future, the Taoists of Yin and Yang need time to digest their own gains. As for capturing the origin of the six realms of reincarnation, Taoists of Yin and Yang have never had such an idea, let alone the six realms of reincarnation. The authentic shelter cannot let go of the authority and power held by the king of cause and effect, otherwise the Yin and Yang Taoists have already let go of everything at this time!

"Sister, instead of waiting here quietly, it's better to choose to take the initiative. The cause and effect you owe always needs to be repaid. Now that the war is over and the battle is over, we might as well go meet the King of Causation and meet him face to face. After all the causes and effects are settled, this heavy burden on us is completely cut off, and this problem can be solved as soon as possible. We can also reassemble our strength and make plans as soon as possible. After all, today's prehistoric world has become too big, even we have to. Bear its impact!"

It is indeed a very good suggestion to take the initiative to find the King of Cause and Effect to resolve the cause and effect. At this time, if you take the initiative to contact the King of Cause and Effect, you can more or less make the King of Cause and Effect feel the sincerity of their witches and can be used by the witches. Without facing the horrible aura of the Yin and Yang Taoist, compared with the overbearing aura of the Yin and Yang Taoist, the Twelve Ancestral Witch was still willing to discuss with the Lord of Nether, the King of Cause and Effect, which could also relieve their pressure and anxiety.

"Okay, let's meet the King of Cause and Effect together now. Maybe we don't take the initiative to attack and resolve the cause and effect at this time. Soon we will not have this opportunity. This battle will have too much impact on the entire prehistoric world. I don't know. How many ambitions must be greedy, I don’t know how many **** are planning to fight the Netherworld!" Houtu witches still approve of Di Jiang Zu Wu’s suggestion, which is also the best choice for the Wu clan. Can let everyone not be impacted by external forces!

The heart is not as good as the action. When the twelve ancestor witches have determined, they quickly acted, and the twelve ancestor witches have six reincarnations to meet the powerful enemy of the king of cause and effect! Yes, it is the enemy. At least in the hearts of most of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the King of Karma and the Yin and Yang Taoists are enemies. Although the two sides are not immortal, they still have reservations between each other!

The king of cause and effect was not surprised by the sudden visit of the twelve ancestor witch. This was as early as his own expectation. If the deity did not win the duel, perhaps the twelve ancestor witch would have other wishes in his heart. The deity fought against the three-corpse clone of Daozu Hongjun, and all pressures disappeared. As the lord of the netherworld, the king of cause and effect naturally had to take the initiative.

"Twelve fellow daoists come to see me together, don’t know what advice you can give?" Facing the twelve ancestor witch, the King of Karma said flatly, there was no wave of movement in his eyes, that is, no killing intent, no surprise, everything is the same. Unremarkable.

"I don’t dare to teach, I just want to make a deal with the king of cause and effect. I want to use the power of the six reincarnations to eliminate the cause and effect between you and me. The judgment right of the six reincarnations is in the hands of fellow daoists. Is it possible to exchange for no cause and effect with fellow Daoists?" Houtu Ancestor Witch said flatly, without any heartache at the loss of his own authority!

"Oh! The Daoists in Houtu want to use part of the power of the six reincarnations in exchange for the cause and effect between us. This is a good suggestion. Although now the Daoists feel that we need to do this, although the benefits given by you are very high Yes, but it’s not easy to exchange for the disappearance of the previous cause and effect. This is not only related to the safety of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but also related to the Netherworld. I need time to think about it. I don’t know what you fellow Taoists can give me. Support, if it is just such empty words, our transaction will not be able to successfully achieve cooperation. After all, there will be gains if you pay, and a little pay. There is no secret to such a transaction!" The king of cause and effect pointed out the Wu Clan at a glance. Weak underbelly, now it is the Witch Clan who is asking for help, not the King of Cause and Effect!

"To win the first battle, I think the Yin-Yang Daoists will definitely need time to digest the gains. Our Twelve Ancestor Witches are willing to help Daoists guard the Nether World, so that no one will disturb the Yin-Yang Daoists’ practice, although the Nether World is protected by causal Daoists , But today’s great changes, no one knows what will happen in the next moment. If we have the help of our twelve ancestor witches, I believe that the world of the underworld is unbreakable, there will be no one, and any power can block the cultivation of the Yin and Yang Taoists!"

I have to say that the Houtu ancestor witch put forward a very good opinion. The Netherworld’s defenses are fully open, which can block the ambitions of some people, but this block will not be too long. After all, under the temptation of interests, everything can be done. It may happen. When the battle for the heavens ends, some **** who are not long-sighted will inevitably have the idea of ​​hitting the Netherworld again, and even some people will launch an attack on the Netherworld without waiting for the end of the Celestial War under the temptation of greed!

The temptation of the Netherworld is not small in the heavens at all, and it has even been experienced. After all, the Netherworld has not suffered a loss in this battle, and the heavens have experienced catastrophe after catastrophe. There is no Netherworld in the heavens today. The world is powerful, and there are no more benefits than the Netherworld. It is normal for someone to take the opportunity to make trouble!

"Okay, let's make it clear!" Although I am a little bit dissatisfied with the twelve ancestor witches' behavior of taking advantage of the fire, the king of cause and effect is not entangled in this matter. After all, they are both authentic, and the tunnel does not allow them to be between. In the event of a major conflict, it is even more impossible to allow the King of Karma to take a big shot against the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Witch Clan. That will weaken the origin of the authenticity, so reconciliation is the best choice, and the compensation given by the Twelve Ancestral Witch is also very high. Reasonable, there is no need to continue entanglement!

When they heard the answer from the King of Karma, the Twelve Ancestor Witches were suddenly startled. If the happy answer made them feel a little untrue, they had offended the King of Karma to the point where they were almost immortal, but now the other party So easily agreeing to reconciliation made it difficult for the Twelve Ancestor Witches to accept for a while. In their hearts, they were actually prepared for long-term negotiations with the King of Cause and Effect, but now this preparation is not necessary at all, as if in the cause and effect. Wang didn't take the previous conflict seriously in his heart, and the impact on them was a bit big!

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