God of Destruction

Chapter 4516: The Tribulation of the World

Chapter 4522: The Tribulation of the World

"Friends of the Daoists are serious, the cause and effect between us really can be ended like this?" Houtu Zuwu asked with some worry. For her, this is a very important thing. There can be no slight mistake, or else. The impact is too great!

The King of Causality smiled indifferently: "Yes, the cause and effect between us can be ended in this way, but you have to be prepared. The next thing is not as easy as you think. The Netherworld will not be peaceful. Don't think that the Taoist dispute is over. , This world catastrophe will come to an end. Everything is just beginning. I need your help. The Netherworld will inevitably usher in a catastrophe, a real catastrophe, not the previous farce, everyone If you really want to use this method to settle the cause and effect, you must have preparations for a big battle in your heart. This is not an ordinary catastrophe, it is a catastrophe of the world!"

"The catastrophe of the world? I wonder if fellow causal daoists can tell us what the catastrophe of the world is?" At this time, the look of the ancestor Houtu witch became extremely dignified. The catastrophe of the world was unknown to her Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. A secret, a secret that he doesn't know yet, but the King of Karma knows, can it be said that this is the background of the lord of the world!

"There is nothing to conceal. Since the cause and effect is over, I naturally will not have reservations and deceives. As the name suggests, the tribulation of the world is the tribulation of the world. Any world will have the tribulation of the world. It just comes sooner or later. The catastrophe, in fact, is the catastrophe of the world, but the catastrophe of the world has been controlled and controlled by the heavens in order to weaken the origin of humanity. Damaged, the heavens can naturally take the human way into the heavens, and the destruction of the celestial monster clan caused great chaos in the celestial realm, and finally triggered the **** battle of today. This is the calamity of the world belonging to the celestial realm. The World War can only be regarded as a small part of the world catastrophe. The real **** war has not yet appeared, but it will definitely appear. In fact, it is not only the three original worlds of the prehistoric world that will have the world avenue, but the world opened up by the Wu clan also There will be a tribulation of the world. If one cannot survive the tribulation of the world, the origin of the world will inevitably be damaged, and it will inevitably hurt the Lord of the world, the Dao domains related to the great world, and the three original worlds of the primordial world, even if there is a great tribulation. Annihilation, unless the immeasurable calamity appears and destroys the entire primordial world, but the small and medium-thousand worlds created by themselves will not have such a good ending. If you can't survive the world calamity, only destruction!"

"Hey!" When he heard the words of the King of Cause and Effect, the Twelve Ancestor Witches couldn't help but gasped. They didn't expect that the world would have such a crisis. At this time, Emperor Jiangzu Witch finally understood. Why did the Yin and Yang Taoists warn themselves not to take over the status of the Lord of the World? Once the world's catastrophe comes, as the Lord of the world, you will inevitably face the crisis of death. The immortality of the saint is not absolute. If the authenticity is not Protecting the Witch World, I'm afraid that when the Witch World is destroyed, it will be your own time of death!

"Causal Fellow Daoists are worried that the Netherworld will have a world catastrophe, and this world catastrophe originates from this world catastrophe. Those strong men who fight for the heavens will wage war against the Netherworld after the battle for the heavens?" Hou Tuzu Wu asked, and her words were also the common aspirations of the twelve ancestor witches. They all wanted to know the root of the world's calamity!

The King of Karma nodded gently and said: "Yes, I am worried, although the Netherworld has not been damaged in this catastrophe, and even the origin has been strengthened, and even the authentic origin is growing. , But you should never underestimate the greed of those people. When they lose themselves by the greed in their hearts, they can do everything, and now it’s a catastrophe. It is possible for everything to happen during this period, even if the chance of a catastrophe erupting in the world is small, I have to take precautions in advance. This is my duty as the lord of the Netherworld!"

Di Jiang Zuwu asked doubtfully: "Friends of cause and effect, since the World Avenue comes from those crazy bastards, why don't we take the initiative to kill him by surprise, and eliminate the crisis of the world catastrophe fundamentally, and with these It seems that human strength is not enough to attack the foundation of the Nether World. With the power of fellow Daoists, it is completely possible to kill them outside the Nether World?"

Not only was the Emperor Jiang Zuwu puzzled, but the other Ancestor Witches also did not understand that the King of Cause and Effect had already known the source of the danger. Why didn't he take the initiative to wipe out the danger in the bud and prevent the world from condensing and preventing the world from becoming a catastrophe. Threatening the safety of the Netherworld, threatening the foundation of the Netherworld, it makes them puzzled!

The King of Cause and Effect smiled calmly and said: "I know that fellow daoists will have doubts in their hearts, but this is normal. In fact, it is not that I do not want to do this, but that I cannot do it. The Great Tribulation of the World will always exist, and it will be triggered earlier. The Great Tribulation of the World can eliminate the cause and effect and karma in the world in advance. It can be said that the Great Tribulation of the World that erupts in advance is beneficial to the Nether World. The causal karma that exists in the Nether World is scattered and cleared bit by bit. It broke out at the same time, bringing destruction to the entire world!"

After hearing these words, the Twelve Ancestral Witch suddenly realized and understood the intentions of the King of Cause and Effect. It is not terrible to have the Great Tribulation of the World. The terrible thing is that the Great Tribulation of the World accumulates too much causal karma, which is wiped out bit by bit. It is better to eliminate the dangers in the world than the eventual collective outbreak. Although all this does not sound like a big secret, it opens up another world to the Twelve Ancestral Witches, reminding them that if the Witch World also suffers. At the time of the catastrophe, you can also use this method to defuse the danger!

"Thank you for your advice! No matter if the world catastrophe will break out, we will do our best to help the Daoists, and we will never have any reservations!" The Houtu Zuwu solemnly assured the King of Cause and Effect, and her words were also true. Represents the decision of the entire Wu clan.

The King of Karma did not doubt the guarantees of the Houtu ancestors, even if the witches did betrayal before, but at this time the Karma King was still willing to believe them, nodded and said: "Okay, there are Houtu ancestors. I’m relieved with Wu’s words. With the help of the Wu clan, the Netherworld will definitely be intact. No matter how crazy the enemy moves, it’s impossible to shake the foundation of the Netherworld. I just don’t know this time of war. What choice will Tiandao make? I don’t know if the powerful people cultivated by Tiandao will take the opportunity to prove that the Tao is sanctified! The appearance of each Tiandao saint will speed up the recovery of Tiandao!"

Hearing the words of the King of Cause and Effect, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu's expression condensed, and he said: "Family Daoists want to block the sermons of these heavenly saints? Don't give heavenly paths a chance to recover? It's just that if you want to do this, I'm afraid it's not the same. It is impossible for Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao to be unprepared for an easy thing. A slight difference will inevitably suffer a devastating blow!"


The King of Causality shook his head slightly and said, "No, I don't want to provoke Tiandao and Hongjun at this time. The previous battles have already left them with endless hatred. If they continue to provoke them, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

In fact, it is not that the King of Causality has never thought of blocking the sermons of the Heavenly Dao saints. It is just that this thought has just appeared, and his own mind has a warning, which makes the Karma King understand that these supplementary saints have been taken by Hongjun Daozu. Watching, being watched by Tiandao, if you want to stop them, you will inevitably be bombarded by Hongjun Taoist ancestor and Tiandao. Even if you have the origin of the Netherworld and have the shelter of the tunnel, you are likely to die in Tiandao. Under the strangulation with Hongjun Daozu!

If he can stop the saint’s testimony after the heavenly path, the king of cause and effect will naturally not let go, but the previous question is that he cannot threaten his life. If there is too much danger, the king of cause and effect will not take action. After all, the saint of heaven will not let go. Being strong can't threaten your own safety, you don't have to do this dangerous thing, take your own life to risk it.

Regarding the answer of the King of Cause and Effect, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu sighed secretly in his heart. For him, he was very eager for the King of Cause and Effect to take action to stop it, consuming the power of the Dao of Heaven and Hong Jun. Unfortunately, the King of Cause and Effect did not have it. Such thoughts.

Seeing the flashing look on Di Jiang Zu Wu’s face, the King of Karma smiled indifferently: "Di Jiang Zu Wu, based on past affection, I’ll give you a reminder, don’t be too arrogant. In the face of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, you can’t be too careful to take the initiative. Don’t think that taking the initiative will take the initiative. In many cases, the so-called initiative is just a trap arranged by the enemy! The more you feel that this battle has a ten-percent chance of victory. , The more dangerous you are, because you have fallen into the trap carefully prepared for you by the other party, and have been played by the enemy in the palm of your hand, and you will be in danger of death at any time!"

When talking about this, the King of Cause and Effect sighed softly, and continued: "No matter when you don’t underestimate the way of heaven, look down on Hongjun, maybe the previous Dao struggles in your eyes are based on Hongjun. Dao Ancestor and Tian Dao completely failed and ended, but I want to tell you that Hongjun did not fail completely. He was not as simple as you thought. His gains from this battle are beyond your imagination. Don’t take him too simple. Otherwise, it will only be you who will suffer in the end!"

Exaggeration? Are these words of the King of Karma really exaggerated? No, it’s not an exaggeration. This is a fact. Many people have only seen the three-corpse clone that Daozu Hongjun lost, but they have not discovered the benefits that Dao Zheng brings to a strong man of the same Dao, regardless of victory or defeat. After a big battle, it will be of great help to oneself!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu wanted to continue to ask the King of Cause and Effect, and wanted to understand the secrets of Hongjun Daozu, but at this moment, the Houtu Zuwu persuaded him to hold the Emperor Jiang Zuwu with his hand, not giving him a chance to speak, although The ancestor witch Houtu himself wanted to know this secret, but reason prevented the ancestor witch Houtu from doing so. If the news from the king of cause and effect was the benefit of guarding the nether world, but if you continue to inquire, it will Forging cause and effect with the King of Causality, this is not what Houtu Zu Wu wants to see, nor is it what Hou Tu Zu Wu wants to bear, so she can only stop the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu.

Regarding the actions of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the King of Cause and Effect smiled indifferently, then nodded and said: "Now that the Ancestral Witches have got the results you want, if you have nothing else to do. The opportunity to perceive the great road, the defense of the Nether World will be fully opened, and the rules of the Nether World will be revealed in the Nether World. This is very beneficial to your practice!"

Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity for enlightenment. It’s just why the Houtu Ancestral Witch didn’t do it before, because the 12th Ancestral Witch was not recognized by the King of Causation. If they were enlightened, the King of Causation would stop them. , They will inevitably suffer huge harm, and the king of cause and effect also has a reason to take action.

Upon hearing these words, the Ancestral Witch Houtu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If it had not been approved by the King of Cause and Effect, the Ancestral Witch Houtu had to make some preparations, and now he was finally able to relax, so he lightly clicked Nodded and said, "Thank you fellow Daoists. Let’s leave now. If the Great Tribulation of the World occurs, our Twelve Ancestral Witches will definitely help fellow Daoists. In this battle!"

This is the guarantee of the ancestral witch of Houtu. Once again, such a guarantee is made to the king of cause and effect. It can be seen how much the ancestor witch of Houtu paid attention to the words of the king of cause and effect, and when her words fell, the other ancestral witches With all doubts, they couldn't help looking at the Houtu Ancestral Witch!

When the king of cause and effect saw this, he smiled and said: "I have never doubted the integrity of fellow Taoists. I believe that this time, fellow Taoists will not make wrong choices, and even if I don’t believe fellow Taoists, I will believe in authenticity. In the midst of the great calamity of heaven and earth, the tunnel will never allow us to kill each other, and the tunnel will not allow anyone to destroy unity."

A faint smile appeared on the face of the King of Causality. Although the words of the King of Causality were too straightforward, with these words, the Ancestor Witch of Houtu could feel at ease. Without this sentence, the Houtu Ancestral Witch would need to be cautious. After all, their Twelve Ancestral Witch had done too much before, and the hatred they formed was too deep.

The reason why the King of Karma directly expresses the constraints of authenticity is to reassure the Twelve Ancestral Witch. The King of Karma does not want to cause big troubles to himself at a critical moment, affecting his plans and influence. To be safe in the Netherworld, after all, in the Netherworld, as the Houtu Ancestral Witch who is the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, her existence still has some restrictions on the King of Cause and Effect, and this is also the absolute rule of the King of Cause and Effect. The king of cause and effect has to deal with this carefully, so as not to be calculated by the tunnels, to put himself in a crisis, to put the deity into a crisis, the way of mixing yuan is both chance and danger!

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