God of Destruction

Chapter 4517: Vigilance

Chapter 4523 Vigilance

The Yin and Yang Taoists who practice Hunyuan Dao seem to be sheltered by Dao and Dao now, but it is only because of the previous Dao dispute, because this great catastrophe of heaven and earth is not over, heaven and earth may still fight back, once the great catastrophe is over, or When Tiandao loses the ability to fight back, Yin and Yang Taoist will be exiled by the tunnel. It is impossible for the tunnel to protect him, because the tunnel does not welcome practitioners on the Hunyuan Avenue, and it is also a Hunyuan Avenue where the real body of the Chaos God and Demon has been practiced. Practitioners.

For tunnels, avenues, yin and yang Taoists, they have never trusted them. The endless time practice and experience in the world of time gods and demons made him deeply understand that if he wants to walk out of his own avenue, he can always rely on only himself, and no power outside of himself Relying on, although the tunnel is good, it is not the power that Yin and Yang Taoists desire.

If the Houtu ancestor witch is the master of the six reincarnations, the Taoist Yin and Yang is now the master of the "eighteen layers of hell". When returning to the nether world, when returning to the position of the eighteen layers of hell, the Taoist Yin and Yang suddenly discovered that he did not know. Unknowingly, he has completely refined the'eighteen layers of hell', he is already the master of hell, and is in charge of all the power of the'eighteen layers of hell', and the eighteen layers of **** are no longer just a part of the nether world as before. Instead, it has evolved into a small world, a world that has evolved from innate treasures. The entire eighteenth-layer **** has completely evolved and transformed after swallowing the undead army, and the undead army has been integrated with the'eighteen-layer hell'. The change is something that the Taoists of Yin and Yang did not expect.

"Is this a calculation of the Dao, an authentic conspiracy, or a plan of the heavens?" Daoist Yin and Yang felt a little heavy about the sudden change, because all this was not in his own plan, which was beyond his original plan. Imagination is beyond my own plan. The occurrence of such an accident means that the situation has changed.

Although he is now the master of the eighteenth **** and refined the innate treasure of the eighteenth hell, the Taoists of Yin and Yang can feel that they have little connection with the nether world, and even the eighteenth **** is not connected to the nether world. Big, as if the Netherworld is rejecting the eighteenth hell, and the eighteenth **** is just a cage for the Netherworld to punish the villains.

The eighteen-layer **** that was originally part of the Netherworld was rejected by the original world, turned into a treasure of innateness, and became the cage of the Netherworld. Such a change would be too fake and too stupid if the Yin and Yang Taoists did not react at all. .

If it’s the Dao calculation, it means that you will not be seen by the Daluo Jinxian in the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Road. If it is an authentic conspiracy, it proves that you have been calculated by the Dao, and you are now in a dangerous situation, and you cannot stay in the Netherworld for a long time. The lord of the nether world is the king of cause and effect, he is his own clone, and he cannot stay for a long time. He cannot put himself in danger. A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger. There is no need to trust his life and death on authentic kindness. One possibility is that the tunnel is afraid that he will collect the undead army with eighteen layers of hell, which will become a hidden danger in the world of the underworld. Therefore, he instinctively rejects the eighteen layers of hell. If this is the plan of the heavens, perhaps he will collect the undead with the eighteen layers of hell. The army has fallen into heaven's calculations.

Strength, I desperately need strength. Although the chaos **** and demon body has completed the transformation and evolution, this strength is still not enough to make me have the ability to protect myself, and now I need time to digest the previous gains, and I also need time to reconsider the next step. To practice, you need to consider how to not disturb others to leave the nether world.

It is very difficult to want to leave the Netherworld quietly without disturbing anyone. At this time, the entire Netherworld is absolutely under the Dao of Heaven. Under the watchful eye of Daozu Hongjun, he can't do it with the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian. At this point, and now the great catastrophe is not over, if you leave the Netherworld at this time and your whereabouts are exposed again, you will be waiting for endless pursuits, whether it is Heavenly Dao, Hongjun Daozu, or even those great powers. None of them will let go of themselves.

"Strength, the fastest way to improve your strength is to quickly master the eighteenth hell. As long as you completely master the eighteenth hell, the swallowed undead army in the eighteenth **** will become my background and become me. With the help of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, even if it is besieged and killed by the Saints of Heaven, it will have the power to fight! But is this army of undead really trustworthy? If there are hidden dangers in it, your own trouble will be even greater. His own situation will be even more dangerous!” It’s not that the Yin and Yang Taoist didn’t have the idea of ​​fighting the undead army in the eighteenth hell, but the change of the eighteenth **** made his heart faintly uneasy, and he was not sure that the change of the eighteenth **** would affect him. Before there was no threat at all, the Taoist Yin and Yang did not want to pin all their hopes on this treasure!

"Treasures are foreign objects after all. If Hongjun Daozu sacrifices to this undead army, once it encounters restraint, this powerful army will instantly suffer a devastating blow, even if this undead army does not have it. Hidden danger, I believe that Dao Ancestor Hongjun was also prepared before cultivating them. The most important thing for me is not to master this army of undeads, but to master the power of the death gods and demons. If the death gods can be destroyed The power of the demon is extracted from the eighteen layers of hell, and perhaps the King of Cause and Effect refines it to have a chance to get rid of the shackles of the Nether World!"

When thinking of the original power of the death **** and demon, the first thought of Yin and Yang Taoist is to give it to the king of cause and effect clone, let it be refined, and can be used to replace itself at a critical moment, cut off the connection with the nether world, but When I had this idea, my mind was warning myself, if I did this, I might miss the chance!

At this moment, the Taoist Yin and Yang frowned and muttered to himself: "Why is there a spiritual warning? Could it be that the origin of the death **** has a secret that he doesn't know, or that the power of the origin is a great influence on himself? There are better uses. Handing over to the King of Cause and Effect clone will make you miss this great opportunity. What kind of opportunity is more important than letting the King of Cause clone out of the Nether world of cause and effect? ​​If such a chance exists, you really can't take it. Act now!"


After the spiritual warning, Yin Yang Dao had to put down his previous plan and rethink the original power of the death **** and demon. Could it be said that the original power left by the death **** and demon can be turned into its own nutrients and strengthen its own chaotic **** and demon body? , Let his physical practice go further, after all, the Death God and Demon is also one of the three thousand Chaos God and Demon!

After a while, the Taoist Yin and Yang shook his head slightly: "No, it won't be that simple. If it's just that simple, it won't cause spiritual warning. Maybe if you want to truly understand what the opportunity is, you need to take this source of power from the eighteenth level. Refined from hell, only by truly mastering it can you know its greatest use!"

Time waits for no one. Daoists of Yin and Yang don’t have much time to think about the problems. Although chance is very important to him, the most important thing for him right now is to digest the gains from the previous wars. Otherwise, after a long time, his previous The gain will be lost due to the passage of time. After all, I am facing the power of the heavens, the power of the emperor’s authority, even if this power has disappeared from my body, but the previous perception is still there, I still have a chance. To feel it.

When thinking of this, the Taoist Yin and Yang tried to calm his mind, no longer thinking about the changes of the eighteenth hell, so that he devoted himself to the understanding of the origin of the heavens, and the understanding of the authority of the emperor, even if he could feel it. The essence of a trace of power is of great benefit to one's own practice.

The silence of the Taoist Yin and Yang and the King of Cause and Effect did not make the prehistoric world forget their existence. The Netherworld has been watched by those powerful men in the predecessor. Everyone wants to know whether the previous decisive battle of the Taoist Yin and Yang seized from the real body of the emperor. What happened? Is the secret of the real body of the emperor already known by the Yin and Yang Taoists?

Compared with the doubts of the powerful in the prehistoric world, the Twelve Ancestral Witch in the Six Paths of Reincarnation is now discussing the previous reconciliation with the King of Causality. For the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the promise of the King of Causality is too happy, even if it is the cause and effect. Wang's explanation is very reasonable, but there is still some anxiety in their hearts, after all, Zhijiao and they have done things too far!

"Sister, do you think the statement of the king of causality can be believed? I admit that although the restriction of the tunnel exists, but to say that the king of causation will be subject to the tunnel, I don't believe that, the king of causation is just a yin and yang Taoist The clone, even Hongjun Daozu can abandon the three-corpse clone, and the Yin-Yang Taoist can also do it. If the Yin-Yang Taoist wants to calculate us, it is not a big deal to sacrifice this clone, and at that time, it may not be true that the tunnel will really be the king of cause and effect. Make punishment, after all, he is the lord of the Netherworld, and he holds the power of the Netherworld. If the tunnel urges him, it is not difficult to destroy the origin of the Netherworld. The world catastrophe may be turned into his power to threaten the tunnel. !"

After returning to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt in his heart. The more he felt that the King of Causality had promised too much, he couldn’t help speaking out his own worries. If all this happens, it will be for the whole It will be a devastating blow for the Witch Clan, and it will also be a disaster for their Twelve Ancestral Witches, and they have to be treated with care!

Hearing the words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu, Houtu Zuwu shook his head slightly and said: "Although such a situation may happen, the probability is so small that it is almost non-existent. The King of Karma is not an ordinary primordial avatar. , But the Lord of the Netherworld, who has undertaken all the causal karma for the Yin-Yang Taoist. With the King of Causality, the Yin-Yang Taoist can ignore the previous causal karma. If there is no King of Causality, the Yin-Yang Taoist is only afraid to Facing the pressure of the tunnel and the pressure of the Netherworld, it is almost impossible for the big brother to worry about it. Taoist Yin and Yang will not make this stupid choice."

"Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Once the Yin and Yang Taoists do this, we are not prepared at all, and the consequences are unimaginable. We can ignore the gains and losses, but we cannot let the entire Wu Clan fall into crisis. To the Yin and Yang Taoists, For the King of Cause and Effect, we must be prepared and prepared for the worst, even if it will not happen in the end, we must also take precautions!"

Faced with such a nervous Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Hou Tu Zu Wu felt very heavy. Although he did not want to admit it, the original ignorance did cause great trouble to the entire Wu Clan, and even made them the Twelve Ancestral Wizard. An indelible mark was left in his heart. If this mark cannot be removed, it will be the biggest hidden danger to one's own practice, whether it is good to oneself or to other ancestral witches, and will deal a devastating blow to oneself at a critical moment.

When thinking of this, the Houtu ancestor witch suddenly shuddered, and could not help but secretly said: "I can see through things, why the eldest brother can't see through? Could it be that there is a problem with this, and the power is affecting his elder brother, if So, what kind of power is doing this, and what is its purpose in doing so, is it provoking the contradiction between the Witch Clan and the King of Cause and Effect?"

"Brother, this is your worry? Actually, I don't think we need to have such an idea. Just as the Taoist Yin and Yang said, there are authentic constraints. This is the best guarantee for everyone. Even if the Taoist Yin and Yang have a mind to calculate us, the authentic will Ignore everything, and we are not without paying the price. I think the previous failures have unknowingly added the existence of a demon in our hearts. It is precisely its existence that makes the big brother so cautious and guarded against yin and yang. Taoist and the king of cause and effect! Whether the Taoist of Yin and Yang, or the king of cause and effect, what good is it for our twelve ancestral witches, even if he can capture the six reincarnations, is it good for his own practice? Concerned about the origin of the six realms of reincarnation, what is not good, will anyone do it, not to mention that once he fails, he will face the anger of our entire witch clan and a genuine backlash."

When the words of the ancestral witch Houtu fell, the expression of the ancestor of Emperor Jiang condensed, and there was a moment of heaviness in his heart, demon! Maybe because of previous failures, I really had a demon in my heart. If this is the case, everything can make sense. Why have I been hostile to the King of Cause and Effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang! But why does the heart demon appear in his heart so easily, is it just because of a failure, he can't afford a failure? This is impossible. I am not so weak. There must be external forces in this. Is it the Lord of the World? He has not listened to the words of the Yin and Yang Taoists and has taken over the position of the Lord of the Witch World, so he is easily affected by external forces? But why is the Lord of the World affected in this way?

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