God of Destruction

Chapter 4519: Festival is too heart-warming

The fourth thousand five hundred and twenty-fifth chapter is too heartbeat

There are many ideas in the Great Tribulation. The Twelve Ancestor Witches have many ideas, but it is very difficult to realize them. Like everything that happened before, even a saint like Hongjun Daozu who fits in with the heavens can’t be satisfied and can’t realize his own. The plan is that they want to master the general situation, and it is even more impossible to master their destiny. If it were not for the shelter of the tunnels and the nether world, the witches would have already been robbed, and although they have a little understanding, they still have some shortcomings, at least They still didn't really recognize themselves, didn't understand that the Wu Clan was no longer the Witch Clan in the prehistoric world, and was no longer the overlord of the prehistoric world.

If you leave the prehistoric world, you will naturally lose the favor of the predominant world. Even if you give up the fight with the monster race, you also give up everything about the protagonist of the world, even if the Wu clan is the Queen of Pangu, you have to accept all this, but However, the Twelve Ancestral Witch still did not recognize himself, and he still had that ridiculous fantasy in his heart!

The favor of heaven and earth has never appeared in races that once betrayed the world, even the Wu Clan is no exception. When the Wu Clan chose to leave the wild world in order to avoid the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the favor of the wild and earth disappeared from them. All they can rely on is the witch world and tunnels, and the mighty power of humanity will never choose them. Regarding the true situation of the Wu Clan, the ancestral witches are not very clear, even the Houtu ancestral witches are not too clear in their hearts. After all, their contact with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is too short, and they are far from being able to communicate with Hongjun Daozu. It can't even be compared with the saints of heaven.

When the war in the Heavenly Realm began, the prehistoric land was not calm. Although the prehistoric land no longer had the strength of the Lich race, the Human race was favored by the saints, but the human race’s background was still too weak, especially in the war against the monster race. , The human race’s background is consumed too much. Today’s human races are just born creatures and have lost their innate origins. Since then, those originally weak races have seen hope. They used to take care of it. After all, there are saints behind the human race, but now with Hongjun Daozu's defeat, with the start of the struggle for the heavens, these weak races couldn't help but give birth to ambitions to compete with the human race for the position of the protagonist of the world. This is the catastrophe, who is the protagonist of the world based on the catastrophe!

The unrest of the prehistoric land made the patriarch of the cult leader Taishang, and the saint of the human race, the Nuwa Empress, annoyed. Those weak races knew that they existed behind the human race, but they still chose to take action. Slap their saints in the face, which is unacceptable for the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress. If they do nothing, the saint's face will be lost. This catastrophe will be even more out of control, and there will be more People provoke their bottom line!

Concession does not exist, especially in today's general environment. If Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress give up, not only will they not let those weak races let go of greed, on the contrary, they will become even more crazy. Now before the human race is another **** battle, a slaughter battle that has to be faced. Races have never been merciful at all. Only when one side is completely down and completely destroyed can all conflicts be resolved, otherwise the race will be destroyed. War can never be extinct!

If the prehistoric world is still under the control of the Dao of Heaven, the Taishang Laojun and Empress Nuwa do not have to fight, and can easily use the power of the Dao to suppress those ignorant races, so that everything can return to calm, and the general trend of the world can be restored to its original state. Some trajectories, but now they can’t do this, Hongjun Daozu will not take action, and Heaven’s Dao can’t take it. Today’s great land has vaguely got rid of the shackles of Heaven, and the power of humanity is rising. They want to be stable. The general trend of living in the human race can only rely on their own strength, but the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Niangniang do not have such power at all. Although they are saints, they do not have enough staff. There are not many people who teach the Taishang Laojun. Female The same is true for Empress Wa, the Yaozu has long disapproved of her as a saint, after all, Empress Nuwa gave up the Yaozu when the Yaozu was most difficult, and the Yaozu also gave up the saint!

When they really wanted to intervene in the battle of the wild land, the Taishang Lao Qun suddenly found that he had no power to command, no power to obey his orders, even if he was the leader of the human religion, but he did not take it too seriously in the eyes of the human race. Seriously, when the Human Race was most dangerous, it was not him, the leader of the Human Race, who had survived the catastrophe, but other people, it was Human Race’s own struggle, not to mention the Nuwa Empress, the Human Race would not recognize her either, no Will follow her orders.

When there was not enough power to interfere in the battle of the wild land, the old monarch could not help but think of Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian. As a result, the old monarch sighed at him. Although Yuanshi Tianzun was a little better than his own, the leader of the gods, but There are not many disciples under him. It is also impossible to complete his plan with the strength of Yuanshi Tianzun. The only one who can really help him is the Master Tongtian. It is a pity that there are so many disciples of the Demon Race. Clan disciples are inherently unloved by Humans. As long as the grievances between the two races of humans and monsters are not eliminated, the monsters will not be treated by the Humans.

No matter how the Taishang Laojun did not expect to stop the monster race, and finally complete the suppression of the monster race, but when he needed strength, he found that he had no manpower to mobilize, which was too embarrassing, too Shang Laojun can't help feeling irritated and regretful in his heart. Such a situation has a huge impact on him, the leader of the cult.

give up? This is impossible. After finally dismissing the demon clan, and destroying the demon clan, how could the old monarch abandon the luck of the human race, but he did not give up himself and did not have enough power to interfere, which made the old monarch a dilemma. I can't help but feel a little annoyed, and I can't help but vent my anger on the racial civilization that provokes me!

auzw.com"This group of **** bastards, how dare they dare to be so arrogant and dare to provoke the bottom line of the saints. I really think that I, the leader of the leader, can’t be displayed! If you don’t give them a deep lesson, how can they It's not that the whole life of the primordial people will see the jokes made by me, the leader of the cult. This absolutely cannot happen, or else my face will be completely lost!"

Taishang Laojun secretly gritted his teeth and said, as this evil thought appeared, Taishang Laojun's eyes could not help showing a faint murderous intent. This was aimed at those ethnic civilizations who slapped themselves in the face. As soon as the killing thought in Jun's heart came out, the many powerhouses who had been doing such a great disaster could not help but feel a trace of annoyance in their hearts!

"Brother, it seems that we need to have a good discussion with Junior Brother Tongtian. Otherwise, with this little power in our hands, it is completely insufficient to compare with the disciples of Junior Brother Tongtian. If we can get help from Junior Brother Tongtian, it will be for us. There are huge benefits, and now we can only rely on him!" When he said this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but sighed. What is it called, the Lord Tongtian just betrayed the Tao of Heaven, and it happened. Such a shocking change, could it be said that Heavenly Dao is really not liked by the prehistoric world, so that the situation has changed again and again, beyond their grasp!

"This is the only way now. Let’s talk to Junior Brother Tongtian to see how much he can help us. Although he has a lot of disciples, don’t forget Junior Brother Yuanshi that Tongtian accepts all monsters and humans. The causal entanglement with the demon race is too heavy, the human race does not owe the demon race at all. I am afraid that Master Tongtian can give us much help as much as I thought, and I don’t want this little thing to evil the human race, let the race and me The leader of this man is renunciation and morality!" At this time, the Taishang Laojun realized that he had always been too arrogant, too self-righteous, and was not valued by the human race at all!

"Brother, maybe we really need to learn from Master Tongtian. It's just a few disciples, which puts us at a disadvantage in any major changes in the world. We can't always take action by ourselves, and from the failure of Hongjun teacher in this battle. In the future, the saint is afraid that he will be bound by the heavens and the earth, and it is impossible to take action unscrupulously. Therefore, we must prepare early. If one step is slow, then the step is slow. Before, there were two families of Lich in the prehistoric world. We want to develop our own power. It’s very difficult. It’s different now. It’s our opportunity to take advantage of the situation!” It has to be said that after the previous war, Yuanshi Tianzun’s concept has also changed. There are many people, and this can be done from the madness of the monster race. I clearly felt that if the demon clan had not been suppressed by the heavenly path, or by the joint blows of their heavenly path all saints, they were afraid that the human authority would be seized by them, and the protagonist of the heaven and earth would be the demon clan.

How can the Taishang Lao Jun not know this, just want to do this is one thing, whether it can be successful is another matter, it seems that this is a very good opportunity, but behind this opportunity there is also great Nowadays, the humanity relatives and the human race, and the gods are also friendly to the human race. At this time, if they stand up and fight for the human race, they are afraid that they will be suppressed by the humanity, or even by the gods. The most important thing is that the world is not just them. The two want to form a force, and the other strong will not let go of this opportunity. Once they do this, they may form new conflicts and wars!

give up? Taishang Laojun's heart is not reconciled. After all, the great calamity is the best opportunity and the most unconstrained moment. I really have to give up this opportunity and want to establish his own power in the future to erode humanity. It's impossible, unless you always stand on the side of the heavenly way, always follow the heavenly way, and accept the constraints of the heavenly way, otherwise there will be serious hidden dangers!

At this time, the Grand Master couldn’t help thinking of the Master Tongtian who broke free from the shackles of the heavens. In this situation, the Master Tongtian is much more relaxed than himself, free, and not so much bound, and the way of heaven also affects him. If you don't reach the Master of Heaven, you won't be able to influence the two of you, Zhunzi, and you. This is the benefit of giving up the saint of Heaven.

"Perhaps we should also take our own path, the teacher's way is not necessarily suitable for us!" Suddenly, the old gentleman Taishang spoke out his own feelings, changes and shocks, to Taishang. Shang Laojun had a huge influence, and he couldn't help thinking of betrayal in his heart, and wanted to implement it!

"What, big brother, you want to learn to pass the sky, but also want to give up the saint of heaven?" Yuan Shi Tianzun was shocked when he heard the words of the old gentleman, even the big brother has such thoughts, can it be said that the saint of heaven Really unsuitable?

"There is no invincible law, only invincible people, who suits them is the best. A look at Yin and Yang Taoists will know that the teacher's Tao is only suitable for him, not necessarily for us. Others dare not say but Yin and Yang The Taoist has indeed walked out of his own way. His background comes from the time gods and demons, but the road he practiced is not the time road. He even gave up the treasures left by the time gods and demons, and paid a huge price to transform them into the source of yin and yang. And now he relied on his own avenue to smash a **** path of his own under the obstruction of the heavenly path and the teacher. The avenue that suits him is the best, and fighting is the best training for cultivation. Nowadays, the Yin and Yang Taoists are more than just There are huge gains on the Yin-Yang Avenue, and even the physical body has made a qualitative leap forward, taking a crucial step to complete the transformation of the real body of the chaos **** and demon, and the flesh and blood is derived to achieve the immortality of the flesh!"

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned when he heard this, and said: "The Taoist Yin and Yang is indeed very good. He walked out of his own avenue in such a short time, but the Taoist Taoist Yin and Yang is not necessarily right. He Delusion to break through both the physical body and the Dao of Origin, delusion to take the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, now is a crucial step, but he will eventually be abandoned by the prehistoric world, whether it is the heavenly way or the authentic way. There are some people who don't want to see Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appear. It is difficult for him to prove Dao in the prehistoric times, and he will even follow the footsteps of Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi!"

"No, things are not as dangerous as Junior Brother thinks. If Heavenly Dao truly masters the prevailing trend, everything is under the control of Heavenly Dao. The road that Yin-Yang Daoists practiced is indeed a dead end and cannot reach the peak, but Heavenly Dao has not really mastered it. It is a prevalent situation, and the Dao does not allow the Dao to break the rules. This is the opportunity for the Yin and Yang Taoists. The most important thing is the weakness of the Tunnel and the humanity. If you want to resist the erosion of the Tian Dao, you will not really go all out to stop the Yin and Yang Taoists, and even join hands with the Yin and Yang Taoists. This Qiacha gave the Yin and Yang Taoists an opportunity as well as the prehistoric sentient beings. Receiving, Zhunti, and Master Tongtian saw this, so they made such a choice. It was not for the three of them. Only under the influence of the Wu Clan did they make the decision to open up a small thousand world. The path they took actually originated from the Yin and Yang Taoists, and they all intend to prove that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

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