God of Destruction

Chapter 4520: Crazy day

Chapter 4526: Crazy too

"Big brother, do you think the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian works? Will the Great World allow Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to be born? Will the Great Dao allow Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to appear? I find it difficult, maybe the path of Chaos Gods and Demons It’s easier than Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After all, the Chaos Gods and Demons are the sons of the Great Dao!" For Yuanshi Tianzun, although the defeat of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu caused a certain impact on him, he did not really shake his determination. I still don't think Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is the road to success!

"I don't know, no one knows if this is a road to heaven, but since Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao exists, there must be a reason for it. Perhaps everything we know is only what God wants us to know, everything about us. We are all in the grasp of the Dao of Heaven, and the information we know is not comprehensive, and there will be some concealment! No matter whether we take this road or not, we must make the worst preparations and not really kill ourselves. Tied to the position of a saint of heaven, heaven is not eternal, nor is the prehistoric eternal, immeasurable calamity is when the heaven ends, when the prehistoric ends! We may not cultivate the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but we do not necessarily have to go to teacher Hongjun completely. We did not learn the whole way, the method of slashing the three corpses to prove the way. Perhaps the most suitable for us is the inheritance left by the Father God. It is our fundamental way!"

At this time, the old monarch was prepared for the method of slashing the three corpses in his heart, and he was also prepared for the Daozu Hongjun, even the disciples like himself did not learn the most complete method of slashing the three corpses, continue Is it necessary to go on top of the cultivation of the heavenly saints? It may be the best choice to pick up the Pangu inheritance that I once gave up, and the best choice for me! It's just that these words can't be spoken, as a saint of heaven, subject to the way of heaven, the words will inevitably shock the way of heaven!

As a Pangu authentic sect, he practiced Hongjun Daozu’s method of slashing the three corpses to prove Dao, but this method of slicing the three corpses was reserved by Hongjun Daozu, which is unacceptable to the elder Taishang. , It’s natural to pick up the Pangu inheritance again, but Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t know that as the head of the Sanqing Dynasty, when he saw the three-corpse clone of Hongjun Daozu, the Taishang Laojun also made a breakthrough in the method of slashing the three-corpse. Seeing a new direction, one qi transforms the three cleansings. This is the three-corpse method that the Taishang Laojun has realized, but the Taishang Laojun still feels uneasy in his heart. Although one qi transforms the three cleansings, he can’t do that. Hongjun Daozu united the Sanqing into one, completed the qualitative transformation, and condensed the Pangu Yuanshen. This is the gap.

If Taishang Laojun can walk out of his own avenue and condense the Pangu Yuanshen above the one gasification of the Three Qings, he will not abandon the Three Corpses Evidence or mention the Pangu heritage, but now he can only do this, maybe Through the practice of Pangu inheritance, you can walk out of your own avenue on the three corpses, and be able to understand the three corpses in one to condense the Pangu Yuanshen method!

Regarding Taishang Laojun’s suggestion, although Yuanshi Tianzun felt a little shaken in his heart, it was really difficult for him to make the decision to abandon the heavenly saints. After all, Yuanshi Tianzun’s cultivation is the way of the heavens, and giving up the heavenly saints means giving up his own practice. Since then, I need to re-establish the Dao, which has too much influence on Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun’s embarrassed look, Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said: "Yuanshi, you don’t have to be so embarrassed. You have cultivated the way of the sky. If you don’t want to let go of the heavenly saints, it’s nothing, but I hope. You have to understand that the power of the saint of heaven does not originate from yourself, but from heaven. If you are too closely connected with heaven, you will eventually be affected by heaven and even become a puppet of heaven. Even if you practice the way of heaven, There is no need to pin one's life and death on the heavens!"

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed and said, "Brother, are you determined to give up your position as a saint of the heavens and cut off the connection with the heavens? By doing so, have you thought about how to face the punishment of the teacher Hongjun and how to face the heavens? Now it’s not the time for Junior Brother Tongtian to make a decision. Whether it’s Dao or Teacher Hongjun today, there is no external pressure!"

Taishang Laojun smiled calmly and said: "Junior Brother made a mistake. Although I have such thoughts, I also understand that the current situation does not allow me to do this. But this does not mean that I can't do anything. Junior Brother Tongtian is straightforward. I gave up the position of the saint of heaven, but I want to learn from the yin and yang, and I want to cut out a sage clone, and use him to carry the position of the saint of heaven, so that I can get out of it without worrying about the backlash of the heavens and the suppression of the teacher. !"

Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun was startled first, and then his face was shocked, because he understood the intentions of Taishang Laojun, and understood how much the Taishang Laojun would pay if he did this. The price was so great that Yuanshi Tianzun was The shock is unacceptable!

"Brother, you have to think about it clearly, the price to be paid for a clone that can carry the saint's Tao fruit is extremely huge!"

"Haha, Junior Brother Yuanshi, my approach is different from that of the Yin and Yang Taoist. He cut out a clone of the Dao of Cause and Effect, and I don't want to use the Dao of Origin to cut out the clone. I want to use my body to carry the Dao of Saints. Fruit, escape your own soul!"

"Hey!" At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but gasped. This was crazy, abandoning his true body, carrying the saint Tao fruit at the price of his true body, and escaping from the original spirit. This cost was so great for Yuan Shi. Tianzun couldn’t believe it. Originally, he thought that the Supreme Lord was going to divide the soul and use part of the soul to carry the saint’s Tao fruit, but now he understands that he was wrong. The Supreme Lord is even crazier than he thought, even his body. All can be discarded, this kind of madness makes him unable to agree!

"Brother, you have to think clearly. Giving up the physical body to escape from the soul is equivalent to giving up the foundation. Without the physical body, it takes a long time to reunite with the soul, and it also requires endless origin. Only then can you truly condense a true body that is completely suitable for you, and if you do this, you will never look back!"


Taishang Laojun nodded and said: "I have thought about it. This is the best choice and the best choice for me. As long as I do this, God will not be aware of it in a short time, and Teacher Hongjun will not. As long as I have enough time, I can completely break free from the shackles of the heavens, and get rid of the limitations of the saints of the heavens. I don’t want to be able to condense a real body of the chaos **** and demon like the Yin and Yang Taoists. I just want to condense a true source that suits me. body."

Original body? Is Taishang Laojun just wanting to condense a true body? No, this is not his true thoughts. Although he is a real brother, he can't fully believe in Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, saying this is only to keep his own secrets, and Taishang Laojun's ambition is more than expressive. It’s even more terrifying, because he wants to see if he can take a crucial step in his own soul avenue without the restrictions of the physical body, and whether he has the opportunity to achieve the one-qi transforming three-clearing, three-clearing and Pangu, As for the physical body, Taishang Laojun even wanted to make a deal with the Twelve Ancestor Witch, wanting to obtain the blood of the Twelve Ancestral Witch and condense the Pangu real body.

Yes, after seeing Hongjun Daozu’s Tiandizhen, Taishang Laojun has the idea of ​​condensing Pangu's true body, Pangu Yuanshen. If you can achieve these two points, it means that you will have the true Pangu power. Opportunity!

It’s a pity that it’s not easy to get the blood of the ancestral witch from the hands of the twelve ancestor witches. The witch clan did not fight decisively with the monster clan. The twelve ancestral witches did not fall. They wanted to condense Pangu’s true body. Lao Jun can’t pay a huge price, he can only stay in his own imagination, he can only wait for the time to come, maybe one day when the twelve ancestor witch falls, his idea can be realized and he can have a chance to condense. Pangu's real body, but he didn't know how many opportunities there were.

When Taishang Lao Jun and Yuanshi Tianzun had different ideas, and when they were preparing for their own retreat, the turmoil of the Nether World finally opened the curtain, the heavens are fighting, and the great land is also fighting, and how about the Netherworld? It may have escaped the disaster. Under the great disaster of heaven and earth, the great disaster of the world is also going on. Finally someone couldn't bear the greed in their hearts and stretched their hands to the nether world. A terrifying dark force blasted from the wild land to the barriers of the nether world. A terrifying innate **** and demon stepped out of the wild land and came to the Nether World. With one step, the violent breath impacted the Nether World.

"Hehe, Hei Di, you finally can't bear to attack the Netherworld, practice the dark road, and hold the law of darkness. The Netherworld is the most suitable, but whether you can take it depends on your endless years. What a step forward!" As he felt the violent power of darkness hitting the Netherworld, Daozu Hongjun showed a smile on his face. The moment he was looking forward to finally came, the Daoist Yin and Yang were about to face the catastrophe of the world and face destruction. Tribulation!

Hei Di, the practitioner of the dark law of ancient innate gods and demons, finally walked out of the dark and shot towards the nether world. As one of the oldest innate gods and demons, the strength of the black emperor is also the pinnacle of quasi-sages and can be compared with the demon emperor. , Eastern Emperor Taiyi is on the same level, otherwise he would not be valued by Hongjun Taoist ancestor, it is impossible to survive from ancient times, and now he can't bear the greed in his heart, choose to participate in this catastrophe, I have to say this The great calamity of the world is really terrifying, one after another, it has lured the strong from the ancient times to come out of the dark and let them participate in the big disaster. The death of so many ancient strong before still did not scare them, and there is still The ancient powerhouse was tempted by profit to step into the catastrophe.

How dangerous is this great catastrophe? For those ancient innate gods and demons, they are very clear, but the temptation thrown by the prehistoric world makes them unbearable and makes them crazy. The heavens are like this, and the nether world is the same. No one is willing to give up the immediate benefits, so One by one, they couldn't bear to jump out to participate in the catastrophe, and fell into the catastrophe!

"My fellow daoists, it's time for you to take action. The Netherworld's catastrophe has already begun!" A deep voice resounded among the six reincarnations. This is the voice of the king of cause and effect, facing the sudden appearance of the black emperor. , The King of Causality did not want to take action, but chose to let the Twelve Ancestral Witch take action. This is the opportunity for the Twelve Ancestral Witch to repay the cause and effect.

"What a terrifying quasi-sage, a terrifying innate **** and demon, just judging from the terrible aura exuding from him, this person's strength is not weaker than the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. This is the hidden world. The powerhouse? Why do we know nothing about him? How many such powerhouses are still hidden in the prehistoric world!" Feeling the terrifying power of the darkness, Di Jiang Zuwu couldn’t help but sighed softly, suddenly The enemy who came made him feel the terrible world catastrophe.

"Perhaps we really underestimate the prehistoric world, even if we are authentic Pangu and have the luck of our father, but our strength is not as good as these hidden prehistoric powerful men, the ancient innate gods and demons are more terrifying than we thought, if not This time the world catastrophe, I'm afraid we don’t even know that there is such a terrifying powerhouse hidden in the prehistoric!" The Houtu ancestor witch, the master of the six reincarnations, knows the enemy’s strength better than other ancestor witches. It’s so shocking. The change made her feel a bit of pressure. This is just the beginning. I don't know how many such enemies will appear next. If there are too many enemies, can the Netherworld resist these foreign enemies?

"Hehe, the king of cause and effect is really powerful enough. Facing such a powerful enemy, he will not take action. Instead, he will let us take action and use our hands to eliminate foreign enemies. It seems that the cause and effect we have taken is really terrifying. Just an enemy. It’s so terrible. We’re afraid that our situation will be very dangerous next. Everyone must be prepared and don’t be careless. This is not a trifling matter, it’s a war. The real battle of life and death has begun. We have no retreat, only a battle!"

"War! Now we have no choice. This is part of the agreement we reached with the King of Cause and Effect. We want to resolve the cause and effect. There is only one battle! No matter how strong the enemy is, our twelve ancestors can join forces to kill all powerful enemies! "

For the Twelve Ancestral Witches, although they have experienced a defeat, they still have the same confidence in their own strength. They believe that the Twelve Ancestral Witches can join forces and summon Pangu Zhen to destroy all enemies, no matter how the enemy is. Strong, they will definitely not be their opponents, they have the strength to resist the attacks of all enemies, and they have the strength to destroy all enemies!

"Don’t be too careless. This is not a normal war. This is the world tribulation. The world tribulation that can be valued by the king of cause and effect is definitely not as simple as we look at it. Even if there is only one powerful enemy, we can’t be careless. Be cautious, secretly, I don’t know how many enemies are gazing at the Netherworld, wanting to attack the defense of the Netherworld, and want to seize the power of the Netherworld. They are not only interested in the power of the Netherworld, but also the six ways. The power of reincarnation!"

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