God of Destruction

Chapter 4521: Black Emperor

Chapter 4527: Black Emperor

"Do you say that the king of cause and effect will take action in this world catastrophe? Will he use us as a shield, with the help of the cause and effect that we owe him, let us protect it from disasters, if he does this, our The situation will be very dangerous. No matter how strong we are, we cannot fight indefinitely. We all know how terrible the war in the celestial realm is. Even if there is only half of the war in the celestial realm, it is also devastating to us!" Speaking of the concerns in her heart, although she didn't have much contact with the King of Cause and Effect, but the King of Cause and Effect was cruel, she still knew that if such a situation occurred, it would be devastating to them!

The ancestral witch Houtu smiled calmly and said: "No, the King of Karma will not be so stupid. Although he is using us to resist foreign enemies, he will never kill us with a knife and put us to death. The tunnel does not allow this to happen, Netherworld. The origin of the world does not allow the vibrations of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The King of Causality just uses us to lure more enemies, and by doing so, he is also buying more time for the Yin and Yang Taoists. We will not fall into a desperate situation. In the end, he will definitely take action. !"

The Houtu ancestor witch has a clear view of the situation, and also knows the mind of the king of cause and effect. Indeed, the king of cause and effect will not let the twelve ancestor witches fall into desperation. Although the power of the six reincarnations is good, the benefits are great, but the cause and effect are great. The king does not covet this power, and even the current king of cause and effect has begun to think about how he can retreat from his identity as the lord of the nether world.

"Okay, don't hesitate anymore. We should take action. Don't give a bad impression to the King of Cause and Effect. After all, whether we like it or not, we must participate in the war. In that case, why don't we take the initiative and fight for the King of Cause and Effect. Good feelings, let the situation be more beneficial to us!" Although he was not reconciled in his heart, the Emperor Jiangzu Wu still knew how to weigh the pros and cons, knowing what to do at this time, and knowing how to be more beneficial to the Wu clan.

In fact, the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu said this not only to please the King of Karma, but also to please the Netherworld and the tunnels. It is better to attack actively than passively. If it can be recognized by the Netherworld and tunnels, this will be a great influence on the development of the Wu tribe. More advantageous!

"Kill!" With a loud roar, the Twelve Ancestral Witch rushed out of the six reincarnations and directly met the Black Emperor's attack. With the Twelve Ancestral Witch's joint hands, no matter how strong the Black Emperor's attacking power is, it will still Being obliterated, their action immediately shocked the entire predecessor. No one thought that the counterattack of the Netherworld was not from the king of cause and effect, nor from the yin and yang Taoists, but from the twelve ancestral witches of the Witch Clan. The impact on the prehistoric sentient beings is too great, it makes them unbelievable!

"Witch clan, Twelve Ancestral Witch, do you dare to stop me?" As soon as the Twelve Ancestral Witch shot, the Black Emperor was immediately angry. The Netherworld and the Witch Clan are not too entangled, if there are only six reincarnations, Although he wanted to seize the power of the Netherworld and control the Netherworld, he did not have the idea of ​​playing the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It was not the kindness of the Black Emperor, but that he understood that the Six Paths of Reincarnation could not tolerate himself. The Six Paths of Reincarnation was fundamentally different from the Nether World. .

"Yes, we have to stop you. The Nether World does not allow external forces to invade. For the sake of the predecessors, we must stop you. You can't let you attack the nether world. You can't let the predecessors be affected by your greed, and you can't let the nether world enter. Following the footsteps of the heavens, the Netherworld does not allow anyone to invade, this is our responsibility!" Houtu Ancestral Witch said calmly, with firm belief in his eyes, as if he really wanted to fight for the Netherworld to the end!

"Asshole, do you know what you are talking about? You are just the lord of the six reincarnations. The Netherworld has no turn for you to be the master, and the primordial sentient beings have no turn to care about. If you witches really have the intention to maintain the order of the primordial world, At the beginning, you wouldn’t have escaped from the prehistoric world and opened up a world that belongs to the Wu clan. Now you are using this ridiculous way to stop me. You are looking for death. You really have the protection of the Wu clan world and the six reincarnations. , Can you unscrupulously intervene in the great calamity?” When he said this, the killing intent on the black emperor's body skyrocketed wildly, his eyes radiating endless killing intent!

"Hehe, I don't know who you are, but I know you are the innate gods and demons who survived the ancients. You think that just a few words in this area can make us afraid. You are wrong. We Wu Clan never fear any enemy. No matter who it is, anyone who dares to invade the Netherworld is the enemy of my witch family. My witch family originally fought for the Netherworld!” Facing the threat and awe of the Black Emperor, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu sneered and shot back, no matter what the enemy was. Strong, the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu will not back down, and the Twelve Ancestral Wizard will not evade battle!

When he heard the words of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, Yuan Shi Tian Zun was shocked and lost his voice: "Crazy, the Twelve Ancestor Witch is really crazy. The Wu Clan is crazy. The other side is clearly going to the King of Karma, but they Taking the initiative to jump out to fight, it is crazy to the limit. What benefits has the King of Karma given them to make them so crazy, dare to say such things?"

Taishang Laojun shook his head and said: "It is not that they are crazy, but the King of Karma is passively manipulating everything. The Twelve Ancestor Witches have no choice. They must stand up and block all the enemies who invade the Netherworld, and they have to repay. The cause and effect that they owed before, they must face this battle, and they must buy time for the Yin and Yang Taoists!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said disapprovingly: "Even if you can't avoid the battle, you don't have to be so crazy and speak so absolutely. When they say such words, they are binding themselves to the Netherworld, and they are preventing disasters for the Yin and Yang Taoists, and for cause and effect. The king resists the disaster, what about the great cause and effect, as long as the Yin and Yang Dao die, and the king of cause and effect dies, everything will disappear!"

Ruthless, Yuanshi Tianzun is ruthless and absolute enough to say such words. Indeed, if the Yin and Yang Dao died and the king of cause and effect died, the cause and effect owed by the twelve ancestor witches would disappear. They have a reason not to participate in the war, there is a reason Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!


Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun thought differently. He shook his head slightly and said, "No, things are not that simple. Whether it is the King of Cause and Effect or the Taoist Yin and Yang, it is impossible to have no preparation at all, Twelfth Ancestor. The witches are not so easy to talk. Since they stand up and forcefully resist the responsibility of keeping the Netherworld safe on themselves, there must be a reason. The most important thing is that they believe that the yin and yang Taoists and the king of cause and effect will not be in this world. In the midst of the catastrophe! The Twelve Ancestor Witches understand the King of Cause and Effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang better than we do. If they do this, they must recognize the strength of the other party!

Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun’s contempt for the king of cause and effect, the ancestor of Styx in the sea of ​​blood must pay great attention to it. Seeing the twelve ancestor witches take the initiative to protect the safety of the Netherworld, he couldn’t help sighing, muttering Muttered to himself: "What a king of cause and effect, what a yin and yang Taoist, really means to reach the sky, now even the twelve ancestor witches have become pawns in your hands, you can fight for you, what is it that you can't do? Yes, what is your hole card after all?"

Being able to make the twelve ancestral witches desperate enough to prove the strength and means of the king of cause and effect, and this harmony makes those ancient innate gods and demons more worried. The more powerful the king of cause and effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang, the more disadvantaged they are. The more difficult it is to seize everything in the Netherworld, and now is their only chance. If this opportunity is given up, they will never have the opportunity to take the power of the Netherworld, and they will never have the opportunity to seize the Netherworld. Recognized!

The king of cause and effect in the nether world, the king of cause and effect who holds the authority of the nether world, nodded slightly when he saw the reaction of the twelve ancestor witch, this time the twelve ancestor witch finally did not let himself down and made no mistakes. The choice of, without any crooked thoughts, makes the King of Karma very happy. With the twelve ancestral witch's action, the enemies hidden in the dark will be dragged out one by one, exposed to their own eyes, so that they can really see clearly How many enemies are hidden in the prehistoric world!

Looking at the Innate God and Demon, the Black Emperor, the King of Cause and Effect murmured to himself: "Come on, let all enemies jump out of the dark. Now it is not enough to be just an Innate God and Demon. His strength It is not enough to break through the defense of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, not enough to break through the defense of the Nether World, his origin is not enough to make the Nether World go further!

The enemy is calculating the Netherworld, the king of cause and effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang, and the king of cause and effect is also calculating them. In the end, whoever gets the last laugh depends on their respective abilities, but now the king of cause and effect is obviously better. There are ten As a shield, the second ancestor witch is enough to attract more enemies, and it is enough to shock the entire prehistoric!

The Black Emperor said angrily: "Okay, very well, you are looking for death, fellow daoists, what are you waiting for? Don't miss the opportunity. If you miss it, this is our last chance. If you don't make a move, it will only be for nothing. Let the opportunity disappear from your eyes!"

Summon ‘comrades in arms’! This is the Black Emperor's choice. Although it was only a small connection, he knew that he was only relying on his own strength to break the Netherworld's defenses and defeating the Twelve Ancestral Witch was impossible. Originally, he wanted to attack first. , To seize the opportunity, now I can only give up, cooperate with others, and take the Netherworld together!

"Hmph, Hei Di, now you think of us. You didn't treat us as a companion before. You want to swallow everything in the Netherworld!" A sneered voice sounded, and as the voice fell, another innate **** and demon appeared. Outside the Netherworld, and this person has terrible killing intent on his body, and it is innate killing intent, this is an innate **** and demon who cultivates the way of killing!

When the innate gods and demons appeared, someone soon came forward. One after another, the innate gods and demons appeared outside the nether world one after another. Their goals have always been the authority of the nether world. Why don't these innate gods and demons have the authority? Choosing to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, wait for the war to break out, and sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman. The reason is very simple. They all understand that this will not work. If only the Black Emperor is alone, they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and one after another. The appearance of the gods and demons changed the situation. If they wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, they would only end up empty-handed and get nothing.

Yes, for these innate gods and demons, they are not optimistic about the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer and the King of Karma. They all feel that once a war starts, the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer or the Netherworld’s defense will be defeated with one blow. , The Netherworld will move its lord in a short time. The Netherworld is different from the heaven. If the heaven has lost its owner, anyone can enter and leave freely. Unlike the Netherworld, there is the lord of the world and the emperor of Yama. If the king of cause and effect Being beheaded by someone, the Lord of the World will change in an instant. No one wants to take this risk, and no one wants to see the benefits they want be taken away by others!

When seeing one after another innate gods and demons constantly appearing outside the Netherworld, Daozu Hongjun's eyes showed a smile. This is exactly what he wanted to see, only more ancient innate gods and demons attacked. The situation in the Netherworld will only change, and the tunnel will be impacted or even damaged. As long as the origin of the tunnel is damaged, this is the opportunity of the heavens, and it is also your own opportunity. The situation develops like this, as long as the war is together, no matter who wins and who loses , It is a good thing for Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao!

"Not enough, this little manpower is far from enough, and the innate gods and demons have not appeared. If they don't take action, this war will not break out. I need to give them a little'motivation'!" Although the innate gods and demons keep appearing, But there are still people hiding in the dark. They don't want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and reap the benefits of the fishermen, but want to continue to go on. Perhaps the endless years have completely wiped out their ambitions and let them have no life and death. The courage of them may also be that they saw the horror of this great catastrophe, and they were unwilling to step into the great catastrophe and let themselves be entangled in the disaster.

No matter what the thoughts of these ancient innate gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu can't let them go on, and they can't continue to hide in the darkness. All the great catastrophes of heaven and earth are the cleansing of the entire primordial beings by Heaven and Hongjun Daozu. , All the ancient powerhouses are in the plan of cleaning, whether they are willing to participate in the war, they must be involved in the catastrophe!

What is the ‘motivation’ that Hongjun Daozu gave these people? Is it a threat? The threat of heaven? No, Hongjun Daozu didn’t want to use the power of Heaven’s Dao, nor did he have the idea of ​​personally taking action. Instead, he revealed the location of these hidden people to all the powerful in the prehistoric so that those innate gods and demons who took the initiative to attack would force them to fight, no matter if Whether the lunatics in the heavens or the innate gods and demons outside the Netherworld, it’s impossible for these sluggish people to continue to hide, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap the benefits of the fisherman, because everyone is worried about their own efforts. My sacrifice is to make wedding dresses for these bastards!

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