God of Destruction

Chapter 4522: Saving calculations

Four thousand five hundred and twenty-eight chapter calculations

"Damn it must be Hongjun that **** frame us, he is trying to force us into a robbery, how dare this **** do this!" The ancient innate gods and demons who were forced out of their nests were all scolding Hongjun Daozu. Who makes them threatened by all the innate gods and demons now, if they dare to continue hiding, they will become the common enemy of all the innate gods and demons. They can't do it if they don't want to participate in this great catastrophe. Other inborn gods and demons are not at ease, no Dare to let them hide in the dark!

"What is the use of scolding Hongjun now? Everything has happened. We have no choice. What happened this time also shows that we have never escaped Hongjun's sight from beginning to end. We have always been in his grasp. In the past, Hongjun This **** has always been in control of the general situation of the world, so he did not take us in his heart, but now the general situation of the world is out of control, forcing this **** to do such a crazy thing, to use our innate gods and demons to test the world. Variety!"

"Oh! Entering the world at this time is completely arrested and drawn into the tribulation of heaven and earth. No matter how much we prepare, we will be affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth. Once our mind is affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth. The impact and the consequences will be unimaginable. After this battle, I don’t know how many daoists will survive. The **** Hongjun didn’t make a move by himself, but he forced us to a dead end!"

"Perhaps we shouldn't act on the heavens, shouldn't go to the Netherworld, but should kill Hongjun, and destroy this **** bastard, we may break free from the shackles of the heavens, and may get rid of the current crisis. I don't know. Why, I have always been warning in my heart. If I stay in the precipice and participate in this great catastrophe, there will be life and death in danger. I don't want to end up in a dead end!"

I have to say that for those innate gods and demons who have a strong mind and a good sense of danger, they will soon have a spiritual warning after stepping into the catastrophe, so that their hearts are facing Hongjun Daozu and this world. The big robbery is wary.

"No one wants to die or be forced to participate in this terrible catastrophe, but we have no choice. Those ignorant and greedy **** don't give us a chance to dodge at all. They are afraid that we will sit back. Li, I'm afraid that we will make a sneak attack at a critical moment and kill them. This group of **** didn't know that we had no ambitions for them. We never wanted to take a big shot in this catastrophe, nor did we think about it. Participate in the Great Tribulation!"

"What's the use of saying this? Those **** won't believe it. For them, they will only look at everything with a colored eye. They are greedy and ignorant. They also imagine us as greedy and ignorant, thinking that as long as we are there, we will definitely take action. , Compete with them for chance, so now we have no retreat at all. If we want to survive, we can only work together!"

"Dear fellow daoists, do you think we are going to the heavens or into the nether world. Although we are very passive, we are still guarded against the heavens and the tunnels, lest an accident will bring everyone into desperation. Everyone is dead. We are not as scary as the lunatics before. For me, we don’t even have the ability to protect ourselves. There is a slight mistake. Everyone has to die and be surrounded by those lunatics. kill!"

Yes, for these ancient innate gods and demons, it is very difficult to understand the danger of their own situation. After all, many people don’t know how crazy the situation is now. If they attack and fall into this crazy catastrophe, They will only become cannon fodder, and there is only a dead end. If you want to survive, the only chance is in this choice.

"The heavens, for us, the heavens are the best choice. The chaos in the heavens is so chaotic that we still have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. When the Netherworld participates, there is absolutely no life left. Those **** will definitely treat us as cannon fodder and force us. Find the way for them!"

"I don't understand how this group of lunatics can be so ignorant, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is so dangerous, why do they have to kill themselves? Is the so-called chance really so good? Can't you practice honestly? So dangerous!"

No matter how unwilling these congenital gods and demons who are being forced into robbery are, they have no choice but to bite the bullet and continue. No one can save them. They can only protect themselves. The chaos in the heavens is their best. select.

"Well, everyone enters the heavens together. As long as we work together and get together, no one can threaten us. We have the opportunity to persist until the end of the catastrophe. As for the **** Hongjun, we have a chance to let him repay in the future. This time the cause and effect! Now we still need to save our lives, and we can let go of everything else for the time being!"

These remarks are just self-deception, and relying on these innate gods and demons who have long lost their blood, they dare to find Hongjun Daozu to settle the cause and effect. This is simply a big joke, it is just that they are swollen and fat. means.


When these innate gods and demons who were forced to participate in the great catastrophe joined forces and went to the heavens, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help showing a look of irritation in his eyes. This was not the result that Daozu Hongjun wanted. For Daozu Hongjun, I hope to see these innate gods and demons attack the nether world, instead of entering the chaotic battlefield of the chaotic battle of the heavens.

"Is this the prevention of the Great Dao, or is it the chance of those **** that allowed them to make such a choice? The heavens can't continue to fight like this, or else they haven't waited for the end of the heaven and earth catastrophe, and the whole world of heaven. The origin will be destroyed by this group of ignorant bastards. At that time, the power of the heavens can no longer be compared with the Netherworld." With a gloomy face, Hongjun Daozu was thinking about how to lead the situation to the direction he expected. Now Hong Jun Daozu has not dared to take it lightly. After all, his previous failures have taught him a profound lesson. As a last resort, Hongjun Daozu does not want to be targeted by the Dao again, restricted and restricted by the Dao. You must know that every time you are targeted by the Dao. Will let oneself carry a piece of karma, which will affect one's own practice, this is not the result that Hongjun Daozu is willing to accept.

"Clean the sentient beings of the prehistoric world, and fundamentally eliminate those ancient powerhouses who have been living in the dark. Is this Hongjun's calculation? Is his calculation so simple?" When I saw another group of ancient innate gods being forced When he jumped out, the King of Cause and Effect was thinking in his heart that he needs to be treated with care and caution against enemies like Hongjun Daozu. There can be no sloppy carelessness, otherwise it will only be himself or even ruin himself. life.

Don’t leave it alone, just forcing these ancient innate gods and demons to have to throw themselves into the net and throw themselves into the catastrophe, you know how insidious Hongjun Dao ancestor is, and I have grasped the movements of these innate gods and demons. Instead, wait until now, with the help of the power of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, to drive them to this terrible road, without wasting their own power, they can let these ancient innate gods and demons fight a battle by themselves and clear some of them. This method, this scheming, shocked the king of cause and effect!

Now Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao did not attack the Netherworld, and barely said that they did. They only affected a part of the ancient innate gods and demons to attack the Netherworld, but they themselves did not intend to attack the Netherworld. This situation made the king of cause and effect. I can’t help but worry in my heart. There is no retreat for the Great Dao dispute. It is impossible for Hongjun Daozu and Tian Dao to watch the Nether World grow, watch the tunnel grow, and then surpass the Tian Dao, to block the Tian Dao’s grasp of the predominant trend!

"Oh! I don't know when these enemies will wait until they don't take the initiative to attack or attack the Netherworld. I can't introduce them into the Netherworld, use the power of the Netherworld to kill them and devour their origin. , Complete its own transformation, and let the Netherworld survive this crazy world catastrophe!"

The King of Cause and Effect has to pay attention to the advent of the Great Tribulation of the World. After all, he is now the Lord of the Nether World and Emperor Yan Luo is in charge of the Nether World. If the origin of the Nether World is damaged, he will inevitably suffer backlash. Jieyi strangles all enemies and swallows its origin, and it will surely make the Netherworld go further, and the Netherworld evolves, and as the master of the world, oneself can also get the origin backfeed, as well as the world evolution that the world origin evolves.

The longer you practice on Hunyuan Avenue, the more the King of Cause and Effect understands the power of Hunyuan Avenue, the terrible inclusiveness of Hunyuan Avenue, and the more terrifying the resources required by Hunyuan Avenue and the terrible accumulation. If you only rely on self-cultivation and absorb the vitality of the world from the chaos bit by bit to strengthen yourself, it will take too long. Looting is the best choice, and now there are so many enemies coming to the door, it’s a big deal. Chance.

The great danger has great opportunities. The great catastrophe of the world is a crisis and good fortune. As the lord of the world, the king of cause and effect naturally understands this. It is precisely because he understands that the king of cause and effect must be more cautious. It was a fatal blow, killing all the enemies in one swoop, without giving them any chance to escape, and completely beheading all enemies in the nether world.

Using the twelve ancestor witches as bait, although it is a bit sinister and vicious, but the great practice will only result. Regardless of the process, it is a good way to be able to kill the enemy, and to strengthen yourself is a good way of practice. Killing is for the king of cause and effect. It’s nothing. It’s nothing to use the Twelve Ancestral Witch, and the King of Karma also understands that his plan must be aware of the Twelve Ancestral Witch. Since they have no reaction at all, it is enough to show that the Twelve Ancestral Witch is willing to accept his own. The plan, even if the Twelve Ancestral Witch is not willing, it is because he owes himself a share of the terrifying cause and effect, this will not make the king of cause and effect care too much!

Will the Twelve Ancestor Witches fight to the death No, the king of cause and effect believes that they will not do this. When encountering an irresistible enemy, when encountering an irresistible force, the Twelve Ancestral Witch will inevitably retreat, and this is his plan, as long as the Twelve Ancestral Witch As soon as they retreat, those greedy **** will rush into the Netherworld madly, and this is the result they want!

"Come on, let the storm come more violently, don't let me down, you must rush into the nether world, if you don't enter the nether world, what can I use to suppress you, without the power of the source of the nether world, how can I A successful battle, a battle to seize everything you want!" The King of Karma muttered to himself, with a terrible sneer on his face, endless killing intent surging wildly in his body, killing intent Constantly accumulating, constantly compressing, waiting for the arrival of the decisive battle, waiting for the arrival of the killing moment, if it were not for the King of Causality to be cautious and always suppressing his own killing intent, the entire Netherworld would be shrouded in killing intent. , After all, he is Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the Netherworld, if the terrible killing intent in his heart is not suppressed, it will directly act on the Netherworld and will alarm those enemies!

When the king of cause and effect was thinking about **** those enemies outside the Netherworld, because those innate gods and demons who were forced out went to the heavens, the black emperor and the ancient innate gods and demons were annoyed by it, knowing that they plan to Pull these people into the Netherworld, use them as cannon fodder, impact the Netherworld, consume the source of the Netherworld, and even contain the twelve ancestor witches, so that the **** twelve ancestor witches can't separate their power to prevent them from attacking the nether world. Fa, but now everything is cut off because of the wrong decision of these bastards, how can this not annoy the Black Emperor and the innate gods and demons.

"This group of **** bastards, how dare they ignore us so much? Don't show up in front of my eyes after this group of bastards, or I will let him know what death is!" Faced with such a sudden change, the Black Emperor was vicious. The ground was cursing, with endless killing intent revealed in his eyes, it was the killing intent of the group of innate gods and demons who went to heaven!

"Hehe, the black emperor group of **** are dumbfounded. The hands that were supposed to be their own help fled in an instant. Now they have to face the Netherworld by themselves, and they have to face the twelve ancestor witches themselves. Maybe this battle. It allows me to take the opportunity to understand how much progress the Twelve Ancestor Witches have made after gaining authentic recognition in opening up the world of the Witch Clan, how powerful their "Twelve Capitals of the Gods" is, and what is the secret of Pangu's true body. !" At this time, Hongjun Daozu was a little excited, thinking of the Twelve Ancestor Witch’s "Du Tianshensha Great Array", thinking of the secret of Pangu’s true body, so that his fit and heavenly saint was also moved by the secret of Pangu. His Dao Ancestor was also moved by it. If he could find this secret from the Twelve Ancestor Witch and understand the secrets of Pangu's true body, it might bring huge benefits to himself. Any Pangu inheritance should not be underestimated. It's all worth having!

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