God of Destruction

Chapter 4523: Festival war begins

Chapter 4529: The War Begins

Hongjun Dao ancestor, who fits the way of heaven, is not able to know the mastery of the prehistoric world. After all, before the Yin and Yang Taoists appeared, before the tunnels were not present, the entire prehistoric world was under the control of the heavens, and the heavens were the predominant trend. How many powerhouses there are in the prehistoric and the strength of these hidden powerhouses are in the control of Daozu Hongjun, so this time Hongjun Daozu forced all the ancient powerhouses to be born. It is really to thoroughly clean the predecessor world, and I don’t want to let it be. There will be another accident in the prehistoric world, and the accident of the Yin and Yang Taoist is enough, and one more will make the predominant situation even more out of control.

Why did the Wu Clan suffer from the suppression of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao? Because they inherited the power of Pangu and the blood of Pangu. They dare not care about Pangu and Hongjun Daozu, especially when the Wuzu jumped out of the wild and heavenly path. When bound, this made Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao feel more uneasy, and now I have the opportunity to understand the power of Pangu's inheritance, and have the opportunity to understand the secret of Pangu's true body, Hongjun Daozu will naturally not give up, so naturally you have to be cautious!

Not to be missed! Although this is not necessarily the only opportunity to understand the secrets of Pangu's true body, nor is it an opportunity to understand the power of Pangu's inheritance, but such an opportunity, Hongjun Daozu does not want to lose it in vain, understand the power of Pangu earlier, and understand Pangu. The secret of the true body may be able to make yourself a step further in practice.

Of course, Hongjun Daozu also longs to know the secrets of the Yin and Yang Taoists and the secrets of the King of Cause and Effect. It is a pity that the Taoists of Yin and Yang and the King of Cause and Effect hide too deeply, and they have the blessing of the great road, the authentic shelter, and With the blessing of the source of the Netherworld, even if it fits the way of heaven, Hongjun Daozu cannot understand their secrets. It is only through this great catastrophe that Hongjun Daozu understands that the Daoist of Yin and Yang is indeed a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Dao, and Yin-Yang Taoist is ruthless enough to cut out the clone, and it is the original clone, carrying the authority of the Netherworld, and obtained the authentic protection. This is not as good as the Yin-Yang Taoist. If you also have this kind of cruelty, cut If a clone masters the origin of the heavens and the authority of the heavens, perhaps the previous battle will not end in failure, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine, all this has already happened.

Cutting out the origin clone may cause irreversible trauma to oneself, but the avenue cut by the origin clone can practice alone, and even can carry the karma of the deity. This is something that Hongjun Daozu did not expect, and it is yin and yang. The way of the avatar of the Taoist may also be beneficial to the deity's practice, and it can help the deity to practice the power of the law!

"Perhaps why the realm of the Yin and Yang Taoist has always been so weak, it is precisely because he has cut out the original clone, divided his own soul, and has been damaged above the soul. If the soul is not fully recovered, there is no way to break through the existing one. Realm!" When thinking about the obvious asymmetry between the realm of the Yin and Yang Taoist and the combat power, Dao Zu Hongjun felt that this was the most likely situation. If everything is true, cut out the origin clone and divide the soul. There may be a certain degree of practice in the early stage. The influence of will affect your own breakthrough, but this will not necessarily be the case in the future. If your conjecture is correct, the Taoist Yin and Yang will be more terrifying than you think!

Although there are all kinds of speculations in his heart, all these are only speculations. Without confirmation, Daozu Hongjun did not dare to act rashly. After all, this is a catastrophe, a catastrophe of heaven and earth, a catastrophe of the world, and the Daoist Yin and Yang has the favor of a great way, and he cannot do it himself In order to avoid being targeted by the Great Dao again, he can only use external forces and the power of those greedy ancient innate gods and demons to test the emptiness and reality of the Yin-Yang Taoist and the King of Cause and Effect, and confirm whether his guess is true from the side.

He has cultivated to the level of Daozu Hongjun, and he is not fully sure when he fits the Dao of Heaven. He will not take it lightly. The previous failure has affected his original plan, so Daozu Hongjun will not take it lightly. It can only be hidden in the dark, and little by little external forces are used to test the Yin and Yang Taoists and the king of cause and effect.

However, this time Hongjun Daozu’s handwriting was a bit big, throwing out the bait of the heavens, so that all the greedy people had to jump out, let the whole heaven and earth explode, will the origin of the heavens be affected by those ancient ancestors? If the gods and demons take away, will they be refined, affect the way of heaven, and affect their own plans? This is not in Hongjun Daozu’s consideration. For Hongjun Daozu, no matter how good the origin of the heavens is, it will all be in the way of heaven. Amidst the restrictions, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he can't break free from the shackles of the heavens, and Hongjun Daozu has long been prepared. This bait is poisonous and not everyone can swallow it. Without sufficient strength, there is no correct method. , Swallowing this poisonous bait, only a dead end!

Unfortunately, no one knows Hongjun Daozu's calculations! Of course, even if someone knows it, it’s useless, because they can’t refuse this temptation. In the hearts of those greedy people, they have inexplicable confidence in themselves, believing that they can resist Hongjun Daozu’s calculations, and they can ignore the calculations of Heaven’s Dao, yes. Successfully embark on your own road!

"Fight, now we have no help. If we continue to delay it, it will only make the enemy stronger. If we want to enter the Netherworld, want to seize the power of the Netherworld, we have to solve the Twelve Ancestral Witch first. This is what we must face. That's right!" At this time, the Black Emperor had to stand up again. Who made him the first innate **** and demon to jump out and target the Netherworld? If he doesn't stand up, no one will be the first bird, the situation is only He will continue to oppose him, and he does not have much time left. He dare not wait until the Yin and Yang Taoists digest all the gains. At that time, he does not know whether he has the ability or the courage to face the Yin and Yang Taoists, so he must do his best Convince everyone quickly to attack the Netherworld together!

After there was no expectation, all the innate gods and demons sighed secretly, and they all understood that the Black Emperor was telling the truth, so they all nodded silently and agreed with the Black Emperor’s suggestion. At this time, they must Unity, only unity can have a way out, be able to gain the initiative in this duel, and be able to defeat the enemy. As for whoever can seize the power of the Netherworld in the end, he must wait to find the defense of the Netherworld and look at each other. The most important thing now is to get rid of the Twelve Ancestral Witches who are blocking you and destroy them. This is the most important thing!

"Kill!" With a deep cry, the Black Emperor burst out with endless killing intent, and that terrible killing intent was directed at the Twelve Ancestral Witch!

auzw.com When the Black Emperor shouted in a deep cry, all the innate gods and demons standing outside the Nether World roared in deep anger, and their bodies burst out with endless killing intent. No one dared to be at this time. Under such circumstances, playing tricks, scheming, and playing methods. Those who can stand here are not fools. They all understand that playing methods at this time is to find their own death, that is, to be an enemy of everyone!

"The trouble is big. This time we are in big trouble. These **** really have to attack the Nether World at all costs. It seems that they are determined to seize the power of the Nether World. This is what the King of Cause and Effect said is the world catastrophe!" With the shock of the terrifying killing intent from many innate gods and demons, the Ancestral Witch Houtu couldn't help but sighed softly. Regarding this situation, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, although the Ancestral Witch Houtu knew that the king of cause and effect would not sit back and watch. Ignore it, and will not watch the twelve ancestor witches fall into desperation, but if they want to resolve the cause and effect, and want to get authentic recognition, the witches also need to show enough ability, at least they must block the first wave of the enemy’s impact. Under one face, he was overwhelmed by these **** enemies.

The Twelve Capitals of the Gods Array, this is the trump card of the Twelve Ancestor Witches. Although they had known that this battle would be very dangerous, they did not expect that the Great Tribulation would be so brutal at the beginning, and the enemy would be so crazy. They did not hesitate. , The twelve ancestor witches quickly united, and the'Twelve Capitals of the Gods' Array is ready to erupt at any time. This time they are not fighting alone, they are ready to summon Pangu's true body, because only in this way can they block the enemy's charge. .

"I hope that the King of Karma will be prepared and will not let us down, otherwise the outbreak of this war will be a fatal threat to us!" Di Jiang Zuwu still has a little bit of worry in his heart, afraid of the King of Karma Will have some reservations, did not help in the first time, so that these ancestral witches were in desperation!

"Come on, these **** **** are finally here, and the war is finally about to begin!" Muttered softly, the eyes of the sinuses burst with incredibly fiery light, the power of the avenue of cause and effect was blooming, and his roots were true. The body lit up little by little, and every flesh and blood exuded terrible causal power, as if countless gods and demons were roaring!

At this time, the king of cause and effect seems to have entered a mysterious transformation, as if he is changing blood, the power of the causal origin is constantly tempering himself, constantly strengthening his origin, and the power of the nether world is silently providing With the inexhaustible power of the King of Causality, the King of Causality can continue to grow himself irrespective of his consideration.

This is the true body of cause and effect, and it is the harvest of the king of cause and effect to transform the true body of the chaos **** and demon with the help of the deity. It is just that the king of cause and effect does not have the huge background of the deity of Yin and Yang Taoist, and can be madly transformed. The king of cause and effect can only rely on his own source of power. , Can only rely on the help of the source of the Netherworld, and this is not a real transformation, just the secret method of fighting to raise the battle. Without the help of the source of the Netherworld, just relying on one's own source, it would be impossible to do all this, and would not be able to enter this mysterious transformation.

The huge power of the source of the Netherworld is constantly pouring into the body of the King of Cause and Effect, and that huge power is constantly being tempered, compressed and accumulated, and is concentrated in the King of Cause and Effect. In the body, as this power continues to accumulate, the king of cause and effect exudes terrifying pressure. This is the qualitative change brought about by the accumulation of power, the evolution from quantitative change to qualitative change, when the endless power accumulates to a certain extent, it will Bringing a qualitative transformation, even if the transformation is with the help of external forces, not from oneself, it can still bring huge benefits to the king of cause and effect.

"Dear friends, be prepared not to be overwhelmed by the enemy in the first wave of impact. I don’t want you to fight forever. I only need you to block the enemy’s first wave of attacks, and then do it under the enemy’s second impact. Strategic retreat!” This is the voice of the King of Cause and Effect. Under the madness of accumulation, when the power has accumulated to the limit of his own endurance, the King of Cause and Effect opens the mouth to the twelve ancestor witch to give a reminder. The King of Cause and Effect is very clear about the twelve Ancestral Witch’s worries, and this Qia Qia is also part of his plan.

"Hey! The bastard, the king of cause and effect, is finally not malicious towards us. It seems that he is really just using us to lure the enemy into deep. Now we can finally breathe a sigh of relief!" As the leader of the witch clan, Emperor Jiang Zuwu faced such a terrible situation. The pressure and the impact in his heart can be imagined, and now he can finally feel at ease, and can truly face the battle in front of him with peace of mind!

If there is no such thing as the King of Cause and Effect, although Emperor Jiang Zuwu would take action and use the'Twelve Capitals of the Gods' Great Array', he would certainly have reservations, but now he has no such thoughts, not just the emperor. Jiang Zu Witch is like this, other Ancestral Witches all have the same idea, after all, they don't want to pin their lives and death on the King of Cause and Effect.

"In this battle, we must play the spirit of the Witch Clan. We must let all the creatures in Honghuang know how strong we are. If we don't make a move, we will inevitably give the enemy a fatal blow and start the'Twelve Capitals of the Gods' Great Array' with all our strength. The power of destroying a few enemies, if no enemy can be killed, how can we get authentic recognition!"

The voice of Dijiang Ancestral Witch rang in the ears of other Ancestral Witches. This is his plan, this is his decision, and the common aspiration of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. The Witch Clan needs such an opportunity and needs to let the predecessors know the Witch Clan. Powerful opportunity.

"Well, we will do our best in this battle, kill a few powerful enemies in the fastest time, and then retreat, let the king of cause and effect, let the tunnel see our strength, and let them know the value of our witch race!" Houtu Zuwu nodded and agreed with Dijiang Zuwu's decision. With her and Dijiang Zuwu's decision, no one would object.

Fight, in an instant, the twelve ancestral witches’ fighting spirit was ignited, and their grievances in their hearts will be vented with this upcoming battle, whether it is the reputation of the witch family or the practice of the twelve ancestral witches. , They all have a vital role. They must play a strong role in this battle. If this battle is missed, it will be a devastating disaster for the Twelve Ancestral Witches. They themselves will inevitably endure a great impact and fail. The shadow will be imprinted in the depths of their hearts, will become an obstacle to their future practice, and even become their inner demon and hinder their progress. The inner demon is the enemy of all practitioners!

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