God of Destruction

Chapter 4525: Festival Kaitian Brand

Chapter 4531: Open Heaven Brand

The fierce beasts are the first creatures in the prehistoric world. Their power is terribly corrosive and destructive. When the power of the fierce beast meets the Pangu atmosphere, this is a deadly battle. There is no way back for both sides, whether it is those who have mastered the origin of the fierce beast. Innate gods and demons, or twelve ancestor witches, have only deadly battles. During the deadly battles, both sides will do their best to pay. This agreement is the result that Hongjun Daozu expects!

"Axe!" A deep cry sounded from Pangu's body. Pangu's body was summoning the Heavenly Axe, the treasure of chaos. As the voice fell, the space was shaking, and the breath of Pangu was colluding with the rules. ,'Taiji Tu', and'Pangu Banner' are trembling, to respond to the call of Pangu True Body, but at this moment, the power of heaven came and directly cut off Pangu True Body’s call to these three innate treasures. Don't give the twelve ancestor witches a chance to reunite with the'opening axe'!

"Damn it, that is the breath of the Chaos Clock, Heaven Dao dare to cut our connection with the Chaos Clock!" In an instant, the Hou Tu Zu Wu and Di Jiang Zu Wu were furious. They used the power of Pan Gu's real body to sense the'Chaos' With the existence of the clock, if there is no resistance from the heavens, they will have the opportunity to master this innate treasure. If there is the'chaotic clock' in hand, the strength of the Wu clan will definitely increase!

"Huh, I want to summon the Chaos Clock, and I want to summon this innate treasure from the void. This is impossible. The Witches are not allowed to obtain this innate treasure, and they are not allowed to master part of the power of the sky-opening axe. I am afraid that one-third of the power is enough to threaten Heavenly Dao!" When he felt Heavenly Dao cut off Pangu’s call to the Chaos Clock, Dao Zu Hongjun sneered disdainfully, his eyes flashing with terrible murderous intent. , This is the killing intent to the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan!

"Hehe, Heavenly Dao has taken action. It seems that Heavenly Dao does not allow the Witch Clan to master the power of Pangu's Sky-Opening Axe, even if it is just the'Chaotic Clock', so that the power of'Sky-Opening Axe' can not only open up the world. It also has the power to threaten the Dao of Heaven. Perhaps the complete Sky-Opening Axe is not as simple as I thought. A complete Chaos Supreme Treasure, I am afraid that it has unimaginable power, but why Hongjun Daozu never thought of really mastering it. It is impossible for Hongjun's power not to notice the existence of the'Chaotic Clock'. It is not difficult to gather the three innate treasures?" At this time, the King of Karma also felt the breath of Heaven's Dao that flashed by, and Heavenly Dao made a move at this time. , The king of cause and effect can naturally understand its intention easily.

It’s not that Daozu Hongjun didn’t think about mastering the power of the Heaven-opening Axe, but he couldn’t do it. Although Daozu Hongjun could master the incomplete chaotic treasure of the Jade Plate of Good Fortune, he wanted to master the Heaven-opening Axe. ', this is impossible, even if the'opening axe' is divided into three, but Pangu still left its original mark on these three innate treasures, even Hongjun Daozu can't grasp them. Only Pan Gu Zhengzong who can really master the'opening axe' is only the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Sanqing. In contrast, the power erupted by the Sanqing mastering the innate treasure is not as horrible as the Twelve Ancestral Witch!

Although the Twelve Ancestor Witches have endless anger in their hearts, but now they don’t have so much time to resent the way of heaven. Now they are in the middle of the war, they don’t dare to be distracted too much, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for them. A response from the innate treasure, Pangu's real body can only condense a phantom of the'opening axe' from the origin of chaos. When the phantom of the'opening axe' comes out, the entire prehistoric world will tremble, Pangu's real body. The power of the'Sky Open Axe' perfectly blended, and a terrifying force spreading across Pan Guzhen, making the attacking innate gods and demons feel the threat of death!

"Pangu's true body, the brand of the'opening axe', the 12th Ancestral Witch can perfectly grasp the power of Pangu's true body, how is this possible, can it be said that this is Pangu's back hand!" Other powerhouses in the wilderness may not Feeling the change of himself when the Twelve Ancestor Witch summoned the'Opening Axe', but Daozu Hongjun, who had always been full of spirits, could see clearly. At that moment, the Pangu body that the Twelve Ancestor Witch summoned exuded. The breath of the avenue has a trace of the branding power of the'opening axe'!

It's a pity that the time for the'Open Sky Axe' brand to appear was too short. Daozu Hongjun was ready, but he still did not remember this flashing brand in his heart. Although he saw the brand of'Open Sky Axe', But when he wanted to be imprinted on his soul and wanted to look back at his own memory, Daozu Hongjun found that he couldn't do it. He couldn't write down the brand of the'opening axe' he saw, even if it was himself. This branded memory does not exist in his memory.

"Damn it, how could this be? With my strength, I can't record the brand of'Sky Axe'. This is Pangu's method, or a method of Dao. No one is allowed to master the secret of'Sky Axe', no Anyone is allowed to explore the origin of the'Opening Axe'!" Daozu Hongjun muttered to himself with a gloomy face, his eyes were constantly shining with a hint of light!

Daozu Hongjun had been looking forward to this moment, but when this moment came, he found that he was unable to crack the secret of the'opening axe', and was unable to record the mysterious imprint on Pangu's body. Dao Ancestor Hongjun was shocked, but he fits the Dao of Heaven and can draw on the power of the Dao of Heaven, but still can't shake the inheritance left by Pangu!

Unfortunately, no one knows the unwillingness of Hongjun Daozu. The Twelve Ancestor Witch is now in a terrible crisis. Although they are doing their best to pay, the enemy's power is beyond their imagination. The Black Emperor and the innate gods and demons The power of the fierce beast is terribly corrosive, making them feel the threat of death. Originally, the Twelve Ancestral Witch wanted to use the power of the "Pangu True Body" to kill several ancient innate gods and demons to prove their strength and the witch race. Is powerful, but now they are a little hard to protect themselves!

The Twelve Ancestor Witches are doing their best to pay, and the same is true for the ancient innate gods and monsters of the Black Emperor. They all understand that this is not an ordinary war, this is an endless war, and no one dares to have reservations, otherwise It must be oneself to die!

auzw.com"Killing, the witches have their roots, are connected by blood, and respect the father and god!" In the face of the terrible threat of death, the twelve ancestors screamed frantically and activated them again A big trump card, using the power of blood to mobilize the power of the entire witch clan, and the power of the witch clan to bless the power of Pangu's true body, in order to resist the threat of death.

"Damn it, this is the power of the bloodline, the power of the Pangu bloodline, the Witch family actually has such a killer, which can guide the power of the entire race and bless it on the Pangu body. The secret of the Pangu body is really powerful, and Pangu inherits it. Sure enough, it is mysterious and terrifying. If it weren’t for this battle to be an endless decisive battle, I’m afraid that the secret of the Twelve Ancestor Witch could not be forced out!” Seeing the sudden eruption of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, Hongjun Daozu’s expression became incomparable. Dignified, the background of the Wu Clan is terrifying!

"What a witch tribe, what a twelve ancestor witch, this is the trump card left to you by Pangu. This is the foundation of the witch tribe. It's amazing. The blood of the whole race can be linked across time and space. This is terrible!" At this time, the King of Karma was also horrified by such a terrifying power, which was beyond the scope of the King of Karma. The Wu Clan has such magical powers, it can be said that even across the world, it can gather the power of the race, and this power is enough to shake the balance of the prehistoric world.

In fact, the King of Karma and Hongjun Daozu think a lot. Although this bloodline supernatural power is extremely powerful, it is not as terrifying as they thought. The reason why the Twelve Ancestor Witch was able to do this is because behind them is the Nether World, and The witch world is attached to the authentic world, so the twelve ancestor witch summons the Pangu real body, which can draw on the power of all the witch people in the witch world. They don’t have such supernatural powers in another world, only being in the authentic realm. Only then can this be done.

Today’s witch tribe is part of the tunnel. The twelve ancestor witches in the realm of the tunnel want to use the power of blood and supernatural powers to guide the power of the witch tribe. This will not be affected by the tunnel. This is the shelter for them and the tunnel’s protection. Their recognition.

"Die!" With the blessing of the blood power of the entire Witch clan, the Twelve Ancestor Witches instantly increased their power, staring at an innate **** and demon rushing in the forefront, and the'opening axe' in the hands of Pangu's true body burst into horror. The aura of Kaitian was stimulated, locked in that innate **** and demon, and the'opening axe' condensed by the origin of chaos directly pierced the air.

"No, Lao Tzu is being watched by the Twelve Ancestor Witch!" When he was locked in, the ancient innate **** and demon immediately felt, and wanted to break free from the lock of the'Open Heaven Axe' and get rid of the death. Threat, but it’s too late. When he felt the threat of death, Pangu’s “Sky Axe” had already flown away. Before he could break free, the “Sky Axe” had already hit him heavily. On top of his head, the terrifying sky-opening power directly cut him in half!

"Damn it, this is Pangu's power to open the sky! Everyone quickly broke through the Twelve Ancestral Witch's'Dragon Gods Array' and broke up Pangu's real body, otherwise none of us can resist the opening of Pangu's real body. A blow from the sky!" The Black Emperor was yelling frantically. He hadn't expected such a shock to occur. The Black Emperor had no idea that the Pangu real body condensed by the Twelve Ancestor Witches had the power to threaten their lives. Wu Ji's Pangu real body can truly inspire the power of the Heavenly Axe.

Although the Twelve Ancestor Witch once used Pangu’s true body to create the world of the witch race, when the Witch World was opened up, the power of Pangu’s true body was not so powerful, and the Twelve Ancestor witch did not really inspire the'opening axe'. Really mighty, the ancient gods and gods and demons at that time did not really feel the threat of death, but at this moment they really felt that death was by their side. If this axe slashed towards them, none of them had the confidence to be able to. withstand!

At this time, it was not just these innate gods and demons who were shocked, Hongjun Daozu was also shocked. The blow of Pangu’s real body was indeed fundamentally different from the past. Although the blow was short, it had been devoted to it all the time. Dao Zu Hongjun still felt the difference, which made Dao Zu Hongjun frowned. He didn't understand why Pan Gu's real body had such a change, and why the Twelve Ancestor Witch could strike. Kill an innate **** and demon who has mastered the power of the origin of the fierce beast?

Daozu Hongjun wanted to know why, but everything came and went so fast that Daozu Hongjun couldn’t really understand the secrets, but he couldn’t really imprint all this in his heart. This result made Daozu Hongjun. Not reconciled.

"Can it be said that it is the power of the authentic, the power of the Netherworld, or the power of the Great Dao? Today's Twelve Ancestor Witches are not only blessed by the blood power of the witch clan, but also the blessings of the underground and the Netherworld, and even The blessing of the Great Dao?" In an instant, Hongjun Daozu attributed all this to external forces, and he didn't think that such power originated from the Twelve Ancestor Witch itself.

"If it is the power blessing of the tunnel and the nether world, it is okay to say. After all, the twelve ancestor witches are backed by the nether world, but if it is the power of the Dao, the problem is big. Pangu's real body can induce the origin of the Dao. This is not only for the heavens. The threat is also a threat to everyone. The power of the Great Dao is no small thing. If the Wu Clan really masters this power, it will have terrible changes to the entire prehistoric world, and the general situation of the entire prehistoric world will be affected!" The more I think about Hongjun! Daozu's heart became heavier, and the situation he carefully laid out had a sudden change, and the appearance of this change would once again affect the general trend of the land.

Why is this happening? The general trend of the prehistoric world will change again and again. Is it true that you really can't grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world? Dadao does not allow anyone to grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world and guide the changes of the prehistoric general trend? Daozu Hongjun is thinking hard, but now he himself cannot be sure of all this, he is not in the midst of the catastrophe, nor has he personally felt the terrifying blow of Pangu’s real body, so he can’t really understand the moment. Real change, feel the change of Pangu's real body at that moment.

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu had an eager impulse to try, he wanted to experience the opening blow of Pangu's real body, but when such a thought came into his mind, a threat of death surged into his mind. This is the soul. The Dao Dao does not allow Hongjun Daozu to interfere in the prevalence over and over again, and Hongjun Daozu who fits in the right way is not allowed to repeatedly intervene in the prehistoric disputes. If Hongjun Daozu dares to do this again, it is inevitable to wait for him. It is the punishment of the Dao. It will make Hongjun Daozu, the sage of the heavenly path, also in danger of death. Dao’s patience with Hongjun Daozu has reached its limit. He is not allowed to break the rules of the Dao and force it. It will only It was a dead end, even the Dao of Heaven could not keep Hongjun Daozu's life.

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