God of Destruction

Chapter 4526: Dreadful war

The fourth thousand five hundred and thirty-two chapters

"It seems that Dao Dao has completely focused on me. This great catastrophe of heaven and earth will no longer allow me to intervene with Dao Dao. This may be the result Dao wants to see, a development that is not controlled by any force. A wild world of free development!" After the spiritual warning, Hongjun Daozu's mood was extremely heavy. Being stared at by the Dao means that he had to re-prepare many things. Dao rules began to block his plans with the Dao of Heaven. For Jun Daozu, the pressure is huge.

The birth of the tunnel brought a shocking change to the prehistoric world, and the emergence of this shocking change finally attracted the attention of the Dao. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will be restricted by the Dao and will no longer have the absolute hegemony and rules of the Dao. The power of the primordial realm began to restrict all living beings. Heavenly Dao and Hong Dao ancestors are also in the rules of the Dao.

Yes, when the Great Tribulation of the Sun and Earth enters the second stage, the power of the Dao’s rules is recovering, and the Way of Heaven is losing its grasp of the prehistoric world. The three ways of heaven, earth and man are all manifested, and the balanced forces of order are returning to the predominant world. Great power is being cut back. This is the general trend of heaven and earth, and the general trend of the prehistoric world. No one can stop and no one can stop. Heaven cannot do it. Hongjun Daozu cannot do the same. Being in the predominant world is subject to the rules of the Dao. , Unless you can jump out of the avenue, beyond the avenue!

When Pan Gu really killed an innate **** and demon with one blow, the original power of the innate **** and demon and the original power of the beast were instantly swallowed by the nether world, turned into the nutrients of the nether world, and strengthened the original source of the nether world. As the Lord of the Netherworld, the King of Causality has a fierce aura. This is the original power of the beast. Although the original power of the beast that can be absorbed by the king of cause and effect is very small, it has this trace. The original power of the fierce beast allows the king of cause and effect to perceive the essence of the fierce beast and the true power of the fierce beast through the causal origin, so that he has a clearer understanding of the ancient and wild world.

It’s a pity that the King of Karma does not have much time to realize the power of this fierce beast in the body. The world catastrophe of the Netherworld has already begun. He cannot be distracted. This time he is not facing ordinary enemies, nor is it The ancient powerhouses with average strength before, this time they are facing the truly ferocious ancient giants. Each master has the power of the fierce beasts. They are the powerhouses with the true source of destructive power and can threaten the safety of the Netherworld. By.

"Slash again, this time we want to let the entire prehistoric sentient beings know the prestige of my witch clan!" After slaying the first innate **** and demon, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu did not want to stop, but continued to slay the powerful enemy. , Use killing to declare the power of the Witch to the prehistoric sentient beings, and use the blood of these enemies to warn those who want to fight the Witch!

Of course, if only this is the case, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu will not be so excited. What really fascinates him is not fame, but interest. Only naked, naked, and naked interests are the best catalysts to make the twelve ancestors. At the moment when the first innate **** and demon was beheaded, the twelve ancestral witches all felt a trace of luck and power, the luck of the witches was increasing, and their luck was growing. This was plunder. For the luck of that innate **** and demon, there is authentic recognition.

At this time, the twelve ancestor witches did not have time to understand this power of luck. They are in battle, and they cannot afford to lose their chances. If they fail to do so, if they retreat at this time, although they will be safe, they will also lose their predatory enemies. For the opportunity of luck, every innate **** and demon has amazing luck. If they can kill a few more ancient innate gods and demons, the luck that the witch tribe has consumed before will be fully compensated, and their twelve ancestral witches will also be able to get it. Netherworld and authentic recognition!

Killing, under the temptation of profit, Pangu's true body roared again, and the'opening axe' in his hand burst into a terrifying light again. This is the light of the avenue and the performance of the opening of the sky. It can only be used as the twelve ancestor witch When completely letting go of all worries, the power that can only be triggered by the real fight. The appearance of this power shocked the entire prehistoric sky and shocked the king of cause and effect. The background of the Wu Clan was more terrifying than I thought, it was just the world. The power of is enough to make the king of cause and effect be cautious.

With a violent roar, the light of the open sky axe reappeared, and another innate **** and demon was locked, and only after the'open sky axe' flew out again without any accident, the locked innate **** and devil Immediately stepping into the footsteps of the previous one, the power of the Dao directly beheaded him, erasing his existence from the ground up.

"Damn Wu Clan, how could this be the result? How could the power of Pangu's true body be so powerful, Black Emperor, you were the first to take the shot, what is going on, why are you even the 12th Ancestor Witch? Such juniors have jumped on our heads and plundered? I need you to give us an explanation, what is going on!"

At this moment, some people couldn't bear the impact from the Dao. They couldn't help but attacked the Black Emperor and asked the Black Emperor to explain. In their opinion, since the Black Emperor dared to beat everyone to issue a fatal blow, he definitely had amazing power and mastery! Unfortunately, they were wrong. The Black Emperor could not do all of this, let alone an amazing power, and mastery of the world, this did not exist at all. When the power of the rules of the Great Dao fell, the entire prehistoric land ushered in crazy changes, heaven and earth. The power of the human three ways began to stabilize.

"Humph! You are trying to explain to me, do you have the qualifications, why I want to explain to you, all this is not for me to force you to take action, everything is your willingness, now that something happens, you will come to me. This is the truth, if you are not afraid of death, just continue to say it, and see if I dare to cut your power!" With this series of changes, the Black Emperor couldn't bear it.

If everyone is looking for Hei Di to explain, does he still need to explain to others? I am the world, I only need to think about countermeasures, and I don't need to care about other things. Everything has the power to kill, I can ignore all these ants, can shake all the ant disturbances, and don't need to compromise with any enemy!

auzw.com Hei Di is a ruthless character among the ancient innate gods and demons. When he is really angry, no one dares to speak again, for fear that this madman will take a big shot at him if he is angered, and things will be black. As the emperor said, everything is their own decision, and it has nothing to do with the black emperor. They are not children and need to take responsibility for their own decisions.

"Don't be afraid, don't be alarmed by the power of Pangu's real body. The power of the Twelve Ancestral Witch is limited. They can't break out with such power several times. Everyone will work together to break through the'Twelve City Gods' Great Formation'. Collapse!" Just when many ancient innate gods and demons were afraid, a low voice sounded, pointing out the weakness of the'Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons'!

It’s true that Pangu’s true power really can’t last long. They can’t bear too much of such an outbreak, but one thing cannot be eliminated. As long as Pangu’s true body still has one blow, someone will fall, and no one is willing to bear it. With the opening blow of Pangu’s real body, no ancient innate gods are willing to risk their lives. They don’t know if they will be the next person to be beheaded, so even the weakness of the “Twelve Capitals of Gods” After being exposed, no one dared to go forward, no one dared to risk his life and put himself in a desperate situation!

Retire! For an instant, the innate gods and demons who stood at the end were silently retreating, keeping a certain distance from everyone, for fear that they would be locked in by Pangu’s true power in the next moment, and they would fall into the same footsteps of the two unlucky ghosts before. The end of the dead soul disappeared, and their retreat directly shook everyone's minds, so that the fighting intent that had been almost collapsed was instantly shattered, and the attack dissipated in an instant. No one dared to make a move, and was unwilling to make another move.

"Asshole, these stupid **** are so greedy for life and fear of death!" When seeing such a situation, the Black Emperor was furious and cursed frantically, but he did not dare to show it. At this time, if he did it by himself Acting something that shouldn’t be done is likely to draw everyone’s grievances to him. Even if the Black Emperor is stupid, he will not do such a stupid thing. He has no confidence that he can stop everyone’s attack. Under this circumstance, , He can only retreat with everyone!

It was just two blows that stopped the attack of the ancient innate gods and demons that were already crazy, and made those **** feel fearful and dare not make any more moves. As soon as this result came out, the Twelve Ancestral Witch was dumbfounded, and they didn't. It is unbelievable to think that these ancient innate gods and demons are so afraid of war, and that the enemy will be so greedy and fearful of death.

This is the human heart. When their own interests are threatened, their first choice is to protect themselves, instead of having more impulses to face death. What's more, the reason why these ancient congenital gods and demons gather here is also good. It's just benefit. When they feel the threat of death, they naturally have to choose to protect themselves, rather than continue fighting stupidly!

A plate of scattered sand, this is the true portrayal of the ancient innate gods and demons. They can gather outside the nether world because of their interests. When encountering a life and death crisis, they will also be like a plate of scattered sand. There is no cohesion at all. Say only care about yourself! At this time, no one stood up to reconsolidate the offensive, because they were worried that they would follow in the footsteps of the previous two.

At this moment, in the Netherworld, the King of Cause and Effect who was preparing was also a little dumbfounded. He hadn't expected such a situation. So many powerful enemies would be scared away by the Twelve Ancestral Witch. The result I want, but at this time I can't stop all of this at all, everything is really developing in the direction I don't want to see!

"How can these **** **** be so greedy for life and fear of death? They didn't come for the authority of the Netherworld. Why didn't they even have the courage to fight? What is going on?" At this time, the King of Cause and Effect also thought very much. Find out what the **** think, and want to prevent these **** from collapsing and let them continue to attack. If these **** retreat like this, all the preparations they have made before will be in vain, and the previous plans will be impossible to achieve.

The dumbfounded is not only the king of cause and effect, Hongjun Daozu also has some disbelief in his eyes. Originally, this was a chance for Daozu Hongjun to understand Pangu's inheritance and the secrets of Pangu's true body, but these ancient innate gods who were greedy for life and feared death. The demon was afraid of war, which made Hongjun Daozu also annoyed, and couldn't help but yell at it, but it was already happening, and it was too late to stop it.

"What to do, we seem to have messed things up. The king of cause and effect allowed us to lure the enemy deeper, but our burst of power is too strong, making these greedy **** afraid of death and dare not fight again. How can this be? That's good!" Facing such a situation, Emperor Jiang Zuwu couldn't help but sighed. If the enemy retreats like this, how can the Wu clan repay the cause and effect!

Zhu Rong, the most ardent and combative among the Twelve Ancestral Witches, couldn't help sighing, "No one thought that these ancient powerhouses would be so greedy for life and fear of death, but they were so terrified and uneasy after only two people died. Are they so courageous? Little, if they are so afraid of fighting, how they survived in ancient times, I really don’t understand why a group of powerful innate gods and demons are so vulnerable to a single blow, such enemies are really ridiculous, and I don’t know why the king of cause and effect would Value them so much!"

"I think I understand the thoughts of these bastards. They are different from us. We have faith. Even in the face of death, we won't shrink back. But these **** don't have such beliefs and determination. They have something in their eyes. It’s just benefits, and there is only oneself. When danger comes, the first thing they think of is not fighting to death, but fleeing. Perhaps in the ancient times, they had the courage to advance and the belief in fighting to the death, but the endless years have been wiped out. With the war in their hearts, they have lost their faith and courage, and all that is left is greed!"

At this time, the Houtu ancestor witch said in his heart that endless years can obliterate everything, and the same is true for these ancient innate gods and demons. No matter how powerful and fierce they were at the beginning, as the endless years pass away, their hearts Their fighting spirit will be wiped out a little bit. The endless years of recuperation have already made them forget what war is. If they face the weak, they will ruin everything without mercy, but when confronted by a strong enemy, they feel weak in their hearts. It will be completely exposed.

In a word, there will be absolutely no problem for the ancient innate gods and demons like the Black Emperor to attack the weak, but when they face a strong enemy like the Twelve Ancestral Witch, when they can threaten their life and death, only one or two will fall. Under this situation, their morale will collapse in an instant. This is the result of not experiencing the fire of war. Today's ancient powerhouses are no longer suitable for crazy battles, especially this kind of life and death battle. They don't dare to fight to death at all, they are greedy for life and fear of death. , Without the determination and courage to fight to the death!

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