God of Destruction

Chapter 4527: Deception

Chapter 4533 Deception

Di Jiang Zuwu sighed: "Little sister, what should we do now, these **** don't attack so much, how can we end up? These **** **** can hurt us miserably. If we can't repay the cause and effect, our trouble will be It's big!"

The Houtu ancestor witch smiled calmly and said: "No, this is impossible. No matter how greedy these **** are, they can't eliminate the greed in their bones. As long as their greed is still there, the battle will continue. We can no longer fight aggressively and kill the enemy instantly. Now we have to give them a "step" to let them know that we are not as strong as we thought, and let their greedy heart break out again, and we have to show the enemy to be weak. , Entice them to attack again!"

Showing the enemy to be weak, this is the idea of ​​the Houtu ancestor witch, and it is also the most suitable way to resolve the current dilemma. Time waits for no one, and the Houtu ancestor witch can not guarantee that accidents will happen over time, and will it affect it. In the overall situation, the calculation of the king of cause and effect has been broken, and the opportunity of their twelve ancestor witches to repay the cause and effect has been broken, so we must act quickly!

Hearing the words of the Houtu ancestor witch, the other ancestor witches instantly understood what to do. Although they wanted to show the enemy's weakness, they could not do it too obvious, nor could they let the other party see the flaws. Otherwise, no one would be deceived. The group of ancient innate gods and demons like the emperor are not fools. They will not be deceived easily. If they want to deceive them, they must not be too weak in the first place.

"Hahaha, this is your strength, I thought you were so great, but just a bunch of ants that can be killed easily, come on, come forward and fight us again, let us see how powerful you are '!" Emperor Jiang Zuwu sneered at the Black Emperor disdainfully, mocking the ancient innate gods and demons of the Black Emperor, laughing at their weakness!

"Damn Wu Clan, how dare they dare to be so arrogant, dare to look down on us, this is absolutely unbearable, Black Emperor, we must fight back and teach them a lesson, otherwise our innate gods and demons will lose their face, and Let Hongjun that **** watch our jokes and even make our minds. Once we are regarded as weak by him, the consequences will be unwilling to imagine!"

Someone stood up and told the black emperor what he thought in his heart. Not only did he have such worries, but the innate gods and demons present had such worries. For these ancient innate gods and demons, they had to face more than just Only the Twelve Ancestor Witches, as well as Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, if they are too weak, perhaps they have not waited for the Twelve Ancestral Witch to take action, they will be calculated to die by Hongjun Daozu. At this time, retreat will only make yourself fall into it. Into a greater crisis!

"Yes, we must not retreat. Otherwise, there is only a dead end. Although the Twelve Ancestral Witch’s'Dutian God Shama Formation' is strong, the Twelve Ancestral Witch’s origin is limited. I don’t believe he can continue to explode like this. We work together. Fight with them again. As long as we consume their source, we will be able to break the defenses of the Nether World and enter the Nether World!"

There is no big problem with the joint force, but who is in front, who will resist the opening blow of Pangu’s true body, no one is willing to bear such responsibility, the reason why these **** find the Black Emperor is precisely because the Black Emperor is the first one. Stand up and target the Netherworld, so they instinctively want the Black Emperor to act as a shield to shoulder this heavy responsibility!

As for the minds of these people, the Black Emperor snorted disdainfully: "Don't hit my mind. I have no ability to resist the blow of Pangu's true body condensed by the twelve ancestor witches. You don't want to back down, just yourself. Go and resist Pan Gu's attack!"

Hei Di is unwilling to prevent disasters for everyone, and he is unwilling to face this terrible danger, taking his own life to risk, and his non-cooperation makes these ancient innate gods and demons distressed, they want to work together to force the Hei Di. Before, when he saw Hei Di’s crazy look and the overwhelming tyrannical aura, these ancient innate gods and demons couldn’t help but lower their heads. They were terrified, scared, and worried about stimulating Hei Di excessively. Will force the other party to make'excessive' actions, will pull them to death together!

"Hei Di, what do you think we should do now? If we delay this way, the origin of the Twelve Ancestral Witch will soon be restored to the original state, and our previous'sacrifice' will be wasted. We need someone to'sacrifice' again!"

"I’m not everyone’s leader, how do you know what to do now, and will you listen to what I say, you just want me to be a substitute, I’m not a fool, I won’t be deceived by your ridiculous means, or we Shot together, everyone charge together, whoever is unlucky enough to be targeted will bear the consequences or give up!"

When the Hei Di talked about giving up these two words, the expressions of these ancient innate gods and demons changed drastically. They were not reconciled. In their opinion, victory was right in front of them. As long as they worked harder, they would be able to break the'Twelve Capital Gods'. The Great Array' can break the Netherworld's defenses and enter the Netherworld, but the **** Black Emperor doesn't cooperate.

"Give up? Hei Di, do you think we can give up now? Don’t say that if we don’t, as long as we retreat, we will die forever. Heaven will not let us go. We are all burdened with great cause and effect, great karma, and stepping in. In the great robbery, there is no retreat, and retreat means death. You should be clear about this. I agree with your suggestion. Let everyone charge together. If anyone dares to play tricks, he will be destroyed first, and he cannot be given to the Twelve Ancestral Witch. The chance of recovery cannot give Tiandao and Hongjun a chance to count us!"

There must be a solution to the matter, and everyone must compromise with each other. Although there are many people who are willing to accept this result, none of them dare to jump out to oppose. Anger, whoever dares to jump out will have to die. This is the only way to resolve difficulties!

auzw.com"Well, as long as everyone is willing to cooperate, we will charge together, whoever is targeted, who considers himself unlucky, Pangu is really strong, but the origin of the twelve ancestor witches is limited, they can’t Maintain the'Twelve Capitals of the Deities of the Great Formation' for a long time. If everyone has not flinched before, perhaps we have already broken the'Twelve Capitals of the Deities of the Great Formation'. This time we are advancing and not retreating. No matter who is targeted, whoever becomes With the target of Pangu's body strangulation, no one else can retreat, and those who retreat will die!"

Speaking of this, the black emperor’s face showed endless murderous intent. If everyone present could not fear death, and could go forward without fear of death, the twelve ancestor witches who fell in the end must be the Twelve Capital Gods. The Great Array' will be defeated by them!

Time waits for no one, the war in the heavens will not last too long, and the time left for everyone is limited. If they can't kill the Nether World and seize the power of the Nether World before the victory in the heaven war, they must have more power. Enemies compete for the benefits of the Netherworld, and this is a result that many ancient gods and demons cannot accept. If one more person competes, there will be more pressure and less opportunity. No one is willing to accept such a result, and is unwilling to see such a result. The situation happened!

"Kill!" As everyone shouted in unison, the ancient innate gods and demons of the Black Emperor had to cheer up and attack the Twelve Ancestor Witch again frantically, rushing to the'Pangu True Body' frantically, and they were charging. At that time, a series of attacks tilted toward the Twelve Ancestral Witch like a rainstorm. They wanted to use such a rainstorm to prevent the lock of Pangu’s real body, so that everyone could charge to Pangu’s real body and have a chance to make the final The attack can blow Pangu's real body!

"Okay, very good, these **** **** are finally'opened up', knowing to attack, if they don't attack again, I have to consider how to awaken the fighting spirit in their hearts!" Seeing the black emperor group of innate gods and demons again Launching a collective charge, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The situation he was most worried about did not happen, these people still have a little blood!

In fact, Hongjun Daozu looked at the Black Emperor highly, **** people did not exist in them, the reason why they have such a charge is only because they were retreated to desperate, trembling both forward and backward, there is only one choice as a last resort, if They have a little bit of retreat, they will not make such a move, they will not launch such a crazy charge.

It is precisely because there is no retreat, under the threat of death, these innate gods and demons have to charge, have to take a risk, and there is still a glimmer of life in the charge and decisive battle. Even if someone will die, they will fall on the Kaitianyi of Pangu's true body. If you hit it, others will have a chance to win, but if you don’t do anything, everyone has a dead end. There is still a ray of life for the charge. If you don’t charge, you will die. Under this threat, you have a little bit of mind and a little bit. Reasonable people know how to choose!

Although the danger exists, everyone charges together and fights for luck. Whoever lives or dies depends on God's will, and many people have this idea in their hearts. If you say who is the most dangerous, it is naturally the Black Emperor, and the Black Emperor is them. The most eye-catching existence among all the people. If the Twelve Ancestor Witches will take the knife, undoubtedly the Black Emperor will be at the forefront. Even if everyone charges together, the Black Emperor will face a much greater danger than the others. Knowing this, everyone will charge so decisively.

Doesn't Hei Di know how dangerous his situation is? Don't know what these **** are thinking and calculating? He knows, just knowing that there is no way. This is what the Black Emperor must face. He can't refuse everyone again and again, or even if he has the heart to pull everyone together, he will not be able to force everyone to back down. If you continue to persevere, I'm afraid it will lead to a murderous disaster, and let these **** join forces to kill themselves first!

In an instant, the many innate gods and demons who reached the agreement broke out with all their strength and launched a charge to let the war continue, and let the twelve ancestor witch breathe a sigh of relief, let the king of cause and effect breathe a sigh of relief, the situation finally did not get out of control. Did not develop in an unfavorable direction!

Although Hou Tu Zu Wu said very lightly, in fact she has no confidence herself, and she doesn’t know if these **** will continue to fight, and now she finally doesn’t have to worry, but this time everyone has to act well and act absolutely. Batter their morale!

"You bastards, I gave you a way out before. You don't know how to be grateful. Since you want to die, this will make you perfect!" Emperor Jiang Zuwu was roaring, but there was a hint of fear in his voice, as if it was Lack of confidence! But if you don’t listen carefully, you won’t be able to hear it, and now in the middle of a battle, no one will listen carefully and think about it!

With the roar of the Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the breath of Pangu's true body became extremely tyrannical, and the terrifying murderous aura was soaring frantically. The minds of all these ancient innate gods and demons who charged were trembling, and they were all afraid that they would be Panguzhen. Locking the body will become the target of Pangu's real body's strangulation. After all, the power that Pangu's real body burst out before was too terrifying and terrifying, so that the ancient innate gods and demons like the Black Emperor couldn't help but have a trace of fear and fear in their hearts.

Originally thought that someone would fall under the opening blow of Pangu’s real body, and everyone’s hearts were prepared like this, so although they continued to charge, the trace of fear in their hearts inevitably made them pause. It was because of this pause that people like the Black Emperor could see the "deficiency" of Pangu's true body and the "truth" of the matter!

"No, we were deceived. The Twelve Ancestor Witch was already at the end of the crossbow, and lost the power to attack. The roar of the Emperor Jiang Ancestral Witch is just bluffing. They want to escape, stop them!" Hei Di They were yelling frantically, and the others were yelling frantically, as if they had all seen the weakness of the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

In the roar of these people, the power of Pangu’s true body instantly dissipated, and the power of the imposing Taotian turned into nothingness, and at this moment, the Twelve Ancestral Witch’s'Dutian God Sha Great Array' gathered, and did not wait for the Black Emperor. This group of **** reacted and disappeared into the Nether World as a stream of light. The Twelve Ancestral Witch ran away and fled before their eyes.

Slaps in the face, this is to slap them in public. As a result, the Black Emperor cannot accept that they are roaring angrily. Being played like this by the Twelve Ancestor Witch is an unbearable humiliation for them. They must fight back and must let the Twelve The ancestral witch paid the price of blood, and only by killing these twelve **** **** could the shame on everyone be washed away.

kill! The ancient innate gods and demons of the Black Emperor are yelling frantically, the roar is full of endless murderous intent, the blood in their hearts is returning, the murderous in their hearts is erupting, and they will not stop if they don't kill the twelve ancestor witches. This is Now the true portrayal of the innate gods and demons of the Black Emperor is also their obsession, an obsession that cannot be removed, unless the twelve ancestor witches die, otherwise this obsession will always accompany them and become their heart demon. , Will hinder their practice and cut off their'prospect'!

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