God of Destruction

Chapter 4528: Ambush

Four thousand five hundred and thirty-four chapters ambush

In the eyes of everyone, they have been played by the twelve ancestor witches and ants. This is unacceptable. Only when the twelve ancestor witches die can they be at ease and save face. As for whether this is a trap, it is actually unacceptable. No one cares, or there is not a single worry. In their eyes, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are simply vulnerable. Pangu's real form is so weak that no one suspects that there is fraud in this. It can only be said that the ancient innate gods and monsters of the Black Emperor are hiding. The time in the darkness is too long, so long that they forget what the fear of life is and what is the danger, and instinctively makes them ignore the existence of the trap.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Black Emperor, even if there is a conspiracy, they are not afraid. There are so many powerful people on their side, even if there is a conspiracy, they are vulnerable to absolute strength. They just overestimate their own strength and underestimate the strength of the enemy. This is the self-destruction. In the eyes of the Black Emperor, only Heaven and Hongjun Dao ancestors are feared. The others didn’t care about it at all. That’s exactly the same. When the Twelve Ancestor Witches fled, they Pursue with all strength, without any precautions.

"Ignorance, these **** **** are so ignorant and stupid. The Twelve Ancestor Witch is so weak and Pangu's real body is so weak. It only takes two blows to consume all the origin!" Seeing the black emperor and the ancient strong men are crazy While chasing the Twelve Ancestor Witch, Hongjun Daozu finally couldn't bear the anger in his heart and shouted at these ignorant and stupid bastards.

Of course, Daozu Hongjun didn’t care much about the life and death of the Black Emperor. What he cared about was that these **** would be easily strangled by the King of Karma and the Twelve Ancestor Witches, thus losing the secret of understanding Pangu’s true body and understanding Pangu. The secret of inheritance, and even the secret of understanding the king of cause and effect and the secret of the Netherworld, but now Hongjun Daozu is unable to prevent this from happening.

"I knew that these **** were so ignorant and stupid. I shouldn't have too much illusion about them. I shouldn't get them out all at once. It's good now-once these **** are in the ambush of the king of cause and effect and the twelve ancestor witches. , Definitely ten deaths without life, the Netherworld is their home arena, and if they rush out of the enemy's home arena, it is completely self-destructive!"

When talking about this, Daozu Hongjun couldn't help but sighed. How could he be surrounded by such a group of stupid disciples and disciples betrayed? Now these **** who are used as thugs are also so stupid and ignorant, a conspiracy that a fool can see clearly. They rushed in without even asking. The Netherworld is so easy to trespass. The deaths of those **** before did not cause them any impact, did not make them feel a little threatened, or said they really deserved to die and be robbed. It has eroded the mind, and even the most basic danger has been forgotten. If this is the case, the consequences will be serious, and the entire prehistoric world will usher in a crazy **** battle!

Clean! The first thing Hongjun Taoist thought of was the word cleaning. He wanted to clean the ancient strong, and wanted to sweep away those ancient strong hidden in the dark, but the Primordial World would not have such an idea. , The existence of these **** is the parasitic pests of the wild world, perhaps the idea of ​​being born in my heart also originated from the original influence of the wild world!

"Hey!" When he thought of this, Dao Zu Hongjun couldn't help but gasped, and a chill rushed into his heart. If his actions were affected by the origin of the great world, what would it mean? It means that the power of Heaven’s Path has been unable to suppress the entire origin of the great world, can no longer dominate the general trend of the great world, and cannot completely protect my mind, so my soul has been affected by the origin of the great world unknowingly, and I unknowingly Fall into the calculations of the prehistoric sky!

No one wants to be calculated by others. Although Hongjun Daozu has been calculating other creatures in secret, he cannot accept it when he is calculated. Even if it is calculated by the predecessor, the same is true. When I think of this, Hongjun Daozu’s I can’t help but become vigilant. The situation of this great catastrophe of heaven and earth is more terrifying and cruel than I imagined. My previous arrogant mentality should be completely let go. The predecessor world is no longer controlled by my own hand, and I am also the world’s sentient beings. A member will also be affected by the origin of the prehistoric world, and even become a **** in the prehistoric world!

The more I thought about it, the more shocked and uneasy Hongjun Daozu's heart became. The endless years did not make Hongjun Daozu have this uneasy thought, but now that he has it, Hongjun Daoyi deeply feels that it comes from the prehistoric world. Malicious, I have fallen into this terrible calculation now, and it is too late to get away, that endless cause and effect has already pulled myself into it!

"Damn it, how could it be like this? What does the Primordial World want to do? What role do the King of Karma and the Twelve Ancestor Witches play in this panic? Is this calculation completely aimed at me, or is it made by Primordial World? Instinctive reaction, a cleansing of the entire primordial sentient beings, if it is the former, it would be too terrible, and the latter would have little effect!"

Daozu Hongjun was meditating, thinking about countermeasures, but he couldn't think of a solution to the problem for a while. Who made the current prehistoric no longer the former prehistoric, the power of the Dao’s rules is reviving wildly, and the power of this rule The existence of Daozu Hongjun seriously affected the freedom of Daozu Hongjun, and many things left Daozu Hongjun at his disposal!

Hongjun Daozu's loss of control made Hongjun Daozu feel more and more uneasy, more and more feeling that he was restrained, and it was his own decision that caused all this, it was his own body fit the restriction of heaven, under the fit of heaven, he wanted to interfere in the great world. , This won’t work. If the prehistoric world is not perfect and the tunnel is not born, everything will not have an impact. Heaven is the ruler of the prehistoric world, and now the emergence of the tunnel, the prehistoric world is undergoing a qualitative transformation!

Perhaps this great catastrophe of heaven and earth is not as simple as I thought before. This great avenue of heaven and earth may be related to the birth of the tunnel. It is the perfection of Hongtiandi. The usefulness, even the life and death of the pests of the prehistoric world, was wiped out. That's why there was this terrible catastrophe!

auzw.com The more you think about it, the more disturbed Hongjun Daozu's heart is, but he himself does not dare to continue to verify, he dare not touch the constraints of the rules of the Dao, Hongjun Daozu is afraid to follow the wild world The continuous improvement of the world, with the continuous growth of the world, the power of the rules of the road is also constantly increasing, before it was just a warning to myself, perhaps the next time it will be a devastating blow!

Daozu Hongjun is not stupid enough to risk his life. Although the situation has repeatedly lost control, this is not the reason for his action, nor is it what he should do. To prevent the normal development of the prehistoric world, he has to make a big deal with the predominant world. Cause and effect, if you fit your body, the pressure you have to face will be greater and more terrifying.

"Is it really impossible to seize the way of heaven and master the prehistoric world?" Dao Zu Hongjun sighed secretly in his heart. He wanted to dominate the entire prehistoric world and grasp the general trend of the prehistoric world. It was really impossible to do so. Dadao did not allow this to happen. , The resistance that I encountered was not that the way of heaven was out of control, but the counterattack of the wild world!

When Hongjun Daozu was thinking, those ignorant and stupid ancient powerhouses rushed into the Nether World and continued to chase and kill the Twelve Ancestor Witches. In the pursuit and killing, they did not encounter any danger, no resistance at all. No, even the impact on the Netherworld is not great, they didn't even encounter those ordinary undead in the entire Netherworld!

As the world of the dead, how could there be no undead in the world of the underworld? How could they see such a desolate world when they hunted down the twelve ancestor witches all the way, and appeared in such a situation without a trace of vigilance. This It's too abnormal, but the Black Emperor and the killers didn't notice such obvious loopholes.

"Ignorance, what a group of ignorant bastards, they didn't even understand such a simple trap, how did they cultivate to such a powerful state!" Seeing this ridiculous pursuit in the Nether World, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help sighing loudly. Dao, this kind of situation makes it difficult for him to accept and understand that a group of ancient powerhouses will be teased by the twelve ancestor witches. This is simply a big joke, even the general powerhouse will not commit it. This simple mistake!

"No, Junior Brother Yuanshi, you are wrong. This is not their own fault, but they have been liquidated by the prehistoric world. They are already abandoned children of the predominant world. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that they will become the nourishment of the Netherworld. , To strengthen the source of the Netherworld. The moment they entered the world, their destiny is doomed. We are outside and we don’t know their real situation. The fate of these people is the greatest vigilance for us!" In the situation, the great old man felt the danger of the world, and also felt the huge pressure. If the cleansing exists, is the heavenly saint like himself also being cleansed!

In an instant, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed drastically, and he said uncomfortably: "Brother said that all of this is the arrangement of the origin of the ancient world. The origin of the ancient world wants to use these ancient powers to expand the nether world, expand the tunnels, and reach the heavens and the earth. The balance of the three ways of human beings restricts the domineering way of heaven, so the situation of our saints of heaven is in danger!"

"No, things are not as dangerous as thought for the time being. Even if this great catastrophe is to liquidate the powerful, we are not in this scope. If we are also in the scope of liquidation, Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao early Just to warn us, it can only be said that the prehistoric world is clearing out the pests that parasitize the predominant land!" That is the case, but the old gentleman is also faintly disturbed. The balance of the three ways of heaven, earth and man means that the way of heaven cannot dominate. The status of heavenly saints will also be impacted, and every move will also be affected, which is very detrimental to these heavenly saints!

Stop all this? Taishang Laojun didn’t have such an idea, and he didn’t dare to have such an idea. How could he dare to have such an idea if he could not even do things like Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. If such an idea appears in his own body, it means that he It was also within the scope of liquidation, was also targeted by the predecessor, and it would also face the crisis of death and death.

"Perhaps the previous quasi mention and introduction, as well as the betrayal of Tongtian Junior Brother, were not just because of their personal perceptions, but also because of their own insights. The origin of the prehistoric world was secretly affecting them, precisely because of them. His betrayal has weakened the power of the Dao of Heaven, and there will be this great catastrophe!” Unfortunately, all of this is just the guess of Taishang Lao Jun, and cannot be confirmed, unless I am willing to ask Hongjun Daozu. It’s just that. There may not be results, on the contrary, it will bring danger to oneself, after all, today's wild world has changed, and the teachers that oneself are familiar with have also become terrifying.

Originally, the Taishang Lao Jun had the intention to find the Master of the Heavens, and wanted to borrow the power of the Master of the Heavens, but now his mind has faded. Today's great world is changing so fast that he can't adapt to it. At this time, he has to do it. Not to seek help, but to analyze the changes in the world and let yourself adapt to the changes in the world quickly. This is the key.

Not only does Taishang Laojun understand this principle, Yuanshi Tianzun also understands that the entire prehistoric powerhouse understands that under a catastrophe of heaven and earth, the most important thing to do is to adapt to the changes in the world. If you can’t adapt to the changes in the world quickly , There is only a dead end waiting for oneself, and will only be abandoned by the world, and will only digest the dead soul as the world's nourishment.

Countless people have seen the crisis in the Netherworld and death, but no one has stood up to stop this, and no one wants to remind the Black Emperor, a group of ancient powerhouses, who are quietly waiting for death to come. , Waiting for the start of the decisive battle, waiting for the rebirth of the Netherworld, the rebirth of the prehistoric world!

How about the heavens? No one cares, no one is watching, but everyone is still watching the heavenly saint's fruit status, waiting for the time to come, although the world has changed, the heavenly saint's fruit status may not be as powerful as imagined, but the saint's deity It is still the power that many people desire, but no one wants to stand up now.

Whether it’s the heaven or the nether world, no matter which world it is, no matter what changes it is, the powerful people in the primordial land have seen the crisis and the destruction. If there were people who were tempted by greed before, and were ridiculous in front of them. Benefit temptation, now these strong men have sobered up and no longer have the idea of ​​hitting the heavens and the nether world, at least they will not have such thoughts again, and they dare not have such thoughts, at least until this heaven and earth catastrophe has no results. Because the people who have this thought are already dead, the remaining people are all wary, and they gradually understand the terrible tribulation of heaven and earth, and understand that no matter how good the temptation is, no matter how great the benefit is, it can’t be done without strong strength. There is greed, or there is only a dead end!

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