God of Destruction

Chapter 4529: Fight to the End

The fourth thousand five hundred and thirty-fifth chapter dead battle

Those who see through the overall situation understand in their hearts that it won’t take long for this catastrophe to end, and this time is a dangerous moment. Whoever is drawn into the game, there is no great luck, supernatural powers, great abilities, there is only a dead end, smart. They won't let themselves fall into this terrible battle, and the most important thing in this battle is the heaven and the nether world.

As those ignorant and stupid ancient powerhouses continue to be lured into the depths of the Nether World, they no longer have the possibility of escape. If they have just stepped into the Nether World, they can still rely on their own atmospheric fortunes and great magical powers to escape. After a catastrophe, and now they have gone too deep, they have reached the center of the Netherworld. At this time, they can't do it even if they have the heart to do it. They have completely fallen into the Netherworld, and there is no more freedom to break away. may.

"It's all here, very good, now is the time to close the door and beat the dog, and the Netherworld will shut me off!" With the sigh of the King of Cause and Effect, the origin of the Netherworld skyrocketed wildly, and soon the power of the Cause and Effect Avenue was growing. After spreading out, even if the King of Causality is cautious, he will face terrible dangers. This time he has to face all the enemies.

"No, we are in the calculation. We are calculated by the Twelve Ancestor Witches. They are tempting us to go deeper and trap us in the Nether World. Quickly stop all of this!" The Black Emperor yelled frantically. Although he was aware of the crisis for the first time, in the face of this trap set by the King of Cause and Effect, what they noticed could not change the overall situation in front of him. The general trend is in the hands of the King of Cause and Effect, and they can only change their faces. To this terrible crisis!

"What a king of cause and effect, what a magical power of cause and effect, directly cut off the retreat of these powerful men, what a powerful method and scheming, this time the king of cause and effect will pay a little bit!" Seeing the sudden changes in the world of Netherworld, The ancestor of the sea of ​​blood could not help but sigh softly, this result has a great inspiration for the ancestors of the river, the king of cause and effect can do this in the world of the blood, as the lord of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the river The same can be done. If an enemy is lured into the sea of ​​blood, is it possible to be the King of Cause and Effect and can use the world to kill the enemy.

World authority is a good thing. Seeing the changes in the world of Netherworld, the heart of the ancestors of Styx could not help but be shaken. He wanted to open up his own world. If the sea of ​​blood was refined by himself and opened up the world of bleeding, he would not be afraid of saints. Don’t be afraid of the threat of heaven, but in this situation, if you want to do this, you will inevitably be involved in the Dao struggle. If you are not careful, you may die and die. Dao struggles are not trivial. There is no retreat. Be involved in the Dao struggles against Styx. The pressure is too much for the ancestors.

The ancestor of Styx does not want to be hated by the gods, but he does not want to give up his benefits, so he hesitates. And there is no good thing in this world that has the best of both worlds. There is a price if you pay, you don’t want to pay anything, just want to get benefits. , This is impossible, but it is a pity that the ancestor Styx is still cruel and hesitant, and this Qiaqi affects his own practice, even if he has had a chance, he still hasn't broken through himself. bottleneck.

The nether world is under the control of the king of cause and effect, and the light of the great road rises, and the origin is condensed. This is a trap laid by the king of cause and effect. When the light of this road rises, the whole nether world is as solid as gold. It is impossible to shake his existence. If you want to get out of the Netherworld, there is only one way to get the approval of the Lord of the Netherworld and the authority of the Netherworld, and all of this is in the hands of the King of Karma!

"Damn ants, this is a trap you prepared for a long time. You actually use the Netherworld as a bait. Are you not afraid of being backlashed by the world?" Although you are not willing to be trapped in the Netherworld, the current situation is already As a foregone conclusion, the black emperor's retreat was cut off, and they could only bite the bullet and face the catastrophe.

Facing the Black Emperor’s questioning, Emperor Jiang Zuwu said disapprovingly: “Yes, this is a trap, a trap that lures you into the game. As for whether you will suffer a backlash from the world, you don’t need to worry about it. In the nether world, merge with the nether world, turn into the nutrients of the nether world, and use your life to strengthen the source of the nether world."

As soon as the words of Emperor Jiang Zuwu fell, the ancient powerhouses of Hei Di frowned. They all felt the strong killing intent in these words. If it weren't for the sake of seizing chance, Hei People like the emperor have long been a painful killer to the Twelve Ancestral Witch. After all, they are caught in such a crisis, and they are all the temptation of the Twelve Ancestral Witch!

"Okay, very good, you all heard that, we have to fight to death now, let's use it, take out all of our power to destroy everything in the Netherworld, even if we die, we can't let these'ants' get better!" Hei Di was in Cheer up to many ancient powerhouses, want to use this method to reverse the situation, want to turn things around.

Unfortunately, this is the Netherworld. They are facing the King of Causality. In the Netherworld, it is not easy to kill people. What's more, they want to kill the Twelve Ancestral Witch, which the King of Causation will not. Give them this opportunity, the moment they step into the world of the underworld, their destiny is doomed to death!

"Death battle, do you have the ability? When you arrive in the Nether World, you will also want to turn over. It is ridiculous! The origin of the Nether appears, the cause and effect come, suppress!" A low voice sounded, the origin of the Nether world erupted, the avenue of cause and effect was condensed, and the power of the horrible world , The power of authority fell from the sky, and all the creatures in the entire Netherworld felt the pressure from the soul, the pressure from the world, and the Black Emperor Yigan was weakened by the power of the world.

"The power of rules, this is the power of rules, the king of cause and effect is just a mere Daluo Jinxian, how can it be possible to master the power of rules, this is impossible!" Hei Di was screaming frantically, unwilling to admit what he was facing. Everything, but this is the fact, whether he is willing to accept it or not, it is a fact, and the power of the world's rules has been heavily pressed on him.

auzw.com "It's over, this time we are all over. This is the power of the rules of the world. The king of cause and effect, the "ant" in our eyes, has already mastered everything in the Netherworld. It is in the power of the rules of the world. In front of us, we are the "ants"!" Some ancient innate gods and demons who really understand the powerful rules of the world are regretting. They knew that the King of Cause and Effect had this ability, so they shouldn't have participated in this catastrophe of heaven and earth. The idea of ​​hitting the Netherworld, now I will kill my own life here!

"King of cause and effect, we are willing to surrender, as long as you are willing to let us go, we are willing to take refuge in you!" Some ancient powerhouses whose minds have long been wiped out could not help but ask for mercy. In order to survive, they would rather surrender and surrender to a younger generation. !

"Ignorance, stupid, do you still have a bit of spine, the faces of the innate gods and demons have been lost by you, and it is a big deal. Even if they die, we can also pull him to death!" For these boneless bastards, the black emperor said in his heart. I hate it to the extreme. It is precisely because of the existence of these **** that the situation can become uncontrollable. If these **** really take refuge in the King of Cause and Effect, everyone's vitality will be completely ruined in the Nether World, all of them. All will be swallowed by the source of the Netherworld!

"Hei Di, you **** hurt us like this. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't end up in the land we are now. You made all of this. You are our greatest enemy. You led us to the present. Desperate situation!"

"Yes, Hei Di, you are the black sheep of our innate gods and demons. If it weren't for you bastard, how could everyone be in desperation? We are all victims. You **** is the mastermind. You killed us all, together. We killed the **** Black Emperor, as long as we destroy him, we can beg for mercy from the King of Cause and Effect!"

I have to say that in order to survive, each of these ancient powerhouses has become extremely crazy, and each of them has revealed that disgusting face. For their own survival, they have pushed all the responsibilities on the black emperor, delusional. To get rid of their own crisis, it's just that the performance of these shameless people has not been exchanged for the approval of the King of Cause and Effect.

Of course, among these ancient powerhouses, such shameless people are only a small part. Most ancient powerhouses know that at this moment, they have no way of retreating. The so-called surrender is just a joke, and they fight with all their strength. Everyone still has the opportunity to hit the king of cause and effect. With that gleam of life, surrender is absolutely dead!

"Killing these bastards, having these **** here, will only lose the face of our innate gods and demons. Even if we die, we will not give in to a junior, kill these shameless bastards, and then we will give our lives!"

"Kill! Never surrender. Even if we die, we have to die on the road to charge, die in battle, not surrender to the enemy!" Some people want to surrender, and some people want to fight to death. Under such circumstances, there is no waiting. The King of Karma made a big move, and did not wait for the twelve ancestor witch to make a move, the Black Emperor and the ancient powerhouses first had an internal fight.

Dumbfounded, the appearance of this situation made the king of cause and effect dumbfounded, the twelve ancestor witch was dumbfounded, this is the result they never expected, not only they did not expect, Hongjun Daozu and the prehistoric sentient beings did not think of the Black Emperor and them. There is no battle with the king of cause and effect, and the first is to fight inwardly. What qualifications does such a group of **** have, what ability does it have to fight for the authority of the Netherworld, a piece of loose sand also deliberately wants to seize the authority of the Netherworld, and the delusion of obtaining authentic approval is really ridiculous!

This series of changes had the greatest impact on Dao Ancestor Hongjun. I originally thought that I had the opportunity to use the power of the Black Emperor to understand the secrets of Pangu’s true body and the secrets of Pangu inheritance that the Twelve Ancestors mastered. Now it seems that I overestimated the **** of the Black Emperor. The endless years have made them no longer the innate gods and demons I knew before. Even if they still master the power of the beasts, they have long lost the will to kill the beasts. Lost the original intent of the fierce beast!

This can be said to be a dramatic performance. Originally, all sentient beings had great confidence in the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor. They believed that they had the ability and strength to attack the foundation of the Netherworld and shake the foundation of the tunnel, but now they are all dumbfounded. Now, maybe the black emperors have good personal strengths, but they have their own minds, they are scattered sand, they can't gather strong power at all. They have not formally battled with the king of cause and effect, and they have fought internally. This situation will affect the entire prehistoric state. All beings are having a great impact, so that everyone does not know how to treat these ignorant bastards!

Watching on the sidelines, watching the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor have an infighting, waiting for them to decide the victory or defeat first? No, the King of Karma does not want to waste time here, nor does he want to give the Black Emperor a chance. Although the current situation seems to be very beneficial to the King of Karma, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and accidents happen at any time during the catastrophe. In order to be able to end the tribulation of the world earlier, the King of Karma chose to take the initiative to kill the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor, and fundamentally eliminate his own crisis.

"Friends of Daoist, let's take action. Let's work together to kill these enemies. When this battle is over, our cause and effect will be completely ended!" For enemies, the King of Causality has never been merciless, and directly opened his mouth to the Emperor Jiang Zuwu to make his own decision.

Constrained by an oath, no matter what the twelve ancestor witches have in mind, at this time they can only agree with the king of cause and effect. They can only do their best to kill the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor. If you are outside the Nether World, The Twelve Ancestor Witches still have some concerns and concerns. Now in the Nether World, they don’t need to have such concerns. The rule of the Nether World is suppressing the ancient powers like the Black Emperor and weakening them. This is when they settled for cause and effect!

"Kill!" The Twelve Ancestral Witch did not hesitate. To them, killing was nothing. Although this killing was ordered by the King of Causality, it made them feel a little bit unhappy, but they were still carrying out the King of Causality. The command of Hei Di instantly launched an attack on the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor. The Twelve Ancestral Witch didn’t start the'Dutian Gods' Great Array' this time. Instead, they challenged on their own. They also had selfish intentions and wanted to rely on the power of the Black Emperor. Sharpen yourself and use this life and death battle to perfect your own shortcomings!

The Twelve Ancestor Witches knew how precious this opportunity is. Fighting is the easiest way to sharpen themselves. Now the strength of the ancient powers of the Black Emperor is suppressed by the power of the rules of the Netherworld, and they can’t exert all their power, which is getting closer. The gap between them, if you can take this opportunity to continuously sharpen yourself and constantly improve yourself in the battle, this world catastrophe will not only become your own crisis, but your own great opportunity!

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