God of Destruction

Chapter 4530: Section polishes itself

Chapter 4536: Polish yourself

In an instant, in the center of the Netherworld, the Twelve Ancestor Witches madly fought against the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor. Their sudden attack instantly confuses these ancient powerhouses. Some people want to surrender, some people want to fight to death, and many more. With a lunatic like the Twelve Ancestor Witch, the battle seems to be out of control at once, and everyone has to be more vigilant, afraid that they will suddenly be attacked and killed by their companions.

Chaotic war, due to the frenzied participation of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, this internal struggle instantly turned into a chaotic war. This situation made the King of Karma a little headache, although he was using the Twelve Ancestral Witches to kill this group. A mighty enemy, but he never thought that the Twelve Ancestral Witch would be so crazy, and would kill all enemies, regardless of whether they surrendered or not.

Of course, the King of Karma has never wanted to accept the enemy's surrender. Since he has come into the Netherworld, he must be responsible for his actions. No one can retreat after impacting the Netherworld, even surrendering. Those who strike the Netherworld die, and the world of the dead does not allow any creatures to provoke, even if it is an ancient powerhouse!

The sudden emergence of chaos made the primordial sentient beings a little surprised, and they didn’t understand what the Twelve Ancestor Witch and the King of Cause and Effect wanted to do. They clearly had the advantage and took the initiative. There was no need to introduce the situation into chaos at all, but it was all in them. What happened before them made them even more unable to understand the thoughts and calculations of the King of Cause and Effect.

"What does the King of Cause and Effect want to do? Obviously he has taken the initiative. If he is willing, he can completely suppress all powerful enemies with the help of the original rules of the Netherworld. Given their origin, it can naturally eliminate the previous price and even make the Netherworld go further, but why does he do such a thankless thing? The same is true for the twelve ancestor witches. Obviously, you can use the'Dutian God's Great Array' , You can summon Pangu’s real body, but didn’t do it. What is all this for?” Daozu Hongjun was meditating. He didn’t believe that the king of cause and effect would be stupid enough to make such a low-level mistake. Comprehensible calculations.

The changes of the world and the world of the Netherworld have made Hongjun Daozu not dare to despise the king of cause and effect and the Taoists of Yin and Yang. Otherwise, he will only suffer. Now there are ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor who are doing cannon fodder. It is completely possible to hide in the dark and continue to observe, to figure out the calculations of the king of cause and effect and the yin and yang Taoists.

What about the heavens? Today’s celestial realm is also in a melee. The celestial realm is related to the development of the celestial realm. Could it be said that Hongjun Daozu can really abandon everything in the celestial realm, and he really wants to give all of the celestial realm to these enemies in the melee. The strong men in the battle are almost all ancient existences, their own enemies, who handed over an important world such as the heavens to their own enemies, Hongjun Daozu has such a mind, is there any calculation in this?

With the power of the king of cause and effect, if you activate the rules of the source of the nether world, you can indeed kill all these enemies in the nether world, but the consequences are too great, and the self-consumption is too large. The most important thing is that if you do this, all the sources will be destroyed by the nether. The world is swallowed. Although the king of cause and effect is the lord of the nether world and holds the authority of the nether world, the nether world is not the ultimate goal of the king of causality. For the king of causality, it is only temporarily mastering the nether world. If you wait for your own background to become stronger , More profound, when the original Yin Yang Taoist completes all the layout, he will break free from the shackles of the nether world, so in the eyes of the king of cause and effect, what he sees is not only the little bit of benefit in front of him, but also more far-reaching development of!

The Netherworld is just a dojo for one's own practice, just a place where oneself can repay the deity's karma. For the king of cause and effect, the power of the evil beasts in these ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor is worth exploring by yourself, and the origin of them is worthy of yourselves. To control, and to quickly understand the nature of the enemy, fighting is the best choice. Only in the fight will all the strength of the enemy be fully exposed, and you can see the strength and opportunities of these ancient powerhouses. , To see through their essence.

If you don’t understand the nature of an innate **** and demon, you can’t say anything to understand the other party. You don’t even know the nature of the other party. If you want to master the other party and control the other party, it’s just empty talk and just a joke. The King of Karma naturally understands this. Everything, so he needs time to understand the nature of the enemy, bit by bit to understand everything about the enemy, the confusion naturally becomes his best opportunity, not only can he understand bit by bit the nature of the enemy’s power, but also Create enough time for yourself to practice!

This melee in the Netherworld is a contest, a test, and a great opportunity. It is also death and end. What kind of achievements and gains can be achieved in the end depends on one's own ability, whether it is life or death. You can only look at your own good fortune. It seems that the ancient powers of the Black Emperor have fallen into the wind and become passive in this battle, but they are not really alive, they also have the opportunity to break out of the game, just to see if they can themselves Grasping, it’s just that from the immediate point of view, the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor have obviously not grasped this opportunity. They are still in chaos, and they are still calculating the little abacus in their hearts. Starting with the overall situation, it can be said that since the beginning of this war, they have not had an overall view of the overall situation. For such a war, it is fatal and dangerous.

Vision determines their destiny. The Black Emperor and the others have been selfish and selfish from the beginning. They have never really considered the general situation of the world, only thinking about how to seize the benefits, so when they entered the game, they fell into a terrible crisis. , And all of them were self-righteous, thought they were invincible, and could suppress all enemies, but they were wrong in the end.

The battle continues frantically. Although the power of the Twelve Ancestor Witches is good, especially the Houtu Ancestor Witch and the Emperor Jiangzu Witch both have the power of a saint, but the two fists are hard to beat by the four hands, and the Black Emperor is absolutely dominant. Over time, the Twelve Ancestor Witches gradually fell into a disadvantaged position. Although they were not seriously injured, they were gradually suppressed by the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor. If it weren't for the Black Emperor, they still had ridiculous greed in their hearts. Thoughts, they are still selfishly calculating their own small interest country, I am afraid that the twelve ancestral witches have already been destroyed by them, and the power of the saint is not invincible. The black emperor has the fierceness that the ancient powers have mastered. The power of the beast is not much weaker than the power of the saint, and the power of the fierce beast is even more terrifying on the attack!


To polish themselves, the Twelve Ancestor Witches polished themselves with the help of external forces. Their vain power was constantly tempered and compressed in this battle. The foundation of vain was compacted bit by bit, so that their background was gained. Ascension, it is precisely because they felt their own changes. Not only did the Twelve Ancestor Witches not be overwhelmed by the enemy’s power, on the contrary, a more fierce fighting spirit rose in their hearts, as if under the suppression of the ancient powers like the Black Emperor, the Witch Clan The most violent and bloodiest power in the body was stimulated.

Roar! Roars resounded through the Netherworld. Under the pressure of external forces, the Twelve Ancestral Witches continued to erupt. In this roar, their power was aroused, and violent power surged into their hearts, making them tirelessly fight against the enemy. Although they are still at a disadvantage, and even in danger, they have not flinched, they are constantly impacting their potential.

"This is the power of the Witch Clan, this is the secret of Pangu's inheritance, the inheritance of blood. All power comes from the heart and blood. Only by constantly fighting and squeezing one's own potential on the edge of death can we stimulate This power, this is the foundation and protection Pangu gives to the Witch tribe. This power is indeed very powerful, but I don’t know if the Twelve Ancestral Witch starts the "Dutian God and Demon Great Array", summoning Pangu’s true body will bring new things. Change?” The more you look at it, the more you can understand the true situation of the Twelve Ancestor Witches and the secret source of Pangu’s inheritance. Although what you see now is only a little bit of fur, but this little bit of gain is for Hongjun Daozu has a great harvest, which is exactly the result he desires.

It's a pity that under the current situation, the Twelve Ancestor Witches will not activate the'Dutian God Shama Formation' or summon Pangu's real body, otherwise Hongjun Daozu thinks he has the opportunity to understand the secrets of Pangu's real body and the secrets of Pangu. It will make oneself go far in practice and get more gains, but now the king of cause and effect has not appeared, and no one has died. Hongjun Daozu can't see the essence of the nether world for the time being, and can't see the cause and effect. The king's change.

Exposing one’s own secrets to others’ eyes is unacceptable to the King of Cause and Effect. It is precisely because he knows in his heart how much attention this battle will attract, the King of Cause and Effect has been cautiously guarding against the enemy’s calculations. He has been hidden in the darkness, has never made a move, and has not given a fatal blow to the enemy.

As the battle continued, the Netherworld was bound by the power of rules, but as the war continued, the impact on the Netherworld was shocking. Even if the king of cause and effect mastered the power of the original rules of the Netherworld, he was facing such big rules. The impact of, oneself will also receive no small impact, let oneself grasp the nether world to shake to some extent.

"It seems that I still underestimated the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the ancient powerhouses like the Black Emperor. The impact of their battles is terribly destructive to the Netherworld. If they continue to fight, the Netherworld The origins of the will be stimulated, and the situation will be more cruel, more terrifying, and more terrifying at that time!" With a light sigh, the king of cause and effect revealed a terrible killing intent. It’s time to take action to end all the cause and effect, and it’s time to finally all of these.

Although I didn’t get everything I wanted, this battle also gave the King of Cause and Effect a good harvest. Things didn’t go smoothly, and I couldn’t pursue perfection too much. That would only harm others and would only make myself fall into it step by step. In the desperate situation, let yourself go to the road of no return to death, let yourself die!

For a moment, the King of Causality sighed softly: "Such a large cause and effect is enough for me to use their origin to evolve a causal weapon, suppress the general trend of the Netherworld, and end this world catastrophe. I hope that the origin of these **** will not let me down. That's great!"

"I am Emperor Yan Luo, the lord of the netherworld, who is in charge of the netherworld world. When suppressing all evil enemies, there is a cause and there is an effect. The karma cycle is unhappy, kill!" With the king of cause and effect, the entire nether world was turbulent and ups and downs. The power of the world is recovering. This is not the recovery of ordinary power, but the recovery of the original rules. In the face of the mighty power of the world rules, all enemies are just ants. The ancient powers like the Black Emperor are no exception. When the source of the Netherworld erupts, They all felt death!

"No, it's the King of Causality who has taken action. He is going to kill us. What else do you **** keep, can you really know nothing for us?" Facing the King of Causation who suddenly shot, the Black Emperor is here. He yelled frantically, yelled at his hidden strength companions, and worried about his own life and death.

For the ancient powerhouses, selfishness has already penetrated into every part of their bodies, allowing them to fight to the death with the twelve ancestor witches. This is impossible. They are finding themselves trapped in the king of cause and effect and the twelve ancestor witches. After the trap, they were all conserving their strength and were unwilling to pay with all their strength. Otherwise, how could no one die after the war for so long? It is precisely because everyone is preserving their strength that no one has stood up and blamed the other party, and now it is different. As soon as the king of cause and effect made his move, the Black Emperor felt his death, and he had to jump out and shout at others, letting them fight through the difficulties with all his strength!

It’s just that the Black Emperor’s idea is good, but the reality is too cruel. Not everyone is willing to listen to the Black Emperor’s accusations, and not everyone is willing to bear the anger and coercion from the King of Cause and Effect. They don’t want to be at the forefront. I don’t want to be the first to be targeted by the King of Cause and Effect, so there are still people who are playing cleverness and continue to preserve their strength, but they forget that the most critical point of weakness is sin. In this life-and-death duel, the weak have no chance to resist. , Will be strangled by the enemy in one fell swoop, the king of cause and effect naturally must first kill those weak and weak, and they will be the first to keep their strength.

"Dead!" When a low voice fell, those clever ancient powerhouses suffered a devastating blow from the King of Causality. They didn't even have a chance to dodge, and they were beaten to death by the King of Causality. The body died and the soul disappeared, because they preserved their strength and did not provide comprehensive protection. Under this situation, they were naturally dead and dead, and their death shocked the hearts of other ancient powerhouses, and they all understood that they were self-righteous at this time. , Preserving strength is self-defeating, and the enemy will not be merciful because of their weakness!

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