God of Destruction

Chapter 4531: Conspiracy

The fourth thousand five hundred and thirty-seventh chapter conspiracy

Instant kill! The King of Karma instantly shook several powerful ancient powerhouses, and they were the ancient powerhouses who had mastered the power of the beasts. They did not even have the chance to resist being crushed to death. This resulted in shock and horror for the entire primordial beings. Power scares everyone!

"This **** thing is Da Luo Jinxian, who is trying to kill him, so many quasi-sage peak powers have been crushed to death, who dares to say that the king of cause and effect is Da Luo Jinxian, he is a fool, I will not believe it!" Countless people are scolding, and in their hearts they all believe that the previous rumors are false. The king of cause and effect will never be the Daluo Jinxian. Even with the help of the world, a Daluo Jinxian can count the ancient powers in an instant, and it is still An ancient strong man who has mastered the power of a fierce beast.

The action of the King of Cause and Effect allowed all sentient beings to see the power of the Netherworld and his strength. It also shakes the hearts of many people. No matter how strong the suppression of the Netherworld is, they shouldn’t be caught in an instant. This It was unacceptable for countless ancient powerhouses, especially these ancient powerhouses in the Netherworld. This power was beyond their imagination, and this power made them unable to see any vitality.

"Damn it, how could the King of Karma be so powerful? One blow can kill several powerful people. Could it be that the power of the original rules of the Netherworld is really so terrifying? No one is his opponent in the Netherworld. It's impossible. It is impossible for us to have no hope of vitality, nor should he be so powerful. It must be a secret technique. The King of Cause and Effect has used his own secret technique!"

Although the facts are right in front of them, there are still some of the ancient powers in the Black Emperor who are unwilling to accept this result, and still want to find an explanation. It is just that strength is strength, and things have happened. They are unwilling to admit and cannot change it. This result, and their minds are involuntarily affected by the breath of heaven and earth, even if the cause and effect on them is small, they still can’t change it. This is the great calamity of heaven and earth, and the breath of great calamity is everywhere and nowhere. No birth!

"Don't care how strong the King of Karma is. For us, we are already in a trap. We will first take down the Twelve Ancestral Witch. Without the Twelve Ancestral Witch, we will be free. Only the King of Karma is left. One person, he can stop a few of us, if we leave intentionally, he can't stop us, let's do it quickly and don't have any reservations!"

The accusations kept sounding. The Black Emperor and his group did not lose the sand. Even at this time, the first thing they think of is their own safety. For their own safety, these chaos can give up everything or abandon it. all. As for whether anyone will stand up to stop the King of Karma from attacking, this is not a big question. No one is willing to take the initiative at this time. No matter how well the other party says it, no one is a fool and is willing to face the King of Karma. Attack.

"Haha! This is the ancient innate gods and demons. Sure enough, endless years have wiped out the fighting spirit in their hearts. The catastrophe of heaven and earth is a crisis and an opportunity. You can't hide from it. If you hide for too long, it will only make yourself the last thing in your heart. That point of will is swallowed, only the body will die and the soul will disappear. This is the great catastrophe, no creature in the great catastrophe can truly ignore the erosion of the disaster!"

When talking about this, the King of Karma couldn’t help but sighed slightly. Although he killed several ancient powerhouses with one move, the pressure they faced was very difficult to withstand, let alone counterattack, just This pressure is not only useful for the enemy, but also useful for oneself. With this power, oneself will have an extra hole card.

"It's a pity that these **** have fallen to this point, wasting their original power. If other people are like this, the plan that I and the deity made before will be changed. This will greatly affect the practice of the deity and me. !" At this time, the King of Karma couldn't help showing a faint bitter smile, a hint of disappointment!

This is not the innate gods and demons that the king of cause and effect wants. The innate gods and demons without the intent to fight are not enough to complete their plan. If the next innate gods and demons are like this, the king of cause and effect needs to change the plan. The strong are just an empty shell, without the empty shell of the soul, perhaps they still have powerful strength, but their will has been shattered, and this is not what the king of cause and effect needs. The king of cause and effect must be fearless in battle. Congenital Gods and Demons!

"Do you have this strength? If you can only do this, then there is no need to live. The Netherworld is your home, and the soul is scattered is your end!" The voice of the king of cause and effect resounded through the entire Nether again. In the world, although his voice is not loud, there is a strong murderous in his voice, and there is endless contempt in that murderous intent, contempt for these ancient innate gods and demons, a group of innate gods and demons who have lost their intent to fight. It's the'ant'!

"Damn, you all heard that, even a younger generation is despising us, what are you waiting for, what are you keeping, this is an endless battle, the king of cause and effect does not die, we only have a dead end, I despise you **** , Open it to me, the darkness descends, the darkness magic dragon comes out, the magic comes!" The Black Emperor roared frantically. When faced with the heavy blow of the King of Karma, he had to work hard. He didn’t care how other people chose him. To fight for himself a blood path, to use his own power to smash a door to vitality, at this moment he is burning all his own power, all origins, only for a ray of vitality!

"Okay, what a black emperor, he is finally desperate, this time if he can't arouse the original rules of the Netherworld, and can't wake up the fighting intent of those'ants', they really deserve to die, and they don't even have the courage to fight to the death. Living will only be the moth of the prehistoric world, and the dead are their best destination!" When he saw the madness of the Black Emperor, Dao Zu Hongjun finally showed a faint smile on his face, and the situation he was looking forward to finally appeared. Up.

The terrifying devilish energy of the Dark Demon Dragon was directly ignored by Hongjun Dao Ancestor. Obviously, the Black Emperor had not only the power of the beast but also the power of the Demon Dao, but Hongjun, who was the Dao Ancestor, ignored it directly. He said that as long as the Black Emperor can attack the origin of the Netherworld and make a noise in the Netherworld, everything else can be ignored, and the Netherworld is an authentic realm. Even if the magical path comes, it will be confronted by the underground. It has nothing to do with the heavens. Jun Daozu has nothing to do!


"War, take up courage, even if we die, we can't be despised by a junior. Since we are in a desperate situation, what else to care about, kill!" Another ancient powerhouse stood up and broke out. It's hard to tell if he has all his own power, but he is somewhat real. After all, these ancient powerhouses are selfish.

Soon some of these ancient powerhouses continued to respond to the black emperor, constantly burning their own origin, but no one took the initiative to attack, they were all waiting for the black emperor, if the black emperor just shouted slogans, they would naturally It will only be so. If the Black Emperor chooses to attack, they will definitely follow. With the Black Emperor charging, maybe they will really have a chance!

"Kill!" Under the gaze of these selfish ancient powerhouses, the Black Emperor finally attacked, and the body of the magic dragon rushed directly into the void, directly facing the king of cause and effect, and attacking the barriers of the Netherworld, without any fear at all. , There is no reservation, the essence and blood of his body are burning frantically, and his blood envelops his terrifying dragon body, and with the burning of essence and blood, the aura of the dragon body is madly skyrocketing, it is obvious He is really desperate.

"Come well, since I have come to the Netherworld, I must be prepared to die, let me die, the law of causality, kill!" The power of cause and effect instantly enveloped the black emperor, and the origin of the causal avenue is wiping out the black emperor's magic dragon. body!

Under the erosion of the Causal Avenue, the Black Emperor was roaring frantically. Not only was his aura not weakened by the causal origin, but it continued to skyrocket. When his aura reached its limit, a roar suddenly sounded in his mouth: "Boom! "

As this voice fell, the black emperor's dragon body directly exploded! Yes, the Black Emperor blew himself up. He used his own magic dragon body to destroy the law of causality that the King of Causality has applied to him, to hit the barriers of the Nether World, and with his self-destruction, a terrible shock wave swept everyone in an instant. Those ancient powerhouses who followed the Black Emperor's charge were all shrouded in the blood mist of the Black Emperor's self-detonation, and a terrifying demon intent surged into their hearts, making them violent instantly!

"No, it's overshadowed by the **** of the Black Emperor. It doesn't matter if the **** wants to die by himself, but don't pull us to die together. This **** is too shameless. If you die, you must pull your companions to die together!" The vigilant ancient powerhouse immediately perceives their own crisis, and feels the terrifying power left by the black emperor in the blood mist. When they want to suppress this force’s erosion of their soul, it’s too late. Power has affected their minds.

"Roar!" These ancient powerhouses who followed the Black Emperor were roaring madly. In the roar, they madly charged towards the King of Karma and the barriers of the Netherworld. They had lost their minds and their hearts. There is only one thought to destroy everything in front of you and destroy all enemies that hinder you. For the enemy, there is only death and only destruction!

"The secret method of the mind, what a black emperor, a vicious heart. When he blew himself up, he also detonated the secret method of the mind. It calculated the followers behind him and made them crazy, but this little power also wanted to shake the nether world. It's so ridiculous, do you think that this little power can make you escape, ridiculous!" The king of cause and effect sneered again and again, and he saw through the black emperor's conspiracy at a glance. Although the black emperor blew himself up, it was only his body and soul that he blew himself up. in!

Explode the flesh, hide the soul, conspiracy against the companion, break through the barriers of the nether world at the cost of the companion’s life, so that one's soul can escape, escape this murderous calamity, easy calculation, good means, if not the king of cause and effect As the Lord of the Netherworld, if it weren’t for the King of Causality, he wouldn’t be aware of the Black Emperor’s calculations, but even if he knew the Black Emperor’s calculations, the King of Causality didn’t want to expose him. It’s better. Kill these powerful enemies in one fell swoop.

For the King of Cause and Effect, although he has the confidence and strength to kill these enemies at once, under normal circumstances, these enemies will fight to the death, and the King of Cause and Effect will not be comfortable. He will inevitably pay a certain price. But now these people His mind was calculated by the Black Emperor. This Qiaqia helped the King of Karma and alleviated the pressure on the King of Karma!

"I am Emperor Yan Luo, in charge of the law of the netherworld, space division!" The king of cause and effect waved his hand, these ancient powerhouses who had charged were directly separated from the space of the nether world, and they were killed by the king of cause and effect before they had time to explode. Trapped by their supernatural powers, they fell into a real desperate situation, fell into the hands of the King of Cause and Effect, and their vitality was completely cut off!

"Damn it, how could this be? How could this ant-like thing see through my calculations!" At this time, the black emperor's soul was roaring. He is not a fool. He naturally understands that the king of cause and effect has seen through his plan. He trapped those ancient powerhouses so easily, and Qiaqia who caused all this was himself. If he didn't want to kill everyone, he would not fall into such a desperate situation. If he could work together with everyone, there might be a front line. Vitality, but now this line of vitality is cut off by himself, he himself has pitted himself into despair, plunged into such despair, and has no chance of turning over again!

The Black Emperor also wanted to escape, but he was in the Nether World. How could he escape from the palm of the King of Causality? The Nether World is the world of the dead. How could the King of Causality be in charge of the world. The soul escapes, not to mention that the Black Emperor and the King of Karma have formed a great cause and effect, and it is even more impossible to retreat from the Nether World!

At the moment of trapping those powerful enemies, the King of Karma secretly imprisoned the black emperor’s primordial spirit. With the black emperor’s primordial spirit, he can know more ancient secrets, the secrets of fierce beasts, and even the black emperor’s primordial spirit. The emperor’s primordial spirit finds the method of mastering the origin of the beast, the power of the beast, and the king of cause and effect also attaches great importance to it. There is such a great opportunity that naturally will not let it go!

Despair, the Black Emperor who fell into the hands of the King of Causality is extremely desperate. At this time, he has no chance of suicide. The soul is completely imprisoned, only waiting for the King of Cause and Effect to clean up the mess and have enough time to refine it later. The black emperor naturally knew how miserable his soul was after being refined into the soul, but now he does not have the ability to resist. This is retribution. He secretly calculated the retribution of other ancient powers, if it were not for his selfishness. , Heartbroken, will not fall into such an end!

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