God of Destruction

Chapter 4533: Cruel man

Chapter 4535: Ruthless

The Houtu ancestor witches are waiting, waiting for the response of the King of Causality. As long as the King of Causality does not make a decision, their twelve ancestor witches will not act rashly. They participated in this battle not just to improve their strength, but It is to resolve the great cause and effect of the king of cause and effect. At this time, waiting is the best choice.

For a group of powerful people, every second at this moment is as long as a year. They are eager to know what choices the king of cause and effect will make, and whether they will accept this ancient innate **** and demon. Surrender, this will have a huge impact on the entire primordial land, and it will also have an astonishing impact on the heaven and earth sentient beings.

"What a tunnel, what a Netherworld, even if I take over the Netherworld, as the Emperor Yan Luo, I will not be able to master everything in the Netherworld. The original rules of the Netherworld are still affected by the tunnel. The tunnel wants to strengthen itself, so you have to accept this. I respect the surrender of the ancient powerhouse, but this has a huge conflict with my plan. I will not accept it. The tunnel cannot influence my decision, and it cannot influence the decision-making of the Netherworld. I am the Lord of the Netherworld!" I sneered in my heart and prepared to fight back. This is not a trivial matter. Once such a decision is made, I will be rejected by the locals.

"I refuse!" When these three words fell, the primordial beings were shocked again. No one thought that the king of cause and effect would refuse. The origin of the nether world was recognized before, as the lord of the nether world, the king of causation But made a refusal.

As soon as the words of the King of Cause and Effect fell, a huge pressure fell on him. This is the power of the tunnel. The tunnel is oppressing the King of Cause and Effect. However, this pressure does not change the decision of the King of Cause and Effect. Wang is even more sure that his decision is right. He is not a puppet of the tunnel, and the world of the underworld is not bound by tunnels. He has his own avenue and will not be affected by external forces, even if it is tunnels, he is not subject to any threats. !

"I know that this is not the decision of the king of cause and effect. For this madman, he has never compromised. The tunnel cannot repeatedly force him to do unwilling things. As the lord of the Netherworld, he It's not an authentic puppet, this is the hidden danger of the Lord of the World!" Houtu Ancestor Witch muttered to himself, with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

Di Jiang Zu Wu frowned. He also saw the problems that Hou Tu Zu Wu could see. Di Jiang Zu Wu, the lord of the witch clan world, felt uncomfortable in an instant, even as the King of Karma. The existence of the Lord of the Netherworld must be affected by the tunnel. Will he, the Lord of the Witch World, be unaffected by the tunnel? Will the Witch Clan in the Witch World be unaffected by the tunnel?

"It’s no wonder that the King of Cause and Effect will repeatedly prevent me from accepting the Lord of the World’s Attainment Status. I thought he had ulterior motives. It seems that I am too ignorant. The biggest hidden danger, once a decision is made that is different from that of the tunnel, you will be under pressure from the tunnel, whether it is heaven, tunnel, or humanity. They may only be puppets!" The more they think about it, Di Jiang Zu Wu’s The more disturbed in my heart, the more I want to get rid of this hidden danger!

Of course, it is not only the Emperor Jiang Zuwu who is aware of the problem of the Lord of the World, but the King of Karma knows more than him. Under the pressure from the tunnel, the King of Karma finally understands the master of Tongtian to open up the world and open up the world. , Everything is derived from the hidden dangers of the Lord of the World. Perhaps the creation of a small world, as long as the establishment of a small world is placed in the wilderness, it will be affected by the wilderness. This may be the inheritance of Pangu, and the Pangu **** left it to the master of Tongtian. precious.

"I am Emperor Yan Luo, I shall be in charge of all the power of the Netherworld. Any creature that invades the Netherworld will be punished by the world. No one is exception. The majesty of the Netherworld cannot be provoked!" Under tremendous pressure, cause and effect The King did not compromise at all, and spoke out his own decision. This is the decision of the Lord of the World. Even the tunnel cannot stop it. When this voice fell, the entire Netherworld shook again, and these words were deeply imprinted on In the origin of the Nether World, it has become the rule of the Nether World, and no matter how angry the tunnel is, it will not be able to prevent this from happening.

It’s not that the tunnel doesn’t want to stop it, and it’s not that the tunnel can’t stop it. It’s that the tunnel feels the heart of breaking from the king of cause and effect. If the tunnel continues to oppress, the king of cause and effect will do crazier things, break with the tunnel, and split. The power and authority of the tunnel will cut the Netherworld from the tunnel, and this madness makes the tunnel have to retreat.

"I am not your puppet. If the tunnel interferes with the Netherworld, the origin of the Netherworld will be completely cut off from the tunnel. Without the Netherworld, the tunnel is just a display!" Yes, under the pressure, the king of cause and effect will do it towards the tunnel. In a counterattack, the power of the Lord of the World is inseparable for many powerful people, but for the King of Karma, he doesn’t care about it. If I am pressing, the King of Karma can really cut off the connection with the tunnels and let the Netherworld. The world is independent of the tunnel.

Perhaps the King of Karma will pay a heavy price for this, but the King of Karma is not afraid. Even death is not a big deal. He is just a clone, and the deity will not be affected by this, but the authenticity cannot afford it. Counterattack!

"Cruel! It's a ruthless person, the King of Karma is powerful enough to fight against the tunnel so madly. It seems that he really doesn't care about his own life or death, otherwise it is impossible to retreat from the tunnel. Although the Heaven and Earth Attainment Status is good, it is also Hunyuan Dadao is the most free power to restrain yourself!" The Houtu Ancestral Witch who is in the Netherworld is the king who understands the pressure of the cause and effect best. After all, she is also a part of the Netherworld, the lord of the six reincarnations. Naturally can feel the anger from the authentic!

"Perhaps I should also make preparations in advance. I can't wait for the danger to come before reacting. Then everything is too late. I am not the king of cause and effect, I cannot bear the oppression from the tunnel, nor can I be so crazy!" Knowing that when he persecuted the King of Cause and Effect, he also made Houtu Zuwu, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, be wary in his heart!


Compared with the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, the lord of the Wu Clan world, the Hou Tu Zu Wu is more helpful to the tunnels. It is only for these ancient powerful men who have lost their backbone to oppress the King of Cause and Effect, causing such a shock. This has a huge impact on the tunnels and the Netherworld, and the impact on the entire prehistoric world is even greater!

"Dead!" With a deep cry, the power of the Causal Avenue fell on the ancient powerhouse who wanted to cast a stop, and the power of the Causal Avenue directly crushed him, and such a move completely aroused all the ancient powers. The anger in the hearts of the readers made them madly explode all their potential under the threat of death, and the threat of death awakened the fighting spirit in their bones!

The King of Karma did not care about the reactions of these enemies, and said indifferently: “The world’s calamity has death or no life. If you dare to become the world’s calamity, you must be prepared for death. As the world’s lord, I cannot accept any compromise. Compromise cannot be accepted. The world must face all powerful enemies in order to evolve. Compromise will never be recognized by the Dao!"

The words of the King of Karma are not to those ancient powerhouses who are desperately trying to fight to the death, but to Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, now it is the Great Tribulation of the Nether World, and no one knows when the Wu Clan world. The catastrophe will happen, and when the catastrophe appears, all enemies cannot be let go. This is a true life-and-death duel, which will never stop, and will not tolerate the slightest compromise and concession.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu could understand the words of the King of Cause and Effect, but he couldn't do the madness of the King of Cause and Effect, and he dared not respond. After all, he did not have the fearlessness of the King of Cause and Effect, and he had too much in his heart. He could only nod his head silently because of his consideration. He could only remember this favor deeply and could not express anything. This was the result of insufficient strength.

It’s a pity that the words of the King of Causality are not imprinted in the rules of the Netherworld. Tunnel does not accept the decision of the King of Cause and Effect. This is also a counterattack against the King of Cause and Effect. It’s just that the tunnel cannot affect the King of Cause and Effect, and the tunnel does not affect the King of Cause and Effect. The counterattack also made the King of Cause and Effect completely understand everything, understand how dangerous his situation is, and understand that the so-called three ways of heaven, earth and man cannot be trusted. What he wants to walk is Hunyuan Avenue, not the way of saints, Hunyuan Avenue. Not to be in the prehistoric world, and not recognized by the three ways of heaven, earth and man, this is a destined lonely road, and you can only go on by yourself.

Either authentic identification or disapproval can not change the determination of the king of cause and effect. When the situation develops to this point, the king of cause and effect can no longer retreat. The king of cause and effect has no way out. Retreat means death and destruction. This It is the king of cause and effect that cannot accept the result, and the tunnel cannot force the king of cause and effect to accept it. When there is oppression, there is resistance. The road to practice has never been smooth sailing. The existence of resistance is as early as the king of cause and effect. It is not surprising.

"If you want our life, you have to pay the price. We are not something you can humiliate. Let me explode!" Under the threat of death, the ancient gods and demons who exploded all their potential, finally exploded with all the anger in his heart. Blast directly in the Nether World, even if you die, you will have a fatal blow to the King of Cause and Effect, and you will have to pay the price in the Nether World.

"Hahaha, well said, as an ancient strong man, endless years have obliterated our courage and made us forget our dignity, but we cannot accept your humiliation as a junior. Come on, let us return to the world together. ,burst!"

When an ancient strong man awakened his courage and made the decision to blew himself up, other ancient strong men who could not see any vitality also made the choice to blew himself up. Since there is no vitality, why not kill the king of cause and effect, even if it can’t be killed. The King of Cause and Effect will also make him pay a heavy price, and will give a fatal blow to the Netherworld!

When seeing a lunatic blew, the twelve ancestor witches were shocked. At this time, they didn’t dare to jump out again, and all of them immediately hid away, for fear that they would be targeted by these lunatics and dragged by these lunatics. To die together, for a group of lunatics who are intent on life and death, there will be no fear, they will do everything.

Faced with the sudden outburst of dissatisfaction, Houtu Zuwu could not help but sigh softly: "Wrong, the King of Karma is wrong, he should not react so fiercely, even if these ancient powerhouses cannot be tolerated, he can't do so. No mercy, just eliminate these enemies bit by bit. Now that these lunatics blew themselves up, the entire Netherworld was severely damaged. Everything he did before was wasted. Not only did the Netherworld not get nourished, but instead suffered. It's a serious injury, it's really not worth the loss!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu lightly shook his head disapprovingly and said: "No, I don't think the King of Karma is wrong. In our opinion, his reaction is too intense, and he should not give the enemy a retreat, but he stands on the King of Karma. Is this really the case? We don’t know how much pressure the King of Cause and Effect has endured. We don’t know what kind of situation he is facing. Perhaps he is much more dangerous than we thought. He is facing more than just these ancient times. The threat of the strong, there are other powers!"

What are the other powers? The Emperor Jiang Zu Wu did not say it, nor did he dare to say it, but for Hou Tu Zu Wu, he understood what the power was. Perhaps, as the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu said, he did not stand in the position of the king of cause and effect personally. I know how terrifying the pressure the king of causation is facing, and I don't know how dangerous the situation of the king of causation is.

"Brother is right. I really shouldn't say that. I don't stand in the position of the king of cause and effect. I never know how terrible the danger he faces, how amazing the pressure is. The world and the world are all condensed. When we are together, no one knows how terrible and dangerous it is. For us, we can only believe in the king of cause and effect!" When he said this, the ancestor Hou Tu sighed slightly, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes. Even the king of cause and effect has to face such dangers and pressures. One can imagine the cruelty of this battle. Under this battle, there is really no room for mercy at all. The kindness to the enemy is cruel to himself.

There was one, two powerful figures who blew themselves up. Soon these ancient powerhouses were madly blew themselves up. I don’t know if they were affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, eroded by the qi, or their souls couldn’t bear the king of cause and effect. No matter which kind of irony, they have all made the decision to self-destruct, and they are all venting their final counterattack to the king of cause and effect. The Netherworld is constantly suffering from the impact of self-detonation again and again, and the entire Netherworld is in Trembling, all the creatures in the Netherworld felt the crazy counterattack from these ancient powerhouses, and felt their terrible resentment. They were endlessly immortal. Even if it was death, the king of cause and effect could die together. Even if it could not be done, Do your best to give the king of cause and effect a fatal blow!

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