God of Destruction

Chapter 4534: Self-destruct

Four thousand five hundred and fortieth chapter blew up

Crazy, these ancient powerhouses are crazy. This is the only feeling of the entire prehistoric sentient beings. Similarly, many people are laughing at the'ignorance' of the King of Cause and Effect. For a while, the arrogance has driven the enemy to a dead end, and they can obviously receive these people. The surrender of the enemy can turn the enemy's power into his own power, but the King of Cause and Effect refused, making these enemies have to make such a crazy self-detonation counterattack under the threat of death, making the entire Nether world turbulent!

Is the king of cause and effect really wrong? No one can tell clearly, it's just that such a earth-shattering change did not attract Daozu Hongjun’s attention. Daozu Hongjun really put aside his calculations on the nether world, and put all his thoughts on himself and the way of heaven. In terms of development, he doesn’t care about everything about authenticity and humanity. Even if there is an opportunity in the Netherworld at this moment, he still doesn’t care and doesn’t want to intervene. His own power is the root of everything. This is the change of Hongjun Daozu. !

No matter how turbulent the world, no matter what others think of him, the King of Causality is unaffected. He is still facing all this calmly, without a trace of stopping, and even a slight ridicule on his face, towards those ancient strong The author burst out laughing, as if everything was in his own control, and everything was in his own calculations!

A group of ancient innate gods and demons have gone through endless years. No matter how cruel battles they have experienced before, even if they are obliterated by endless years, they are hidden dangers and threats to younger generations like the King of Cause and Effect. Maybe they are. Surrender is a boost to the Netherworld, tunnels, and luck, but it is a threat to the King of Cause and Effect, to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and even to the Witch Clan. Perhaps they are more likely to be a threat to the entire prehistoric world. After all, No one knows what they are thinking, whether the King of Cause and Effect, or the Witch Clan, it is impossible to keep an eye on these enemies. They are enemies, and death is the best destination.

In the eyes of many people, the king of cause and effect does not know how to compromise and is too tough, but they do not know the real situation and pressure that the king of cause and effect has to face, and do not understand the terrible danger behind the so-called surrender. Look at everything with their own eyes. They don’t look at everything from the perspective of the king of cause and effect. What’s more important is that they don’t know how terrifying and amazing the pressures the world’s main body is under. What they see is only one-sided. .

"Blast, come on, use your last madness to show all your powers, and let your powers blend into the Nether World, even if this fusion will impact the source of the Nether World!" The King of Karma was muttering in his heart. Muttering to himself, watching all this happen with cold eyes, did not stop them, and let these ancient powerhouses make suicidal attacks!

Soon, the predecessors found the problem, and they couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter, what the king of cause and effect wants to do, why didn't he prevent these ancient congenital gods and demons from exploding, but let them attack Netherworld? The origin of the world, is he crazy, or does he want to use the blew of these ancient innate gods to do something?"

"Big brother, what do you think the king of cause and effect wants to do, so let these ancient powerhouses blew themselves up, could it be said that the Netherworld has secrets that we don't know, or that the Lord of the world has secrets that we don't know?" Yuan Shi Tianzun wrinkled He raised his brows and asked Laojun Taishang. For him, he really couldn't figure out what benefit the King of Cause and Effect would do to him!

Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said: "I don't know, I don't understand what the king of cause and effect wants to do, but one thing is certain, he definitely deliberately indulged these ancient powerhouses and blew himself up, doing so is good for him. Perhaps we should really talk to Junior Brother Tongtian. After all, he is the only one of our three brothers who has opened up his own world. Maybe he can really understand the intention of the King of Cause and Effect. Although the Saint of Heaven is good, it also has many shortcomings! "

The Supreme Lord once again thought of the Master of Tongtian, but at this time the Master of Tongtian was not as comfortable as they thought. The Master of Tongtian is quietly stabilizing his world, the changes in the nether world, the emergence of the world catastrophe, to the Master of Tongtian There was a huge impact, not just him, but also the introduction and Zhunti. They all saw the crisis of their own world from the catastrophe of the nether world, and they couldn't help thinking about countermeasures, thinking about how to face such a world. Can the catastrophe survive?

Without confidence, neither the Master Tongtian nor the guide and Zhunti have the confidence to survive the world catastrophe. After all, the catastrophe of the Netherworld is too terrifying. They have no means like the King of Cause and Effect, and no helper like the Twelve Ancestral Witch. The Twelve Ancestral Witch does not seem to be powerful, but for whom it is aimed at. To the ancient innate gods and demons, the performance of the Twelve Ancestral Witch is indeed not outstanding, but it is not the same for the other predecessors, the fierce beast. They don't know how powerful the power is, but they understand the power of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and it is difficult for a strong man like the Houtu Ancestral Witch to win an ancient innate **** and demon, which is enough to explain the strength of the other party!

The appearance of self-explosion, the impact on the nether world, made all the twelve ancestor witches frowned. They were in the nether world, they could deeply feel the horror of this power, and they could also feel that they came from the nether world. The original shock.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu frowned and said: "Sister, you also know why the King of Karma so indulges these enemies and explodes, allowing them to attack the origin of the Nether World. This is not weakening the power of the Nether World. What good is it for himself? Is he just doing this to avoid the enemy's self-destruction and not to pose a threat to himself?"

The Houtu Zuwu shook his head lightly and said flatly: "No, although I don't know what the King of Karma is thinking, I can feel that he really intends to weaken the source of the Netherworld. He is taking advantage of the enemy's self-destruction. To weaken the power of the Nether World, maybe he wants to force out the power hidden in the Nether World!"


The power hidden in the underworld, what power is that? Needless to say, the Emperor Jiangzu Witch can also understand that it is the power of authenticity that can make the King of Karma so important. The tunnel has aroused the vigilance of the King of Causality. What happened in it and why the tunnel was The king of cause and effect is so jealous that Emperor Jiang Zuwu wants to know, but unfortunately it is not the time to explore this secret. At this time, whether it is the king of cause and effect or the world of darkness, it is in the most dangerous situation. It seems that the king of cause and effect. It's easy and comfortable. In fact, the king of cause and effect at this moment is ready for the worst.

"Wait, don’t explore the secrets of the King of Cause and Effect, and don’t explore the secrets of the Netherworld. It’s not good for us. It won’t be long before these ancient innate gods and demons will disappear. No matter how they explode, they can’t fundamentally Destroying the Nether World, it is impossible to bring the King of Cause and Effect, the Lord of the Nether World to an end, and even the origin of the Nether World cannot defeat the King of Cause and Effect! We just need to wait quietly now, waiting for the changes in the Nether World!"

Wait, whether it’s the Emperor Jiang Zu witch, other ancestor witches are huge pressure, the more the creatures in the nether world, the more they understand how amazing the changes in the nether world are at this moment, the more powerful the creatures, The more they can feel how terrifying the impact the Netherworld has suffered, this is a burden and pressure for them!

"No, it's impossible. You can't eliminate the impact of our self-destruction. What have you done?" As more and more innate gods and demons blew themselves up, the Netherworld did not go toward destruction as they thought. It didn't even give back to the King of Cause and Effect, which caused the minds of the remaining ancient innate gods and demons to fall once again, making them unable to accept such a result!

"What did I do? I didn't do anything. I just watched your self-detonation coldly. I just wanted to see how much your self-detonation could have had an impact on the Netherworld. Unfortunately, I still overestimated your power. I let go, let you explode, and have an impact on the source of the Netherworld, but your weakness is still unable to inflict heavy damage on the Netherworld. The endless years have really wiped out everything about you, making you weak and pitiful, even if I let go of the Netherworld. The defense of the world, you can’t destroy it, you can’t injure it severely. Do you still have the meaning to live like this? Death is your best destination. Your life is just a moth of the prehistoric world, which will only consume the heaven and earth of the prehistoric world. You have no meaning to live!"

When the words of the King of Karma fell, the expressions of those ancient congenital gods and demons who were troubled with their minds changed again and again. Although they wanted to refute, they had no way to refute, because the matter was right in front of them, and the King of Karma really had to let it go. They blew themselves up, allowing them to attack the source of the Netherworld, but so many suicide attacks by the innate gods and demons still did not bring destruction to the Netherworld, and did not cause harm to the King of Cause and Effect, which left them speechless.

"No, I don't believe it, it must be you **** doing something in secret, you must be prepared in advance, you are deliberately inducing us to destroy ourselves, you are the devil!" At this moment, these remaining ancient innate gods The demons lost their minds one by one, and no longer had any intent to fight, and even lost the courage to blew themselves. Their souls were completely destroyed by the King of Cause and Effect. The destruction of their hearts meant that they had lost everything, whether it was luck or good luck. , Even life is leaving them.

Looking at these delirious ancient innate gods and demons, the King of Karma sneered disdainfully: "Ats, you ancient old guys are the real ants. You are the worms when you are alive. With such a little power, you dare to attack the Netherworld. Dare to surrender to me. What qualifications do you have for me to accept your surrender? What qualifications do you have for the Netherworld to accept you? The strength of the world is respected. You have no strength at all. What are you talking about survival? Death is your best destination? !"

The words of the King of Causality are not only aimed at these surviving innate gods and demons, but also on the rules of the Netherworld, and on the tunnels. For such a group of "ants", why does the King of Karma accept their surrender? These things like ants, what qualifications does such a vision have to interfere with the development of the Netherworld? At the same time, the King of Cause and Effect, as the master of the Netherworld, is also showing his power and ability to the Dao. The Netherworld should not be affected. The influence of external forces, even if it is authentic, should not interfere with the development of the Netherworld, nor should it hinder the master of the Netherworld from mastering the world!

Not many people in the prehistoric world can really understand the meaning of the words of the king of cause and effect, because they don’t know much about the nether world, not much about the prehistoric world, and not much about the lord of the world. , So it’s hard for anyone to really understand the intention of the king of cause and effect. In the eyes of most prehistoric creatures, this is just a warning from the king of cause and effect to them. It is the king of cause and effect showing his strength to the predecessors. They don’t understand what lies behind. More secrets!

The actions of the king of cause and effect have a great impact on all living beings. Among them, the greatest impact is the Celestial Realm. Those who are also ancient survivors can't help but yell: "What a domineering chaos, it takes us. The ancient innate gods and demons came to stand up, this **** is too damned, I really want to desperately enter the Netherworld and teach this chaos a lesson!"

"Yeah, I really should teach this **** a lesson, let him know how good we are, but unfortunately now I can't get out of it. The benefits that I paid a huge price can't just give up like this. If possible, I really want to kill him. !"

"This chaos is really hateful, **** it, as soon as his remarks came out, our troubles became serious. It was originally a struggle between us and the heavens, but with this bastard’s remarks, we will face More enemies’ impact, the entire predecessor beings will be crazy about it. This **** wants to kill us and use the heavens to kill us!"

"It is said that the **** of the Black Emperor is too arrogant. If it weren't for the stupidity of this bastard, how could such a thing happen? How could we get into such a big trouble? This **** really hurt us, early Knowing that the **** Hei Di is so stupid and ignorant, before there is no action, everyone should join hands to destroy him and eliminate this hidden danger!"

Some people are complaining, some are shirking, and some people have put the blame on the black emperor. The black emperor is really as stupid as they think, so ignorant. If they attack the Netherworld, they can fall down than the black emperor Are the ancient innate gods and demons strong? Is it possible for them to take the Netherworld and kill the king of cause and effect? Their words are just deceiving themselves and others. They can't do what they say, and they don't have the ability. If they face the king of cause and effect, they will not have good results either!

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