God of Destruction

Chapter 4535: Soul Eater

Chapter 4541: Soul Eater

As if hearing the complaints and anger of the ancient strong in the heavens, the King of Karma said again: "The weak and the weak have no need to survive. Since you have been eliminated by the era, you should not jump out again. This is not your era. Jump out. There is only death, and only destruction. This is the general trend of heaven and earth. No one can reverse the general trend of heaven and earth. You can't even see the general trend of heaven and earth. Death is your destination. When you enter the catastrophe, all this is doomed!"

"No, **** bastard, you shut up!" When he heard the words of the King of Cause and Effect, all the ancient powerhouses in the heavens were roaring, they were afraid, they were afraid, and they understood this deeply. What a terrible threat the emergence of the words will bring to oneself, how much impact and impact it will cause to those prehistoric sentient beings!

Some people are angry and others are happy. Other creatures in this era are instantly crazy about them. The words of the king of cause and effect greatly stimulated them, causing their ambitions to skyrocket like crazy. Like chicken blood, staring fiercely at the heavens, the greed in their hearts is aroused, they are eager to kill, eager to plunder!

"The king of cause and effect is right. It belongs to us at this time. Those old guys have already been eliminated by the times. We should not avoid them without fighting, and should not be scared by them. We are the protagonists of the times, the heavens. The interests of the people should belong to us. If we all unite, we can definitely strangle these old guys who have been eliminated by the times!"

"Yes, this belongs to our era. Our era should be ours. Those **** old guys shouldn't appear in our era. Death is their home. Together, we will strangle these **** and take them back to us. Interests!"

The powerhouses who were ignited by the greed in their hearts burst out with terrible killing intent one by one, and the wild world was once again disturbed by the king of cause and effect. Such an astonishing change caused Hongjun Daozu, who was developing himself, to be shocked and shocked. Daozu Hongjun couldn't believe it, everything was beyond his imagination, and the king of cause and effect was motivating changes in the prehistoric world.

"What does the King of Karma want to do? He is so madly agitating those ignorant. He wants to kill people with the sword, wants to use the hands of the ancient innate gods and demons to clear the hidden dangers of the Netherworld, or wants to use the power of this era to destroy Ancient innate gods and demons, clean up these people who have been eliminated by the times?" Hongjun Daozu thought, although there are only two possibilities, no matter which one is, it will have a huge impact on the prehistoric world, and even the world. Make a shock!

This catastrophe of the world has changed again and again for Hongjun Daozu, and it is also a great change for the entire prehistoric world. This is not the result Hongjun Daozu wants, but although changes have occurred, the current Hongjun Daozu I don't want to stop all of this from happening. No matter who wins or loses in this drama, Hongjun Daozu decided to sit on the sidelines. This is a change in humanity that has nothing to do with the way of heaven. Even if there is trouble, it is a big problem of humanity, not of heaven. .

The misfortune was drawn to the east, and the words of the king of cause and effect fell, and successfully led the greed of those primordial careerists to the heavens. The heavens became the target of their raiders. The Netherworld was too terrible for them, and so many powerful people fell. In the Netherworld, no one is willing to face the huge monster that swallows the Netherworld. No matter how many powerful people are not satisfied with the Netherworld, they can’t shake the foundation of the Netherworld. He is qualified to shake the Nether World, and can grab food from the King of Karma, grab the power of the Nether World, and take the benefits of the Nether World!

It is human nature to bully and fear hardship. The threat of the heavens is obviously smaller than that of the Netherworld. Therefore, the target of many powerful people has naturally become the heaven, instead of the Netherworld that they previously identified. They dare not risk their lives. With the deaths of so many powerful men, with such terrible lessons for the past, whoever takes action against the world of the underworld at this time is a fool. There are stupid people in the predicament, but there is no stupid among the predecessors. Existence, stupid strong men are dead, naturally no one will have the idea of ​​hitting the Netherworld, the king of cause and effect!

As the Lord of the Nether World, the King of Karma has always been able to feel the changes in the Nether World. When the entire predecessors no longer have the idea of ​​fighting the Nether World, when they cast their eyes on the heavens, the pressure on the Nether World is diminishing.

"Okay, very good, everything is as I expected, these are a group of bullying and fearful bastards, the world catastrophe is dissipating, and the catastrophe of the nether world is finally over. This is the moment when I complete my final plan. Let me burn, my various causes and effects, the law of cause and effect, and Zhibao Ning!" With the sigh of the king of cause and effect, the original power left by the enemies who died in the nether world is burning, and the king of cause and effect uses these The power of the source condenses a supreme treasure, a supreme treasure of the law of causality, and a supreme treasure'soul devourer' that dominates causal killing. This supreme treasure is based on the soul of the black emperor. When this supreme treasure is condensed into shape, The black emperor's primordial spirit was screaming, swallowed by this supreme treasure, turned into the soul of this supreme cause and effect law.

It’s a pity that all the memories and everything in the black emperor’s primordial spirit have been erased. What is left is the strong power of the beast and the power of the law of causality endowed by the king of causality. The primordial spirit has made this'soul devouring gun' treasure!

"King of cause and effect, you **** **** can't die, I curse you forever falling into darkness and being abandoned by heaven and earth!" At the end of life, at the end of his own consciousness being completely wiped out, the black emperor is cursing the cause and effect crazily King, curse the king of cause and effect with everything he has, vainly trying to give the king of cause and effect a vicious counterattack and cause trouble to the king of cause and effect!


"Hmph, curse, you are too overestimating your own strength, and you have forgotten to be detrimental to me by your own curse. It is extremely ridiculous. If you have the power to reach the sky under cause and effect, you will also be wiped out by cause and effect. The causality is still there, so I can’t cause harm to me. I am the ruler of the rules of causality. How could I be hurt by the curse of the district!” The king of causality sneered disdainfully, and did not take the black emperor’s curse to heart. Just as he said, he who is in charge of the road of cause and effect, how can he be harmed by the curse when he has great cause and effect with the black emperor. The origin of cause and effect will wipe out everything, unless the black emperor has the power to break the origin of cause and effect and negotiate This was something he couldn't do. If the Black Emperor had such a powerful force, he would not end up in this situation!

"The power of causality, the rules of the law of causality, this is the treasure of causal killing. This lunatic actually used the power of the black emperor's soul and the power of the fierce beasts to condense such a terrible treasure of killing. Everyone saw him wrong, this The lunatic has been making arrangements from the very beginning. He is not protecting himself at all, but enticing everyone into the game with retreat. He is a king of cause and effect, and a vicious heart. The whole primordial sentient beings have looked away and didn’t. Out of his real calculations!"

When the law of cause and effect like the killing treasure comes into the world, the entire Netherworld is in turmoil. The killing treasure that is condensed by causal rules is one of the most terrifying killing treasures in the world. As long as it is locked in cause and effect, it will be immortal. It can be said that as long as someone offends the king of cause and effect, and After the cause and effect are formed, it is possible to be locked in by this slaughter treasure, immortal!

"A lunatic, really a fierce lunatic. He took the Netherworld as a bait to wipe out all the greedy people. The treasure of killing with the power of the fierce beast has the power of the sage, what a king of cause and effect, what a yin and yang Taoist, all People are deceived by them. This game is too insidious and vicious. Everyone has been calculated, and even the Netherworld and tunnels have been calculated. This is the inheritance he got from the Time God and Demon. This is him. Are you gaining self-acting?"

There are also the treasures of the Cause and Effect Road in the Nether World, "Life and Death Thin" and the "Judge's Pen", but they are connected to the source of the Nether World, even if they are now mastered by the King of Cause and Effect, but this is only because the King of Cause and Effect is the Lord of the Nether World. It is Emperor Yama. If the king of cause and effect abandons his status as the lord of the world, these two treasures will abandon the king of cause and effect. Therefore, the king of cause and effect wants to prepare in advance and refine himself a treasure of killing, but everything It’s so smooth, beyond the imagination of the King of Causality. With so many ancient innate gods and demons as nutrients, and the power of powerful beasts, the King of Causality can produce such a terrifying treasure of killing. 'Soul Eater Gun', with this treasure in hand, the king of cause and effect finally has the foundation of safety.

The treasure that carries the origin of one's own causal avenue is absolutely not easy to use, and cannot be seen by people. This is one's own trump card and the foundation of one's avenue practice. If you can hide it, it is best to always hide in yourself and not be known by outsiders. , It’s just that the prehistoric world is not a good place, and the path of cultivation will inevitably be accompanied by **** winds. Therefore, the King of Karma needs to protect the way, and this'soul eater' just makes up for the deficiency of the King of Karma.

With a shot in hand, the origin of the king of cause and effect surges frantically, the origin of the road of cause and effect crazily floods into this treasure, and constantly nourishes this treasure of killing, just a few breaths, the king of cause and effect Most of the origin of the whole body has been extracted, and only the birth of the treasure requires such a huge origin, which shows the terrifying and cruelty of this treasure.

Looking at the horrified Twelve Ancestral Witch, the King of Causality smiled calmly and said: "Dao Wei, thank you for your help this time. The cause and effect between us will end. I hope that there will be no more disputes between us in the future. More grudges!"

The Houtu ancestor witch nodded and said, "Okay, the cause and effect is over. The Daoist friend must take time to digest the gains of this battle, and we also need time to sort out the feelings of this battle, and we will no longer disturb the Daoist practice. !"

Although the king of cause and effect did not speak to drive people, the Houtu witch, who is the master of the six reincarnations, knows the situation of the king of cause and effect at this time. He does not need to wait for the king of cause and effect to start and then leaves on his own, so that he and the witch clan can be left with The King of Causality has a good impression. If it hadn’t been before this battle, although the Houtu Ancestor Witch also attached great importance to the King of Causality, he would not have any fear in his heart, but now it’s different. I saw the “Soul Eater Gun”. After the birth of the treasure of killing, the ancestor Hou Tu Wu had too much awe of the king of cause and effect. It is definitely not a good thing to forge hatred with such a madman. It is already a great fortunate for the Wu family to retreat all over the body. No matter how you can no longer have great cause and effect with this madman.

The King of Causality smiled indifferently: "Friends, please!" The King of Causality gained from this battle is indeed amazing, but the price it paid is also amazing. The impact caused by the Netherworld is not understandable by outsiders, everyone just sees it. When it came to the harvest of the King of Cause and Effect, I didn't see him silently pay. With such a great harvest, there is naturally an amazing pay.

Those outsiders don’t know how much the king of cause and effect paid for this slaughter treasure in his hand, how terrible the risks are, and if there is a slight mistake, the king of cause and effect will face death, and there is the possibility of death and death, and even a burden. To the deity, but the king of cause and effect withstood the huge pressure, and completed his plan under pressure, and successfully forged this slaying treasure of the law of cause and effect, and became a gong that gave him a powerful self-preservation. Also let the prehistoric sentient beings see their own strength!

Seeing the back of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the King of Karma shook his head gently, and then sighed lightly. In this battle, he had a huge gain, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch also had amazing gains. If you wait After they have digested the battle, perhaps the Twelve Ancestral Witch will complete its transformation, and the Witch Clan will become even more terrifying and terrifying at that time. Pangu's true generals summoned by the "Twelve Capitals of the Gods" There will be more terrifying combat power, and even truly possess the true meaning of Pangu Great God!

How terrifying Pangu’s power is, the King of Causality still knows. After all, the King of Causality once entered the terrifying chaotic world and saw the horror of the war between the Chaos Gods and Demons. Even if the Twelve Ancestor Witches only need to comprehend Pangu’s truth. The power of the body is enough to pose a deadly threat to oneself. How terrifying and terrifying Pangu's power is, only those who really come into contact will know it. Such power is mastered by the Twelve Ancestor Witches and becomes their assassin. The entire prehistoric world must have a huge impact!

The secret of Pangu’s true body, the king of cause and effect also wanted to figure it out. Unfortunately, in this battle, the Twelve Ancestral Witch did not really use the “Twelve Capitals of the Gods” to the limit, nor did the true body motivate itself. Pangu True Blood, they have reservations, so they are also wary of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the King of Karma, and they dare not act rashly, nor do they want to forge more cause and effect with it, so as not to ruin their own life with greed for a while. Broke my plan!

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