God of Destruction

Chapter 4536: Feud

Chapter 4542

The king of cause and effect was afraid of the twelve ancestor witches, and the twelve ancestor witches were also afraid of him. After returning to the six reincarnations, all the twelve ancestor witches sighed, and the whole person became very tired. The contact with the king is only a short time, but they all feel the terrible pressure from the king of cause and effect. If they can, they are unwilling to face the king of cause and effect, and they are unwilling to bear the impact of this terrible force. I would rather not have a chance, I would not face the insidious madman, the King of Cause and Effect, and would not let myself be in danger at any time.

"Little sister, the king of causality in this battle has completely completed his accumulation. With that causal law of killing treasure in hand, no one dares to provoke this madman easily. Even if it is not for that piece of killing treasure, he will be treated by him. Shocked by crazy and terrible calculations, possessing such scheming, such means, and being able to complete it, shows that this madman is terrible, and we need to be careful. If possible, we better not provoke this madman again. If you don't then it will be unthinkable!"

For the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, as the lord of the Wu Clan world, he can deeply feel the changes in the body of the King of Causality within a short period of time, and can feel the terrifying evolution of the King of Cause and Effect. It is only the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu Don't dare to fight head-on with the King of Karma, after all, he is not alone, but represents a group of strong men, and the pressure he is under is extremely terrifying!

"Yeah, if I can, I don’t want to provoke the king of cause and effect lunatics again, to be able to lay out such insidious calculations silently, we cannot have the slightest contempt, otherwise it is absolutely us who will die in the end, and we will not We can't give this lunatic just that, we can't give him any chance, can't go to him to kill us!"

Facing such a powerful lunatic as the King of Causality, even the Houtu ancestor witch has to be cautious. The power of the King of Causality is shocking, and the madness of the King of Causality is even more terrifying, and the calculation of the King of Causality is also It is frightening. If you are targeted by such a person, even the Twelve Ancestral Witches will not be able to retreat. They were able to survive before because of the existence of the tunnel and because of the king of cause and effect. There is a chance to resolve this cause and effect, and then to contaminate the cause and effect is absolutely dead and no life!

"Don’t care about the king of cause and effect, and don’t care about the Netherworld. No matter how the Netherworld changes, it has nothing to do with us, the Witch Clan, and even the changes in the heavens have nothing to do with us. The same is true of the great humanity. , The Great Tribulation of the Nether World, let us see the situation that we have not seen before, let us realize the changes in our practice, for the long-term consideration of the Wu Clan, we must not contaminate too many causes and effects, and we must not provoke more enemies to the Wu Clan. The monster clan is destroyed. They are not that they are not strong, but because there are too many enemies, our witch clan cannot follow in their footsteps!"

Di Jiang Zu Wu decided the development of the Wu Clan with a single word. Although this decision sounds conservative, no one opposed it. The other Zu Wus of the Twelve Ancestral Wizard nodded in agreement with this decision. This Netherworld Catastrophe, Let them truly see the strength of the ancient innate gods and demons, and see the horror of the power of the beast, and let them deeply understand the gap between themselves and the real strong, let them understand the weakness of the witch race, the humane protagonist is good , But it is not suitable for the witches.

Humanity is unwilling to allow barbarians like the Wu Clan to control the general situation and control the human luck, and the same is true for the Heavenly Dao. It can be said that the Wu Clan has never taken the protagonist of the prehistoric world. This is doomed since their origin, just like the monster clan. Similarly, the Twelve Ancestral Witch did not see through this issue in the past, but now they see clearly, the Twelve Ancestral Witch is unwilling to let the Wu Clan continue to waste time and energy on the protagonist in this hopeless world. Good luck and resources!

The ancestral witch Houtu nodded and smiled: "It should be true. The center of gravity of the witches is in our own world, but the big brother needs to get rid of the shackles of the Lord of the World as soon as possible. We didn’t know how many hidden problems the Lord of the World had before. Horror, how terrible it is, now that you know it, you must get rid of it. As for the heavens, no matter how ignorant and stupid **** fight or kill, they will find nothing in the end. Everything in the Netherworld suffices to explain this problem, even The king of cause and effect can master everything in the Netherworld, master the general situation, can Hongjun Daozu not be able to do it, even if he loses the three-corpse clone, but Hongjun Daozu is still not what we can imagine, the power of the heavens will inevitably be in the heavens Under control, the struggle of these people is just a waste of effort. Maybe this is the catastrophe of the world, maybe this is the cleansing of the world, and some old guys shouldn't exist!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu sighed lightly. Although he still has a little nostalgia for the power of the Lord of the World, after all, once he puts down the Lord of the World, it is equivalent to giving up everything before, and his own origin will inevitably be damaged. It takes a long time to recover, just don't give up, the hidden dangers of self-cultivation are too great, a little carelessness will disappear!

"You should let go of this obsession and embark on your own Tongtian Dadao. No matter how good the external force is, it is still an external force. Only your own strength is the most real and reliable. I don’t know what you have about these six reincarnations, my sister. It is planned that the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation will have the same hidden dangers as the Lord of the World. You should pay attention to this point. Don't throw yourself into a crisis carelessly. Not everyone has the crazy strength and power of the King of Cause and Effect. Calculate, if you should give up, you must give up, but unfortunately I can’t learn the magical powers of Yin and Yang Taoist, can cut out an incarnation to bear the heaven and earth fruit position, otherwise I can cut out a soul, hold the power of the lord of the witch world, and guide The development of the Wu Clan can also become its own assassin!"

When talking about this, the ancestor witch of Emperor Jiang couldn't help sighing, and a flick of helplessness flashed in his eyes. This is the helplessness of the ancestor witch, and it is also the helplessness of the witch clan. The witch clan has no primordial spirit, which is a huge trouble for them. It is also a huge hidden danger. There are many things that other practitioners can do, but the Wu Clan cannot do it, precisely because the Wu Clan lacks the soul!


The ancestral witch Houtu nodded gently and said: "The primordial spirit is the biggest hidden danger that restricts the witch race. There is no primordial spirit, which has too much influence on the witch race, but it can let the witch race have the primordial spirit and only the primordial spirit. Or the great merit condenses the soul, but there are so many great merits in this world. Maybe we should ask the king of cause and effect to get some information from him. After all, the king of cause and effect has great supernatural powers and great background. , He is definitely not as simple as it is on the surface, his background is beyond everyone's imagination, even if it is this great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the great catastrophe of the nether world, he has not exposed all the cards!"

Although the Twelve Ancestor Witch and the King of Causality have resolved the cause and effect between each other, they want to get some benefits from the King of Causation. This requires a price. It is impossible to get something for nothing. Such a big problem can be paid by the Wu clan. Is the price enough, and is the king of cause and effect willing to take this dangerous thing! The congenital problems of a race are easy to solve and require a huge price. Is the king of cause and effect willing to intervene in this great cause and effect?

Even if there is a way for the Witch Clan to pay a large enough price, there is still a problem. The King of Karma is willing to accept it. This also restricts the Witch Clan. The Twelve Ancestor Witches have to sigh secretly. This is not a trivial matter. The king did not dare to make a decision lightly!

Emperor Jiang Zuwu took a deep breath and smiled indifferently and said: "Forget it, don't think about it so much now. Right now we need to digest the gains from the previous war. After we digest this gain, we will find a way to find the king of cause and effect. It’s not too late to negotiate, we have enough time to wait now, and we are not in a hurry!"

Not in a hurry, this is just self-deception. For the Wu Clan, if he can find a way to resolve his own shortcomings earlier, he can control his own destiny earlier. How can it be said that he is not in a hurry? Helpless, and this is also the helplessness of the Twelve Ancestor Witches. Although the cause and effect are resolved, it is not easy to restore the original relationship, and the relationship is easy to break and difficult to repair. The most important thing is that they chose to betray first.

The King of Causality didn’t know what the Twelve Ancestral Witch was thinking at this time. After the Twelve Ancestral Witch’s departure, the King of Causality also began to digest this battle. In terms of self-paying is also huge, it takes time to cultivate, after all, this battle has also brought a huge impact on himself, it seems that the king of cause and effect has easily completed the casting of the'soul eater', the treasure of killing. But in fact, the king of cause and effect is not as relaxed as it is. It consumes a lot of his own origin, and even slightly affects his own foundation, and it takes time to recover. Not to mention how much time and energy is needed to truly refine this slaying treasure.

The reason why the king of cause and effect behaves so domineering in the war is to create enough time for self-cultivation so that he can have time to repair his own damage. After the first battle, there will be losses and gains. How can there be gains without paying? , There must be a harvest at the same price. No matter how good a plan or strategy is, it will eventually need strength as support. Everyone only saw the great gain of the king of cause and effect, but did not see what was paid behind it. The huge price.

"I have the treasure of Taoism, and now I have the ability to protect myself. The Netherworld will no longer be dangerous in a short time. It's just that the situation of the deity is different. The resources that the deity needs to break through the bottleneck are amazing, and it is impossible to stay in In the nether world, the deity needs to walk its own way. Although the nether world is safe, it is not suitable for the deity’s practice. After a long time, it will be affected by the origin of the nether world, not to mention that the deity also needs to think about the other two avatars. , And the support I can give to the deity is limited, at most I can only help the deity bear many causes and effects!” After quietly thinking for a long time, the King of Causality clarified his own problems and the problems of the Netherworld. This time he was The changes suffered during the Great Tribulation have to be paid attention to by the King of Causality. This is related to his own life and death. There cannot be a slight sloppy carelessness. After clarifying everything, the King of Causality is extremely heavy. Now the authenticity is perfect. , And even grow, but with the improvement and growth of the tunnel, the tunnel began to work on the nether world, to take action against the master of the nether world, want to limit one's own power, and want to put the power of the nether world into the tunnel, I want to deprive myself of the power of the Lord of the World.

With such a shocking change, the King of Causality had to be cautious, and had to kill the tunnels he supported with one hand, and people would not destroy themselves and the heavens! The same is true for the King of Cause and Effect. Since the tunnel has a bad idea on itself, the King of Cause and Effect will naturally not sit back and fight back, but if you want to fight back against the tunnel, only relying on your own strength is not enough, and you must prepare for the worst. , Even in the face of an authentic sneak attack, he can retreat with his whole body!

Although the power of authority in the nether world is important, the king of causality does not covet this power, but now the king of causality will not surrender this power, whether it is the nether world or the tunnel, it is all done by himself, and he has paid for it. With such a large price, how could it easily surrender its authority, and the tunnel also needs to pay a price if it wants to take back all of this.

Sheng Mi En, Dou Mi Qi! The King of Causality has done too much and has given too much help to the tunnel and the Netherworld, so the situation is now formed. The tunnel instinctively feels threatened and instinctively wants to force the King of Cause and Effect to surrender all authority. Even if you want to try to figure out the'great benefactor', the king of cause and effect, perhaps only when the king of cause and effect dies, the tunnel will let go of his mind and be able to truly feel at ease. With the king of cause and effect, the tunnel will be difficult to feel at ease.

"Enmity becomes enmity. I never thought that I would face such a situation. There was also such a moment. Although I did not value the Netherworld or the tunnel in my heart, the tunnel did not think so. It instinctively rejected me. , I wanted to plot against me, and for such a change, I was too careless and forgot the lesson of'Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Chou'. It is impossible to change the concept of authenticity, and confrontation is the inevitable result. Without the threat of external force, the authentic power will fall completely in the Netherworld, on me, the Lord of the World. I need to prepare for the worst!"

The worst preparation, this is not random talk. Once you start, you can’t stop, and as long as you start to act, you will definitely be perceived by the tunnel. At that time, there is no possibility of relaxation between yourself and the tunnel. Afraid of the confrontation between the real humanity and the heaven, I will not give up the suppression of the king of cause and effect, and will not give up the erosion of the nether world!

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