God of Destruction

Chapter 4540: Festival Weekly Star Dou Qi

Four thousand five hundred and forty-six chapters

The ancient powerhouses who are fighting and retreating, they are not fighting separately, but retreating regularly, and they all go to their positions according to the original plan. It seems that they are the land of the predecessors. The strong are pushing step by step. In fact, they are all actively retreating, taking the initiative to retreat in the direction that has been determined. If someone can look at the overall situation, they will find that these ancient powers are based on the stars. Ben, under their contraction is the epitome of the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array!

Under the frenzied pursuit, the wild and powerful people didn’t realize this at all, and they didn’t even notice the threat. They always believed in their hearts that these ancient old guys were no longer good enough, and they could kill them if they worked harder. As long as they catch up with them, they will definitely be able to control them to death and devour the origin of these old guys.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. They don’t know that their ignorance is endangering their lives. They are going to destruction and death step by step. The faster they catch up, the faster they die. The enemy doesn’t have what they think. So simple, so weak, and now they are able to make such strides forward, not because of how strong their strength is, but because these ancient powerhouses took the initiative to abandon the area of ​​the heavens, and bit by bit, they are tempting them to go deep into the heavens!

Only when these great powerhouses are lured into the depths of the heavens, when they are fully erupted and the heavens are destroyed, a terrible shock wave will be formed, and these ignorant **** will be blown to death in the heavens, and they will be destroyed. Destroyed by the power of the heavens!

"Quickly, no matter how fast everyone is, we don’t have so much time to waste. Don’t be entangled with those ant-like bastards. Give them a little bit of benefit before you can catch them all. Hurry up. Don’t care about the loss. We Now it's a desperate need to survive, and even my life is lost, so what does that little benefit count!"

Not all ancient powerhouses can let go of the attachments in their hearts and care about the gains and losses at this moment, but these people naturally don’t recognize the situation. Their harmonious actions affect everyone’s overall actions. If they continue to entangle with the enemy in this way Going on, maybe the whole situation will collapse because of their ignorance, and there will be this voice of warning!

In fact, it is not the ignorance of these people, but that they have all been affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth, and their minds have been affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth. You must know that even if they are all strong people standing on the top of the world, everyone’s strengths and moods are different. It is different. Some people are strong-willed, and some people are weak-willed. This is the real world. In this real world, no plan is static. There will be accidents at any time, which will change the situation. .

Fortunately, these people were not too deeply affected by the catastrophe. When the warning sounded in their ears, they instantly woke up and involuntarily shuddered. They all understood that if they were affected by the catastrophe, their minds and their enemies Constantly entangled, waiting for oneself must be a dead end, but fortunately this most dangerous situation did not happen.

After waking up, in order to be able to catch up with the time wasted due to loss of mind, these ancient powerhouses had to throw some resources, had to give some benefits to their enemies, and let them relax their pursuit of themselves because of the conflict of interests. , Can give yourself enough time to catch up with the time wasted before.

The ancient powerhouse who presided over the overall situation and mastered the core power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', after discovering that those'companions' who lost themselves were awake, and immediately reacted, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then muttered to himself. He said: "Fortunately, these **** are not stupid enough to know how to advance or retreat, knowing that at this time they need to pay a little price to redeem the time wasted before!"

Time is everything. If these ancient powerhouses can't even do this, they will lose the need to exist, and they will be abandoned. Under such a bad environment, no one will care about their life and death. If they can't keep up with the big team, they will only be abandoned by everyone, and the consequence of being abandoned is death, and there is no chance for the final struggle!

With the continuous pursuit of the enemy, the area occupied by the ancient strong gradually was crazily compressed. Not long after, all the ancient strong gradually retreated to the core of the heavens, and by this time most of them had returned to their positions. , Has occupied the position that he must hold on, is constantly fighting against the enemy, and is waiting for the return of those people in the end!

"Asshole, please hurry up. Don’t let everyone wait for you alone. We can’t let everyone face the threat of death just to wait for you alone. Hurry up. If you can’t arrive at the last time, you can only Being abandoned, we can’t blame us for being ruthless, but we can’t ruin the overall situation just because of you, we won’t wait for you to the end!”

In order to speed up, those who have returned to their positions are issuing warnings to others. If these people cannot return to their positions quickly, only death is waiting for them. Ninety-nine percent of them return to their positions, leaving only one or two. There will be no one waiting for them at that time, the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' will inevitably be stimulated, and these ancient powerhouses who have not returned to their positions will only have a dead end.

"Damn, these **** dare to threaten me!" Although he was angry in his heart, he had to compromise in the face of life and death. He had to squeeze himself frantically and quickly moved to the position where he should be locked, because he knew in his heart that if he couldn't be in When the time is set to return, those "companions" of my own will not wait for themselves!

auzw.com Under the oppression of death, those ancient powerhouses who have not returned to their positions once again threw out a lot of resources to buy time for themselves, so that they can reach themselves within the specified time The position that they should have been to can correspond to the core strength of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. In this process, they will not hesitate at all costs, even if the sacrifice is great, they will not hesitate. This is under the threat of death. Effect, this is the potential they have exploded in order to survive.

"Okay, very good, the last one has returned. In this chase and kill, no one has let everyone down. All members have reached their positions. From now on, everyone is starting to burn their own origin and burn everything they can burn, only Leave the soul so that you can escape, even if your original treasure is also burned, we don’t have a second chance, I hope you don’t have any selfishness, because if you do this, you are likely to drag everyone into destruction. Don’t kill everyone just because you are alone!"

There is indeed only one opportunity. Once it is missed, everyone will die. Under such a big environment, if someone dares to preserve strength and wants to reserve resources, he can only say that he is too strong and knows how to advance or retreat. In the face of life and death, there is nothing you can't give up. As long as you can live, it is true. If death remains, everything will only fall into the hands of the enemy!

"Accurate, start!" As this voice fell, a terrifying ray of light rose in the core area of ​​the heavens. It was the power of the core origin of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'. When this ray of light rose, Rows of roars resounded through the heavens and through the wild land. Crazy brilliance rose to match the previous light. This is the self-burning of a group of ancient powerhouses. With their crazy actions, "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Da Array" ''S power broke out, the heavens are shaking, and the prehistoric is shaking!

"Damn it, this is the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. How could the Yaozu's Zhoutian Star Fighting Array fall into the hands of these **** ancient powerhouses, and they were successfully refined by them!" When Zhou Tianxingchen' was mobilized, the great powers were shocked, and the saints of the heavens were shocked. They all felt the great horror and catastrophe, and they were constantly warning in their hearts, and the source of all these points to the heavens. , Pointing to the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array' being activated by the ancient powerhouse!

"Quickly, stop these bastards. In any case, they can't be allowed to fully open the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, otherwise everyone will have to pay a heavy price!" A horrified roar resounded through the wild world, this is the voice of Empress Nuwa , As the saint of the demon race, no one knows better than her what kind of impact the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' will be brought to the great land by the ancient strong, but it is useless for the Nuwa Empress to be anxious. Today's heaven is already Being banned, even the saints can't set foot in it. If you want to resolve the crisis, you can only rely on the predecessors who are trapped in the heavens.

"The trouble is big, the ancient powerhouses are more terrifying than imagined. They have found a way to get out. They have to use the'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' as the price to kill a **** path!" At this time, the old gentleman could not help. Frowning, his eyes flashed with endless killing intent. It is a pity that no matter how angry he is, he can use it. Now the heavens are not affected by any power. Even the heavenly saints can't stop all this from happening. They can only wait for the heavens. The strike of the strong trapped among them!

Yuanshi Tianzun lightly sighed and said: "This group of lunatics want to destroy the heavens. They want to master the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array to destroy the heavens, pull those who killed the heavens to an end, and kill them all. One of their lessons is that if you can't stop all of this, the entire prehistoric world will usher in a terrible disaster. I don't know how many strong people will die!"

What if you can see through it? The ancient powerhouses now did not hide their thoughts or actions at all. They took action one after another, constantly burning everything about themselves, and constantly pushing up the'Zhou Tianxing Star Array'. Power, and this power is getting more and more terrifying, and the fluctuation of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' is getting more and more terrifying.

Stop, what will the predecessors who are trapped in the heavens use to stop them, let them sacrifice themselves and use their lives to stop all this? No, it’s impossible. These predecessors don’t have such great compassion. The reason why they attacked the heavens for gain is benefit. Now that they have not obtained the benefit, it is impossible for them to sacrifice themselves for the predecessor sentient beings. .

Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said: "It's not about how many powerful people die, but how many creatures will be destroyed in the entire prehistoric world in this battle. Those lunatics are not aimed at the powerful people who besieged them. They are aimed at the entire prehistoric world. They want to use the power of the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array' to destroy everything and strive for a ray of life for themselves. Only when the entire prehistoric world is in chaos can they have a ray of life. It can be said that these people retreat. At that time, they were ready for all of this, but unfortunately no one could see through it, so that such a situation could happen and the entire prehistoric world was in desperation!"

"The sky is falling? They want the sky to fall? How dare they do it, they are not afraid of carrying that endless cause and effect, such a big cause and effect is enough to make Heaven Punishment directly beat them to death!" Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were full of shock at this time. startle!

Taishang Laojun nodded and said, "Yes, the sky is falling. These lunatics want the sky to fall. If they are outside, it is very difficult for them to do all this. But now they are in the heavens, and they are inspiring the sky. The power of the Star Dou Great Array will not be hindered in any way. As for the cause and effect, they don't care at all. They are now surviving from the dead, even if they fail in the end, they will kill everyone!"

Surviving from death is a fight to the death. Death is not the greatest threat to them. On the contrary, death will become their greatest motivation. When these lunatics are not afraid of death and use the pressure of death to erupt, how terrible it will be. hurt! When he thought of this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but shudder, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart.

prevent? At this moment, even if Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint of heaven, it is impossible to do it, and even if he has this ability, he dare not do it. This is not a trivial matter. Once he fails, the huge cause and effect will directly fall on him, although it prevents Success will have great merit, but the pressure of failure is too great, so great that the heavenly saints dare not try and dare not be contaminated with this terrifying cause and effect.

"Brother, what should we do? If these lunatics are allowed to succeed, the entire prehistoric world will be horribly harmed, and we heavenly saints will also suffer backlash from the heavens and the earth!" Yuanshi Tianzun was a little unwilling to ask the Supreme Master for countermeasures, after all This is related to his own interests, and he can't help him not pay attention to it, so Yuanshi Tianzun is eager for Taishang Laojun to have a solution.

Taishang Laojun lightly sighed: "It's too late, everything is too late. If we can detect the plan of these lunatics and have the ability to stop it at the beginning, now everything is too late. These lunatics have already started the week. Star Fighting Array', only those in the heavens can stop them, and only Teacher Hongjun can do it, but now it seems that the teacher does not want to intervene, we can only watch everything happen, watch the danger come, watch The entire prehistoric world is in desperation!"

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