God of Destruction

Chapter 4541: Every day

Four thousand five hundred and forty-seventh chapter Tian Qing

It is impossible to count on Daozu Hongjun to prevent this from happening. If it can be prevented, the Daozu Hongjun who fits in with his body can do it at the moment when the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' is activated, but he does not. This is enough to prove that he can't do it. Dao rules don't allow him to do this. Although Hongjun Daozu doesn't want to see this happen, he has no power!

"It's the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. I didn't expect that the monster race has already fallen. There are still people who can spur the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. It seems that the battle of the heavens has reached the final moment, and the victory or defeat is in this battle. !" Feeling the fluctuations of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, who was in the six reincarnations, couldn't help but sighed, a faint shock flashed in his eyes, and then he gradually sank into self-cultivation. , No longer pay attention to this fluctuation!

In the heart of the Houtu ancestor witch, it does not matter how much battle erupts in the heavens, it has nothing to do with the witch clan. There is no need to waste time and energy to watch, but the Houtu ancestor witch can't think of this terrifying fluctuation. It is the strong men from the ancient times, they are doing the last crazy fight, they have to use their lives to complete the final blow!

"The falling stars will explode for me!" A roar resounded throughout the wild world, and the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' burst in this violent roar. The ancient stars were attracted by those crazy ancient strong men, although these ancient strong men were all They were desperate, but their strength was still insufficient. They didn't make the entire ancient star field collapse. They only exploded a small part. The ancient stars were more powerful than they thought. After all, today's great world is not what they know. The prehistoric world is now complete. The three ways of heaven, earth and man are complete. The ancient stars, as the protection of the prehistoric, are naturally stronger than before. They overestimated their power and underestimated the power of the ancient star field, but Everything has already happened at this time and cannot be changed. Although many ancient powerhouses are unwilling, they cannot change all of this.

"Oh! I didn't expect that the power that gathered everyone did not completely explode the ancient star field. The perfection of the ancient star field has also changed the ancient star field. I hope all this will not let me down. I hope this explosion can tear it apart. Opening up the barriers of the wild world can allow oneself to escape this killing and allow the soul to escape from the chaos!"

All the ancient powerhouses are sighing, but it’s a pity that they only have the primordial spirit now, and their primordial spirits are hiding in the storm, waiting for the time to come. Fortunately, they are protected by the power of the fierce beast. The people were not destroyed by the explosion, nor were they injured by the explosion of the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array", and no one noticed that their soul had escaped. After all, the explosion was too crazy, and the shock wave swept across the horror. In the entire celestial realm, the explosion of the ancient star field caused the stars to fall, causing the entire celestial realm to tremble, and a terrifying shock wave swept across the entire celestial realm madly.

At this time, the predecessors in the heavens are dumbfounded, and they all regret it. They have known that the ancient experts are so crazy and dare to attack the heavens. They will not back down anyway, and will do everything in their power to stop this. It happened, but now it’s too late. Everything has happened. They have to face the terrible disaster in the heavens, face the terrifying impact, and more importantly, all of them have to carry endless karma. Because all this has a direct relationship with them!

"This group of **** old guys are actually trying to pull us to death!" Numerous strong men in the heavens are scolding, but no matter how much scolding is useless, everything has happened, and their karma is increasing crazily. Every more point of damage to the heavens, their karma will increase. Although they are trying their best to prevent the destruction of the heavens, their power is limited and unable to prevent the outbreak of this disaster. The fall of the ancient stars gives a lot of damage from the inside. After the terrible blow of the barrier of the heavens, the barrier of the entire prehistoric heaven was madly suffering a terrible impact, and cracks were spreading frantically.

"Sure enough, these lunatics really attacked the heavens. They attacked the heavens in order to seize a ray of vitality, betting on the life and death of all beings in the prehistoric world. His vicious heart and terrifying cause and effect are indeed terrifying. This time all the powerhouses in those heavenly realms have been abandoned, and the endless cause and effect are enough to knock them off the dust!" At this time, the heart of Taishang Laojun is extremely heavy, although all this is in his own expectations, it is truly true. After it happened, the heart of Taishang Laojun was extremely heavy, and this amazing karma would bring the entire prehistoric world into disaster!

"This is their due end. If it weren't for these **** to be too selfish, how could there be such a crisis? Because of their selfishness, they have plunged the entire prehistoric world into this terrible disaster. How could they not bear this greatness? Causality, it’s just that under this disaster, I don’t know how many prehistoric creatures will die, and the human race does not know how terrible it will be. I am afraid that a careless entire human race will be destroyed because of the selfishness of these bastards, and the human race is humane. The foundation, the human race is damaged, and the entire prehistoric world will be shaken. Today, the human race no longer has the innate foundation and lost its innate strength. Their survival ability has been weakened by most. This is the most terrible natural disaster. If the human race is severely damaged , The cause and effect of those **** will be even greater!" Yuanshi Tianzun said angrily, his eyes flashed with endless anger. After all, such a situation would have a huge impact on Yuanshi Tianzun. After all, Yuanshi Tianzun was able to cultivate smoothly. The way of heaven, under such a natural disaster, poses a great threat to oneself, if this storm continues, perhaps Yuanshi Tianzun's own great way will be shaken!

"Junior Brother Yuanshi prepares for the worst. Once the barrier of heaven is broken, you and I must take action to stop the impact of the water of the Tianhe River on the wild land. This battle is related to our own safety. As a heavenly saint, Honghuang will appear like this. Natural disasters are our dereliction of duty, and we will also carry a huge cause and effect and be contaminated with terrible karma!" When he said this, the old gentleman sighed involuntarily, shook his head lightly, and continued: "Speaking of speaking, our courage is still insufficient. If we can give up the position of Heavenly Dao saint like Junior Brother Tongtian, we won't fall into such a big trouble!"

At this time, the old monarch's mood was a little shocked. He only saw that the Lord of the Heavens was not backed by the saints of the heavens, and was not subject to the impact of the prehistoric world, but he did not know that when the entire prehistoric world was impacted, the sky storm was raging frantically. At the time of the prehistoric world, how much pressure the Tongtian Sect, as the lord of the world, was mainly under pressure, not only the master of Tongtian, but also the Zhunti and the lead, because they had to directly face the impact of the heavens and the impact of the stars .

auzw.com In contrast, the situation in the Nether World is a little better, and the Wu Clan world is also a bit easier. After all, the greatest impact under this catastrophe is the heaven and the wild land. The Netherworld and the Witch World did not suffer too much shock. Even the King of Karma, the lord of the Nether World, didn’t care about the impact at all, and the Emperor Jiangzu Witch, the lord of the Witch World, reacted at all. No, even if Tuangan is in his own world of Wuzu, there is no Emperor Jiangzu in the world, but the Wuzu in the Wuzu world can still withstand the impact of this storm.

Why didn't the heavenly sages like Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun take action to bless the defense of the heavenly barrier and prevent the rupture of the heavenly barrier? Still the same sentence, they are afraid to bear the cause and effect. If they interfere in the destruction of the heavens, they will have to bear a part of the karma in the end, even if they are kind, they will also bear this cause and effect, because they are heavenly saints, and if they don’t act. , Relatively speaking, the responsibility is much smaller, so they would rather wait for the destruction of the heavens than take the initiative to attack. The price paid is not proportional to the gain. Only fools will choose to take the initiative to attack and be willing to bear this great cause and effect!

Although the saints of heaven are the existence of maintaining the order of the prehistoric world, they are not bad people and will not sacrifice themselves to save others. They know that there are great dangers and crises, and they take the initiative to jump into this chaotic situation, so they clearly have the power to alleviate the prevalence. The damage to the heaven and the earth, but they did not take action, the Taishang Laojun is like this, the Yuanshi Tianzun is also like this, and the Nuwa Empress is the same.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are extinguished! When it is related to their own interests, their first choice is to safeguard their own interests. As for the so-called grand situation, it is just a joke for them. They will not care about it. They will only protect themselves before going. Only when you think about the safety of the prehistoric world, you will think about the safety of the predecessors. This is the selfishness of human nature.

"Kacha!" A crisp sound. Although the sound is not loud, it is like thunder for the entire prehistoric strong. This is the sound of the breaking of the barrier of the prehistoric heaven. The sound of this sound made everyone's hearts heavy. , The Heavenly Bulwark finally did not hold on, did not resist the fatal blow from the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'!

"Asshole, how could this be? The barrier of the heavens shouldn't be so fragile. What are the saints of heaven doing? Why don't they stop all of this? Why do they watch all this happen coldly? What qualifications do they have to be holy?"

Endless resentment broke out in an instant. Whether those strong in the heavens or ordinary creatures in the wild, they all felt the threat of death, and at this moment they involuntarily resented the heavenly saints who maintained the order of the wild. They were all cursing, because they didn't see the heavenly saints stand up to stop all this!

When the whole people are resenting, the expressions of Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress became extremely gloomy. This terrible resentment had a huge impact on them, allowing them to clearly feel from Yu Honghuangtiandi’s rejection of them, the human heart is the heart of heaven. When the entire predecessor beings resent their selfishness, these heavenly saints will inevitably suffer backlash from the fate, and they will inevitably endure the backlash of the predecessor. This is the saint’s Hidden danger!

In the midst of that crazy resentment, the barrier of the heavens finally couldn't hold on. Although they suffered from the resentment of all beings in the prehistoric world, they were still unmoved by the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Empress. Still watching with cold eyes, even Hongjun Daozu who fits his body did nothing, and didn't want to stop all of this.

Under the gaze of everyone, the barrier of the heavens finally came to an end, the biggest crack broke open, a huge loophole appeared, the endless water of the Tianhe spilled on the wild land, and all this is just the beginning,'Zhou Tian Xing Da Da Array's impact is the barrier of the entire celestial realm. Not only this loophole appears. When a loophole appears, the barrier of the entire celestial realm will soon tremble. If it continues, I am afraid that the barrier of the entire celestial realm will collapse. Natural disasters will come!

"No, those **** **** have left behind. If we don't take action, the barriers of the entire heaven will collapse. This group of **** wants to bury the entire prehistoric beings to bury them!" Soon the old gentleman found the predecessor. The celestial realm is abnormal, and it is discovered that if it continues, the entire prehistoric celestial realm will be shattered, and those ancient powerhouses are even more vicious than he thought!

Although not reconciled, but when the situation has reached this point, it is impossible for the sages of the heavens not to take action, nor can they help the sages of heaven not to take action to maintain the safety of the heaven barrier, otherwise the entire heaven barrier completely collapses, and then no one can prevent the natural disasters. When the outbreak erupts, the entire predecessor will usher in an extinction disaster, and these heavenly saints will inevitably be backlashed by luck and fall from the position of saints, and such consequences are unbearable for them, and they are unwilling to see them. .

When Taishang Laojun took action, Yuanshi Tianzun did not dare to watch, and could only take action to prevent the destruction of the barrier of the heavens. Although Empress Nuwa was unwilling, she is also a saint of heaven. If she does nothing now, the consequences will be more serious. It will make the entire prehistoric world repulse, after all, she has not fulfilled the responsibilities that the heavenly saint should bear at the most dangerous moment in the prehistoric world!

At this time, the inadequacies of the heavenly saints were completely exposed. Only the three saints of the heavenly saints, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Nuwa Niangniang, could not take care of the safety of the entire primordial heaven barrier, let alone the cracked open before. The huge hole of the sky, the endless stream of Tianhe water spilled onto the wild land, causing all living beings in the wild land to suffer an extinction disaster. Countless wild creatures were destroyed by the water of the Tianhe river, and the human race also suffered devastating instantly at this time. Hit, this great catastrophe brought disaster to the human race, the disaster of extinction, countless human races were killed by the flood, and the entire prehistoric land was in chaos!

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